

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 雙翅目 Diptera
科: 蚊科 Culicidae
屬: 瘧蚊屬 Anopheles
斯氏按蚊 A. stephensi
Anopheles stephensi
Liston, 1901

斯氏按蚊(學名:Anopheles stephensi)是瘧蚊屬的一種蚊子,是印度瘧疾的主要傳播者[1],也見於中國和印度之外的一些東南亞、南亞國家,2014年已入侵至吉布地[2]

其下有兩個亞種,即主要發現於城市中的模式亞種A. stephensi stephensi和主要生活在鄉村且不怎麼叮咬人類的A. stephensi mysorensis[3][4]。印度有12%的瘧疾都是斯氏按蚊引發的。[5]


  1. ^ Valenzuela, J.G., Francischetti, I.M.B., Pham, V.M., Garfield, M.K., & Ribeiro, J.M.C. (2003). Exploring the salivary gland transcriptome and proteome of the Anopheles stephensi mosquito. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 33, 717-732.
  2. ^ Faulde MK, Rueda LM, and Khaireh BA. 2014. First record of the Asian malaria vector Anopheles stephensi and its possible role in the resurgence of malaria in Djibouti, Horn of Africa. Acta Tropica 2014 Nov;139:39-43. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.06.016. Epub 2014 Jul 5.
  3. ^ Malhotra, P.R., Jatav, C.P., & Chauhan, R.S. (2000). Surface morphology of the egg of Anopheles stephensi stephensi sensu stricto (Diptera, Culicidae). Italian Journal of Zoology, 62, 147-151.
  4. ^ Sinka, M.E., Bangs, M.J., Manguin, S., Chareonviriyaphap, T., Patil, A.P., Temperley, W.H., Gething, P. W., Elyazar, I.R.F., Kabaria, C.W., Harbach, R.E., & Hay, S.I. (2011). The dominant Anopheles vectors of human malaria in the Asia-Pacific region: occurrence data, distribution maps and bionomic précis. Parasites and Vectors, 4, 1-46.
  5. ^ Tikar, S.N., Mendki, M.J., Sharma, A.K., Sukumaran, D., Veer, V., Prakash, S., & Parashar. B.D. (2011). Resistance status of the malaria vector mosquitoes, Anopheles stephensi and Anopheles subpictus towards adulticides and larvicides in arid ad semi-arid areas of India. Journal of Insect Science, 11, 1-10.