


《当我看见云雀飞起》奥克语Can vei la lauzeta mover,PC 70.43[a])是一首中世纪世俗歌曲,作者为12世纪的南方游唱诗人伯尔纳·德·旺塔多恩英语Bernart de Ventadorn。南方游唱诗人(Troubadour)[1]指的是中世纪中期(约1100年-1350年)以古奥克语英语Old Occitan创作诗歌的作曲家和表演家,而此曲是南方吟游诗歌中最古老[2]也最著名[3]的作品,保存至今的抄本中有三份手稿同时包含了此曲的文字部分与音乐部分,但彼此之间略有不同[2]



此曲共有七节,每节八行,每行八个音节;每节行末押韵的形式都是ABABCDCD(此种诗体被称作“Cobla esparsa”)[3]。全曲以第一人称叙事,歌词叙述一只快乐的云雀飞入阳光,忘记了自我,然后因为喜悦而跌落;诗人也希望他可以如此快乐,但由于他对一位女士陷入了无法自拔的单恋而伤心沉闷[3]。本曲曲名即取自歌词中第一节的第一句话[3]



此曲与其他两首奥克语诗作一同出现在13世纪法语叙事长诗《纪尧姆·德·多尔英语Guillaume de Dole》中[4]。一些学者认为,这首曲子启发了但丁·阿利吉耶里神曲》中的一段云雀飞翔的情节(Paradiso XX:73–75)[5];其他人则认为但丁的灵感可能来自13世纪佛罗伦斯诗人邦迪耶·迪耶塔伊乌蒂英语Bondie Dietaiuti的作品[6];也有人认为“云雀飞翔”是十分普遍的意象,并不能作为诗作之间关连性的依据[5]。美国意象主义诗人艾兹拉·庞德也在他的作品《The Cantos英语The Cantos》中二度使用了这首曲子的译文[7]





原文 中文翻译

Can vei la lauzeta mover
de joi sas alas contral rai,
Que s'oblid' e‧s laissa chazer
per la doussor c'al cor li vai,
Ai! Tan grans enveya m'en ve
de cui qu'eu veya jauzion,
Meravilhas ai, car desse
lo cor de dezirer no‧m fon.


   \layout {
    \context {
      \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
      \remove "Bar_engraver"
      \hide Stem
      \override Stem.length = #0
  \relative c{
    \clef "treble_8"{
     d f g a a a b16( a g a) g4 |
     g a b c a b16( a g f) g4 a} \break
    \clef "treble_8"{
    \single \hide Flag
     c d d16( c)  a16( g) {g( a b4)} a4 g g16( f) |
     f4 g a c a  f g16( f) e( d)} \break
    \clef "treble_8"{
     {a'( b a g)} a4 b c b c d g, |
     a c a b a16( g a) f4 {a16( g e) f}} \break
    \clef "treble_8"{
     g4 a b c a g16( e) f4 e16( d e) |
     e g a f g e16( c) d16( e) e16( f g f d)} \break
   \addlyrics {
     Can vei la lau -- ze -- ta mo -- ver
     de joi sas a -- las con -- tral rai,
     Que s'o -- blid' e‧s lais -- sa cha -- zer
     per la dou -- ssor c'al cor li vai.
     Ai! Tan grans en -- ve -- ya m'en ve
     de cui qu'eu ve -- ya jau -- zi -- on,
     Me -- ra -- vi -- lhas ai, car de -- sse
     lo cor de de -- zi -- rer no‧m fon.


  1. ^ 此为阿尔弗雷德·皮耶特(Alfred Pillet)和亨利·卡斯滕斯(Henry Carstens)创作的《南方游唱诗人书目》(Bibliographie des Troubadours)中的编号。“70”表示此曲为旺塔多恩所做,“43”是旺塔多恩作品中的歌曲编号。


  1. ^ 李小华. 南方遊唱詩人 Troubadour. 国家教育研究院. 2004-11 [2019-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-10). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Roden, Timothy J.; Wright, Craig; Simms, Bryan R., 16. Bernart de Ventadorn, Can vei la lauzeta (c.1165), Anthology for Music in Western Civilization, Volume I, Cengage Learning: 29, 2009 [2019-11-05], ISBN 9780495572749, (原始内容存档于2017-03-23) .
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Easthope, Antony, Bernart de Ventadorn: 'Can vei la lauzeta mover' (c. 1170), Poetry and Phantasy, Cambridge University Press: 75–81, 1989 [2019-11-05], ISBN 9780521355988, (原始内容存档于2017-03-23) .
  4. ^ Paden, William D., Old Occitan as a lyric language: The insertions from Occitan in three thirteenth-century French romances, Speculum, January 1993, 68 (1): 36–53, doi:10.2307/2863833 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Alighieri, Dante, Musa, Mark , 编, Dante's Paradise, Indiana University Press: 244, 1984 [2019-11-05], ISBN 9780253316196, (原始内容存档于2017-03-23) .
  6. ^ Durling, Robert M., The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Volume 3: Paradiso, Oxford University Press: 413–414, 2010, ISBN 9780199723355 .
  7. ^ Wilhelm, J. J., Ezra Pound: The Tragic Years, 1925-1972, Penn State Press: 50, 2010, ISBN 9780271042985 .
  8. ^ Bernart de Ventadorn, Quan (Can) vei la lauzeta mover, motet页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) on allmusic.com, 40 versions listed, retrieved 2017-03-22.See also additional variant spellings页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at allmusic.com.
  9. ^ Hendrik van der Werf. The Chansons of the Troubadours and Trouveres: A Study of the Melodies and Their Relation to the Poems. A. Oosthoek. 1972: 91-95. ISBN 9789060460696. .
  10. ^ Huw Grange. A Musico-Literary Commentary on Bernart de Ventadorn's "Qan vei la laudeta mover" (PDF). Glossator : Practice and Theory of the Commentary. 2011, 4: 82–83 [2019-11-07]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-04-21). 


  • Adams, Tracy, The ambiguous Narcissus figure of le lai de Narcisus and 'Can vei la lauzeta mover', French Studies, October 2000, LIV (4): 427–438, doi:10.1093/fs/liv.4.427 .
  • Carlson, David, Losing control in Bernart de Ventadorn's 'Can vei la lauzeta mover', Romance Notes, 1983, 23 (3): 270–276, JSTOR 43801915 .
  • Gaunt, Simon, Discourse desired: desire, subjectivity and mouvance in Can vei la lauzeta mover, Paxson, James; Gravlee, Cynthia (编), Desiring Discourse: the Literature of Love, Ovid through Chaucer, Selinsgrove: Sequehanna University Press: 89–110, 1998 .
  • Grange, Huw, A musico-literary commentary on Bernart de Ventadorn's 'Qan vei la laudeta mover', Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary, 2011, 4: 81–99 [2019-11-05], (原始内容存档于2017-03-23) 
  • Hill, Thomas D., The fool on the bridge: 'Can vei la lauzeta mover' stanza 5, Medium Ævum, 1979, 48 (2), doi:10.2307/43631371 .
  • Holbrook, Richard Thayer, Chapter XLI: The Lark, Dante and the Animal Kingdom, Columbia University Press: 266–269, 1902 .
  • Kay, Sarah, Love in a mirror: An aspect of the imagery of Bernart de Ventadorn, Medium Ævum, 1983, 52 (2): 272–285, doi:10.2307/43628739 .
  • Murray, David, The clerical reception of Bernart de Ventadorn's 'Can vei la lauzeta mover' (PC 70, 34), Medium Ævum, 2016, 85 (1): 259–267 .
  • Smith, Nathaniel B., 'Can vei la lauzeta mover': poet vs. lark, South Atlantic Bulletin, 1975, 40 (1): 15–22, doi:10.2307/3199081 .
  • Smith, Nathaniel B., The lark image in Bondie Dietaiuti and Dante, Forum Italicum, June 1978, 12 (2): 233–242, doi:10.1177/001458587801200205 .
  • Steel, Matthew C., A case for the predominance of melody over text in troubadour lyric: Bernart de Ventadorn's 'Can vei la lauzeta mover', Michigan Academician, 1982, 14: 259–271 .

