


榮耀歸於烏克蘭」(烏克蘭語Слава Україні! Героям слава!羅馬化Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava!;翻譯:「榮耀歸於烏克蘭!榮耀歸於英雄!」)是烏克蘭的國家敬禮口號。該口號以各種變體出現在20世紀初,1917-1921年烏克蘭獨立戰爭期間在烏克蘭族中廣為流傳。[1]





形近的口號「烏克蘭的榮耀」(烏克蘭語Слава України)至少可追溯到烏克蘭大詩人謝甫琴科。1840年的詩歌《致奧斯諾維安年科》中寫道:[2]

「榮耀歸於烏克蘭!」(烏克蘭語Слава Україні)口號及回應「榮光普照全球!」(烏克蘭語По всій землі слава),已知最早的使用可聯繫到19世紀末——20世紀初哈爾科夫烏克蘭學生團體。[3]



Slava Ukraini!」(「榮耀歸於烏克蘭!」)口號最早出現在1917至1921年烏克蘭獨立戰爭的各部隊中。[4]1920年代成為烏克蘭民族主義者用語。[4][nb 1]

如今使用的回應「Heroiam slava!」(榮耀歸於英雄!)出現在1930年代,烏克蘭民族主義者組織(OUN)和烏克蘭反抗軍(UPA)[4]用來紀念蘇維埃-烏克蘭戰爭時期的老兵,包括OUN領袖Yevhen Konovalets。1941年4月,「榮耀歸於烏克蘭!榮耀歸於英雄!」成為斯捷潘·班傑拉的親納粹組織——OUN激進派的口號。[5][4]第二次世界大戰期間,OUN成員經常使用該口號,往往搭配羅馬式敬禮[6] 當時的庫班哥薩克也使用「榮耀歸於英雄!」口號。[7]






2018年8月9日,波羅申科總統宣布「榮耀歸於烏克蘭」為烏克蘭武裝部隊的正式問候,取代原來使用的「同志們好」(烏克蘭語:Вітаю товариші羅馬化:Vitayu tovaryshi)。[13]2018年8月24日,基輔獨立日閱兵使用該口號。[14]烏克蘭最高拉達於2018年9月6日和10月4日通過總統提出的口號法案(一讀),[15]同時將「榮耀歸於烏克蘭」指定為烏克蘭國家警察的正式問候。[16]





The phrase has become very popular among Ukrainian soldiers and their supporters during the Russo-Ukrainian War following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[20] During the ongoing 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine the slogan is seeing worldwide use by protesters in solidarity with Ukraine all over the world, accompanying various demands towards the Russian embassies and the relevant national governments such as excluding Russia from SWIFT and closing airspace over Ukraine.[21] It has been used in speeches by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.[22] It has also been used by foreign leaders including European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen,[23] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson[24] and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern,[25] by the UK's Permanent Representative Barbara Woodward in a speech to the UN[26] and by commentators and media such as The Times.[27] The Norwegian Armed Forces' official composer Marcus Paus composed a song that he described as a song of resistance and that he released on 27 February 2022 under the title "Slava Ukraini!"; it was recorded by Lithuanian-Norwegian viola player Povilas Syrrist-Gelgota, who works with the Oslo Philharmonic, two days later.[28][29][30][31]



In the Soviet Union the slogan 「Slava Ukraini!」 was forbidden and discredited via a decades-long propaganda campaign alongside the diaspora Ukrainian nationalists who used it.[9][4] They were dubbed "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists", "Banderites", and "Nazi henchmen" by Soviet authorities.[9] Modern Russia followed the similar trend when the slogan was characterised as a fascist slogan, notably during the Russo-Ukrainian War.[32]

Beyond the border of Europe, the song Glory to Hong Kong drew inspiration from the slogan for use in the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests.[33] This was received extremely negatively in mainland China, with the Chinese accusing Ukraine of meddling in Hong Kong affairs under the order of the United States, and was not censored by the Great Firewall of the Chinese government.[34][35]




  1. ^ In his monumental book Kholodny Yar, Yuriy Horlis-Horskyi writes that he heard this phrase from several insurgents, who fought in the Kholodny Yar Ukrainian partisan movement (1918–1923).他們經常以「Slava Ukraini!」相互致意,回應必須是「Ukraini Slava!」(同樣意為「榮耀歸於烏克蘭」,調換了語序)。[4]


  1. ^ "Glory to Ukraine!": Who and when was the slogan created?. www.istpravda.com.ua. [2020-06-21]. 
  2. ^ 塔拉斯·謝甫琴科. 谢甫琴科:诗选. 由夢海翻譯. 上海譯文出版社. 1983: 81. OCLC 18876896 (中文). 
  3. ^ Юзич Юрій. Хто і коли вигадав гасло «Слава Україні!» [Електронний ресурс] // Історична правда. — 4 October 2018. — Режим доступу: https://www.istpravda.com.ua/articles/2018/10/4/153036/
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Why Is the International Media Still Repeating Kremlin Propaganda about Ukraine?, Atlantic Council (13 July 2018)
    (烏克蘭語) "Glory to Ukraine!" – the story of the slogan of the struggle for independence, Radio Free Europe (19 June 2017)
  5. ^ Ivan Katchanovski (2004). "The Politics of World War II in Contemporary Ukraine". The Journal of Slavic Military Studies. p. 214.
  6. ^ Rossoliński-Liebe, Grzegorz. Celebrating Fascism and War Criminality in Edmonton. The Political Myth and Cult of Stepan Bandera in Multicultural Canada, in: in Kakanien Revisited 12 (2010): 1–16. (英語). 
  7. ^ Родом з України [Born in Ukraine]. The Ukrainian Week. 2011-06-29 [2014-12-28] (烏克蘭語). 
  8. ^ Jehl, Douglas. Thousands Turn Out to Cheer Clinton in Ukraine. The New York Times. 1995-05-13 [2018-07-10]. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 New 'Glory to Ukraine' army chant invokes nationalist past. Deutsche Welle. 2018-08-24. 
  10. ^ Poroshenko, Petro. Ukrainian President Address to Congress. C-SPAN. Washington, D.C.: C-SPAN. 2014-09-18 [2018-11-30]. 
  11. ^ World Cup 2018 Gets Political: The Nazi and anti-Russian Roots of 'Glory to Ukraine'. Ha'aretz. 2018-07-15 (英語). 
  12. ^ Angry Ukraine Fans Deluge FIFA's Facebook Page With Posts. The New York Times. [2018-07-11] (英語). 
  13. ^ Poroshenko, Petro. President: The words "Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!" will be the official greetings of the Armed Forces of our state. PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE Official website. Government of Ukraine. [2018-08-11]. 
  14. ^ Ukraine's Independence Day military parade in Kyiv. The Ukrainian Week. [2018-08-24]. 
  15. ^ Verkhovna Rada approves military salute 『Glory to Ukraine!』, 112 Ukraine (6 September 2018)
    Ukraine's parliament approves new army, police greeting, UNIAN (4 October 2018)
  16. ^ Rada approves salute 'Glory to Ukraine' in Ukrainian army, Interfax-Ukraine (4 October 2018)
  17. ^ 'Glory to Ukraine' slogan appears at official kits of national football team. 112.international. [2018-09-07] (美國英語). 
  18. ^ Ukraine's newly unveiled Euros kit sparks fury in Moscow. the42.ie. [2021-06-10]. 
  19. ^ kotyhoroh, How FIFA chose to become part of the Russian propaganda narrative (Short version), 2018-07-09 [2018-07-10] 
  20. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為:1的參考文獻提供內容
  21. ^ Articles, The Times Leading. The Times view on Ukraine’s courage: Slava Ukraini!. [2022-02-27]. ISSN 0140-0460 (英語). 
  22. ^ ‘We won’t put down weapons’: Zelenskyy vows to fight on in Kyiv. Al Jazeera English. [2022-03-01]. 
  23. ^ Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the Russian aggression against Ukraine. European Commission. [2022-03-02]. 
  24. ^ PM statement to the House of Commons on Ukraine: 24 February 2022. Gov.uk. [2022-03-01]. And in that spirit I join you in saying slava Ukraini. 
  25. ^ Russia invasion of Ukraine: 'Slava Ukraini' - NZ Parliament condemns 'bully' Putin. NZ Herald. [2022-03-01]. 
  26. ^ If we do not stand up now, then every nation is at risk: UK statement to the General Assembly on Ukraine. Gov.uk. [2022-03-01]. So our message today is simple: We offer our unequivocal support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We call on President Putin to stop this senseless war. And we urge all fellow Members of the United Nations to speak up for Ukraine and to defend the Charter. Slava Ukraini! 
  27. ^ The Times view on Ukraine’s courage: Slava Ukraini!. The Times. [2022-03-01]. 
  28. ^ Syrrist-Gelgota, Povilas. Marcus Paus "Slava Ukraini" for viola solo. [2022-03-01]. 
  29. ^ Paus, Marcus. Slava Ukraini!. [2022-02-27]. 
  30. ^ Paus, Marcus. Slava Ukraini!. [2022-03-01]. 
  31. ^ Marcus Paus: Slava Ukraini!. Norsk Musikforlag. [2022-02-28]. 
  32. ^ Schreck, Carl. 'Glory To Ukraine!' Is The New National Team's Soccer Slogan A Rallying Cry Or A Fascist Call?. rferl.org. 2018-09-07 [2021-06-14]. 
  33. ^ Hong Kong Protesters Draw Inspiration from Ukraine's Maidan | Wilson Center. 
  34. ^ 中国香港绝对不能成为下一个乌克兰!. 
  35. ^ 乌克兰"新纳粹"老兵现身香港,还到了港理大. 