



  • {{AntCat|id=429349|title=Formica|year=2014|accessdate=1 January 2014}}
  • Output: Bolton, B. Formica. AntCat. 2014 [1 January 2014]. 
  • Shorthand: {{AntCat|429349|Formica|2014|accessdate=1 January 2014}}

Generate AntCat citation templates (bookmarklet)


Add a bookmark in your browser and set the URL to this: javascript:if (!/antcat.org\/catalog/.test(window.location.href)) alert('To generate a reference, first go to an antcat.org catalog page (such as http://antcat.org/catalog/429161).'); id = window.location.href.match(/catalog\/(\d+)/)[1]; name = document.title.split(' ')[0]; monthNames = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; d = new Date(); year = d.getFullYear(); accessdate = d.getDay() + ' ' + monthNames[d.getMonth()] + ' ' + year; void(prompt('{{Template:AntCat}}\n\nRemember to add the full species name and remove italics if required.', '<ref name=AntCat>{{AntCat|' + id + '|\'\'' + name + '\'\'|' + year + '|accessdate=' + accessdate + '}}</ref>')); /* v. 1.0.1 */

or go to http://jonkerz.com/wiki/antcat-bookmarklet.html and drag the "Generate AntCat citation template" to your browser's bookmarks bar.

To generate a citation template, go to an antcat.org catalog page and click on the bookmarklet.

GitHub: jonkerz/wikipedia-bookmarklets