

Heikki Kastemaa aka Kulttuurinavigaattori in 2018.

I wrote my first Wikipedia article in December 2005. I mostly contribute to the Finnish language Wikipedia. By education I am an art teacher and have been teaching art and cultural subjects in many places, mostly colleges and universities. I have experience in education planning. My second job has been a freelance journalist. I am an art critic and have concentrated in cultural journalism and art criticism. I am a member of The Finnish Critics' Association and AICA. I am interested in drawing, photography and bicycling.

I was nominated to the board of association Wikimedia Suomi in 2015, which is the Wikimedia chapter in Finland. I volunteered as the president of Wikimedia Suomi in 2016-2018. I live in Helsinki, Finland.

Many of my Wikipedia contributions have focused to different fields of art and culture, but in recent years I have edited articles in a wider scope. I am especially fond of talking about Wikimedia and Wikipedia to people who know nothing of them. I think I am a Wikimedia "pre-school teacher".

User language
fi-N Tämän käyttäjän äidinkieli on suomi.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
sv-2 Den här användaren har medelgoda kunskaper i svenska.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
et-0 See kasutaja ei valda eesti keelt.
no-0 Denne brukeren har lite eller ingen kjennskap til norsk (bokmål) (eller har svært vanskelig for å forstå det).
da-0 Denne bruger har intet kendskab til dansk (eller forstår det kun med stor vanskelighed).
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