

坐标13°45′5″N 100°29′33″E / 13.75139°N 100.49250°E / 13.75139; 100.49250
坐标13°45′5″N 100°29′33″E / 13.75139°N 100.49250°E / 13.75139; 100.49250

玉佛寺泰语วัดพระแก้ว 发音:[wát.pʰráʔ.kɛ̂ːw] 皇家转写Wat Phra Kaeo),正式名称是帕西拉达那沙沙达兰寺วัดพระศรีรัตนศาสดาราม Wat Phra Si Rattana Satsadaram),泰国扎克里王朝的王家佛寺泰国佛教圣地,位于曼谷大皇宫内。寺内供奉泰国国宝帕佛陀大摩尼宝玉佛,玉佛寺亦因而得名。




1782年4月6日,暹罗国王拉玛一世定都曼谷。新都位于昭披耶河东岸,和前朝郑昭王的都城吞武里隔河对望,考虑到原吞武里王宫英语Thonburi Palace规模较小,且被黎明寺莫利洛甲亚兰寺英语Wat Molilokkayaram夹在中间,难以扩建,新王朝亦应有别于旧的吞武里王朝,拉玛一世于是筹划在曼谷修建新王宫[1][2]





作为王家寺院,玉佛寺是王家举办佛教仪式的地方,包括加冕英语Coronation of the Thai monarch受戒僧王就任等。重大节庆期间,包括佛教的卫塞节转法轮日万佛节英语Magha Puja,及扎克里王朝纪念日春耕节、国王生辰、宋干节等其他节日,国王会亲自到玉佛寺参与庆典,或派亲信参加。此外,每年会举行三次玉佛更衣仪式[11]。除非举行重大仪式,玉佛寺连同大王宫的部分区域平日都对公众开放,是泰国负盛名的旅游目的地。

  1. 戒堂(供奉玉佛
  2. 拍拉差功玛努颂阁
  3. 拍菩提他披曼亭
  4. 拍拉差蓬沙努颂阁
  5. 凉亭
  6. 观音像
  7. 神医耆婆像
  8. Than Phaithi
  9. Prasat Phra Thep Bidon
  10. Phra Mondop
  11. Phra Si Rattana Chedi
  12. Phra Suvarnachedi
  13. Monument to Rama I, II and III
  14. Monument to Rama IV
  15. Monument to Rama V
  16. Monument to Rama VI, VII, VIII and IX
  17. Phra Chedi Songkhrueang
  18. Model of Angkor Wat
  19. Mythological figures
  20. Southern porch
  21. Western porch
  22. Phra Sawet Kudakhan Wihan Yot
  23. Ho Phra Khanthararat
  24. Phra Mondop Yot Prang
  1. Bell Tower
  2. Ho Phra Nak
  3. Ho Phra Monthiantham
  4. Row of eight prang
  5. Ramakien gallery
  6. Gate No. 1, Koei Sadet (front)
  7. Gate No. 2, Na Wua
  8. Gate No. 3, Phra Sri Ratanasatsada
  9. Gate No. 4, Hermit
  10. Gate No. 5, Koei Sadet (rear)
  11. Gate No. 6, Sanam Chai
  12. Gate No. 7, Wihan Yot
  1. Suriyaphop
  2. Intarachit
  3. Mangkonkan
  4. Wirunhok
  5. Thotsakhirithon
  6. Thotsakhiriwan
  7. Chakkrawat
  8. Atsakanmala
  9. Thotsakan
  10. Sahatsadecha
  11. Maiyarap英语Ahiravan
  12. Wirunchambang



玉佛寺的正殿称为圣戒堂พระอุโบสถ),占地面积接近整个寺庙区域靠南的一半。四周修矮墙,墙周边建八座镇邪石英语Bai sema亭,尖塔样式,安置八块外覆金箔的镇邪石。在泰国佛寺建筑传统英语Thai temple art and architecture中,戒堂四周的边界由镇邪石划出,代表此处是僧侣集结行业划界[12]




戒堂占地平面为长方形,单层大殿,正门朝东[3],四周修柱廊,支撑四层大屋檐。东西两端修门廊,向外延伸,并由额外的立柱支撑,共四十八根方柱,呈十二缺角英语Indented corners (Thai architecture)形,边缘贴金,柱身镶嵌彩色琉璃,莲花柱头[14]。柱顶修斜撑支架,装饰成海蛇那伽的身形,蛇头朝下,喻指为佛陀遮风挡雨的目支邻陀[15]。屋檐覆蓝色、黄色和橙色琉璃瓦。屋顶两侧的山花上有华丽繁复的雕塑,描绘婆罗门教天神那罗延(或毗湿奴)骑乘金翅大鹏迦楼罗,后者双爪牵那伽蛇尾的形象。泰国文化传统将婆罗门教天神作为王权的象征,迦楼罗是天神的座驾英语Vahana,威力无穷、忠诚护主,亦出现在泰国国徽上。屋檐上挂着数百个贴金的小风铃,其上悬挂菩提叶形帆片[14]

















在底层平台中央有一尊持禅定印的坐立佛,高67.5厘米,名为帕三佛陀攀尼(พระสัมพุทธพรรณี),为1830年,当时仍出家为僧的拉玛四世主持铸造,面容和衣着细腻自然,是拉玛四世青睐的风格。此前置于此处者原本为西兴佛英语Phra Phuttha Sihing,后于1851年,拉玛四世下令将之移送至前宫供奉,作为拉玛四世赐予二王宾告的赠礼[27][26]

  1. 玉佛
  2. 帕佛陀约华朱拉洛
  3. 帕佛陀洛罗那帕莱
  4. 拉玛一世
  5. 玛哈·素拉辛哈那,拉玛一世的二王
  6. 拉玛二世
  7. 玛哈·社那努拉,拉玛二世的二王
  8. 西素叻莱英语Sri Sulalai,拉玛三世之母
  9. 阿颂素达贴(Apsorn Sudathep),拉玛三世之女
  10. 贴素达瓦迪(Thepsudawadi),拉玛一世的姊妹(正面不可见)
  11. 西素达拉(Srisudarat),拉玛一世的姊妹(正面不可见)
  12. 阿努拉特韦,拉玛一世的三王(正面不可见)
  13. 西顺通贴(Srisunthornthep),拉玛一世之女
  14. 前宫玉佛(Phra Kaew Wang Na)
  15. 帕三佛陀攀尼
  16. 大理石说法台






戒堂周围建有十二座凉亭(ศาลาราย),为拉玛一世时期修建,后又经历代国王主持重修,信徒在此聆听说法[12]。凉亭为典型泰式风格英语sala (Thai architecture),由六座方柱支撑,屋顶覆蓝橙相间的琉璃瓦[30]



正对戒堂的一处铜制莲花头砂岩柱下,有一尊汉传佛教观音石坐像,两侧有诺瓦育巴(Nok Wayupak)神鸟石像护卫。周围另有两头耕牛像面朝堂门,原本是一座御用凉亭的陈设,供国王在此观看春耕节仪式,后来由拉玛五世下令搬移至此。这里可供信众焚香献花,是为汉传佛教习俗。戒堂内则不许焚香[31][32]



戒堂身后有一尊神医耆婆英语Jivaka Komarabhacca铜像,为拉玛三世时期铸造,有一大磨石置于像前,过去的泰医会在这里磨制药剂[33][32]







拍贴比东神殿为泰国巴刹英语prasat (Thai architecture)式神殿,呈十字形布局,上修高棉式普朗塔,设四处殿门,以东殿门为正门。屋檐覆绿橙相间的琉璃瓦,外立面覆盖青色花纹瓷砖。山花上装饰有最初四代国王的纹章,而非传统作法的那罗延塑像。北侧山花是拉玛一世的泰文数字“一”字纹章,南侧是拉玛二世的迦楼罗纹章,西侧是拉玛三世的三门维摩那纹章,东侧是拉玛四世的王冠纹章。每处门框和窗框上都装饰王冠。而相邻的派提平台东侧台阶也以大理石为材质,台阶两侧各有一尊五头那伽[37][38]








Phra Suvarnachedi

Detail of one of the golden chedi, showing the supporting giants around the base

Two golden Phra Suvarnachedi (พระสุวรรณเจดีย์) are situated to the east of the terrace, flanking the steps leading up to the Prasat Phra Thep Bidon. The two chedi were built by Rama I to commemorate his parents, the southern chedi for his father Thongdi and the northern for this mother Daoreung. The two chedi are almost identical. They each have a marble octagonal base 8.5米(28英尺) wide and topped with a golden, square-based stupa with triple indented corners 16米(52英尺) in height. The top spire is decorated in nine levels of layered lotus bud motifs. The structures are covered in copper sheets painted over with lacquer and gilded in gold leaf. The two chedi were moved when the terrace was expanded to accommodate the royal pantheon. Around the base of the chedi, Rama V had figures of monkeys英语Vanara and yaksha ("giants") supporting the chedi. Each has four monkeys and sixteen giants around the sides. The colour and clothing of these figures identify them with a particular character in the Ramakien epic.[44][45]

Monuments of the royal insignia


The Monuments of the royal insignia英语insignia or Phra Borom Ratcha Sanyalak (พระบรมราชสัญลักษณ์) are four monuments depicting the nine insignia of the kings of the Chakri dynasty. In 1882, on the centenary of the founding of Bangkok, Rama V ordered the construction of three monuments in the form of a butsabok throne to house depictions of the insignia of previous kings. These insignia were based on the kings' personal seals. Later, a fourth was added to accommodate later kings. They surround the Phra Mondop at each corner. Each of the golden butsabok thrones are built on raised marble bases, each side with inscriptions describing each king's contribution to the building or repair of the temple itself. On each of the corners are two miniature golden multi-tiered umbrellas: the four on the upper level have seven tiers and those on the bottom level have five tiers. Surrounding the monuments are miniature bronze elephants; these represent the white elephants important in each king's reign. The first monument on the northwest corner depicts the insignia of the first three kings; Rama I (the crown without ear ornaments), Rama II (the Garuda) and Rama III (a triple-doored vimana). The southeast monument houses the insignia of Rama IV (a royal crown英语Great Crown of Victory), and the southwest monument is the insignia of Rama V (the Phra Kiao英语Phra Kiao or coronet). The fourth monument on the northeast corner depicts the insignia of four kings: Rama VI (a thunderbolt or vajra), Rama VII (three arrows), Rama VIII (a Bodhisattva) and Rama IX (the Octagonal Throne and chakra).[46]

Phra Chedi Songkhrueang


The four decorated chedi called the Phra Chedi Songkhrueang (พระเจดีย์ทรงเครื่อง) are situated behind the Phra Si Rattana Chedi, two on either side of the western porch. The chedi have a square plan with indented corners. The bases are white, and the top part is decorated in gold leaf and coloured glass. Like the two golden chedi, these were moved to their present position to make way for the expansion of the terrace.[43][47]

Model of Angkor Wat

The model of Angkor Wat, made at the orders of Rama IV

The model of Angkor Wat was borne out of an idea of Rama IV of moving one of the Khmer temple英语Khmer architectures to Bangkok. However this proved unfeasible, so he ordered that a detailed scale model of Angkor Wat be made instead. The ancient Khmer temple complex had recently been rediscovered in Cambodia—then under Siamese suzerainty—in 1860. This highly detailed model was installed to the north of the Phra Mondop.[47]

Mythological figures


Seven pairs of mythological figures decorate the terrace, made of bronze and gilded with gold leaf. These are half-animal half-human celestial beings which, according to tradition, inhabited the mythical Himavanta英语Himavanta forest. They are the Theppaksi, human male upper body with feathered arms, bird lower body, human feet and holding a sword; Thepnorasi, human male upper body, lion lower body and holding a flower; Singhaphanon, monkey upper body, lion lower body and holding a sceptre; Apsarasingha (Apsonsi英语Apsonsi), human female upper body and lion lower body; Asurapaksi, giant upper body and bird lower body; Kinnon (kinnara), human male upper body and bird lower body; and the Asurawayuphak, giant upper body, bird lower body and holding a mace.[48]

Southern porch

A Panom Mak sculpture, representing traditional offerings made of banana leaves and flowers

The southern porch was the former entrance gate to the Phra Mondop; it was probably moved to its present position when the terrace was expanded. The pediment displays the insignia of Rama III, a triple-doored vimana. The doors are made of carved wood depicting two warriors holding a spear and gilded in gold leaf.[49]

Western porch


The western porch was constructed by Rama IV as an entrance to the expanded terrace. The porch was decorated in coloured ceramics in floral and geometrical designs. In the form of a prasat, the porch's roof has a central spire rising from in the middle.[50]

Panom Mak


Panom Mak (พนมหมาก) are eighteen decorative sculptures representing flowers and banana leaves英语Banana leaf offerings on a tray英语Phan (tray). They are based on traditional flower arrangements offered to Buddha statues by devotees as an act of making merit. These sculptures are distributed along the eastern and western edges of the terrace. Made of plaster and covered in ceramic tiles of various colours, they were added to the terrace by Rama V.[45]

Phra Sawet Kudakhan Wihan Yot

Phra Sawet Kudakhan Wihan Yot contains many important Buddha images.

The Phra Sawet Kudakhan Wihan Yot (พระเศวตกุฏาคารวิหารยอด) or the Wihan Yot extends northwards from the terrace. The building, a vihara, serves as a Buddha image hall, and was first built by Rama III to house many important Buddha images. The building has a cruciform plan and is topped in the middle of the roof with a tall spire in the form of a crown. The spire is decorated with coloured porcelain in floral designs. The top of the window arches display the royal cypher英语royal cypher of Rama V under a crown; this indicates that vihara was restored by the King. Bronze figures of Tantima birds—birds with a human torso and Garuda head—guard the entrances on the west and east sides. The doors of the vihara feature mother-of-pearl inlay and were taken from Wat Pa Mok英语Wat Pa Mok in Ang Thong Province.[51]

Ho Phra Khanthararat

Phra Sawet Kudakhan Wihan is decorated in small pieces of coloured porcelain.

The Ho Phra Khanthararat (หอพระคันธารราษฎร์) shares its base with the Phra Mondop Yot Prang (พระมณฑปยอดปรางค์). Built on the orders of Rama IV, both are situated on the southeastern side of the Ubosot. A Buddha shrine, the small structure was built to house the Phra Khanthararat image. The Buddha image is associated with the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. The image was originally cast in bronze by Rama I. Later, Rama IV had it gilded in gold and a large diamond embedded in its forehead. The Ho Phra Khanthararat is decorated on the exterior with green, blue and yellow tiles. The entrance is from the north with a door portico extending out from the front of the hall. Behind the portico, the rectangular hall is topped with a prang spire, and the four pediments below it are decorated with floral designs. The carved doors and windows of the shrine depict sheaves of rice, fish and shrimp to represent the fecundity of the nation.[52][53]

Phra Mondop Yot Prang


The Phra Mondop Yot Prang sits on a taller platform behind the Ho Phra Khanthararat. The octagonal base is topped with a mondop pavilion and spire. Inside the pavilion is a small golden stupa. The stupa was obtained by Rama IV when he was still a monk and contained important Buddhist relics. Miniature stone sculptures of Chinese guardian lions surround the walls of both shrines.[54][53]

Bell Tower

The Bell Tower contains only one bell.

The Bell Tower英语Bell tower (wat), or Ho Rakhang (หอระฆัง), is located to the south of the complex. The first tower was built by Rama I to house a single bell. Rama IV ordered it to be completely rebuilt. This reconstruction was completed just in time for the centenary of Bangkok in 1882. The tower has an octagonal base, with four doors and protruding porticoes on each side. Inside there are steps leading up to the bell. The bell is hung underneath a mondop-style spire. The entire structure is covered in coloured porcelain in floral and geometrical designs.[55][56] The bell is only rung at the investiture of the supreme patriarch.[57]

Ho Phra Nak


The Ho Phra Nak (หอพระนาก) is a royal mausoleum on the northwestern side of the temple. It was previously a Buddha image hall and was built by Rama I to house the sacred Phra Nak Buddha image from Ayutthaya, which was made of gold and copper. Even though the image was eventually moved to the Wihan Yot, the name remained. The hall is rectangular, with an entrance hall on the east side. The roof is covered in green and orange tiles. Inside, the hall is divided into seven rooms. Ashes and remains of members of the royal family are kept here. Formerly, only the ashes of female royalty was kept here, as was the tradition at Ayutthaya. Later, however, the ashes of many senior male members were also kept here as well. Notably, it contains the ashes of all the viceroys of the Chakri dynasty and their princely descendants. These ashes are kept in hundreds of individual gold urn英语urns.[58][59]

Ho Phra Monthiantham

The Ho Phra Monthiantham is a scripture hall and supplementary library.

The Ho Phra Monthiantham (หอมณเฑียรธรรม) is a scripture hall on the north-eastern side of the temple. Its construction was paid for by the viceroy Maha Sura Singhanat, brother of Rama I. The hall is rectangular, surrounded on all sides with columns supporting a four-level roof. The entrance door is on the west side. The roof is covered in yellow and orange tiles. The pediment of the hall depicts the god Indra astride Airavata, the three-headed elephant. The inside of the hall is decorated with wood carvings of Hanuman, the symbol of the viceroy. The hall contains two mother-of-pearl inlay bookcases containing the Tripitaka. Today, the hall is also used for Buddhist sermons on Buddhist holy days. Formerly, the hall was used as a classroom for novice monks learning religious texts and as an exam room for monks.[60][61]

Row of prang

The row of eight prang as seen from outside the wall of the temple

The row of eight prang, formally known as Phra Atsda Maha Chedi (พระอัษฎามหาเจดีย์), was built by Rama I and later covered in delicate coloured porcelain by Rama III. These prang are typical of the Rattanakosin period, being taller and thinner than those of Ayutthaya. Each spire has an octagonal base with brick foundations, with the decorations made of plaster. Each has four doorways with figures of golden standing devas on each side, above them are a band of supporting yaksha or giants. The prang stood mostly outside the complex, along the eastern length of the temple wall. In the reign of King Rama IV, the temple wall was enlarged and two of the prang were enclosed inside the temple.[62][63]

Each of the prang represents a different aspect of Buddhism. The prang are arranged from north to south and are differentiated by their colours: the Phra Sammasamphuttha Mahachedi in white is dedicated to the Gautama Buddha. The Phra Satthampariyat Wara Mahachedi in blue is dedicated to the Dharma (Buddhist scriptures). The Phra Ariyasong Sawok Mahachedi in pink is dedicated to the Bhikkhus (male Buddhist monastics). The Phra Ariya Sawok Phiksunee Sangha Mahachedi in green is dedicated to the Bhikkhunīs (female Buddhist monastics). The Phra Patchek Phothisamphuttha Mahachedi in purple is dedicated to the Pratyekabuddha (those who have attained Enlightenment but did not preach). The Phra Borom Chakrawadiraja Mahachedi in pale blue is dedicated to the Chakravarti (the universal ruler). The Phra Photisat Krisda Mahachedi in red is dedicated to the Bodhisattvas (the Buddha is his past lives). The Phra Sri Ayametaya Mahachedi in yellow is dedicated to the Maitreya (the future Buddha).[62][63]

The gallery walls enclose the entire temple, and are entirely covered with murals.

The gallery or Phra Rabiang (พระระเบียง) is a covered corridor, walled on one side, that surrounds the entire temple like a cloister英语cloister. Murals on the gallery walls depict the entire arc of the Ramakien epic, which is based on the Indian Ramayana. This version was translated and recomposed in Thai poetic form under the supervision of Rama I himself around 1797. The story is divided into five long episodes. The murals were commissioned by Rama I to tell his version of the epic. In fact, the main decorative theme throughout the temple is the Ramakien story. The concept of righteous kingship within the epic has long been recognised within Southeast Asia and has been appropriated by many kings to equate their countries with the legendary city of Ayodhya英语Ayodhya (Ramayana) and the titular hero Rama. The murals were erased and completely repainted by the orders of Rama III. Ever since then they have been frequently restored. The murals along the walls are divided into 178 scenes with abbreviated synopses of the scenes below. The first scene depicted is to the right of Gate No. 7, the Wihan Yot Gate.[64][65]


Gate No.1 or the front Koei Sadet Gate.

The temple wall has seven gates, two on the east side, one on the south, three on the west and one on the north. The first gate on the east is Gate No.1, the front Koei Sadet Gate, which is directly opposite the Prasat Phra Thep Bidon. This important gate was built by Rama IV. The gate is the only one topped with a crown-shaped spire. Outside the gate, there is a small resting pavilion and an elephant mounting platform.[66] Gate No. 2, the Na Wua Gate, stands opposite the entrance of the Ubosot.[67] On the south side is Gate No. 3, the Si Rattana Satsada Gate; this gate connects the temple to the Middle court of the Grand Palace, and visitors exit the temple from this gate.[68] On the west side there are three gates, the southernmost being Gate No. 4, the Hermit Gate, named after the hermit statue directly opposite. This gate is the main entrance for visitors into the temple.[69] Gate No. 5 is the rear Koei Sadet Gate, which is the middle gate on the western side, on the outside there is also a resting pavilion and an elephant mounting platform. This gate is usually shut as it is the gate the king uses when he enters the temple to perform ceremonies.[70] Gate No. 6, the Sanam Chai Gate, is named for the small field outside the gate in the outer court of the Grand Palace. On the northern side is Gate No. 7, the Wihan Yot Gate; this gate stands opposite its namesake. It is the only gate without guardian giants.[71]



Statues of twelve yaksha (or giants) guard six of the temple's gates along three sides of the wall (all sides except the north). The giants are characters from the Ramakien epic, each distinguished by their skin colour and crowns. Each giant is about 5米(16英尺) tall, all clenching a mace or gada in front of them. Starting with the left giant in front of Gate No.1, the front Koei Sadet Gate, and going clockwise around the temple wall, Suriyaphop is red with a bamboo shoot crown, Intarachit is green with a similar crown, Mangkonkan is green with a Naga crown, Wirunhok is dark blue with a similar crown, Thotsakhirithon is dark red with an elephant's trunk instead of a nose and a bamboo shoot crown, Thotsakhiriwan is green with a similar nose and crown, Chakkrawat is white with a smaller head on the top of his crown of feathers, Atsakanmala is purple with a similar extra head but a normal crown, Thotsakan is green with two tiers of smaller heads on top of his crown, Sahatsadecha is white with multiple heads, Maiyarap英语Ahiravan is light purple with a cockerel's tail crown and Wirunchambang is dark blue with a similar crown.[72]

See also



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 据暹罗宫廷实录记载,其确切日期是朱拉历1146年龙年四月第十四亏月星期一[5],其对应星期有误,该日实际上是星期三。之后由暹罗美术部勘正为第五亏月,对应1782年2月28日[6][7]。然而,仍有多个来源误记为1784年3月22日。




  1. ^ Rod-ari 2016,第161页
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第23页
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Rod-ari 2016,第167页
  4. ^ Wales 1931,第71页
  5. ^ Chaophraya Thiphakorawong (Kham Bunnag); Prince Damrong Rajanubhab (编). ๒๑. สร้างวัดพระแก้ว. พระราชพงศาวดารกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์ รัชกาลที่ ๑ [The Royal Chronicles of the Kingdom of Rattanakosin, First Reign]. Bangkok: Bureau of Literature and History, Fine Arts Department. 1988. ISBN 974-7936-18-6 (泰语). 
  6. ^ จดหมายเหตุการสร้างเครื่องทรงพระพุทธมหามณีรัตนปฏิมากร / Čhotmāihēt kānsāng khrư̄angsong Phra Phutthamahāmanīrattanapatimākō̜n. Bangkok: Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance. 1997. ISBN 9747700344.  Cited in ประวัติพระพุทธมหามณีรัตนปฏิมากร (พระแก้วมรกต) [History of the Emerald Buddha] (PDF). Dhammanusasana. Chaplaincy Division, Directorate of Education and Training, RTAF. [8 September 2023] (泰语). 
  7. ^ Thailand, MYHORA com. ปฏิทิน 100 ปี พ.ศ.2327–2328(2327) / ค.ศ.1784–1785 [100-year calendar, 1784–1785]. myhora.com. [8 September 2023]. 
  8. ^ Rod-ari 2016,第164页
  9. ^ Pasit Charoenwong (编). The Sights of Rattanakosin. Committee for the Rattanakosin Bicentennial Celebration. 1982. ISBN 978-9747919615. 
  10. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第10页
  11. ^ พระราชพิธีสิบสองเดือนในสมัยกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์ – มูลนิธิเล็ก-ประไพ วิริยะพันธุ์พระราชพิธีสิบสองเดือนในสมัยกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์. lek-prapai.org. Lek-Prapai Viriyahpant Foundation. 16 June 2016 [17 October 2019] (泰语). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第50页
  13. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第64页
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第54页
  15. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第52页
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第55页
  17. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第71页
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第72页
  19. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第59页
  20. ^ Chapel of the Emerald Buddha. Asia for Visitors – Your complete online travel resource for Southeast Asia. [5 March 2020] (美国英语). 
  21. ^ Roeder, Eric. The Origin and Significance of the Emerald Buddha (PDF). Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies (Honolulu: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa). 1999, 3: 1, 18 [22 February 2014]. 
  22. ^ Kleiner, Fred S (编). Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book F: Non-Western Art Since 1300 15th. Cengage Learning. 2015: 1045. ISBN 978-1-305-54494-9 (英语). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第64页
  24. ^ Buswell, Robert Jr. (编). Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism.. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2013: 2. ISBN 9780691157863. 
  25. ^ Matics 1998,第91页
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第67页
  27. ^ Matics 1998,第40页
  28. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第58页
  29. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第107页
  30. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第42页
  31. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第60页
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第27页
  33. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第28页
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第88页
  35. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第44页
  36. ^ ในหลวง ทรงประกอบพิธีประดิษฐานพระบรมรูป ร.9 ณ ปราสาทพระเทพบิดร. 7 April 2020 [4 May 2020] (泰语). 
  37. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第48–50页
  38. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第78–83页
  39. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第54页
  40. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第84页
  41. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第56页
  42. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第87页
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 Hongvivat 2004,第46页
  44. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第52页
  45. ^ 45.0 45.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第77页
  46. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第92页
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第91页
  48. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第94页
  49. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第96页
  50. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第97页
  51. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第99页
  52. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第34页
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第104页
  54. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第36页
  55. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第40页
  56. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第106页
  57. ^ ตำนาน "ระฆัง" วัดพระแก้ว. Thai PBS. 11 February 2017 [7 May 2020] (泰语). 
  58. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第30页
  59. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第98页
  60. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第32页
  61. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第102–103页
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 Hongvivat 2004,第26页
  63. ^ 63.0 63.1 Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第75页
  64. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第12页
  65. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第33–47页
  66. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第14页
  67. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第16页
  68. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第18页
  69. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第20页
  70. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第22页
  71. ^ Hongvivat 2004,第24页
  72. ^ Suksri, Chakrabongse & Limpabandhu 2013,第48页



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