
塊 (編程)


電腦編程中,(block)或譯為程式區塊代碼塊,是將原始碼組織在一起的詞法結構。塊構成自一個或多個聲明英語Declaration (computer programming)語句。程式語言允許建立塊,包括嵌入其他塊之內的塊,就叫做塊結構程式語言。塊和子程式結構化編程的基礎,結構化所強調的控制結構可以用塊來形成的。




塊結構的想法是在1950年代開發最初的Autocode英語Autocode期間發展出來的,並形式化於ALGOL 60報告中。ALGOL 58介入了「複合」(compound)語句的概念,它只與控制流程有關[1]。在「ALGOL 60報告」中,介入了塊和作用域的概念[2]。最終在「修訂報告」中,複合語句被定義為:包圍在語句括號beginend之間的成序列的語句,形成一個複合語句。塊被定義為:成序列的聲明,跟隨著成序列的語句,並被包圍在beginend之間,形成一個塊;所有聲明以這種方式出現在一個塊中,並只在這個塊中有效[3]。塊與複合語句的主要差異是不能從塊外跳轉到塊內的標籤[4]









  • C家族語言,在塊和複合語句之中不僅支援巢狀入複合語句,還支援嵌入帶有聲明的匿名塊,但不允許聲明巢狀函式英語nested function[8]
  • Pascal家族語言,在語句部份的複合語句之中,不允許存在帶有聲明的匿名塊[6],只支援複合語句,用來在ifwhilerepeat等控制語句內組合語句序列。




在早期語言比如FORTRANBASIC中,沒有語句塊或控制結構。直到1978年標準化FORTRAN 77之前,都沒有「塊狀IF」語句,要實現按條件選擇,必須訴諸GOTO語句。例如下述FORTRAN代碼片段,從雇員工資中分別扣除超出正稅閾值部分的稅款,和超出附加稅閾值部分的附加稅款:

C     语言:ANSI标准FORTRAN 66
C     初始化要计算的值
      PAYSTX = .FALSE.
      PAYSST = .FALSE.
      TAX = 0.0
      SUPTAX = 0.0
C     如果雇员挣钱小于等于正税阈值则跃过税款扣除
      PAYSTX = .TRUE.
C     如果雇员挣钱小于等于附加税阈值则跃过附加税扣除
      PAYSST = .TRUE.



{ 语言:Jensen与Wirth版标准Pascal }
if wages > tax_threshold then
    paystax := true;
    tax := (wages - tax_threshold) * tax_rate
    { 附加税处理代码不再嵌套在这里 }
else begin
    paystax := false;
    tax := 0
if wages > supertax_threshold then
    pays_supertax := true;
    supertax := (wages - supertax_threshold) * supertax_rate
else begin
    pays_supertax := false;
    supertax := 0
taxed := wages - tax - supertax;




;; 语言:R5RS标准Scheme
(let ((empno (ssn-of employee-name)))
  (when (is-manager? empno) ;; when已列入R7RS-small标准
    (let ((employee-list (underlings-of empno)))
        ;; format是SRFI-28和SRFI-48规定的字符串格式化过程
        (format "~a has ~a employees working under him:~%"
          employee-name (length employee-list)))
        (lambda (empno)
            (format "Name: ~a, role: ~a~%"
              (name-of empno) (role-of empno))))








  1. ^ Perlis, A. J.; Samelson, K. Preliminary report: international algebraic language (PDF). Communications of the ACM (New York, NY, USA: ACM). 1958, 1 (12): 8–22 [2023-02-20]. doi:10.1145/377924.594925. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-02-20). Strings of one or more statements may be combined into a single (compound) statement by enclosing them within the "statement parentheses" begin and end. Single statements are separated by the statement separator ";". 
  2. ^ John Backus; Friedrich L. Bauer; J. Green; C. Katz; John McCarthy; Alan Jay Perlis; Heinz Rutishauser; K. Samelson; B. Vauquois; J. H. Wegstein; A. van Wijngaarden; M. Woodger. Peter Naur , 編. Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60 (PDF) 3 (5). New York, NY, USA: ACM: 299–314. May 1960 [2009-10-27]. ISSN 0001-0782. doi:10.1145/367236.367262. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-12-13). Sequences of statements may be combined into compound statements by insertion of statement brackets. ……
    Each declaration is attached to and valid for one compound statement. A compound statement which includes declarations is called a block.
  3. ^ J. W. Backus, F. L. Bauer, J. Green, C. Katz, J. McCarthy, P. Naur, A. J. Perlis, H. Rutishauser, K. Samelson, B. Vauquois, J. H. Wegstein, A. van Wijngaarden, M. Woodger. Peter Naur , 編. Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60. Communications of the ACM, Volume 6, Number 1, pages 1-17. January 1963 [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-20). A sequence of statements may be enclosed between the statement brackets begin and end to form a compound statement. ……
    A sequence of declarations followed by a sequence of statements and enclosed between begin and end constitutes a block. Every declaration appears in a block in this way and is valid only for that block.
  4. ^ J. W. Backus, F. L. Bauer, J. Green, C. Katz, J. McCarthy, P. Naur, A. J. Perlis, H. Rutishauser, K. Samelson, B. Vauquois, J. H. Wegstein, A. van Wijngaarden, M. Woodger. Peter Naur , 編. Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60. Communications of the ACM, Volume 6, Number 1, pages 1-17. January 1963 [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-20). Since labels are inherently local, no go to statement can lead from outside into a block. A go to statement may, however, lead from outside into a compound statement. 
  5. ^ A. van Wijngaarden, B. J. Mailloux, J. E. L. Peck, C. H. A. Koster, M. Sintzoff, C. H. Lindsey, L. G. L.T. Meertens and R. G. Fisker. Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68. IFIP W.G. 2.1. [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-11). The ALGOL 60 concepts of block, compound statement and parenthesized expression are unified in ALGOL 68 into the serial-clause. A serial-clause may be an expression and yield a value. ……
    A serial-clause consists of a possibly empty sequence of unlabelled phrases, the last of which, if any, is a declaration, followed by a sequence of possibly labelled units. The phrases and the units are separated by go-on-tokens, viz., semicolons. Some of the units may instead be separated by completers, viz., EXITs; after a completer, the next unit must be labelled so that it can be reached. The value of the final unit, or of a unit preceding an EXIT, determines the value of the serial-clause.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Kathleen Jensen, Niklaus Wirth. PASCAL User Manual and Report - ISO Pascal Standard (PDF). 1991 [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-02-20). The program is divided into a heading and a body, called a block. The heading gives the program a name and lists its parameters. …… The block consists of six sections, where any except the last may be empty. They must appear in the order given in the definition for a block:
    Block =
    Each procedure and function declaration has a structure similar to a program; i.e. , each consists of a heading and a block. ……
    The compound statement is that of Algol, and corresponds to the DO group in PL/I. ……
    The "block structure" differs from that of Algol and PL/I insofar as there are no anonymous blocks; i.e., each block is given a name and thereby is made into a procedure or function.
  7. ^ Kathleen Jensen, Niklaus Wirth. PASCAL User Manual and Report - ISO Pascal Standard (PDF). 1991 [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-02-20). The compound statement specifies that its component statements be executed in the same sequence as they are written. The symbols begin and end act as statement brackets. ……
    Pascal uses the semicolon to separate statements, not to terminate statements; i.e., the semicolon is not part of the statement.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie. The C Programming Language, Second Edition (PDF). Prentice Hall. 1988. In C, the semicolon is a statement terminator, rather than a separator as it is in languages like Pascal.
    Braces { and } are used to group declarations and statements together into a compound statement, or block, so that they are syntactically equivalent to a single statement. The braces that surround the statements of a function are one obvious example; braces around multiple statements after an if, else, while, or for are another. (Variables can be declared inside any block; ……) There is no semicolon after the right brace that ends a block. ……
    A label has the same form as a variable name, and is followed by a colon. It can be attached to any statement in the same function as the goto. The scope of a label is the entire function. ……
    C is not a block-structured language in the sense of Pascal or similar languages, because functions may not be defined within other functions. On the other hand, variables can be defined in a block-structured fashion within a function. Declarations of variables (including initializations) may follow the left brace that introduces any compound statement, not just the one that begins a function. Variables declared in this way hide any identically named variables in outer blocks, and remain in existence until the matching right brace. ……
    An automatic variable declared and initialized in a block is initialized each time the block is entered.
    Automatic variables, including formal parameters, also hide external variables and functions of the same name.
  9. ^ John McCarthy, Paul W. Abrahams, Daniel J. Edwards, Timothy P. Hart, Michael I. Levin. LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual (PDF) 2nd. MIT Press. 1985 [1962] [2021-09-23]. ISBN 0-262-13011-4. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-03-02). The LISP 1.5 program feature allows the user to write an Algol-like program containing LISP statements to be executed. ……
    The program form has the structure - (PROG, list of program variables, sequence of statements and atomic symbols...) An atomic symbol in the list is the location marker for the statement that follows.
  10. ^ Kent M. Pitman英語Kent Pitman. The Revised Maclisp Manual. 1983, 2007 [2021-10-14]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-21). LET is used to bind some variables to some objects, and then to evaluate some forms (those which make up the body) in the context of those bindings. ……
    LET* Same as LET but does bindings in sequence instead of in parallel.