


新月金片(gold lunula)是一种欧洲新石器时代晚期至青铜时代早期独特的颈、肩或胸部饰品,主要发现于爱尔兰,不列颠岛到欧洲大陆西岸也有发现。其形状类似新月,通常扁平而薄,两端常呈近圆铲形并扭转45-90度。考古学家将其分为三种类型:经典型、粗糙型和地方型。其制作年代虽未经过直接定年,但根据共出的器物判断,可能是公元前2400-前2000年之间[1][2],爱尔兰一个存储新月金片的木箱的碳14测年结果为公元前2460-前2040年[3]



  1. ^ lunula. British Museum (英语). 
  2. ^ Needham, S. Chronology and periodisation in the British Bronze Age. Acta archaeologica英语Acta archaeologica. 1996, 67: 124 (英语). 
  3. ^ Cahill, Mary. John Windele's golden legacy—prehistoric and later gold ornaments from Co. Cork and Co. Waterford. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature. 2006, 106C: 277. ISSN 0035-8991. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Wallace, Patrick F.; O'Floinn, Raghnall (编). Treasures of the National Museum of Ireland: Irish antiquities. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan Ltd. 2002-11-01. ISBN 978-0-7171-2829-7. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Taylor, Joan J. Bronze Age Goldwork: Of the British Isles. Gulbenkian archaeological Series. Cambridge: University Press. 1980. ISBN 978-0-521-20802-4. 


  • Taylor, J.J. 1968. "Early Bronze Age Gold Neck-Rings in Western Europe" in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 34, pp. 259–266
  • Taylor, J.J. 1970. "Lunulae Reconsidered" in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 36, pp. 38–81, also in
  • Taylor, Joan J. 1980, Bronze Age Goldwork of the British Isles, 1980, Cambridge University Press, google books
  • Waddell, John. The Prehistoric Archaeology of Ireland. Galway: Galway University Press, 1998. ISBN 978-1-8698-5739-4