

病因嚴重病因闌尾炎、, 胃潰瘍、胃穿孔、胰腺炎憩室炎破裂、卵巢扭轉腸扭轉主動脈瘤破裂、肝臟或脾臟破裂英語lacerated spleen缺血性腸炎英語ischemic colitis缺血性心臟病[1]

腹痛(Abdominal pain)是指腹部疼痛的症狀,其背後可能的原因可能有嚴重與非嚴重的成因。常見的腹痛原因包含腸胃炎大腸激躁症[2]。約15%的腹痛原因可能是由更嚴重的病因引起,諸如闌尾炎腹主動脈瘤破裂、憩室炎,或是異位妊娠[2]。其中約三分之一的患者腹痛的成因不明[2]




最常見的腹痛成因為腸胃炎(13%)、大腸激躁症(8%)、泌尿道問題(5%)、胃炎(5%),或便祕(5%)等等[2]。30%的案例原因不明[2]。約10%的病人則是緣自於較嚴重的疾病,諸如膽道(膽結石膽道收縮障礙英語biliary dyskinesia)、胰臟(4%)相關問題、憩室炎(3%)、闌尾炎(2%),或癌症(1%)[2]。在年長病患中較常見的病因包含缺血性腸炎英語ischemic colitis[4]腸繫膜缺血腹主動脈瘤,或其他病因[5]



腹部急症英語Acute abdomen的定義是指在短時間內發生劇烈而持續的疼痛,且可能必須進行緊急外科手術治療。相關症狀可能會伴隨惡心嘔吐腹脹發燒,或休克的症狀。急性闌尾炎最常見的腹部急症之一[6]






消化道性 消化道 發炎性 腸胃炎闌尾炎胃炎食道炎憩室炎克隆氏症潰瘍性結腸炎microscopic colitis英語microscopic colitis
阻塞性 疝氣腸套疊腸扭轉、術後沾黏腫瘤、嚴重便秘痔瘡
血管性 栓塞血栓形成出血, 鐮刀型紅血球疾病腹絞痛、血管壓迫症候群(如腹腔動脈症候群)、superior mesenteric artery syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome英語postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
消化性 peptic ulcer, lactose intolerance, celiac disease, food allergies
分泌腺 膽道系統 發炎性 cholecystitis, cholangitis英語cholangitis
阻塞性 cholelithiasis英語cholelithiasis, tumours
肝臟 發炎性 hepatitis, liver abscess英語liver abscess
胰臟 發炎性 pancreatitis
泌尿系統 發炎性 pyelonephritis英語pyelonephritis, bladder infection, indigestion
阻塞性 kidney stones, urolithiasis, urinary retention, tumours
血管性 left renal vein entrapment
婦女生殖系統 發炎性 pelvic inflammatory disease
器質性 ovarian torsion
內分泌性 menstruation, Mittelschmerz英語Mittelschmerz
腫瘤性 endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer
妊娠相關 ruptured ectopic pregnancy, threatened abortion
腹壁英語Abdominal wall 肌肉性 muscle strain or trauma
發炎性 muscular infection
神經性 herpes zoster, radiculitis英語radiculitis in Lyme disease, abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome英語Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES), tabes dorsalis英語tabes dorsalis
Referred pain英語Referred pain thorax pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, ischemic heart disease, pericarditis
spine radiculitis英語radiculitis
genitals testicular torsion
Metabolic disturbance uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, porphyria, C1-esterase inhibitor deficiency, adrenal insufficiency, lead poisoning, black widow spider bite, narcotic withdrawal
Blood vessels Blood vessels
Immune system
Idiopathic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)(affecting up to 20% of the population, IBS is the most common cause of recurrent and intermittent abdominal pain)

By location


The location of abdominal pain can provide information about what may be causing the pain. The abdomen can be divided into four regions called quadrants. Locations and associated conditions include:[7][8]


Region Blood supply[9] Innervation[10] Structures[9]
Foregut英語Foregut Celiac artery T5 - T9 Pharynx


Lower respiratory tract


Proximal duodenum


Biliary tract英語Biliary tract



Midgut英語Midgut Superior mesenteric artery英語Superior mesenteric artery T10 - T12 Distal duodenum



Ascending colon

Proximal transverse colon

Hindgut英語Hindgut Inferior mesenteric artery英語Inferior mesenteric artery L1 - L3 Distal transverse colon

Descending colon

Sigmoid colon



Superior anal canal英語anal canal

Abdominal pain can be referred to as visceral pain英語visceral pain or peritoneal pain. The contents of the abdomen can be divided into the foregut英語foregut, midgut英語midgut, and hindgut英語hindgut.[9] The foregut contains the pharynx, lower respiratory tract, portions of the esophagus, stomach, portions of the duodenum (proximal), liver, biliary tract (including the gallbladder and bile ducts), and the pancreas.[9] The midgut contains portions of the duodenum (distal), cecum, appendix, ascending colon, and first half of the transverse colon.[9] The hindgut contains the distal half of the transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, and superior anal canal.[9]

Each subsection of the gut has an associated visceral afferent nerve that transmits sensory information from the viscera to the spinal cord, traveling with the autonomic sympathetic nerves.[11] The visceral sensory information from the gut traveling to the spinal cord, termed the visceral afferent, is non-specific and overlaps with the somatic afferent nerves, which are very specific.[12] Therefore, visceral afferent information traveling to the spinal cord can present in the distribution of the somatic afferent nerve; this is why appendicitis initially presents with T10 periumbilical pain when it first begins and becomes T12 pain as the abdominal wall peritoneum (which is rich with somatic afferent nerves) is involved.[12]



A thorough patient history and physical examination is used to better understand the underlying cause of abdominal pain.

The process of gathering a history may include:[13]

  • Identifying more information about the chief complaint by eliciting a history of present illness英語History of the present illness; i.e. a narrative of the current symptoms such as the onset, location, duration, character, aggravating or relieving factors, and temporal nature of the pain. Identifying other possible factors may aid in the diagnosis of the underlying cause of abdominal pain, such as recent travel, recent contact with other ill individuals, and for females, a thorough gynecologic history.
  • Learning about the patient's past medical history, focusing on any prior issues or surgical procedures.
  • Clarifying the patient's current medication regimen, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and supplements.
  • Confirming the patient's drug and food allergies.
  • Discussing with the patient any family history of disease processes, focusing on conditions that might resemble the patient's current presentation.
  • Discussing with the patient any health-related behaviors (e.g. tobacco use, alcohol consumption, drug use, and sexual activity) that might make certain diagnoses more likely.
  • Reviewing the presence of non-abdominal symptoms (e.g., fever, chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, vaginal bleeding英語vaginal bleeding) that can further clarify the diagnostic picture.
  • Using Carnett's sign英語Carnett's sign to differentiate between visceral pain英語visceral pain and pain originating in the muscles of the abdominal wall.[14]

After gathering a thorough history, one should perform a physical exam in order to identify important physical signs that might clarify the diagnosis, including a cardiovascular exam, lung exam, thorough abdominal exam, and for females, a genitourinary exam.[13]

Additional investigations that can aid diagnosis include:[15]

If diagnosis remains unclear after history, examination, and basic investigations as above, then more advanced investigations may reveal a diagnosis. Such tests include:[15]



The management of abdominal pain depends on many factors, including the etiology of the pain. In the emergency department, a person presenting with abdominal pain may initially require IV fluids due to decreased intake secondary to abdominal pain and possible emesis or vomiting.[16] Treatment for abdominal pain includes analgesia, such as non-opioid (ketorolac) and opioid medications (morphine, fentanyl).[16] Choice of analgesia is dependent on the cause of the pain, as ketorolac can worsen some intra-abdominal processes.[16] Patients presenting to the emergency department with abdominal pain may receive a "GI cocktail" that includes an antacid (examples include omeprazole, ranitidine, magnesium hydroxide, and calcium chloride) and lidocaine.[16] After addressing pain, there may be a role for antimicrobial treatment in some cases of abdominal pain.[16] Butylscopolamine (Buscopan) is used to treat cramping abdominal pain with some success.[17] Surgical management for causes of abdominal pain includes but is not limited to cholecystectomy英語cholecystectomy, appendectomy, and exploratory laparotomy英語laparotomy.[來源請求]



Below is a brief overview of abdominal pain emergencies.

Condition Presentation Diagnosis Management
Appendicitis[18] Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever

Periumbilical pain, migrates to RLQ

Clinical (history & physical exam)

Abdominal CT

Patient made NPO (nothing by mouth)

IV fluids as needed

General surgery consultation, possible appendectomy


Pain control

Cholecystitis[18] Abdominal pain (RUQ, radiates epigastric), nausea, vomiting, fever, Murphy's sign英語Murphy's sign Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging (RUQ ultrasound)

Labs (leukocytosis英語leukocytosis, transamintis英語Elevated transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia)

Patient made NPO (nothing by mouth)

IV fluids as needed

General surgery consultation, possible cholecystectomy英語cholecystectomy


Pain, nausea control

Acute pancreatitis英語Acute pancreatitis[18] Abdominal pain (sharp epigastric, shooting to back), nausea, vomiting Clinical (history & physical exam)

Labs (elevated lipase)

Imaging (abdominal CT, ultrasound)

Patient made NPO (nothing by mouth)

IV fluids as needed

Pain, nausea control

Possibly consultation of general surgery or interventional radiology英語interventional radiology

Bowel obstruction[18] Abdominal pain (diffuse, crampy), bilious emesis, constipation Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging (abdominal X-ray, abdominal CT)

Patient made NPO (nothing by mouth)

IV fluids as needed

Nasogastric tube placement

General surgery consultation

Pain control

Upper GI bleed[18] Abdominal pain (epigastric), hematochezia, melena英語melena, hematemesis, hypovolemia Clinical (history & physical exam, including digital rectal exam)

Labs (complete blood count, coagulation profile, transaminases, stool guaiac英語Stool guaiac test)

Aggressive IV fluid resuscitation

Blood transfusion as needed

Medications: proton pump inhibitor, octreotide

Stable patient: observation

Unstable patient: consultation (general surgery, gastroenterology, interventional radiology英語interventional radiology)

Lower GI Bleed[18] Abdominal pain, hematochezia, melena英語melena, hypovolemia Clinical (history & physical exam, including digital rectal exam)

Labs (complete blood count, coagulation profile, transaminases, stool guaiac英語Stool guaiac test)

Aggressive IV fluid resuscitation

Blood transfusion as needed

Medications: proton pump inhibitor

Stable patient: observation

Unstable patient: consultation (general surgery, gastroenterology, interventional radiology英語interventional radiology)

Perforated Viscous[18] Abdominal pain (sudden onset of localized pain), abdominal distension英語abdominal distension, rigid abdomen Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging (abdominal X-ray or CT showing free air)

Labs (complete blood count)

Aggressive IV fluid resuscitation

General surgery consultation


Volvulus[18] Sigmoid colon volvulus英語Sigmoid colon volvulus: Abdominal pain (>2 days, distention, constipation)

Cecal volvulus: Abdominal pain (acute onset), nausea, vomiting

Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging (abdominal X-ray or CT)

Sigmoid: Gastroenterology consultation (flexibile sigmoidoscopy英語Sigmoidoscopy)

Cecal: General surgery consultation (right hemicolectomy英語Colectomy)

Ectopic pregnancy[18] Abdominal and pelvic pain, bleeding

If ruptured ectopic pregnancy, the patient may present with peritoneal irritation and hypovolemic shock英語hypovolemic shock

Clinical (history & physical exam)

Labs: complete blood count, urine pregnancy test followed with quantitative blood beta-hCG

Imaging: transvaginal ultrasound英語Vaginal ultrasonography

If patient is unstable: IV fluid resuscitation, urgent obstetrics and gynecology consultation

If patient is stable: continue diagnostic workup, establish OBGYN follow-up

Abdominal aortic aneurysm[18] Abdominal pain, flank pain, back pain, hypotension, pulsatile abdominal mass Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging: Ultrasound, CT angiography, MRA/magnetic resonance angiography英語magnetic resonance angiography

If patient is unstable: IV fluid resuscitation, urgent surgical consultation

If patient is stable: admit for observation

Aortic dissection[18] Abdominal pain (sudden onset of epigastric or back pain), hypertension, new aortic murmur Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging: Chest X-Ray (showing widened mediastinum), CT angiography, MRA英語Magnetic resonance angiography, transthoracic echocardiogram英語transthoracic echocardiogram/TTE, transesophageal echocardiogram英語transesophageal echocardiogram/TEE

IV fluid resuscitation

Blood transfusion as needed (obtain type and cross)

Medications: reduce blood pressure (sodium nitroprusside plus beta blocker or calcium channel blocker)

Surgery consultation

Liver injury英語Liver injury[18] After trauma (blunt英語Blunt trauma or penetrating英語Penetrating trauma), abdominal pain (RUQ), right rib pain, right flank pain, right shoulder pain Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging: FAST英語Focused assessment with sonography for trauma examination, CT of abdomen and pelvis

Diagnostic peritoneal aspiration and lavage英語Diagnostic peritoneal lavage

Resuscitation (Advanced Trauma Life Support英語Advanced trauma life support) with IV fluids (crystalloid英語Fluid replacement) and blood transfusion

If patient is unstable: general or trauma surgery英語trauma surgery consultation with subsequent exploratory laparotomy英語exploratory laparotomy

Splenic injury英語Splenic injury[18] After trauma (blunt英語Blunt trauma or penetrating英語Penetrating trauma), abdominal pain (LUQ), left rib pain, left flank pain Clinical (history & physical exam)

Imaging: FAST英語Focused assessment with sonography for trauma examination, CT of abdomen and pelvis

Diagnostic peritoneal aspiration and lavage英語Diagnostic peritoneal lavage

Resuscitation (Advanced Trauma Life Support英語Advanced trauma life support) with IV fluids (crystalloid英語Fluid replacement) and blood transfusion

If patient is unstable: general or trauma surgery英語trauma surgery consultation with subsequent exploratory laparotomy英語exploratory laparotomy and possible splenectomy英語splenectomy

If patient is stable: medical management, consultation of interventional radiology英語interventional radiology for possible arterial embolization英語Embolization



Abdominal pain is the reason about 3% of adults see their family physician.[2] Rates of emergency department (ED) visits in the United States for abdominal pain increased 18% from 2006 through to 2011. This was the largest increase out of 20 common conditions seen in the ED. The rate of ED use for nausea and vomiting also increased 18%.[19]


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Category:症狀和體徵:消化系統及腹部 Category:急性疼痛