







  1. 你会做这个测试吗? (1,是的,你会)
  2. 很好,首先......
    • 赶快让我开始测试! (10,冷静点......)
    • 这看起来像浪费时间. (−10000)
    • Zzzzzzzzzz... (-200, 醒醒!)
  3. 你能理解你为什么做这个个测试吗? (10, 好,你知道大概)
  4. 这个测试编辑了多少次?
    • 0 次? (−25, 完全不是!)
    • 1 次? (−20, 我不这样认为)
    • 200 次 (25, 比較接近)
    • 1,000 次 (2, 接近了)
    • 5,000 次 (1, 非常接近)
    • 9,000 次 (1, 我仔细地改来改去没错吧?)
    • 1,000,000 次 (5, 真的不是)
    • 3,450,445 次 (-55, 不接近)
    • 1,000,000,000,000,000 次(−10, 别再说谎了)
    • 太多以至于数不清? (1, 可能)
      • 你数了吗? (5000, 我不知道你怎样数的)
        • 你为了得分而数数? (-5001, 不过是个很好的尝试)
  5. 如果你做过这个测试,你的总分大于500分吗? (20)
    • 大于 1000? (50)
    • 大于 1500? (100)
    • 大于 2500? (150)
    • 大于 5000? (200)
    • 大于 9000?! (600)
    • 大于 20000?! (2000, 惊艳)
    • 大于 50000?! (10000)
    • 大于 100000?!?! (20000, 太高了)
    • 大于 500000?!?!?! (100000, 我的天)
    • 你确定?! (1000000, 传说)
  6. 非常恨维基百科 (−G, 马上给我到最下面找到你的分数,结束测试,你何必在这里浪费时间呢?!)
    • 你不知道G是什麼? (-G,你還不結束測試!?)


  1. 你一般起码每周用一次维基百科吗? (1)
  2. 你一般起码每天都用一次维基百科吗?(11, 我们感谢你的忠诚)
  3. 你一般每天使用维基百科超过一个小时吗?(40)
    • ... 超过两小时? (50)
    • ... 超过三小时? (60)
    • ... 超过四小时? (80)
    • ... 超过六小时? (150)
    • ... 超过八个小时? (275)
    • ... 超过十二个小时? (400)
    • ... 超过十八个小时? (600)
    • ... 二十四小时? (3000, 你一定喝了很多红牛吧)
    • ... 一 用三十个小时? (−1000, 没错,扣一千分! 一天只有二十四小时吧!)
      • ... 但是你跟我说,假如一天这么长你真的会用三十个小时的!(−1000, 先回小学去学学数数吧!)
        • ... 喔?你不是地球本地人? (2000, a3fh89h3pfe89hdf89af89h8casdfiohaiof 中文:我把分数还给你
    • ... 一天超过9000小时? (9001)
  4. 你上网超过60%的时间都泡在维基百科上? (30)
    • ... 70%到80%? (40)
    • ... 80%到95%? (90)
    • ... 95%? (100)
    • ... 100%? (−200, 老兄,你不用花時間在開啟電腦或維基百科嗎;你起码花了一些时间去查看过你的电子邮箱吧。话说你的工作该怎么办...?)
    • ... 当真? (1000, 你太牛了)
    • ... 1000%? (−300, 我认真地问,你真的再看这个吗?)
    • ... 比10%少? (−10, 你居然敢号称自己是个维基狂热者?)
    • ... 0%, 除了花在这个测试上的时间? (−200, 滚犊子!!
    • ... 1%? (−100)
    • ... 0.1% (−100, 你怎么测量的?)
    • ... 0.01% (−1000, 呵呵)
    • ... 0.001% (−10000, 滚!)
    • ... 0.0001% (−100000, 圆润的滚吧!!
    • ... −1% (−1000000, 滚蛋!!
  5. 你认为你在使用维基百科一部分带宽吗? (12)
    • 你认为你使用了维基百科一天带宽中的80kiB吗? (40)
    • ... 180 kiB ? (60)
    • ... 280 kiB ? (80)
    • ... 1080 kiB ? (200)
    • ... 10 MB? (500)
      • ... 那不是下载时使用的带宽吗? (−400, 你骗人!)
    • ... 100 TB? (−20, 哈!!!)
      • ... 真的? (2000)
      • ... 你根本看不懂上边的那堆术语是什么意思嘛? (20, 你真诚实)
        • ... 你刚刚为了分数去查了一下? (−100)
          • ... 还是用谷歌查的? (−1000, 你可以闪人了, 背叛者)
    • ... 1 YB?(-1000,老兄,世界上的一切信息加一起都没这么多。)
  6. 假如没有足够的时间编辑维基百科,你会觉得愧疚吗? (6)
    • 你为你编辑 多维基百科而愧疚? (40, 你或许该来次维基假期了)
  7. 从你开始使用(编辑)维基百科到现在有一天到一周时间了? (4)
    • 一周到一个月时间? (15)
    • 一个月到四个月时间? (30)
    • 四个月到一年了? (78)
    • 一到两年了? (305)
    • 两到四年了? (700)
    • 四年到23岁263天了? (1200)
    • 超过23岁264天了? (−3500, 你真是自作聪明,真心的)
      • 真的? (2012, 你之前肯定是nupedia人)
  8. 你把维基百科放在书签栏里了吗? (4)
    • 你刚刚为了分数才做的? (−350, 你很绝望吧... 不过干得不错)
  9. 维基百科是你的主页吗? (15)
    • 维基百科曾经是你的主页,但你最近换掉了? (−1, 你这背叛者)
  10. 维基百科在你浏览器的搜索栏里? (9)
    • 你为了分数刚刚把维基百科加入到搜索栏里? (-9, 干得不错)
  11. 维基百科中的一页在你的“最常浏览页面”列表里? (10)
    • 在最上边? (50)
    • 是你的用户页面? (−10, 别在上边花这么多时间了)
      • 是你的用户子页面? (−10, 也别在上边花这么多时间了)
    • 是维基百科上的一页,模版或者谈话页? (25)
      • 是这页? (50)
        • 你刚刚按了好多下F5来得到这些分数? (−55,你作弊)
          • 因为刷新网页你忘了成绩? (−100, 哈哈)
    • 全部的最常访问页都是维基百科的页面? (100, 恐怖)
      • 你为了这样先清除历史? (−400, 你在往上三行應該已經知道了)
  12. 你一次打开了超过一个? (4)
    • 超过两个? (6)
    • 超过3个? (8)
    • 超过10个? (10)
    • 超过20个? (25)
    • 超过30个? (60)
    • 超过50个? (120, 还有浏览器崩溃)
    • 超过100个?! (600, 你的浏览器还正常?)
    • 超过5000个?!?! (5000,该修电脑了吧)
    • 超过1000000个!??! (−1000, 撒谎, Firefox这时候都要崩溃了吧)
      • 真的? (10000,Google Chrome 能做到?!)
  13. 你在多于一个浏览器上使用维基百科? (16)
    • 多于5个? (11)
    • 其中一个是Internet Explorer? (-5, 換新瀏覽器吧)
      • Internet Explorer 9? (100, 我們喜歡IE9)
      • Internet Explorer 8? (50, 換beta IE9吧,不是我們不喜歡IE8, 只是IE9比較好)
      • Internet Explorer 7? (25)
      • Internet Explorer 6? (10, 自己升級吧)
      • Internet Explorer 5? (1, 自己升級吧)
      • Internet Explorer 4? (0, 現在自己升級吧)
      • Internet Explorer 3? (-1)
      • Internet Explorer 2? (-10, 給我現在升級你的瀏覽器!
      • Internet Explorer 1? (-100, 你是用什麼作業系統,Windows 3.1!?)
        • 你真的用IE1和Win 3.1!?(700)
          • 你現在為了拿到分數立刻換成Windows 3.1?(-700,騙子!)
            • 真的?(20000,很佩服你能取得)
  14. 你是否在一个浏览器上破坏过维基百科,然后在另一个浏览器上将其回退?(-1000, 你个该死的破坏狂、作弊狂、大骗子!)
  15. 你是否创建过一个傀儡,使其用户名看上去像是另一个用户?(-2000, 滚蛋!)
  16. 你是否曾经创建过一个傀儡,并不断地警告他不要进行非建设性编辑?(-10000, 你这头猪!!)
  17. 你是否曾经创建过一个傀儡,并從你的主帳號傳送訊息到傀儡? (−4000, 我需要你的魁儡明細)
  18. 你是否利用维基百科来更好地完成你的相关工作?(25, 不錯)
    • 超過5個? (200)
    • 超過10個? (400)
    • 超過30個? (600)
    • 超過50個? (800, 找個醫生吧...)
    • 超過100個?! (1000, 我們佩服你使用維基百科)
    • 超過1000個?!?!?! (10000, 我們佩服你使用維基百科)
    • 超過9000個!??!?!?!? (-1000001, 瘋了)
      • 真的? (2000001)


  1. 在过去的一周你有没有使用多台计算机访问维基百科?(5)
    • ...超过5台?(51)
    • ...十多台?(141)
    • ...超过20台?(331)
    • ...五十多台吗?(621)
    • ...超过100台(-821,骗子,你一天就必须使用至少14台电脑!)
      • 真的吗?(1011,你必须周游了很多)
      • ...你在这些计算机上编辑维基百科(10)
        • ... ''''这些计算机(200)
  2. 在过去的一周你从一个以上的操作系统编辑维基百科(10)
  3. 你在上班或上学时编辑维基百科?(50分,回去工作!!)
    • 当你看到“您有新邮件”的提示或当其他用户正在使用你正在使用的IP地址做出破坏时你会生气?(5)
      • 你的人为破坏,政府是否知道?(10,对你有好处)
        • 他们完全阻止维基百科(-20,哎哟)
  4. 你用一台笔记本电脑编辑维基百科?(36)
    • 你刚才偷了一台笔记本电脑,这样你可以得到点分(-300,回到你的手机)
  5. 你用平板电脑编辑维基百科上?(35)
  6. 你有没有从月球上编辑维基百科?(8000),你每使一个外星人加入另加5000
    • 您目前正在在月球上完成测试?(2000)
      • 你只是劫持了航天器?(-900000 NASA恨你!)
        • 你的飞船停在半空中掉下来了?(-1,哈)
  7. 你连接到无线互联网查看维基百科(13)
    • 你使用wifi编辑维基百科(9)
    • 是在一间餐厅吗?(7)
    • 你挑那家餐厅因为有无线连接?(5)
  8. 你因为浏览维基所以购买了高价的无线网络?(15)
    • 你在飞机上?(33)
      • 你在飞机上编辑(133)
  9. 你曾经在编辑维基百科的同时洗澡(800)
    • 您的便携式计算机设备触电吗?(1,为您服务吧!)
  10. 您在开车时编辑维基百科吗?(-500,你疯了)
  11. 你曾经编辑维基百科上的非电脑设备,如WIIPS3PSP DSiPod touch [iPad]]或手机?(50)
    • 如果您有任何设备上运行的iPhone OS,你自己用官方维基百科的应用程序吗?(10)
      • 你只买一个iPod Touch / iPad软件/ iPhone只是为了获得维基的应用程序(16,令人印象深刻)
        • 在观看您喜爱的电视节目吗?(20)
          • 在看电视,电脑和两个或两个以上的音响听音乐和玩游戏(190,是一个异想天开的多重任务奖)
          • 为你实时更新的故事情节?(60)
  12. 虽然在一个政党或访问一个重大的事情时你依然觉得需要检查您的监视列表(20)
    • 你问别人你可以使用自己的电脑来检查维基百科吗?(40)
  13. 你实际在公共计算机上使用维基百科,即使一些网页劝你还是不要?(5)
    • 或你在登录时取消选中“记住我”(15)
      • 你通常取消选中该框呢?(5)
  14. 当你等待航班时你使用维基百科吗?(20)
    • 你应该是在飞机上(50,浪费钱)
    • 你正在导入维基百科的应用,导航,信息框模板(10)
  15. 你编辑维基百科上的SMARTBOARD(90)
    • SMARTBOARD在学校教室里吗?(125)
      • 你闯入学校使用维基百科上的SMARTBOARD??(-750,监禁)
        • 打破在使用维基百科上的SMARTBOARD,只是在这个测试中失分????(1,哈!在你的脸上,刑事...)
  16. 你编辑你的朋友的房子吗?(10)
    • 在你的BF / GF的家吗?(20)
      • 他们甩了你吗?(安慰)
    • (10)在你父母的房子吗?
      • ...因为你父母住在一起吗?(-40,欺骗的问题)
      • ...但你认为上述问题是不公平的,因为你还是个未成年人(50)
    • (20)在你的祖父母的房子吗?
    • (30)在你的阿姨/叔叔的房子吗?
    • 你遇见了五分钟前在房子的家伙(1000,你有坚果)?
    • 在你的女儿/儿子的房子(-25,你真粗鲁)?
    • 在你的孙女/孙子的房子(25,你酷)
    • 您刚刚进入您朋友的房子编辑维基百科?(-10000,你作弊!)
  17. 你使用意念编辑维基百科?(50000,并教我如何打开第六感)
    • 你刚刚买了心灵控制的书,以获得积分?(-50001,哈哈)


  1. 你在維基百科上使用快捷鍵嗎?
  2. 你写文章的观点是做梦做出来的吗? (10)
    • 你是否梦见了你写的文章? (50)
  3. 你是否从前一天晚上一直编辑到凌晨一点(当地时间)? (50)
    • ... 一直到4:00 AM? (120)
    • ... 一直到7:00 AM? (250)
    • ... 一直到10:00 AM? (400, 吃了点安眠药)
    • ... 一直到17:00 PM? (620, 很好)
    • ... 一直到12:00 FM? (−500, 你在撒谎吧,这时间根本不对劲!)
      • 不在地球,所以有可能一天超过24个小时(750)
    • 你是否为了不睡觉而喝了咖啡一类饮料? (5)
  4. 你是否度过了维基百科夜晚(熬了几个小时编辑维基百科词条然后才睡觉)? (20)
    • 你是否带着伙伴一起度过? (30)
      • 你是否把它搞成了Party? (100)
        • ... 早上继续,不睡了,放弃白天其他重要事情,接着编辑维基百科? (180)
          • 有没有让你成为夜猫子的行为? (150)
            • 你一开始就是夜猫子? (10)
  5. 你是否强迫让自己起床来编辑维基百科? (40)
  6. 你是否在跟别人/父母/老板打电话的时候还不忘瞅维基百科? (6)
  7. 你是否一边做爱一边编辑维基百科? (2000, 天啊!!)
    • ... 你是不是老是这样? (3000, 这叫恋Wiki癖)
      • 做别的事情时候也这样? (2000, 每个活动加100。你可以去精神病院领“三心二意奖”了)
        • ...不这样不行? (3000, 每个活动再加200。你可以去精神病院拿头奖了)
  8. 你是否一边吃饭一边维基百科? (10)
    • ... 真正吃饭时间只占一小部分? (20)
    • ... 吃饭时间可以忽略不计? (60)
  9. 你是否一边写文章一边听有声条目? (50)
    • 顺便建立个有声条目? (250)
    • ...有没有关系都要把它听完? (100)
      • 因为这个你在编辑的时候把不相关的东西都写进去了? (−120)
  10. 你有没有仅仅因为想浏览维基百科就破坏一点规则? (10)
    • 超过三次? (20)
      • 现在还在破坏? (−20,坏孩子)
      • ... 但是你觉得看维基百科比搞破坏更有意义? (30,好孩子)
  11. 你是否为了维基百科而偷电脑? (−5000,这也是把你送进去的证词)
  12. 你是否在搞研究的时候用维基百科,结果被自己感兴趣的、与研究不相干的条目吸引进去了? (9)
  13. 你是否成功地给自己放了一个“维基假期”? (−20)
    • ... 即使维基假期也能立马回到维基状态?(20)
      • ... 假装仍然放假,因为只是想看看你的监视列表,不打算编辑? (−5)
      • ... 并且当你回到维基的时候记一下“我想编辑什么”? (50)
    • ... 你想一个月不回到维基百科? (−50)
      • ... 彻底不回来? (−200 - 免得费心思检查监视列表,万一改起来很麻烦呢)
    • ... 你不知道“维基假期”是什么东西? (−1,你不想知道)
    • ... 或者对你来说放假是不可能的? (100)
    • ... 或者看到维基假期模板会感到害怕? (1,吃维基饼干去吧)
  14. 你是否尝试用强制进入维基假期的Javascript插件(JavaScript Wikibreak Enforcer),因为不用就走不了人? (50)
    • 设置之后,你是否会在点“保存编辑”按钮时感到恐惧? (25)
      • 你仍然感到轻松,一点不担心? (100,很好!)
      • 你是否用傀儡来阻止插件? (−200)
      • 你是否试着禁用JavaScript免得插件捣乱? (−500,你太淘气了!!!)
      • 你是否为了阻止插件运行而改系统时间?? (−1000, −乱套了! :O )
  15. 你是否尝试离开维基百科,好挣点钱? (−300, mean)
    • 你失败了? (45)
    • 你的编辑数是否达到了上个月的50%? (−50,但是这样最好)
      • 100%? (50)
      • 200%? (500,好好检查一下,别让你的合伙人收拾行李回家)
      • 300%? (5000,好好检查一下,别让你的合伙人收拾行李回家,顺便拿走了你的东西)
  16. 你是否在等飞机的时候,花好多钱上Wifi,确保不把维基百科落下? (50)
  17. 你是否为了维基百科事业,一个月没和家里人说话了? (40)
    • 两个月? (70)
    • 三个月? (100)
    • 六个月? (300)
    • 一年?! (1200,至少还记得有家人!)
    • 全身心投入维基百科事业,早已没有时间概念? (125)
  18. 你是否把车开到餐馆外面,仅仅是为了能蹭个Wifi,能够扫一眼维基百科? (70)
    • ... 天天这样做? (200)
  19. 写作业或者写工作报告的时候,你是否经常试着加内部链接(或者其他Wiki代码)? (50)
    • 复制粘贴? (−20,别和某些百科学)
  20. 你是否在暴风雨中编辑维基百科? (100,虽然很危险)
    • 编辑的时候打了一个雷,结果卡住了? (−500,撒谎!)
      • 真的? (1000,真专注)
  21. 你是否在刮台风的时候编辑维基百科? (1000,超级危险,没准你家房子的窗户都碎了)
    • 台风在边上? (−1000,你家有可能被吹跑)
      • 就在眼前? (5000,算你命大)
        • 我家房子抗风(例如在香港)? (1000,我终于知道你为什么敢玩命了)
    • ... 我只是在编辑“台风”这个条目? (50,因为当前事件
  22. 智力竞赛时候上维基百科里找答案? (6)
  23. 你是否拿维基百科当小抄,考试作弊? (−5,作弊可耻)
    • 被老师发现结果没考好? (+20,同情你一下)
    • 被老师发现结果挂科了? (100,活该)




  1. 你是管理员吗? (1000)
  2. 当官的? (2900)
  3. 管家? (3500)
  4. 这个疯狂指数测试是你写的吗? (−10,你撒谎)
    • ...真的? (1000)
  5. 这个疯狂指数测试是你编辑的吗? (50)
    • 我编辑只是想弄点分数? (−60,骗子)
  6. 你破坏了这个测试吗? (−1000,把你电脑关了,麻溜的!)
    • 你是不是就為了多丟點分數剛剛破壞了這個測試?(-100000000,快滚吧,滚得越远越好)
  7. 你創建過新條目了嗎? (3)
    • ... 5-24 個新條目? (6)
    • ... 25-99 個新條目? (30)
    • ... 多於 100 個新條目? (300)
    • ... 多於 500 個新條目? (1000, 閣下真變態)
    • ... 多於 1,000 個新條目? (5000, 閣下已經無人能擋了)
    • ... 正好 1,445,054 個新條目? (−1000, 你個騙子!)
      • 什麼,你說真的? (1000000, 好吧...)
  8. 你创建过重定向頁了嗎? (1)
    • 你創建過多於10個重定向页? (11)
      • ... 多於 100? (111)
      • ... 多於 1,000? (191)
      • ... 多於 10,000? (2000)
      • ... 多於 1,000,000? (−2000, 嘿!)
        • ... 什麼,你說真的? (3500, 好吧,你比我想像的更瘋狂)
    • ... and use the proper redirect templates to indicate their type? (10)
  9. 您在維基百科作出了多於1000次的編輯? (30)
    • ... 多於4000? (150)
    • ... 多於10,000? (350)
    • ... 多於25,000? (900)
    • ... 多於50,000?! (1750,出去外面)
    • ... 恰好 84,145,906? (−1000, 失敗)
    • ... 真的? (9000,你贏了)
  10. (不是您的機器人)曾經在一天內作出了多於10筆編輯? (1)
    • ... 多於50? (10)
    • ... 多於100? (50)
    • ... 多於1,000? (500, 還有一個生命)
    • ... 多於10,000? (−1000, 你這個騙子!!)
      • ... 84,145,906? (9000, 你又贏了)
  11. 您曾經在一個內作出超過1000筆編輯? (200)
    • ... 超過2,000? (350)
    • ... 超過4,000? (500)
    • ... 超過8,000? (800, 你是認真的?!?)
    • ... 超過100,000?? (−1000, pop go the servers)
    • ... 84,145,906? (−5000, 說謊得像一隻昏昏欲睡的
      • ... 真的? (2500 和一個維基假期)
  12. 你是否對文章發表評論或參與討論? (20)
  13. 你曾在維基百科裡尋找一些需要被改善的條目? (16)
  14. 你什麼也沒找到? (-100, wow... there are so many things to contribute to... FAIL)
      • ... but do you think that that question is unfair because... well... you just want more consolation points? (-1, sad...)
  15. Do you request that articles be created, improved, expanded, deleted, etc.? (5)
  16. 你真的這樣做嗎? (20)
  17. Have you requested a new software feature, or reported a bug, in the last few weeks? (2)
    • Do you abuse bugs you find for your own nefarious purposes? (-100, jerk)
  18. Do you try to put an edit summary on ALL of your edits? (3)
    • Do you freak out when you realize you've forgotten your edit summary? (50)
    • Or have you set your preferences to force an edit summary? (100, good job)
    • When changing your preferences, do you tend to prepare an edit summary, only to find out there isn't a place to type it in? (15)
      • Do you try to put an edit summary on every single website, such as a blog, that you can edit, but realize there isn't a place to type it in? (50)
  19. 你曾經移動過頁面嗎? (5)
    • 10次以上? (11)
    • 100次以上? (50)
    • 500次以上? (100)
    • 多到數不清? (300)
  20. Have you ever contributed significantly to an article in order to make it featured, and succeeded? (77)
    • 2-4 articles? (130)
    • 5-10 articles? (400)
    • 11-19 articles? (999, and a barnstar)
    • 20+ articles? (2000, and two more barnstars)
      • Did you create that/those article(s)? (50, per article)
  21. Do you hate to do "serious" research on Wikipedia because it's more fun to edit it? (11)
  22. Do you regularly participate in XFDs (articles, categories, redirects, templates, user categories, images, stub types, miscellaneous)? (50)
  23. Do you regularly participate in deletion review? (70)
  24. Have you ever created a WikiProject? (8)
    • 2 個以上? (16)
    • 5 個以上? (40)
    • 10 個以上? (85)
  25. Have you ever created a WikiProject? (25)
    • ... more than 3? (100)
    • ... more than you have fingers? (250)
    • ... do you have fewer than 1 fingers? (−255, for cheating the above question)
      • ...did you cut off your fingers just so you could answer that, then realize that you lost points? (−10000, and go to the emergency room)
    • Has it existed for at least 6 months and is active? (30, per WikiProject)
  26. Have you ever nominated an article for speedy deletion? (5)
    • More than 10? (25)
    • More than 100? (150)
      • Is it because you are a new page patroller? (50)
      • Is it because you created it as a test? (−30)
      • Have you memorized all of the CSD criteria? (75)
      • Or just a handful? (10)
  27. If you're an administrator, have you ever uploaded a deleted article to Deletionpedia? (30)
    • More than 10? (50)
    • More than 50? (100)
    • More than 100? (200)
      • Had you deleted any of those articles? (10, for each one)
      • Had you created any of those articles? (−20, for each one — as an administrator, you should be setting a good example)
  28. When you see an article that needs to be wikified, do you place the {{wikify}} tag on it, and hope somebody else will get around to it? (5)
    • Did you appropriately date it? (10)
    • Or did you wikify it yourself? (21)
  29. Have you ever de-orphaned an article? (5)
    • More than 50? (75)
  30. Have you ever proposed an article for deletion with the prod template? (5)
  31. Have you ever contested a prod on an article you had nothing to do with, but disagree with the prod? (10)
  32. Have you ever supported a prod using the prod2 template? (10)
    • More than 100? (123)
  33. Have you ever participated in an WP:RFA? (5)
    • More than 25? (50)
    • Do you include reasons for your vote? (10)
      • Or do you just go with the flow and cause snowballs? (−5)
  34. Have you ever been offered a nomination for adminship by another editor? (100)
    • By yourself? (−10)
    • Did you turn it down? (−5)
      • To focus on editing for real content? (50)
      • To avoid losing your job and/or significant other? (−100, but it was worth it)
    • Did you have an unsuccessful RFA? (1, for pity)
      • Do you want to run again in a few months taking into account everything everybody said? (100, we won't give up on you!)
        • Did you run the day after your first RFA failed? (−70,別這樣)
      • Was your RFA closed early per "WP:NOTNOW"? (−50, you might want to read that)
  35. Have you ever been the subject of an RfA? (50)
    • Did you accept to gain social standing? (20)
    • Did you accept to gain specific tools? (40)
  36. Have you ever requested a page to be semiprotected in response to heavy vandalism? (8)
    • Or do you request page protection because you don't want anybody to edit "your article"? (−30)
      • Did that article you requested get protected because of the reason above? (1)
      • Or was it not protected because it wasn't a good reason to protect the page? (−10, good)
  37. Do you edit articles in foreign languages? (100)
    • Even if you don't understand them? (−20)
      • Do you use babel fish for your edit summaries? (50)
  38. Have you edited in Portal:Current events? (10)
  39. Have you gone to Wikipedia:Reward board or Wikipedia:Bounty board? (5)
    • Completed a request on one of the boards? (10)
      • Both of the boards? (20)
        • 為了得分而在五分鐘前做到的? (−50, 傻瓜)
          • have you won or given more than 10 barnstars and/or more than $50 from the boards? (100)
  40. Have you ever requested a Peer review? (1)
    • Have you ever reviewed a Peer review? (20)
      • Do you review Peer review requests every day? (250)
      • Have you noticed that Peer review is in serious trouble due to lack of reviewers, and that is why the previous questions are worth so many points? (11)
        • are you upset because that one wasn't? (12)
  41. Have you ever been in an edit conflict? (5)
    • ... more than 25? (50)
    • ... more than 100? (125)
    • ... too many to count? (200)
    • ... with yourself? (150)
      • ... more than three times? (1000)
      • ... more than six times? (2000, woah)
      • ... more than 100 times? (3000, cool, we hope you are still alive.)
  42. Do you look at the newspaper everyday at the recent deaths to see if a notable living person has died, so you can put {{recentdeath}} and take off the BLP tag on the talk page? (10, you are now updater of servers)
  43. Have your edits caused major controversy? (−1)
    • Have these edits been vandalism? (−250)
  44. Have you ever browsed through an article's page history just to see different versions of the page? (10)
    • Just to see who was the first person to start the article? (15)
  45. Have you ever placed a taboo word on a Wikipedia article? (−20, naughty naughty!)
    • ... Or you typed it because it helped the article? (25, but it still doesn't change the fact that you're an %$&#!)
      • Are you offended? (2, good, you should be!)
  46. Have you edited a stub into a normal article? (100, we thank you for your contributions)
    • ... 3 times? (500, we like you for your contributions)
    • ... 10 times? (2500, we love you for your contributions)
    • ... 25 times? (2500, you expand Wikipedia epicly)
    • ... 50 times? (2500, one word: INSANE)
      • Have you nominated any of these articles for DYK? (10)
        • ... was it accepted? (5)
  47. Have you, in your impatience for others to edit an article, brought an article all the way from a sub-stub or stub to featured article status? (1000)
  48. 你曾經因為編輯太多維基百科而弄壞了電腦,必須買新的嗎? (1000, very addicted)
    • 2 臺電腦? (2000)
    • 3 臺電腦? (3000)
    • 4 臺電腦? (4000)
    • 5臺電腦? (−5000, 騙人!)
      • 真的? (6000, 小心別再把這台電腦弄壞了!)
        • Was that warning too late? (−50000, LIAR!!!)
          • Really? (59000, what are you taking the test from?)
  49. Have you ever edited Wikipedia to the 4th Dimension? (5000)
    1. Did you get into a tesseract? (9876543210, you're crazy)
    • Have you ever edited Wikipedia to the 5th Dimension? (30000)
    • Have you ever edited Wikipedia to the 10th Dimension? (100000, One word... EPIC)
  50. 你有在未來編輯過維基百科嗎? (1000, 我要你的時光機!)
    • Have you ever edited Wikipedia back to the future? (5000, I want your flux capacitor


  1. Do you click on Random article at least once a day (just because you're bored)? (4)
    • Is the Wikipedia Random article your home page? (25)
    • Have you ever clicked Random article and gotten an article you have already edited? (100)
      • Has this happened several times? (200)
      • Several times a day? (1000)
      • So often you're starting to get annoyed? (5000)
      • So often you've lost faith in the number of articles on Wikipedia? (−1000, I find your lack of faith disturbing!)
  2. Do you check Recent changes almost every day? (2)
    • Do you check Recent changes more than ten times a day? (7)
    • Do you have Recent changes bookmarked? (3)
    • Is Recent changes your homepage? (5)
    • Do you have it open and told your browser to refresh it every 5 seconds? (100)
      • do you check every edit in recent changes for possible vandalism? (300)
      • ... are you on the recent changes patrol? (180)
      • do you do the same with new pages? (100)
      • Do you not know what recent changes is? (−10, and find out)
  3. Do you manage to get the same list of changes on Recent changes twice? (20)
    • ... because of a database lockdown? (1)
  4. Do you check your watchlist almost every day? (2)
    • Do you check your watchlist more than ten times a day? (10)
    • More than 25 times a day? (20)
    • Is your watchlist your homepage? (40)
      • ... do you check your watchlist more than any other page on the Internet? (100)
        • ... more than 100 times more often than you check your email inbox? (120)
    • Do you not know what a watchlist is? (−10, and find out)
  5. Do you have more than 30 items in your watchlist? (5)
    • ... more than 100? (30)
    • ... more than 500? (120)
    • ... more than 2,000? (400)
    • ... more than 5,000?! (901)
    • ... more than 10,000?!?!?! (1802, you may need to remove some items from your watchlist...)
    • ... 1,445,054!!!!???!!!??!?! (2000, and serious issues.)
    • ... do you look through your entire watchlist for any vandalism since the last time you checked it? (30)
      • ... do you use popups for this purpose? (20)
      • ... do popups freeze your computer sometimes? (30)
      • ... do you close the window, go back to Wikipedia, and log back onto your watchlist everytime this happens? (50)
  6. Have you had to change your watchlist edit threshold? (10)
    • To more than 1000 edits? (200)
  7. Is this page on your watchlist? (34)
    • Did you just add it to increase your score? (−68)
  8. Have you used more than 20 different special pages? (20)


  1. Have you created an account in Wikimedia Commons to upload images? (100, good)
  2. Have you uploaded images to Wikimedia Commons? (200, nice)
    • More than 1? (22)
    • More than 10? (75)
    • More than 50? (175)
    • More than 100? (475)
    • Less than 0? (−3000, fool)
  3. 你有上傳照片到維基百科過嗎? (11)
    • 1張以上? (22)
    • 10張以上? (75)
    • 50張以上? (175)
    • 100張以上? (475)
    • 0? (−3000, 討厭)
    • Did you include the appropriate usage templates? (11)
      • Did you release all your self-created images under a Creative Commons license? (15)
      • Did you release all your self-created images into the public domain? (20)
    • Did you upload copyrighted images and use false templates to keep the picture from being deleted? (−665, naughty, naughty)
    • Did you upload an image and claim appropriate fair use and appropriately explained it? (31)
      • Have you put a fair use image in userspace? (−50)
      • Or do you not care one bit about fair use and don't know what it is? (−200, find out and start caring!)
  4. Have you uploaded a picture you created, e.g. designed in an image editing program/vector drawing tool, not taken with a camera? (10)
  5. Have you ever traveled for longer than thirty minutes out of your way just to take a photo for a Wikipedia article? (100)
  6. Have you ever planned vacations in part to take pictures for Wikipedia? (150)
  7. Have you ever paid for (purchased) an item (archived article, song, book, etc.) solely to have access to it in order to improve the content of an article you were editing? (10)
    • Have you purchased 2–5 items? (20)
      • Or 5–50 items? (100)
        • More than 50 items? (300)
        • Have you spent more than $1,000,000 on items, solely to improve Wikipedia? (999999, we love you!)
    • Did you plagiarize the content you had purchased, rather than following Wikipedia standards for using sources? (−900)
      • Do you justify the plagiarism because at least the content's creator made some money off your purchase? (−1205)
  8. Have you ever taken a photograph, or produced a drawing or diagram that became featured? (150)
    • 2-5 pictures? (201)
    • 6-15 pictures? (350)
    • 16+ pictures? (600)
    • −1 pictures? (0, moron)
  9. Have you ever tagged an image for deletion (Commons images count, too)? (5)
    • More than 5? (20)
    • More than 25? (25)
    • More than 100? (50)
  10. Have you ever gone to view a picture on Wikipedia and it caused a browser glitch? (1)
    • Caused your browser to freeze or crash? (10)
      • Caused your entire computer to freeze or crash? (100)
        • ... and then you rebooted and went back to the picture that caused it? (1000)
          • ... and it froze your computer AGAIN? (1000)
      • ... while taking this test? (20)
        • ... and you had to start over? (200 for sympathy)
  11. Did you make and upload a SVG image? (100)
    • More than 5? (400)
    • More than 10? (1000, That's good vector skills!)


  1. Do you have your own User page? (2)
    • Do you edit it at least once a month? (3)
      • ... at least once a week? (5)
      • ... at least once a day? (8)
      • ... at least 25 times a day? (70)
        • ... have you edited it more than 100 times? (10)
        • ... more than 1000 times? (200)
        • ... more than 10000 times (−5)
        • ... really? (4000)
      • ... never? (−50, no-editor)
        • ... because you think that reverting vandalism and other quality edits are more important than your user page? (51, for self-sacrifice)
  2. Do you have a user subpage? (7)
    • 2-5? (17)
    • 6-10? (27)
    • 11-20? (37)
    • 21-35? (47)
    • 36-50? (71)
    • More than 50? (97)
    • More than 100? (300)
    • Do you use your user subpages to prepare a template? (15)
    • ... to prepare an article? (25)
      • ... an entire group of articles? (74)
    • ... to improve or create a WikiProject? (75)
      • ... more than 3? (200)
      • ... has it existed for at least 6 months? (30)
      • ... is it still active? (90)
  3. Have you been awarded at least one barnstar? (30)
    • ... at least five? (150, cool)
    • ... at least 25? (750)
    • ... at least 100? (3000)
      • ... did you randomly award them to yourself just for the points? (−1050, YOU FOOL!)
        • ... are you mad that you awarded them to yourself now? (10, ha)
    • ... do you think you deserve a barnstar but no one will award you any? (75, and many people feel your pain...)
  4. Have you ever edited another user's user page (not vandalize)? (3)
    • Have you vandalized that user's page? (−125)
      • ... do you have a complex network of sockpuppets to vandalise people's userpages? (−1000, and a ban)
      • ... and told them, even though it's easy enough to find out already? (2, for bravery)
  5. Does your talk page have an archive? (5, plus 1 for each archive after the first)
    • Did you archive your talk page after 10 comments or fewer? (−50, −20 for cheating the above question, and −30 more for being too much of a neat freak to be a Wikipediholic)
    • Do you have a total of more than 100 posts on your talkpage? (5)
    • ... more than 1000? (80)
  6. Does your user page/subpage have userboxes? (1)
    • ... more than 5? (25)
    • ... more than 10? (45)
    • ... more than 50? (175)
    • ... more than 100? (275)
    • ... more than 300? (485)
    • ... a ton? (789)
    • ... you have no idea due to the great number of them? (1000)
    • ... way too many to count? (1000, you seem to love userboxes...)
      • Is your userpage constituted solely by userboxes? (10000, you REALLY seem to love userboxes...)
  7. Have you ever created a userbox? (10)
    • ... more than 5? (50)
    • ... more than 10? (150)
    • ... more than 50? (300)
    • ... more than 100? (500)
    • ... a ton? (789)
    • ... you have no idea due to the great number of them? (1000)
    • ... way too many to count? (1000, you seem to love making userboxes...)
    • Have you ever seen a userbox you created on someone else's user page/subpage? (30)
      • ... more than one on the same page/subpage? (100)
  8. Have you gotten an award for having such a great userpage? (50)
    • ... have you helped to design others' pages? (100)
  9. Do you place pornography on your user page? (−200, pervert


  1. Do you vandalize while under an IP? (−5000)
  2. Do you vandalize while logged in? (−2000)
    • ... on a non-primary account? (−5000... you think you're so smart, well you're not...)
    • ... only on your own user page, vandal boxes/pages, the sandbox, and WP:EUI? (−20)
      • ... do you place pornography on your userpage? (−5000, we were already here
        • ... on others' userpages/talkpages? (−5000, sicko
  3. Have you vandalized Wikipedia at least
    • once? (-5, well it could be worse)
    • twice? (-299, don't you dare do it again)
    • five times? (-1200)
    • ten times? (-314159265)
    • 25 times? (-100000000000000000)
    • 50 times? (-9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999)
    • 100 times? (-infinity to the power of infinity)
    • 1000 times? (negative infinity to the power of infinity INSTANTLY, because then you lose even more points, don't you?)
  4. Have you ever hacked Wikipedia's calendar? It did get hacked last year. And millions saw it. For you... (-10000)
  5. Did you try to vandalize, but the edit filter stopped you? (−7500, Now don't hack to disable it...)
  6. Have you never ever vandalized Wikipedia? (1)
  7. Have you ever been blocked, and the block was not lifted until it expired? (−10)
  8. Have you been banned or blocked indefinitely? (−1000)
    • Because you've requested it? (1000)
      • Because you couldn't sustain your wikibreak? (100)
    • ... were you blocked unfairly, and later unblocked? (1000)
  9. Is your main goal in life to vandalize Wikipedia? (−5000 GET OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!!!!!!
  10. Have you ever made nonsensical edits to pages that no one will ever see anyway just because you can? (−10)
    • Have you ever reverted those changes out of guilt? (3)
      • ... and then reverted them back (and maybe back again) to increase your edit count? (−1000, get a life)
  11. Have you ever reverted vandalism? (3)
    • ... more than 20? (5)
    • ... more than 60 times? (30)
    • ... more than 100 times? (90)
    • ... more than 500 times? (350)
    • ... more than 4000 times? (2500, and a life)
    • ... more than 10000 times? (7500, and two lives, and a mansion in Omaha)
    • ... more than 100000 times? (10000, and ten mansions in Omaha)
    • ... 84,145,906 times? (-10000000, not all edits are vandalism, idiot!)
      • Really? (1000000, you must really be strict about vandalism)
    • Are you on some sort of vandalism patrol? (25)
    • Do you warn the vandals appropriately? (10)
  12. Is your main goal on Wikipedia to revert vandalism? (1200, and maybe edit Wikipedia in some other way?)
    • ... have you warned more than 50 vandals? (50)
    • Do you use hand-written text to warn vandals to make it more specific to the vandal? (30)
      • ... has this made you a vandal/troll's target? (40, be careful)
    • Have you ever reported a vandal to WP:AIV? (5)
      • More than 50? (30)
    • Do you use tools like Huggle, VandalProof, MWT, or Twinkle to do so? (40 for each)
  13. Have you ever created a custom userspace template used to warn vandals? (50)
  14. Do you ever dream nightmares about vandals? (25, and a wikibreak)
  15. Have you ever had a disgruntled vandal create a personal attack article named after you or your username that was speedily deleted as a personal attack? (30)
    • ... has a person you know in real life vandalised your page or created a now-deleted article about you? (20)
      • ... more than 10 times? (100)
  16. Has a vandal ever vandalized your user page or user talk page? (5 points for each time)
  17. Have you ever been impersonated by a vandal, troll, or abusive sockpuppet? (10)
  18. Have you ever visited a Wikipedia-vandal in real life? (−10)
    • Did you yell at him/her? (20)
      • Did he/she kill you? (−2000, get back to your coffin!)
      • Did you kill him/her? (2000, and a prison sentence)
    • Was he/she still a vandal afterwards? (−5, try again)
    • Did he/she correct his vandalism afterwards all by himself, said sorry and promised never to do it again? (120, per vandal, thank you)
      • Did he/she do it again anyway? (−100)
  19. Are you a rollbacker? (30)
    • Are you not a rollbacker, but would like to be one? (50)
    • Do you prefer to do it the old-fashioned way because it's more fun? (40)
    • When you see vandalism in real life, do you look for the rollback button? (100)
      • Are you mad because you can't find it? (20)
      • Or did you actually find it? (50)
        • Did it work? (100, I want one!)
  20. Did you write a 500-page essay about why Wikipedia vandals should be arrested? (8000)
    • ...did you just start writing one to get the points? (−750, good effort though)
    • Have you also written this as a Wikipedia article, but then it was deleted which you're really angry about? (−1000, you liar; if you really did, it would say "You are re-creating a page that was deleted" at "Why Wikipedia vandals should be arrested" or at "Wikipedia:Why Wikipedia vandals should be arrested".)
    • Have you actually created such a Wikipedia article, but it was deleted and you think the deletion log must be faulty? (500)
      • Are you going to try and fix this problem yourself? (300)
      • Are you also going to badger an administrator into bringing it back onto Wikipedia, or to at the very least upload it to Deletionpedia [1]? (250)
        • Or are you an administrator and will do this yourself? (280)
        • If you're not, are you going to beg an administrator to make you one so you can do it yourself? (400)
      • Or do you own a bot and are going to force it to upload your article to Deletionpedia? (−200, for cruelty to bots)
        • If you don't, are you going to steal someone else's for the purpose? (−2000, and a prison sentence, for both theft and cruelty to bots;— you're almost being as bad as the vandals you think should be arrested, botnapper)
  21. Have you installed an Anti-Vandal tool? (25)
  22. Do you vandalise under your computer's IP? (−60)
    • Yes I do! MWAHAHAHA! (−135, you admitted it!)
    • You don't? (60, good for you!)
  23. Are you a dog and vandalize Wikipedia? (-1, you're one smart dog)
  24. How often do you vandalise Wikipedia? (−200, you shouldn't do it anyway)
    • Once a year? (−1, at least it's only once a year
    • Once every three months? (−4)
    • Once every month? (−12)
    • Once every fornight? (−26, out the door for you!)
    • Once every week? (−52, go on, OUT)
    • Every single day in a year? (−365, shoo and don't come back!)
    • Every single day for 8663 days?!?!? (−1000, I REALLY hope not!)
      • REALLY?!?!? (−18663, simply GET OUT!!!
  25. Do you hate Wikipedia so much that you have created a project outside of Wikipedia made to vandalize it so it is useless? (−3000, you're definitely joking)
      • Are you just joking? (99998888, but don't joke like that ever again.)
      • But if you did, do you feel bad about it now? (50, and a little bit of grace, but you still make me sick


  1. Do you run a bot? (50, per bot)
    • Do you think that last question is unfair because your bot does the work of many? (30)
    • Are/Is your bot(s) running right now? (20, for each)
    • Did you properly request bot status before running it? (5)
  2. Have you written a bot? (10, for each)
    • does your bot have more than 100,000 edits? (500)
    • Do other people use your bot software to run their own bots? (30)
    • You're lying aren't you? (−100, get a book and start studying!)
  3. Did you learn the Python programming language just to be able to write Wikipedia bots? (20)
    • What about Perl? (20)
      • You're lying again aren't you? (−100, and set fire to your pants)
        • Do you already know those languages, and still wrote a bot in them? (20)
          • Do you now feel heavily prejudiced against, because you prefer to use the .NET languages, Java, C++, or another language? (30)
  4. Do you want to run a bot? (5)
  5. Have you ever suggested a job for a bot? (5)
    • Was it adopted? (20, and our congratulations!)
  6. Have you ever knowingly run a bot without approval? (−50)
  7. Are you a bot? (2500 to your creator for inventing a bot that can take tests)
    • Are you a person, but HAVE created a bot that can take tests? (2500, again)
    • ... Or has anybody ever called you a bot? (500)
    • ... because you are counting the bot's edits as your own? (−2000)
  8. Do you have more edits than even some of the fairly active bots? (5000)
  9. Do you think you're a bot? (5, and some hours at the psychologist)
  10. Do you make so many edits that you feel like a bot? (50, and a pat on the back)
    • Does this constant bot feeling make you feel important knowing that some idiot is going to have do it eventually? (10, we feel for you)
      • Does that feeling keep you from screaming in frustration because you do feel like a bot and now you know why they have bots for the boring things? (25, and a good stress ball)
  11. Do you know what ClueBot is? (5)
    • Did you know without clicking the link? (2)
    • Or did you cheat? (−10, and you call yourself a wikipediholic...)
    • Do you race ClueBot to revert vandalism? (15)
      • Do you beat it? (5)
        • Every time? (7)
      • Or do you wish to beat it, but it's too fast for you? (3)
    • Have you beaten ClueBot without the use of tools? (20)
    • Did you write ClueBot? (400)


  1. Do you know how to make italic and bold text? (1)
    • Do you use <i> and <b>? (−3, this is why we use wiki software)
    • Do you use <em> and <strong> for in-context emphasis, versus '' and ''' (for <i> and <b>) in cases of purely typographic effects (like italicization of a book title)? (500 for understanding the semantic difference and its importance)
    • Do you use <u>? (−10 for poor usability - most users think underlined text on a Web page is a link)
      • How about <img>? (−5, upload that image and use [[File:...]])
      • <a href ... >? (−10, are you attempting to spam?)
  2. Can you use LaTeX syntax? (10)
    • With ease? (60)
    • With relative ease? (300)
  3. Are you aware of what syntax such as {{{2|foo}}} does in a template? (40)
  4. Do you know what {{fullurl:Wikipedia|action=raw}}, {{ucfirst:{{padright:wikipedia|10|!}}}}, {{#ifexist:{{SUBJECTPAGENAME}}||}}, and {{msgnw:Template:Disambig}} will produce? (30 for each one)
  5. Have you written a helpful monobook script? (200)
    • Do you have two or more of these scripts in your own personal monobook? (30)
  6. Have you ever used api.php to find information about Wikipedia pages? (120)
  7. Have you used Wget to find information about Wikipedia pages? (−150, they removed it in the robots.txt!)
    • Did you write a script, and then analyzed the results? (50)
      • Was this script a bot? (50)
      • Was this a user script, written in JavaScript? (50)
        • Did you have so many queries per minute, that there was a server error? (−30)
  8. Do you know the difference between substitution and transclusion? (20)
  9. Are you cognizant of the default thumbnail image width for all users? What is it in pixels? (30)
    • Are you aware of the recent errors resulting from the use of px in images? (10)
    • Do you know where this thumb width value can be changed? (30)
  10. Do you use Wikipedia:Sandbox or your own userspace sandbox to make test edits? (2)
    • ... and tell people experimenting in articles to use the sandbox instead? (10)
  11. Do you understand what wfMsgWeirdKey( $wgRequest->getVal( 'msg' ) ) means? (100, don't worry if not, it doesn't really matter)
  12. Did you skip this entire section because you are stupid and didn't understand any of it? (5, ha ha, in your face!)




  1. Are you not getting enough sleep because of time on Wikipedia? (15, get some shuteye)
  2. Are you not eating because you are too busy taking this test? (15, and a feast that'll fill ten full-grown men for a month)
  3. Are you never at the bathroom because you are too busy on Wikipedia? (5, that explains why you smell like cow manure)
  4. When you wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep due to some nagging worry, do you get up and start working on Wikipedia so that you will get tired and have something relaxing to fill your mind when you go back to bed? (10)
    • Did you become so engaged on Wikipedia you forgot to go back to bed? (30)
    • ... or did you become so exhausted that you fell asleep while working on Wikipedia? (20)
  5. Have you ever dreamed about Wikipedia? (50)
    • More than 50 times? (125)
      • ... everyday? (350)
    • Have you ever dreamed about other Wikipedians? (5)
      • ... did the dream involve harassing or otherwise doing something negative to that Wikipedian? (−50, be more nice in your dreams!)
  6. Have you woken up at night to realize you're at your computer editing Wikipedia? (80)
  7. Have you woken up early in order to edit Wikipedia? (10, here kindly mention your local time)
    • Before 7 am? (20)
    • Before 5 am? (50)
    • Before 2 am? (150)
    • Before 11 pm? (2000, GO TO BED!!!)
    • Before 9 pm? (5000, YOU REALLY NEED SLEEP!!!!!)
    • Before 7 pm? (−10000, LIAR!!!)
    • Before 3 pm? (−10000, MEGA LIAR!!!)
      • Did you try but fail miserably, since you're not a morning person? (5, at least you tried...)
  8. Do you not care about your dental health because you are too into Wikipedia? (50)
    • Do you not visit the dentist, ever, because you are too busy editing Wikipedia? (100, go have a Wikibreak now, and brush your teeth immediately)
  9. Are you late to school because you are too busy editing Wikipedia? (-25, show some discipline!)
    • Are you a half-hour late? (-10)
    • An hour late? (-50)
    • Two hours late? (-100)
    • One hundred hours late?!?!?! (-10000, LIAR, you're missing two schoolweeks, and then some)
    • Really?!?!?!?! (198576, don't speak near me)
  10. Have you stopped eating for a day because you were editing Wikipedia? (70, a wikibreak, and an all you can eat buffet)
    • For 2 days? (210)
    • For 3 days? (630, and please, just eat now!)
    • For a week? (1800, a wikibreak, and eat before you become a WikiAngel)
  11. Do you neglect using the shower because you're always on Wikipedia? (101, and some soap, because your odor is making my nose bleed!)
  12. Do you experience clinical depression, withdrawal, or some other symptoms—albeit minor—when you are unable to use Wikipedia for the time of 7 days? (5)
    • 5 days? (10)
    • 3 days? (30)
    • a day? (80)
    • 6 hours? (120)
    • 1 hour?!?! (999, get a life, god dang it!!)
      • When you are forced off the wiki for 24 hours, and you are in the process of making a major edit or checking your watchlist, or reading a page, do you experience extreme depression? (20)
        • for 6 hours? (50)
          • for an hour? (100)
            • for any amount of time, regardless of its length? (200)
              • instantly? (1600, get a doctor - no, better yet, get a psychiatrist - now)
        • Do you weep for half an hour or more? (100)
          • for 6 hours? (50)
          • for a day? (-50, get a life)
  13. Are you distraught because you cannot edit Wikipedia while you take this test? (100)
    • ...because you cannot vandalize Wikipedia? (−500 and a block)
    • ...or are you editing in another window/tab while simultaneously taking this test? (300, where did you get a screen that big?)
  14. Do you freak out when the power goes out? (20)
    • ... or do you kill "server kittens" while on Wikipedia? (−100)
    • or you have a laptop and a internet pen drive? (100)
  15. Have you ever been injured/sick and checked the cure for your injury/sickness on Wikipedia? (40)
    • More than once? (80)
      • More than ten times? (120)
        • More than 30 times? (280)
          • More than 100 times?! (−500, go see the doctor now)
  16. When facing endeavors in real life, do you think to yourself that "if other Wikipedians have done it, so can I", check the article, and do it as if it were for Wikipedia? (100)
    • ... when you're depressed, do you edit Wikipedia to escape? (20)
      • ... does editing make you high? (420)
  17. Have you used Wikipedia to memorize more than 20 digits of an irrational number such as pi (π)? (10)
    • ... more than 100 digits? (100)
    • ... more than 1000 digits? (1000)
    • ... more than 10000 digits? (10000, holy crap...)
    • to memorize a word longer than 40 letters? (5)
      • ... longer than 80 letters? (20)
      • ... longer than 120 letters? (50)
  18. Do you sometimes give "edit summaries" for your real-life actions? (20)
    • Do you ever tell your friends about Wikipedia? (100 and good job :D)
  19. Since registering on Wikipedia, have you often run naked around the house singing Traveling Wilburys songs? (−100, go find your pants)
  20. Have you gone legally blind because of editing Wikipedia too much? (1000)
    • ... did you start editing just so you could answer "yes" to this question? (−4500, it's not our fault)
    • ... did you really start editing right now and have gone blind? (2000, wow...)
  21. Have you ever had a broken bone because of editing Wikipedia too much? (5700, ouch...)
  22. Have you gone insane from editing Wikipedia? (100, go see a psychiatrist)


  1. Have you ever told someone about your countless edits? (5)
    • Did you get so caught up in what you were saying that you didn't notice the person you were talking to walked away? (-5 and a big cork in your mouth)
  2. Do you have a Wikipedia T-shirt (or another Wikipedia product)? (975, because you have to give us money for it)
    • More than one? (70)
    • Did you like giving us money? (3000, and a barnstar)
    • Do you want to send us more money? (9000000, 10 barnstars, and adminship status - if you don't have it yet, of course)
  3. Has someone left you because of Wikipedia? (30)
  4. Is something you have thought was important, such as a social life, career or studies, suffering because you spend so much time on Wikipedia? (50)
    • ... have almost all of your friends and acquaintances complained you edit Wikipedia too much? (100)
    • ... did you have those friends complain just for the points? (-75)
  5. Do you judge people you know in real life partly or fully on the basis of their Wikipedia contributions? (10)
    • Do you think quality of contributions to Wikipedia is an important criterion in choosing a partner for a close relationship? (45, and a crash course in dating)
    • Do you think the last two questions are unfair because you are too busy editing Wikipedia to have any friends in real life? (500)
    • ... or because they promoted discrimination? (500, plus a peace prize)
  6. Do you argue that contributions to Wikipedia are productive or useful, unlike "wasting time" playing games or watching sports? (10)
    • Have you ever argued that contributing to Wikipedia should count as community service or volunteer time? (5)
  7. Have you ever phoned another Wikipedian? (2)
  8. Have you ever met another Wikipedian in real life? (20)
    • Is one of your friends a Wikipedian? (10)
  9. Have you ever attended a Wikipedia meetup in real life? (75)
  10. Do you live with another Wikipedian? (40)
    • ... are you married to this Wikipedian? (15)
    • ... or are you not? (−50, :O I'm telling your spouse!)
  11. Are you in a relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) with another Wikipedian? (30)
    • Did you recruit them to Wikipedia by telling them how amazing it is? (50)
      • ... or by telling them how much fun it is to vandalize? (−500)
    • ... is this Wikipedian an administrator? (80)
    • ... or are they a Wikipedia vandal/troll? (−100)
      • A banned user? (−500)
        • Do you think those last two were unfair, because it's not your fault that they are stupid, immature vandals? (100)
          • If yes to that question, have you tried changing them? (200, and a thanks for trying!)
  12. Have you chosen to edit Wikipedia instead of being intimate with your partner? (25, and professional help)
  13. Has your partner expressed concern that you are cheating on them with the wiki? (30)
  14. Do you promote Wikipedia in person or by mentioning it on Usenet, IRC, forums or message boards, web pages, mail signatures, etc.? (10)
  15. Did you take a language course just to edit Wikipedia in more languages, or to translate Wikipedia articles in other languages to English? (125)
  16. Have you beaten someone up because they tried to prevent you from editing? (5)
    • Was the person an administrator? (−50)
      • Was it because the person blocked you? (−100, why were you blocked to begin with?)
    • Was the person close to you? (5)
      • Was he/she a friend of yours? (10)
      • Was he/she your spouse? (−30, a big boo to you)
    • Was it your psychiatrist? (100, GO TO AN ASYLUM, YOU NEED HELP!!!)
    • Was it a cop? (−2000, and assault charges)
    • Was it an FBI member? (−5000, you should be destroyed!)
  17. Do you have more friends on Wikipedia than in real life? (80)
  18. Do you get angry when others call Wikipedia worthless and say it's for geeks? (20)
    • ...or do you not even care anymore and embrace your geekness? (40, Nice pocket protector)
  19. Do you get upset when people call Wikipedia "Just an Encyclopedia"? (5)
  20. Have you encouraged people with recognized mental disorders or addictions to use WP, claiming its "therapeutic"? (50)
    • Have you offered to help such people with their WP article on themselves, claiming its "therapeutic"? (100)
      • Have you attempted to present a paper on the therapeutic effects of Wikipedia to a peer reviewed journal or conference? (200)
        • Is your Ph.D. thesis on the therapeutic effects of Wikipedia, despite your having recognized problematic behaviors related to (your) editing of Wikipedia? (1000, and revocation of license to practice psychotherapy in your state/province)
  21. Do you regularly use Wikipedia as a metaphor for life ("Hmmm, I shouldn't have gone to a level three warning there")? (50)
    • Are you angered by people who try to end their lives, as a metaphor for vandalism? (20)
  22. Do you answer many questions with "Sorry, that's non-notable"? (50)
    • Do you then make articles about the subjects of those questions (−1, they were non-notable...)
  23. Does this image depress you? (10)
    • When you saw this image, did you form hives? (-10, and a doctor)
      • If so, were you too far into editing and didn't bother to do anything about them? (9)
        • Did you not do anything just for the points? (-9, and a HA!)
  24. Did you know there is a Wikipedia:Trading card game? (50)
    • Are you/Did you help design the game? (1000)
      • Do you plan on buying the game? (2000)
        • Do you own the game? (−1000000 for lying − the game is still being developed!)


  1. Do you have a Wikipedia keyword or search plugin for your browser? (2)
  2. Have you ever spent more than 15 minutes making one edit? (5)
    • ... more than 30 minutes? (10)
    • ... more than an hour? (25)
    • ... more than 2 hours? (75)
    • ... more than 3 hours? (120)
    • ... more than 5 hours? (300)
    • ... more than 8 hours? (1200, learn to make up your mind.)
    • ... more than 24 hours? (1234, really...it takes that long to make 1 single edit?)
    • ... 72 hours?!?! (−5000, creating whole, fifty-thousand word pages doesn't count!)
      • ... Really?!??!? (789, that is one long edit.)
    • ... 168 hours????????!!!!!!!!!! (−7891, it does NOT take a whole WEEK to make an edit!!!)
      • ... REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? (1234, you need a LONG wikibreak)
    • ... 720 hours?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! (−50000, it does NOT take a whole MONTH to make an edit!!!!!!!!)
      • ... did you get logged off? (30)
      • ... did you lose connection? (500)
      • ... did you accidentally shut down the computer before saving the edit? (25)
  3. Do you subscribe to a Wikipedia mailing list? (15 for each one)
    • Do you actually read the posts to that mailing list? (2)
  4. Have you donated money to Wikimedia Foundation? (40)
    • Have you wanted to, but been too young or poor to do so? (20, it's the thought that counts anyway)
  5. Have you ever thought about editing a non-Wikipedia webpage? (4)
    • Have you ever looked for the edit button? (50)
      • Did you actually find it? (−1, wow...)
      • Or did you not find it because it was labeled change instead? (−10, that's cheap)
        • Because you switched back to Wikipedia without noticing? (20)
          • Or because it was another wiki? (−1)
          • ... a blog? (−1)
            • ... or do you argue that you haven't edited your blog in over a year because you're so busy editing Wikipedia? (15)
  6. Do you instinctively search for the "history" of a webpage to see recent changes? (10)
  7. Do you save offline copies of long pages (i.e., WP:AN, WP:RFAR, WP:MAGIC) or the mailing list so you can read them later when you are offline? (5)
  8. Do you save offline copy of this page? (50)
  9. Have you ever looked for the edit button upon seeing red letters on a VCR/DVD player's display? (15)
  10. Have you ever read an online news article or headline, spotted a mistake, and looked for the edit tag so you could fix the mistake on MoS grounds? (10)
    • After realizing that such articles are not in the Wikipedia namespace, do you consider logging in or creating an account so that you can fix the error? (5)
  11. Do you have the Wikipedia widget on your Dashboard, or on a Google desktop? (20)
  12. Do you use Wikimedia-related IRC channels? (8, for each you frequent)
  13. Have you ever signed a real e-mail, forum post, or any other message not associated with Wikipedia with ~~~~? (10)
    • more than 50 times? (50)
      • ... always? (180)
    • And the recipient wasn't irritated? (15)
      • ... because they're Wikipedians also? (10)
    • Have you actually written a Greasemonkey script that transliterates those four successive tildes to assure to have a proper signature at least when mailing from your web based mail-service? (25)
      • Or do you sign your posts by hand, integrating your Wikipedia signature into the message? (10)
        • Were you angry that the forum or email did not support wiki syntax? (25)
      • Or even compiled your own version of Firefox to do so? (36, you should send it to Mozilla)
  14. Are you opposed to Britannica and all other encyclopedias because Wikipedia is better? (8)
    • Are you in support of Britannica? (−999, TRAITOR!)
      • ... but you think Wikipedia is better? (999, I give the points back at you, sorry)
  15. Has your touch-typing improved due to Wikipedia? (5)
  16. Has your typing rate at least doubled because of Wikipedia? (10)
  17. Have you created a custom keyboard layout to make editing easier (such as to quickly type an em dash)? (20)
  18. Have you ever edited one of our sister projects? (5, for each project)
    • Are you currently blocked on the project you vandalize? (−500)
      • Is that block indefinite? (−1000)
    • Are you an active contributor to that project? (10, for each project)
      • Are you an administrator on that project? (50, for each project)
        • Are you a bureaucrat on that project? (200, for each one)
    • Do you have accounts on at least 10 different wikis? (50)
    • Have you added Leet spelling to articles, even if you are confused by it? (−1337, most of the world's population can't understand it)
      • Have you edited the Leet article? (1337, way to go!)
    • Do you spend an inordinate amount of time trawling articles to ensure American/British/Canadian spellings are only used in appropriate articles? (5)
  19. Have you used Wikipedia so much that you've developed frequent headaches? (10)
    • poor posture? (15)
    • ... are these headaches severe? (50)
    • ... do you have one right now? (30)
  20. Do you get excited when you get to add a new service award to your userpage? (10)
  21. Do you hate computer lag while editing? (100)
    • Is your computer lagging right now (200, and clean your hard drive)
  22. Have you broken a keyboard from editing Wikipedia? (100, and a new keyboard)


  1. Have you ever edited Wikipedia in a language that is not used in the country you live in? (10)
    • ... in two or more? (20)
    • ... in five or more? (50)
    • Have you taken this test in a language that is not used in the country you live in? (100)
  2. Have you written or read for Wikipedia to improve your foreign language skills? (50)
  3. Did you stop using your expensive CD-ROM encyclopedia and use Wikipedia for everything instead? (12)
    • Or you have never used a CD-ROM encyclopedia in the first place (−20)
  4. Have you ever submitted an assignment for work or school that cited Wikipedia? (6)
    • Despite being told not to use Wikipedia or not to use encyclopedias? (12)
    • Did it cite an article that you had edited? (10)
      • Did you make the edit after getting the assignment? (10)
      • ... created? (25)
      • ... more than 10 articles? (40)
    • And did the teacher give you a bad grade, because he/she is biased against Wikipedia? (10)
      • Do you think this is unfair? (15)
        • Did you lobby the school administrators to change this? (20)
          • Did it successfully change? (100, and a pat on the back from several other students)
        • or do you use your school computer time to play games instead of research? (−30)
          • ... even if most games are blocked? (−100)
          • ... do you hack the school's censorship network to bypass the block and play games? (−200)
          • or is Wikipedia blocked? (10, we feel your pain, buddy....)
            • Have you written to the IT department at your school asking them to unblock Wikipedia? (50)
              • Did they do it? (100)
              • or if they replied that it's blocked because of vandalism, did you inform them that they could ask any Wikipedia administrator to softblock the school's IP address to prevent vandalism rather than blocking the site entirely? (50)
                • Did they follow your instructions? (100)
            • Do you hack into the censorship system to use Wikipedia? (100, just be aware of the abuse staff that could be watching)
          • Do you hang a huge banner with a Wikipedia logo on the wall of your classroom to protest this? (200)
          • Did you request a class change over it? (500)
    • Or did he/she give you a good grade due to the quality of your content (50)
  5. Do you often encounter Wikipedia-related items cited somewhere? (10)
  6. Has a teacher ever used something in their lesson that you know was definitely taken on Wikipedia (like being on the wrong language, say, using British English instead of American English)? (5)
    • ... and did this inspire you to create something that they could potentially use in their lesson? (15)
      • ... and they used it? (50)
    • ...and this is the same teacher who publicly denounced Wikipedia during class? (5, for having a teacher with a double-standard)
  7. Have you ever used any of your non-Wikipedia work as a source in Wikipedia? (0, for vanity)
    • Was it a legitimate reliable source? (50)
    • Did that work cite the article in question? (−50, for circular reference)
      • Did you invent a time machine to make the circular reference legit? (1000, plus a patent)
  8. Have you ever seen some of your work from Wikipedia published in a newspaper or other form of press? (50, points for each occurrence)
    • Do you become extremely excited when Wikipedia is mentioned on TV? (30)
  9. Do you buy or borrow books to help you write or edit articles on subjects you know very little about? (20)
  10. Have you ever bought a CD, movie, video game, or other image or multimedia recording so you can write the article, scan the cover and upload it to Wikipedia? (10)
  11. When you applied for community service, did you volunteer to "revert vandalism"? (15)
    • Have you ever thought about applying for community service to volunteer to "revert vandalism"? (20)
  12. Have you tried to revert your actions, after you realized they were wrong, but found out they couldn't be reverted? (12)
  13. Have you listed your work on Wikipedia on your curriculum vitae or résumé? (10)
    • Or will you do it when you apply for a job or university in the future? (8)
    • Did you put an edit summary on your résumé? (50)
    • Did you sign your résumé with ~~~~ at the end? (20)
      • Got turned down because of it? (30)
      • Got the job because of it? (50, I want your job)
        • Because the job interviewer was a wikipedian himself? (50)
  14. Do you believe that nearly all of your success in your workplace or school comes from information gained on Wikipedia? (8)
  15. When you see vandalism in real life, do you think "These must be the type of people that vandalize Wikipedia"? (2)
    • Or do you think "They must be the type of people who vandalize Wikipedia"? (25)
  16. Have you ever edited this test just to correct the grammar or put in a question with correct grammar? (35)
  17. Have you ever recommended Wikipedia to any of your real family or friends? (4)
    • Did they join Wikipedia and contribute? (8, for each person)
      • Or do they vandalize abusively? (−20)
        • Did you revert their actions? (20)
        • Did they create an abusive system of sockpuppets? (−50)
          • Did you delete their vandal articles and/or block them? (75)
  18. Do you rarely see the real world because of Wikipedia? (250)
    • Do you argue that Wikipedia is your "real world"? (5000, and a life)
  19. [[Do]] [[You]] [[Ever]] [[Write]] [[Like]] [[This]][[?]] (100, and a red link)
  20. Have you ever tried to do [http://This?] in real life? (404, and an HTTP 404 Error)
  21. Have you ever put <nowiki></nowiki> around your text that looks like [[This?]] (1000, and a Code eraser)
  22. Have you ever put coding in your writing? (500)


  1. Do you love Wikipedia? (10, of course you do!)
  2. Do you know who Jimbo Wales is? (15)
    • Do you not care who Jimbo Wales is? (−500, and you call yourself a Wikipediholic)
    • Do you know someone in real life who also knows who Jimbo Wales is? (20)
    • If you don't know who he is, did you just look for his article? (5)
    • ... do you argue that his name is really Jimmy "Jimbo" Donald Wales? (10)
    • Has he ever talked to you on your user talk page? (60)
      • Or are you a Jimbo Wales, just not the Jimbo Wales? (25)
        • ... because you changed your legal name to that of your idol? (−100, stalker)
        • ... since you want to be like him someday? (110, Good luck)
        • ... or are you THE Jimbo Wales? (−2000, poser!)
          • ... really? (5000, we love you man!)
      • Or are you a Jummy Jumbo Whale because you never get any exercise because you are always on Wikipedia? (100, plus a Wikibreak for some exercise)
    • Have you met Jimbo Wales in real life? (1000, say hello to him for me!)
  3. Do you know what WoW stands for? (30)
    • Did you click on the link just so you could say yes? (−25)
      • Did you click on the link anyway, even though you knew? (10)
    • Do you argue that this question isn't fair because WoW also refers to World of Warcraft? (10)
      • Do you think World of Warcraft is better than Wikipedia? (−10, traitor!)
  4. Do you know where the Wikimedia Foundation is based? (10)
    • Do you live near it? (200)
      • Did you move there to get the points? (1000 and a moving van)
  5. Do you know when Wikipedia was founded? (2)
    • ...or did you have to look it up after reading the previous question? (−1000)
      • ... with Google? (−10000, TRAITOR!)
        • ...or because you knew Wikipedia would be the first hit? (11000)
  6. Do you know who founded Wikipedia? (hint: see one of the previous questions of this section) (20)
  7. Have you ever thought about the social impact of Wikipedia? (10)
    • Have you ever been asked about it in an interview (e.g. for a newspaper)? (25)
  8. Do you think Wikipedia will be better than every other encyclopedia soon? (8)
    • ... or you think it is already better than every other encyclopedia? (18)
      • ... because you can change the spelling of the last word in the last question to "encyclopædia"? (2)
  9. Do you consider Wikipedia to be the closest thing to a precursor for "the computer" in Star Trek? (5)
  10. Do you ever use Wikipedia to resolve a dispute outside of Wikipedia? (40)
    • Did you lose because your information was incorrect or not from a verifiable source? (−40)
      • Did you go back and correct the article? (50)
      • ... do you realize this question makes no sense? (1)
  11. Have you ever cheered out loud when you look at the updates on the Wikipedia Awareness Statistics? (5)
  12. Have you ever written a book about Wikipedia? (300)
    • Was it notable enough to get a Wikipedia article? (100)
      • Did you write the article? (30, but check WP:COI
        • ... then have someone correct a slip you made in the article? (5)
      • Did you write a book about that article? (500, but look for more productive subject matter)
        • Did that book end up with an article? (200)
          • Was it deleted immediately for non-notability? (−200)
      • Did you call the book Main Page? (−200, for making disambiguation a mess)
    • Are you really mad about the fact that you wrote an entire book about Wikipedia yet got only 300 points? (4700, here, have the rest of them)
  13. Do you know how many users Wikipedia has? (10)
    • ... or do you protest to the above question because the number of users changes every minute? (5)
      • ... but then you realize you don't need to know the exact number of users (estimation) to answer yes to the above question? (5)
  14. Do you think you deserve to be labeled a Wikipediholic just for taking the hour needed to take this test? (10)
    • Did you click on any wikilinks while taking this test? (1, each)
      • Did you improve any of those wikilinks? (5, each)
      • Did you vandalize any of those wikilinks? (−100, each)
      • Did you vandalize this test? (−1000)
    • Do you know approximately how often a new user account is created? (5)
    • Have you ever made up a name for Wikipedia users? (10)
      • a song? (20)
        • ... is this song stuck in your head and you have no idea where the tune came from? (40)
  15. Is Wikipedia the best source of info you know? (10)
  16. Do you support Wikipedia in all situations? (10)


  1. Is your score high? (−100, be in the game!)
  2. Is your score low? (100, you need more!)
  3. Are you at all depressed that your score is so low? (500, recursively
    • Did you look up recursively because you didn't know what it meant? (1)
      • On Google? (−50, have more faith)
    • Did you find the Droste effect when searching for recursively on Wikipedia (10)
    • Are you going to edit Wikipedia to get over your depression? (50)
      • ... or are you going to vandalize Wikipedia to cheer yourself up? (−9900)
        • ... or make new articles (with no vandalism)? (9900)
      • Did you just check for a cure for your depression? (10)
    • ... or that your score is so high? (−700, and well you asked for it)
      • ...because you don't want to have to admit that you are a Wikipediholic? (−500, and you are a Wikipediholic in denial
  4. Are you depressed that there aren't enough questions in the test? (300, wow)
  5. Were you distracted by other Wikipedia pages for at least 15 minutes while you were taking this test? (10)
    • ... 30 minutes? (30)
    • ... an hour? (50)
    • ... 3 hours? (100)
    • ... 20+ hours? (700, either you read slowly, or were very interested)
  6. Are you going to edit this test once you're finished? (10)
    • ... to correct an error you saw? (5)
    • ... or to add a new question or two? (15)
    • ... or to increase the points so you can get a higher score next time? (−100, cheater)
      • ... are these edits going to be vandalism? (−1000, get lost)
    • Or did you edit the test while taking it? (15)
      • ... by increasing the points so you could get a higher score than you otherwise would have? (−100, cheat)
      • ... or by vandalizing it? (−1000, I told you to get lost already!)
      • ... to fix a red link? (1000, thank you for fixing the red link)
  7. Did you follow a link on this test... (20)
    • and it was a red link... (−70, for either not knowing what a red link is, or for wasting several seconds of your life on a page that doesn't exist)
      • so you could create the page the red link goes to... (250, for removing a red link by adding an extra article)
        • and you edited it enough to become a featured article? (6000)
    • or you edited the page the link went to... (50)
      • enough to become a featured article? (4000)
  8. Are you using this test as a To Do list? (5)
    • ... Because you want to improve your score? (−15, cheater)
    • ... Because you want to decrease your score? (−100, this one courtesy of your boss)
    • ... Because you want to learn more about Wikipedia? (15)
    • ... Because you feel it fills vital gaps in your wiki knowledge? (30)
  9. Have you taken this test more than once? (5)
    • ……你的分数比上次增加了吗? (10)
      • ... 超過500分? (50)
      • ... 超過1000分? (100)
      • ... 超過2000分?! (200)
      • ... 超過5000分?!?! (500)
      • ... 超過10000分?!?!?! (1000, 哇!)
      • ……因为这次你学会了在测试中撒谎? (-5000)
        • ... 因為你這次誠實了? (500分特殊獎勵)
    • ……你的分数比上次减少了吗? (-10,你居然还敢自称维基百科狂……)
      • ... because you forgot about the situations you've been in that would have increased your score? (12, that's all right)
      • ... or are you mad that it just decreased again? (−100)
        • ... because you've been editing Wikipedia so long you can't remember everything you've done here? (25)
      • ...or did your score stay the same? (1, now it isn't)
        • ...is your score still the same? (−5000, LIAR)
          • ...really? (−5000, it doesn't matter because your score must be infinite)
  10. 你做这个测试的时候是严肃的吗? (100)
    • ……你是否记下了分数,决定以后再来做测试,并比较分数? (200)
    • ……你从这个测试中得到乐趣了吗? (100,很高兴你有幽默感)
      • ……你在做测试的时候是否LOL了? (每次5分)
      • ……你是否ROFL了? (每次-20分)
      • ……你是否ROFLOL了? (每次-30分)
      • ……你是否LMAO了? (每次-40分)
      • ……你是否ROFLAMO了? (每次-100分)
      • ……你是否ROFLOLAMO了? (每次-300分)
        • Did you do any of the above at something you added on the test? (−15, at least you impressed yourself)

  1. 你完成了測試? (100)
    • 30秒內? (−1000, LIAR!!!)
    • 真的 在30秒內完成? (15000)
      • ... 或是你用了機器人? (−500, 懶惰)
        • ... 這個機器人是你設計專門用來做這個測試的? (1000)
  2. 当你看到一个红色链接的时候,你是否笑了? (-15,那不好笑)
  3. 你還是認為做這個測試很浪費時間? (−1000000, 你應該知道了)



Please round your score to the nearest interval. Scores in red are negative, black is positive, green is zero. If you thought the red text signified broken links, and were about to attempt fixing them, add 100 to your score. If you found out that they are actually clikable and DID fix them add 250. If you realised they weren't clikable after all because the person before you fixed it and you fixed it back again add another 500. Add another 500 if you just pressed the undo button on the page history. And you can remove 1000 if you actually made a red link. Add 1000 if you fixed that red link. Add 2000 if you found out that you didn't make a red link, but a question.

Score Result
−999,999,999 and below You answered yes to the question "Do you hate Wikipedia?" You are now banned permanently. PERMANENTLY!!! Or maybe you vandalized Wikipedia at least 25 times.
−100,000 You are an extremely evil/abusive vandal/troll, a wikiterrorist, a liar who calls him or her self "The Jimbo Wales", or you thought this test was a complete/total/utter waste of time.
−70,000 You created a whole entire system of sockpuppets used to vandalize Wikipedia to evade your indefinite block. Lose 20 000 points.
−50,000 You are really bad at math and missed this section of results. Lose 10 000 points.
−10,000 You are a really evil vandal.
−5,000 You always do WP:BLP violations, lots of edit-warring, and about 50% to 65% of your edits are vandalism.
−2,000 You are an evil vandal.
−1,000 You are a vandal or you have no intention of helping Wikipedia.
−100 You don't know what Wikipedia is or you have been blocked before.
0 This score is actually possible even though some Wikipedians might disagree.
1 You are a newbie or you have never edited.
100 You only answered question #1 and were too lazy to continue. Or you're just checking if the automated tool works.
250 You are a newbie who has a Wikipediholic friend (lucky!)
500 You are an IP address user or a sock puppet with few edits.
750 You are an average new contributor.
1,000 A well-balanced attitude that may benefit by spending more time on Wikipedia.
1,500 You have normal experience with Wikipedia.
2,000 Congratulations, you are in the optimal range for editing with Wikipedia!
2,500 You are slightly overdoing yourself. Take a wikibreak for a few days.
3,000 You are addicted to Wikipedia.
3,500 You are highly addicted to Wikipedia. Please take a break.
4,000 You are heavily addicted to Wikipedia and are showing symptoms of Wikipediholism.
4,500 You are a Wikipediholic.
5,000 You are at the stage of advanced Wikipediholism. If you are not an Administrator, please become one now.
5,500 You are at the stage of severe Wikipediholism and may be having some symptoms of arthritis in both hands from editing Wikipedia. Please see a doctor.
6,000 A dialysis machine is ready to take out the overdose of wikipedihol from your body, please see a doctor immediately.
6,500 Warning, continuation of editing can cause some mental alterations. Please cease editing immediately.
7,000 The effects of Wikipediholism have begun manifesting into your brain. You are capable of making edits faster than a bot.
7,500 The effects of Wikipediholism are running through all your veins. Other users are mistaking you for a bot, trying to re-program you for other tasks. Watch yourself!
8,000 The effects of Wikipediholism have affected you spiritually. You incorporate Wikipedian standards... religiously.
9,000 Congratulations! You have somehow produced a wiki-like radiation field around you. Any unsuspecting people in range will instantly know about Wikipedia, granting them an immediate score of 250.
10,000 Oh my... You now reek from the effects of Wikipediholism. Anyone who comes near you will instantly feel the urge to run to the nearest computer and edit Wikipedia relentlessly, even if they haven't used it before. "Wiki-wiki wah-wah!" is your slogan.
12,500 Please take the time from your busy edits to read the following, Don't forget: Breathing doesn't intrude on your ability to edit, so do so regularly to prevent fainting and reducing the amount of time you can spend on Wikipedia.
15,000 Only the world's best psychiatrist, physiologist and witch doctor combined can cure your Wikipediholism at this stage. Normally you would get off of Wikipedia and go find those people... Normally...
25,000 The effects of Wikipediholism at this stage cannot be cured. Please stop. If you continue to edit Wikipedia with such vigor, you will indirectly block others from editing.
50,000 A higher power has taken interest in your editing, and wishes to grant you an uncanny power to make all the edits you want to in the blink of the eye. You turn this down, claiming that it will make you redundant from making edits on Wikipedia.
100,000 You discover the cure for cancer, world peace and teleportation by making the right links through all of the edits that you have made. Unfortunately, this is original research, and you can't leave your computer to take the proper actions, so no one finds out about it.
250,000 You are the ultimate Wikipediholic! Congratulations! Now, get back to editing (What are you doing here? Work!)
500,000 You are better than the ultimate Wikipediholic, you must be proud! Start editing (We don't pay you for no reason? Go on! Work! Work like you've never worked before!!!)
1,000,000 Jimbo, god of all Wikipediholics! We love you, man!
1,000,001 More points than Jimbo! Good for you, but out of scope for Wikipedia :P.
9,999,999 and above Yay! Ultimate Legendary Super Unbelievable Wikipedia Addiction! Destroy the world with me, Wikipediholic!

You can use the {{User Wikipediholic|你的分数}} template to display your score on your user page. ({{User Wikipediholic|'''''|-}})