

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 鳥綱 Aves
目: 鶴形目 Gruiformes
科: 鶴科 Gruidae
屬: 鶴屬 Grus
蓑羽鶴 G. virgo
Grus virgo
Linnaeus, 1758
Range of G. virgo
  • Ardea virgo Linnaeus, 1758
  • Grus virgo (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Grus ornata Brehm, C. L., 1855
Grus virgo

蓑羽鶴學名Grus virgo),又名閨秀鶴處子鶴,是一種生活在歐羅西伯利亞中部的類,分佈範圍從黑海蒙古中國東北。在土耳其也有少量繁殖群體。這些鶴是候鳥。來自歐亞西部的鳥類會在非洲過冬,而來自亞洲、蒙古和中國的鳥類則會在印度次大陸過冬。這種鳥在印度文化中具有象徵意義,被稱為KoonjKurjaa[3]



蓑羽鶴由瑞典博物學家卡爾·林奈於1758年在他的第十版自然系統正式描述。他將其與鷺和鶴一起歸入蒼鷺屬(Ardea),並創造了雙名Ardea virgo。他將模式產地指定為東方,但後來被限定為印度。[4][5] 林奈引用了早期作者的記述。英國博物學家伊萊亞薩·阿爾賓於1738年描述並繪製了「努米底亞鶴」。阿爾賓解釋說:「這種鳥被稱為Demoiselles是因為它有一些動作,似乎模仿了女人在走路、行禮和跳舞時追求優雅的姿態。」[6] 林奈還引用了英國博物學家喬治·愛德華茲於1750年描述並繪製的「努米底亞的Demoiselle」。[7] 「努米底亞的Demoiselle」這個名稱由法國博物學家克勞德·佩羅於1676年首次使用。[8] 現在,蓑羽鶴被歸入由法國動物學家馬蒂蘭·雅克·布里松於1760年引入的鶴屬(Grus)。該物種被視為單型:不承認任何亞種[9] 屬名Grus拉丁語「鶴」的意思。種小名virgo是拉丁語,意思是「少女」。[10] 一些權威機構將此物種與密切相關的藍鶴Grus paradisea) 一起歸入Anthropoides屬。[1][11][12]



蓑羽鶴長85—100 cm(33.5—39.5英寸),身高76 cm(30英寸),翼展155—180 cm(61—71英寸)。它重2—3公斤(4.4—6.6磅)。它是最小的鶴類物種。[13][14] 蓑羽鶴略小於灰鶴,但具有類似的羽毛。它有一條長長的白色頸帶,黑色從前頸延伸至胸部形成羽冠。
















  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 BirdLife International. Anthropoides virgo. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018, 2018: e.T22692081A131927771 [14 February 2022]. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-2.RLTS.T22692081A131927771.en可免費查閱. 
  2. ^ Appendices | CITES. cites.org. [2022-01-14]. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 R. K. Gaur, Indian Birds, Brijbasi Printers, 1994, 1994, ISBN 9788171070312, ... The smallest member of the crane family, the demoiselle crane (Anthropoides virgo ) is a distinctive looking bird, with ashy grey ... The local name for this crane — koonj — is onomatopoeic, deriving from the Sanskrit 'kraunch', the origin of the word crane itself ... 
  4. ^ Linnaeus, Carl. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis 1 10th. Holmiae (Stockholm): Laurentii Salvii. 1758: 141 (Latin). 
  5. ^ Peters, James Lee (編). Check-List of Birds of the World 2. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1934: 153–154. 
  6. ^ Albin, Eleazar; Derham, William. A Natural History of Birds : Illustrated with a Hundred and One Copper Plates, Curiously Engraven from the Life 3. London: Printed for the author and sold by William Innys. 1738: 78, Plate 83. 
  7. ^ Edwards, George. A Natural History of Uncommon Birds 3. London: Printed for the author at the College of Physicians. 1750: 134, Plate 134. 
  8. ^ Perrault, Claude. Mémoires pour Servir à l’Histoire Naturelle des Animaux. Paris: Imprimerie royale. 1676: 157-162, Plate (French). 
  9. ^ Gill, Frank; Donsker, David; Rasmussen, Pamela (編). Finfoots, flufftails, rails, trumpeters, cranes, Limpkin. IOC World Bird List Version 14.1. International Ornithologists' Union. December 2023 [25 July 2024]. 
  10. ^ Jobling, James A. The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. 2010: 179, 403. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4. 
  11. ^ Clements, J.F.; Rasmussen, P.C.; Schulenberg, T.S.; Iliff, M.J.; Fredericks, T.A.; Gerbracht, J.A.; Lepage, D.; Spencer, A.; Billerman, S.M.; Sullivan, B.L.; Wood, C.L. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2023. 2023 [26 July 2024]. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Archibald, G.W.; Meine, C.D. Family Gruidae (Cranes)需要免費註冊. del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. (編). Handbook of the Birds of the World. 3: Hoatzin to Auks. Barcelona, Spain: Lynx Edicions. 1996: 60-89 [83-84]. ISBN 978-84-87334-20-7. 
  13. ^ Demoiselle Crane, Int. Crane Foundation
  14. ^ Ali, S. The Book of Indian Birds. Bombay: Bombay Natural History Society. 1993. ISBN 978-0-19-563731-1. 
  15. ^ Ilyashenko, E.I.; Mudrik, E.A.; Andryushchenko, Y.A.; Belik, V.P.; Belyalov, O.V.; Wikelski, M.; Gavrilov, A.E.; Goroshko, O.A.; Guguyeva, E.V.; Korepov, M.V.; Mnatsekanov, R.A.; Politov, D.V.; Postelnykh, K.A.; Lei, C.; Ilyashenko, V.Y. Migrations of the Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo, Gruiformes): remote tracking along flyways and at wintering grounds. Biology Bulletin. 2022, 49 (7): 863–888. doi:10.1134/S1062359022070068. 
  16. ^ Johnsgard, Paul A. Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo). Cranes of the World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1983: 95–102.  Also available from the Internet Archive here (registration required).
  17. ^ Cramp, Stanley (編). Grus virgo Demoiselle crane. Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of the Western Palearctic. II: Hawks to Bustards. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1980: 631–636. ISBN 978-0-19-857505-4. 
  18. ^ Department of English, University of Delhi. The Individual and Society. Pearson Education India, 2005. September 2005. ISBN 978-81-317-0417-2. ... kunj: more properly koonj is a demoiselle crane. The word is used metaphorically for a young bride far from her home ... 
  19. ^ Dinkar Joshi; Yogesh Patel. Glimpses of Indian Culture. Star Publications, 2005. 2005. ISBN 978-81-7650-190-3. ... Valmiki saw a pair of kraunch (cranes) birds making love. Suddenly, a hunter killed the male kraunch with an arrow. Valmiki was moved by the cries of the female ... Valmiki's pain was expressed through a shloka ... The first man-composed meter ... 
  20. ^ Ramesh Menon. The Mahabharata: A Modern Rendering. iUniverse, 2006. 20 July 2006. ISBN 978-0-595-40188-8. ... The second day: Two kraunchas ... Yudhishtira decides to form his legions in the vyuha called the krauncha, after the crane ... 

