

Encyclopedia Dramatica
創始人Sherrod DeGrippo[1] 和 Andrew Auernheimer[2]
網址encyclopediadramatica.online/Main_Page 編輯維基數據

Encyclopedia Dramatica(或簡稱為ED)是一個以戲仿惡搞為主題的基於MediaWiki的網站,於2004年12月10日上線。網站的內容以模仿諷刺百科話題和熱點事件為主,尤其是與現代網絡文化相關的事件。網站推崇具有破壞性的「釣魚文化」,並且記錄網絡迷因、文化和事件,如惡毒的惡作劇,網絡霸凌、反對網際網路自我審查以及網際網路安全漏洞等。 該網站擁有許多臭名昭著的震撼網站,包括冒犯、小貓和小狗,以及報告非伊斯蘭內容。這個維基上的許多文章都包含令人震驚的圖像,如山羊、藍華夫餅和檸檬派對等,以及許多其他可怕的圖像。ED以幾乎每一頁都有粗俗、令人不安的東西而聞名。æ之所以被用作吉祥物,是因為根據該網站的說法,它「像ED本身一樣令人困惑和神秘」。

在那之後,該網站多次將域名後綴從 .rs 移動到 .se 再到 .ch 等等,通常是因為所有者因不同的原因被捕或被禁止。 2011年4月14日,網站的原網址被重定向到了一個叫做「Oh Internet」的網站,而這個網站和Encyclopedia Dramatica幾乎沒有相似之處,這一現象在Encyclopedia Dramatica的編輯者社群里引起了不小的轟動。當天晚上,「Oh Internet」的Facebook主頁上到處都充斥著Encyclopedia Dramatica的瀏覽者的仇恨言論[3],Web Ecology Project不得不為Encyclopedia Dramatica製作了一份可下載的網站備份[4][5],在Encyclopedia Dramatica啟用現在的域名前,有無數的粉絲為其製作了Torrent種子和鏡像網站





Encyclopedia Dramatica在2004年由網名為「Girlvinyl」的網友「Sherrod DeGrippo」建立,Sherrod DeGrippo於2000年找到了LiveJournal社區,並且很快就成為了社區內其他成員的楷模。[來源請求]對於建立Encyclopedia Dramatica的原因,她解釋說:

她加入了LiveJournal上的一個八卦社區,在社區被LiveJournal封禁之後,社區內的成員建立了自己的網站。2002年,原LiveJournal的兩名用戶Joshua Williams和Andrewpants開始密切協作互助對方,但兩人的關係很快以破裂告終,之後Williams的惡搞照片開始在網絡上四處流傳。而Williams則認為這是騷擾行為,為了向LiveJournal的運營團隊報告這個行為,他來到俄勒岡州波特蘭市,把所謂的騷擾信息提供給了當地的一家電視台[6]。這一出鬧劇當然也被ED記錄在內,DeGrippo建立Encyclopedia Dramatica是為了收錄「來自LiveJournal的信息和黑客西奧·德·若特和Darren Reed之間的故事」。

Oh Internet


隨著時間的推移,DeGrippo稱她開始逐漸厭惡起了Encyclopedia Dramatica,她希望網站能夠回歸討論LiveJournal上的鬧劇的初衷。2011年4月14日,網站被重定向到由DeGrippo建立的新站「Oh Internet」,這個新站的內容與原本的ED完全沒有任何關係,「Oh Internet」這個名字想要表達的意思是「哦,網際網路,你實在是太瘋狂了」(Oh, Internet, you are so crazy!)。DeGrippo的這一舉動引起了ED用戶的不滿,這些用戶自發組織攻擊了「Oh Internet」網站以及該站的Facebook粉絲專頁。Oh Internet從2013年起正式下線。



Jason Fortuny使用該百科公開了Craigslist上回復他廣告的176人的照片,電子郵件和電話號碼,廣告裡他假裝自己是女性,想和有支配慾的男性約會。網站從此開始受主流媒體關注。 [7][8] 一個託管在連線的博客提到了此事,並將ED百科稱為「世界上最垃圾的wiki」[9]

2006年,一個「知名的網絡巨魔[8]給ED百科的創始人DeGrippo發郵件,要求自己條目(已被全保護)的編輯權限。DeGrippo拒絕了,於是他們為DeGrippo叫了的士,外賣披薩,三陪服務英語Escort agency,還發送了死亡威脅,並威脅登門拜訪他[8]


Encyclopedia Dramatica became a "favourite target for critics, who accuse Anonymous of propagating hate,"[10] for allowing alleged members of the group to sometimes use the website as a platform. Through this association, Encyclopedia Dramatica received incidental coverage when actions by members of Anonymous led to the arrest of an alleged pedophile,[11] when they demonstrated against Scientology in London;[12][13] when a member of the group broke into the e-mail account of former Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin,[14] and when a member of Anonymous claimed credit for an attack on the virtual Second Life headquarters of former presidential candidate John Edwards.[15][16] The convergence of Encyclopedia Dramatica with the anti-Scientology campaign of Project Chanology was noted by technology journalist Julian Dibbell.[17]

The celebration and archival of the "raids" organized on /b/ on Encyclopedia Dramatica, which acted as a "troll hall of fame" when used this way,[18] has been seen by some scholars, among them Liam Mitchell of Trent University, as acting as a way to assuage the guilt that trolls feel for harming their victims and being confronted with evidence of this harm. By celebrating on Encyclopedia Dramatica, and archiving that which would make an individual member guilty, trolls collectively engage in a type of mob mentality where the idea that "none of us is as cruel as all of us" minimizes the actions they take individually: "One cannot reason with a multitude, let alone appeal to its conscience. If any of its members are not susceptible to reason or conscience—the province of the ego ideal, and therefore of the divide that characterizes subjectivity—then the trolling will proceed."[19]

2008年12月16日,ED百科在Mashable的第二屆年度開放網絡獎中贏得了評選最受歡迎的wiki的「人民選擇獎」,其中 wikiHow 獲得亞軍,維基百科名列第三[20]


2010年1月,ED百科的 Aboriginal 條目從Google澳大利亞的搜索結果中消失,因為一個律師以「種族主義」為由向澳大利亞人權委員會英語Australian Human Rights Commission舉報[22]。搜索相關關鍵字就會看到Google說由於收到澳大利亞種族歧視法(RDA)英語Racial Discrimination Act 1975相關的法律要求,一個搜索結果已經被移除[23][24]。對此事的炒作反而給網站增加了聲譽[25]。2010年3月,據報道,澳大利亞人權委員會通過電子郵件通知該網站,根據澳大利亞法律,這篇文章的Aboriginal條目可能違反了其RDA的第18C和18D節[26]


  • 2016年,一個英國法院判決在Encyclopedia Dramatica上發布誹謗信息的用戶必須支付10000英鎊的罰款。
  • 2017年,Encyclopedia Dramatica由於侵犯版權被提起訴訟,訴訟金額為75萬美元。這個「威脅生命」的訴訟是百萬富翁喬納森·蒙薩拉特提起的。




  1. ^ About Encyclopedia Dramatica. Encyclopedia Dramatica. [2018-01-05]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-06) (美國英語). Encyclopædia Dramatica was created December 8-10th 2004 while girlvinyl was impatiently awaiting the delivery of her new ibook 原文如此 
  2. ^ New evidence links white supremacist 'Zoombomber' to man wanted in Australia. Jewish News Syndicate. 2020-06-08 [2021-08-18]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-07) (美國英語). New evidence uncovered by the Canary Mission, an anti-Semitism watchdog site, has revealed that Auernhaimer has another pseudonym, 「Joseph Evers,」 who was listed as the owner and creator of a racist website and Wikipedia parody site called Encyclopedia Dramatica created in 2010. Since 2010, Evers has been wanted by Australia’s Human Rights Commission for violating the country’s Racial Discrimination Act in connection to his creation of the racist website. 
  3. ^ "Encyclopedia Dramatica Becomes OhInternet". 2011-04-15 [2019-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2011-04-17) (英語). 
  4. ^ Archiving Internet Subculture: Encyclopedia Dramatica. 2011-04-15 [2019-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2011-10-20). 
  5. ^ Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan's Army Conquered the Web. [2019-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-26) (英語). 
  6. ^ Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan's Army Conquered the Web. [2019-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-16) (英語). 
  7. ^ Chonin, Neva, Sex and the City, San Francisco Chronicle, 2006-09-17: 20 [2009-08-11], (原始內容存檔於2012-09-18) .
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Schwartz, Mattathias. Malwebolence. The New York Times Magazine. 2008-08-03. (原始內容存檔於2009-04-18). 
  9. ^ Craigslist. Wired.com. 2006-09-08 [2010-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2010-01-11). 
  10. ^ Davies, Shaun, Critics point finger at satirical website, 9-News, 2008-05-08 [2009-08-11], (原始內容存檔於2011-06-05) 
  11. ^ Kim, Gus, Anonymous operation leads to arrest of alleged pedophile, Global Television Network News, 2007-07-12 [2011-05-14], (原始內容存檔於2011-02-22) .
  12. ^ Whipple, Tom, Scientology: the Anonymous protestors, The Times (London), June 20, 2008 [May 14, 2011], (原始內容存檔於June 15, 2011) .
  13. ^ Lee, Joe, Anonymous Protests Outside Scientology Sites, Londonist (londonist.com), 2008-02-11 [2008-08-25], (原始內容存檔於2008-04-01) .
  14. ^ Singel, Ryan, Palin Hacker Group's All-Time Greatest Hits, Wired (blog.wired.com), September 19, 2008 [August 25, 2008], (原始內容存檔於May 2, 2009) .
  15. ^ Cabron, Lou, John Edwards' Virtual Attackers Unmasked, AlterNet (alternet.org), March 8, 2007 [May 14, 2011], (原始內容存檔於June 29, 2011) .
  16. ^ Cabron, Lou. John Edwards' Virtual Attackers Unmasked. 10 Zen Monkeys. March 5, 2007 [November 10, 2011]. (原始內容存檔於November 20, 2011). 
  17. ^ Dibbell, Julian, Sympathy for the Griefer: MOOrape, Lulz Cubes, and Other Lessons From the First 2 Decades of Online Sociopathy, GLS Conference 4.0, Madison, Wisconsin: Games, Learning and Society Group, July 11, 2008 [November 7, 2008], (原始內容存檔於July 14, 2011) .
  18. ^ Stryker 2011,第¶12.28頁.
  19. ^ Mitchell, Liam, Kroker, Arthur; Kroker, Marilouise , 編, "Because none of us are as cruel as all of us": Anonymity and Subjectivation, CTheory英語CTheory (eJournal), Theory Beyond the Codes (Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture), 24 April 2013,, Theory Beyond the Codes [2021-04-16], tbc051, (原始內容存檔於2013-07-01) 
  20. ^ Cashmore, Pete, People's Choice Winners, Open Web Awards Winners, mashable.com, December 16, 2008 [August 11, 2009], (原始內容存檔於August 26, 2009) 
  21. ^ Golson, Jordan. Briefly: Encyclopedia Dramatica threatens shutdown. The Industry Standard英語The Industry Standard. 2008-11-08 [2011-05-14]. (原始內容存檔於2009-05-19). 
  22. ^ Google agrees to take down racist site, Sydney Morning Herald, January 15, 2010 [May 14, 2011], (原始內容存檔於June 5, 2011) 
  23. ^ Riley, Duncan, Aus Media Gets Encyclopedia Dramatica Story Wrong, Only Some Search Links Removed, The Inquisitr, January 14, 2010 [January 15, 2010], (原始內容存檔於January 19, 2010) .
  24. ^ Australian Anti Discrimination Act Complaint, 寒蟬效應, [2010-01-15], (原始內容存檔於2010-01-18) 
  25. ^ Keep, Elmo. Google Australia censors search results. WTF?. Hungry Beast. ABC. January 18, 2011 [May 28, 2011]. (原始內容存檔於June 26, 2012). 
  26. ^ Dramatica owner could face charges. 9news. 16 March 2010 [2021-08-18]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-23). 
    Paget, Henri, Dramatica owner could face charges, ninemsn, 1010-03-16, (原始內容存檔於2010-03-22)