

出生 (1982-09-26) 1982年9月26日41岁)
纽约, 美国[2]

路易斯·马丁内斯[1] (1982 年 9 月 26 日出生)是一名美国职业摔跤手。他目前已签约WWE ,以达米安牧师(Damian Priest) 的擂台名在Raw品牌上演出。他是“审判日”组合的成员,也是现任世界重量级拳王,这是他首次担任该组合拳王。

他还因在荣耀擂台摔跤(Ring of Honor) 中以惩罚马丁内斯(Punishment Martinez)的擂台名参赛而闻名,他曾是ROH 世界电视冠军。 [3]他还通过 ROH 与新日本职业摔跤(NJPW)的关系在日本开展工作。马丁内斯于 2018 年加入 WWE,并以现在的擂台名开始其发展品牌NXT ,并曾夺得一次NXT 北美冠军。 2021 年,他转入 WWE 的主力阵容,此后曾一次赢得WWE 美国冠军赛、 2023 年男子合约大战冠军,并且是四届双打冠军,与同为审判日队友芬恩·巴洛尔 (Finn Bálor)在无可争议的 WWE 双打冠军旗帜下分别两次获得RawSmackDown 双打冠军,是唯一一对做到这一点的双打组合。



马丁内斯在纽约市出生,父母是新波多黎各人,但他在波多黎各多拉多长大[4]。在那里,他第一次在电视上看到世界摔跤委员会,从那时起,他就对成为一名职业摔跤手产生了兴趣。 [4]他从身为武术家的父亲那里学习了刚柔流空手道。在赢得两次全国全接触式武术冠军后,马丁内斯决定开始职业摔跤生涯。 [1]当他回到纽约时,西班牙语仍然是他的第一语言,他经历了一段文化适应期。他十岁时回国,主要住在布朗克斯


马丁内斯(左)在 2018 年 2 月对阵Flip Gordon 的比赛中

2015 年,他首次以真名路易斯·马丁内斯 (Luis Martínez)的身份出现在ROH节目中,参加了两场暗黑比赛,第一场输给了雷特•提图斯(The Romantic Touch),第二场与沙希姆·阿里 (Shaheem Ali) 联手击败了 Hellcat 和 Mattick。 [5]

马丁内斯在ROH 顶级新秀锦标赛中以“惩罚者马丁内斯”的身份重返赛场,并在第一轮击败了科尔比科里诺。 [6]马丁内斯在半决赛中输给了里奥·拉什;然而,尽管输了,马丁内斯还是与ROH签订了合同。当他与BJ Whitmer和Kevin Sullivan结盟时,他成为恶棍(villain),与他们的对手Steve Corino竞争。 2016 年 9 月 16 日,马丁内斯参加了2016 年荣誉大战,他的表现令人印象深刻,但最终被淘汰。 [5] 11月初,他参加了2016年适者生存大赛,并最终在最后的六人大混战比赛中被淘汰。马丁内斯和惠特默随后与前ROH 世界双打冠军,战争机器(汉森和雷蒙德·罗威) 发生了短暂的争斗,先是将他们打成平手,然后在一场不计后果的比赛中击败了他们。 [5]

通过 ROH 与新日本职业摔跤(NJPW)的合作关系,马丁内斯出席了为期两天的“荣誉崛起:日本2017”活动。第一晚,马丁内斯与日本无政府主义成员高桥宏梦 (Hiromu Takahashi)和内藤哲也 (Tetsuya Naito)组队击败了道尔顿·卡斯尔 (Dalton Castle) 、棚桥宏志 (Hiroshi Tanahashi)和田口龙介(Ryusuke Taguchi) ,最终马丁内斯为团队赢得了胜利。第二天晚上,马丁内斯向后藤宏树发起了NEVER 无级别冠军挑战,但未获成功。 [7] [8] [9] [10]他以达米安·马丁内斯 (Damian Martinez)的名字重返 ROH,参加曼哈顿混乱大逃杀 (Manhattan Mayhem Battle Royal),争夺ROH世界锦标赛的头号竞争者资格,但未能成功。马丁内斯还参加了ROH 世界电视锦标赛第一名争夺者的混战,但也输了。 [11] 2 月 11 日,马丁内斯和BJ 惠特默击败了战争机器,但在比赛结束后,马丁内斯却用“天堂之南”终结技攻击惠特默。

2018 年 6 月 16 日,马丁内斯在德克萨斯州达拉斯举行的 ROH 赛事“State of the Art”第二晚中击败西拉斯杨,夺得世界电视冠军,赢得了他的第一个 ROH 冠军。马丁内斯在当晚早些时候的六人试炼场比赛中击败了芝士汉堡,从而获得了参加上述锦标赛的资格。 [12]马丁内斯在 2018 年世界最佳赛事中与“绞刑师”亚当·佩奇在巴尔的摩街头格斗中再次成功卫冕冠军头衔。 [13]在《Death Before Dishonor XVI》中,他成功击败克里斯·萨宾 (Chris Sabin) ,卫冕成功。比赛结束后,他袭击了萨宾,直到杰夫·科布将其扑救。 [14] 9 月 29 日,他与 Ring of Honor 的合同到期,他选择退出合同报价。在马丁内斯为该赛事所做的最后一次亮相中,他在电视冠军争夺战中败给了科布。 [15]



在与 WWE 签约之前,马丁内斯曾在2014 年的 Money in the Bank 节目中亮相,扮演一名站在斯蒂芬妮·麦克马洪身后与贝拉双胞胎对峙的保安[16]

2018 年 10 月 12 日,据报道马丁内斯已与WWE签约;六天后,他与其他新成员一起正式加入NXT品牌。 [17]在 12 月 5 日的NXT录制中,他首次以反派角色亮相,输给了马特·里德尔 (Matt Riddle) 。 [18] 2019 年 4 月 15 日,据报道马丁内斯将更名为“达米安·普里斯特”, [19]尽管他在室内演出中仍使用“惩罚马丁内斯”这个名字。 [20]短片很快开始播出,马丁内斯再次扮演达米安·普里斯特 (Damian Priest)。 [21]在 2019 年 6 月 19 日的NXT节目中,他以该角色首次亮相,击败了劳尔·门多萨 (Raul Mendoza) 。 [22]在 7 月 24 日的NXT节目中,他在第二次亮相中击败了基思·李。 [23]

在 10 月 2 日的NXT节目中,Priest 与Pete Dunne和Killian Dain展开了争斗, [24]最终在 11 月 23 日的NXT TakeOver:WarGames中进行了三重威胁赛,以争夺NXT 冠军的头号争夺者地位,最终 Dunne 获得了胜利。 [25]第二天,普里斯特还参加了 5 对 5幸存者系列付费比赛,代表 NXT 队参加比赛,但输给了 SmackDown 队和 Raw 队,并被兰迪·奥顿淘汰。 [26] 2020 年 1 月,Priest 与 Keith Lee 和Dominik Dijakovic一起参与了围绕NXT 北美锦标赛的故事情节。普里斯特原本有机会在 4 月 1 日与李小龙和迪亚科维奇争夺冠军[27] ,并在 4 月 22 日与李小龙进行单打比赛,但两次都输了。 [28] [29]

在 4 月 22 日的NXT节目中,芬恩·巴洛尔在后台遭到一名身份不明的袭击者袭击。 [28]在 5 月 13 日的NXT节目中,Priest 被揭露为未知攻击者[30] ,最终两人于 6 月 7 日在TakeOver:In Your House中展开了一场比赛,最终 Priest 输给了 Bálor。 [31]尽管输掉了比赛,他的表现还是受到了Triple H的高度评价, [32]而在NXT 6 月 10 日的节目中,他在后台称赞了巴洛尔,并转过脸去。 [33]

在 8 月 5 日的NXT节目中,Priest 击败了Oney Lorcan和Ridge Holland ,获得了 8 月 22 日在NXT TakeOver:XXX举行的NXT 北美冠军赛阶梯赛的参赛资格[34]在比赛中,普里斯特赢得了冠军,赢得了他在 WWE 的第一个冠军。 [35]他在 9 月 16 日的NXT节目中首次卫冕,击败了蒂莫西·撒切尔。 [36]接下来的一周,NXT 总经理威廉·雷加尔宣布普里斯特将于 10 月 4 日在NXT TakeOver 31中与约翰尼·加尔加诺对决, [37]最终他成功卫冕。 [38]然而,10 月 28 日,普里斯特在万圣节大混乱 (Halloween Havoc)的魔鬼游乐场 (Devil's Playground) 比赛中输给了加尔加诺 (Gargano),结束了他 65 天的冠军统治。 [39]

NXT 11 月 11 日播出的节目中,在 Gargano 与Leon Ruff 的冠军争夺战中,Priest 分散了 Gargano 的注意力,导致 Gargano 输给了 Ruff 的冠军头衔。 [40]接下来的一周,由于普里斯特在比赛中殴打了拉夫,导致加尔加诺未能赢得冠军,拉夫因被取消资格而保住了对加尔加诺的冠军头衔。 [41]这场比赛很快就演变成了 NXT 北美锦标赛的三重威胁赛,比赛于 12 月 6 日在NXT TakeOver:WarGames举行。比赛中,普里斯特遭到了一个蒙面人物及其团伙的袭击,这个人物之前在万圣节大混乱中袭击过他,后来被揭露是奥斯汀·理论 (Austin Theory) ;结果,普里斯特输掉了比赛,加尔加诺压制了拉夫,赢得了冠军。 [42]

在 12 月 9 日的NXT节目中,Priest 期待着对 Theory 进行复仇,但却遭到了回来的Karrion Kross从背后发起凶猛攻击。 [43]接下来的一周,克罗斯向普里斯特发起了挑战,要求在新年邪恶大赛上进行一场比赛,普里斯特接受了挑战。 [44]在 1 月 6 日的新年邪恶大赛上,Priest 在 NXT 的最后一场比赛中输给了 Kross。 [45]

美国冠军(2021 – 2022)


在 2021 年 1 月 31 日的皇家大战付费观看节目中,Priest 以第 14 名的成绩进入比赛,淘汰了John MorrisonThe MizEliasKane ,最后被Bobby Lashley淘汰。 [46]一天后,Priest 在Miz TV节目中由Bad Bunny介绍,并在当晚击败了 Miz,从而在Raw上首次亮相。 [47]在 2 月 15 日的Raw节目中,Priest 击倒了 Akira Tozawa,帮助 Bad Bunny 赢得了24/7 冠军,而Akira Tozawa刚刚压制了R-Truth[48]在接下来的几周里,Priest 开始了连胜,击败了 Angel Garza、 [49] Elias[50]和Jaxson Ryker等人。 [51]在 4 月 5 日的Raw节目中,Priest 和 Bad Bunny 向John Morrison 和 Miz发起挑战,要求在第 37 届摔跤狂热大赛上进行双打比赛,他们接受了挑战。 [52]在 4 月 10 日活动的第一晚,Priest 和 Bad Bunny 击败了 The Miz 和 Morrison。 [53]在摔跤狂热赛后的Raw节目中,米兹 (The Miz) 和莫里森 (Morrison) 向达米安·普里斯特 (Damian Priest) 发起了一场二对一的让分赛挑战,但尽管普里斯特在比赛中占据了大部分优势,但最终还是因为玛丽丝 (Maryse)的干扰而输掉了比赛,这也是他在主力阵容中的第一次失败。 [54]两人的争斗持续进行,最终在 5 月 16 日的WrestleMania Backlash上,The Miz 和 Priest 进行了一场僵尸伐木工比赛(作为 2021 年僵尸电影《活死人军团》的宣传活动的一部分),Priest 获胜。 [55]此后不久,他因背部受伤而休息了一段时间。 [56]

在 10 月 25 日播出的Raw节目中,他以全新改版的角色击败了T-Bar ,当时 T-Bar 在擂台外向 Priest 扔了一把椅子;结果,Priest 恶毒地攻击了 T-Bar,把自己变成了一个中间人。 [57]在 11 月 21 日的“幸存者系列赛”中,Priest 在冠军对冠军的比赛中输给了洲际冠军Shinsuke Nakamura ,原因是他的盟友Rick Boogs多次分散 Priest 的注意力,尽管后者警告前者不要这样做。在另一次分心之后,普里斯特袭击了中村和布格斯,从而因取消资格而输掉了比赛,这是他在主力阵容中第二次失败。 [58]在接下来一集Raw中,他又击败了萨米·扎恩[59] ,并在接下来的几周内击败了阿波罗·克鲁斯[60] 、罗伯特·鲁德[61]和道夫·齐格勒[62] ,卫冕成功。

在 10 月 25 日播出的Raw节目中,他以全新改版的角色击败了T-Bar ,当时 T-Bar 在擂台外向 Priest 扔了一把椅子;结果,Priest 恶毒地攻击了 T-Bar,把自己变成了一个中间人。 [63]在 11 月 21 日的“幸存者系列赛”中,Priest 在冠军对冠军的比赛中输给了洲际冠军Shinsuke Nakamura ,原因是他的盟友Rick Boogs多次分散 Priest 的注意力,尽管后者警告前者不要这样做。在另一次分心之后,普里斯特袭击了中村和布格斯,从而因取消资格而输掉了比赛,这是他在主力阵容中第二次失败。 [64]在接下来一集Raw中,他又击败了萨米·扎恩[65] ,并在接下来的几周内击败了阿波罗·克鲁斯[66] 、罗伯特·鲁德[67]和道夫·齐格勒[68] ,卫冕成功。

在 2 月 14 日的Raw节目中,他与AJ Styles争夺冠军头衔。 [69]接下来的一周,他与谢尔顿·本杰明(Shelton Benjamin)对阵,但在比赛结束后遭到芬恩·巴洛尔(Finn Bálor )的挑战。 [70]在 2 月 28 日的Raw节目中,普里斯特将美国冠军头衔输给了巴洛尔,结束了他 191 天的冠军统治。比赛结束后,普里斯特向巴洛尔发起了进攻,这是他自 2020 年 5 月以来第一次完全转变为反派,也是他第一次在主力阵容中转变。 [71]

牧师(右)于 2022 年 4 月加入审判日。

4 月 3 日,第 38 届摔跤狂热大赛的第二天,Priest 在 AJ Styles 与Edge 的比赛中分散了 AJ Styles 的注意力,导致 Styles 输掉了比赛。比赛结束后,Edge与Priest一起庆祝胜利,两人结成了联盟。 [72]在 4 月 25 日的Raw节目中,Edge 和 Priest 被称为“审判日” ,之后,Priest 在一场单打比赛中击败了 Bálor。 [73] 6 月 5 日,在地狱牢笼 (Hell in a Cell)上,审判日 (The Judgment Day)(Edge、Priest 和Rhea Ripley )在六人混合双打比赛中击败了 Styles、Finn Bálor 和Liv Morgan 。 [74]第二天晚上的Raw 节目中,Edge 介绍了 Bálor 成为 The Judgment Day 的最新成员。然而,巴洛尔(Bálor)、普里斯特(Priest)和雷普利(Ripley)突然袭击了Edge,把他赶出了马厩。 [75]审判日随后开始与神秘者(雷伊和多米尼克)发生争斗,试图招募多米尼克加入他们的队伍。在 7 月 30 日的夏日狂潮 (SummerSlam)上,Priest 和 Bálor 在 Edge 回归后的干扰下被 Mysterios 击败。 [76]在城堡之战 (Clash at the Castle)中,Priest 和 Bálor 在双打比赛中输给了 Edge 和 Rey Mysterio,Dominik 在其中转而加入了 The Judgment Day,结束了他们两个的职业生涯。 [77] [78] 11 月 5 日,在Crown Jewel 举行的六人双打比赛中,在 Ripley 的干扰下,Priest、Bálor 和 Dominik 击败了OC (Styles、 Luke GallowsKarl Anderson )。 [79]在 11 月 28 日的Raw节目中,审判日在一场八人混合双打比赛中击败了 OC,结束了他们之间的宿怨。 [80]

在 2023 年 1 月 9 日的Raw节目中,Priest、Bálor 和 Dominik 赢得了一场双打混乱赛,赢得了与The Usos争夺Raw 双打冠军的机会。 [81] 1 月 23 日,在Raw is XXX上,尽管吉米·乌索 (Jimmy Uso) 受伤,乌索兄弟仍成功击败普里斯特 (Priest) 和多米尼克 (Dominik) 捍卫冠军头衔,萨米·扎恩 (Sami Zayn) 取代了吉米的位置。 [82]在 1 月 28 日的皇家大战中,Priest 以 22 号选手的身份参加了皇家大战比赛,尽管他和 Balor 被回归的 Edge 淘汰,但他们最终在 Dominik 的帮助下淘汰了 Edge。 [83]在 2 月 6 日的Raw节目中,Priest 击败了Angelo Dawkins ,获得了参加美国冠军淘汰赛的资格。 [84]在 2 月 18 日举行的Elimination Chamber 比赛中,Priest 未能在同名建筑内赢得冠军。 [85]

摔跤狂热 39之后的Raw节目中,Priest 卷入了 Dominik 与 Priest 的摔跤狂热 37 双打搭档Bad Bunny的对抗。最终,Priest 用锁喉摔将 Bad Bunny 摔在了播音员的桌子上。 [86]坏兔兔在 4 月 24 日的Raw节目中回归,并在Backlash中向 Priest 发起圣胡安街头斗殴挑战。 [87]在Savio Vega和Carlito为 Bad Bunny 进行干扰后,Priest 在 Backlash 中失败。 [88] 5 月 7 日,普里斯特与巴洛尔一起被选为 Raw 参赛者,参加新一届世界重量级冠军锦标赛。 [89]然而,普里斯特在 5 月 8 日的Raw节目的四分之一决赛中输给了塞斯·“弗里金”·罗林斯 (Seth “Freakin” Rollins)[90]罗林斯在冠军之夜上成为首任世界重量级冠军。在 6 月 5 日的Raw节目中,普里斯特向罗林斯发起世界重量级冠军挑战,但未获成功。巴洛尔在比赛中干扰了比赛,令普里斯特懊恼的是,因为普里斯特声称他不需要“审判日”就能击败罗林斯。 [91]

合约阶梯冠军和世界重量级冠军(2023 年至今)


在 6 月 12 日播出的Raw节目中,普里斯特击败了马特·里德尔 (Matt Riddle) ,获得了参加男子公文包大赛阶梯赛的资格。 [92]在Money in the Bank 比赛中,Priest 用断箭将LA Knight从梯子上摔下来,从而赢得了比赛。当晚晚些时候,普里斯特出现在巴洛尔和罗林斯之间的世界重量级冠军赛中途。普里斯特的出现分散了巴洛尔的注意力,让罗林斯有机会赢得比赛,这让巴洛尔非常恼火。 [93] 9 月 2 日的Payback 比赛中,在 Dominik、Ripley 和JD McDonagh的干扰下,Priest 和 Bálor 击败了Kevin Owens 和 Sami Zayn ,赢得了无可争议的 WWE 双打冠军。普里斯特成为第三位同时赢得冠军和获得合约阶梯冠军的摔跤手,第一位是 2006 年获得洲际冠军的罗伯·范·达姆和 2010 年获得全美冠军的米兹。 [94]在 9 月 25 日的Raw节目中,Priest 和 Bálor 在重赛中击败了 Owens 和 Zayn,保住了他们的冠军头衔。 [95]在《快车道》中,由于JD McDonagh不小心用公文包砸中了 Priest,Priest 和 Bálor 将无可争议的 WWE 双打冠军头衔输给了Cody Rhodes和Jey Uso ,他们的首个双打冠军头衔在 35 天后就结束了。 [96]不过,普里斯特和巴洛尔在 10 月 16 日的Raw节目中进行了一场重赛,重新夺回了冠军头衔。 [97]

p11 月 4 日,在皇冠之珠大赛上,普里斯特试图在塞斯·罗林斯成功卫冕德鲁·麦金泰尔后利用他赚钱,但扎恩阻止了他并抢走了公文包,让他无法正式赚钱。当晚晚些时候,尽管受到巴洛尔 (Bálor)、多米尼克 (Dominik) 和麦克唐纳 (McDonagh) 的干扰,普里斯特 (Priest) 仍输给了罗德斯 (Rhodes)。 [98]在 11 月 13 日的Raw节目中,Priest 同意让 McDonagh 成为 The Judgment Day 的正式成员。当晚晚些时候,在麦金泰尔的干扰下,普里斯特和巴洛尔在重赛中击败了罗德斯和乌索,保住了他们的冠军头衔。 [99]在 11 月 24 日的SmackDown节目中,Priest 和 Bálor 成功击败了The Street Profits ( Angelo Dawkins和Montez Ford饰)捍卫了自己的冠军头衔。 [100]第二天晚上的《幸存者大赛:战争游戏》中,Priest 与 The Judgment Day 一起参加了他的第一场战争游戏比赛,对手包括 Rhodes、Rollins、Uso、Zayn 和回归的Randy Orton ,但最终失败。 [101]在 12 月 18 日的Raw节目中,Priest 和 Bálor 成功击败了Creed 兄弟( Brutus Creed和Julius Creed )。 [102]在 2024 年 1 月 27 日的《皇家大战》中,Priest 以第 26 名的成绩进入同名比赛,淘汰了R-Truth ,随后被Sami Zayn淘汰。 [103]在下一集Raw 中, Priest 和 Bálor 击败了DIY ( Johnny Gargano和Tommaso Ciampa ),保住了他们的冠军头衔。 [104] 2 月 24 日,在Elimination Chamber: Perth 比赛中,Priest 和 Bálor 成功击败New Catch Republic ( Pete Dunne和Tyler Bate 组成)并卫冕冠军头衔。 [105]在 4 月 6 日举行的WrestleMania XL第一晚的六人双打梯子比赛中,普里斯特和巴洛尔分别将 SmackDown 双打冠军头衔输给了A-Town Down Under ( Austin Theory和Grayson Waller ),将 Raw 双打冠军头衔输给了 The Awesome Truth( The Miz和 R-Truth),以 173 天的战绩结束了他们第二次无可争议的冠军头衔统治。 [106]

第二天,在摔跤狂热 XL 的第二晚,在CM Punk的攻击下,普里斯特成功兑现了对德鲁麦金泰尔的合约,赢得了世界重量级冠军,成为第二位在摔跤狂热中兑现合约的人,也是自 1971 年佩德罗莫拉莱斯以来第一位波多黎各血统的世界冠军,第二位获得世界冠军[107] 5 月 4 日,在Backlash France 赛事中,Priest 在 Bálor 和 McDonagh 的干扰下(尽管 Bálor 和 McDonagh 要求他们不要干扰)成功卫冕,这是他首次与Jey Uso争夺冠军。 [108]在《擂台之王与擂台后》节目中,WWE首席内容官保罗·“Triple H”·列维斯克宣布,普里斯特将在德鲁·麦金泰尔的祖国——苏格兰城堡之战中,与德鲁·麦金泰尔争夺冠军头衔。 [109]在 6 月 15 日的比赛中,在CM Punk的干扰下,Priest 成功击败 McIntyre 并卫冕冠军头衔。 [110]在接下来 6 月 17 日的Raw节目中,普里斯特向回归的塞斯·罗林斯发起了挑战,要求在Money in the Bank上进行冠军争夺赛,但在接下来一周的Raw 节目中,比赛增加了一项规定:如果罗林斯输了,那么只要普里斯特还持有冠军头衔,他就无法向他挑战。但如果牧师输了,他将被迫离开审判日。 [111] [112]在 7 月 6 日的比赛中,普里斯特成功击败了罗林斯和麦金泰尔,卫冕成功,麦金泰尔在比赛中兑现了新赢得的合约公文包,但遭到了庞克的袭击。随后普里斯特压制了麦金泰尔,保住了他的冠军头衔。 2024 年 7 月 13 日,在墨西哥城的 WWE 超级秀夏季巡回赛上,Priest 成功击败Jey Uso卫冕冠军头衔。比赛结束后,他为了表示对杰伊的尊重,将他扶了起来,并在过程中调侃了他一下。 [113]



马丁内斯以低沉的嗓音而闻名,这有助于他在宣传片中保持威胁性、黑暗的角色,例如在《荣誉之戒》中饰演惩罚马丁内斯。 [114] [115] [116]WWE中,“达米安·普里斯特”之前曾打算扮演一个与马丁内斯在其他节目中扮演的角色相似的、但更加黑暗、更加激烈的角色, [117]然而,他的角色逐渐演变并发展出了一种更具大男子主义、更像摇滚明星的态度,追求更多的名声、认可和成功,而通过经常在后台与他一起出现在酒吧、派对和女人的场景,这一角色得到了进一步的强调。因此,他被称为“臭名昭著的弓箭手”。 [118] [119] [120] [121]

在 2021 年 10 月 25 日的Raw节目中,Priest 首次亮相了一个新角色,该角色性格更加冷静沉着,但也有黑暗凶猛的一面,被描述为“他内心的达米安”,在受到挑衅或不尊重时就会显现出来。 [122] [123]在 2022 年初马丁内斯转为反派后,这个角色就不再出现了,随后在第 38 届摔跤狂热大赛之后,成为了审判日的一部分。

他的摔跤风格涉及各种力量动作以及高空动作,他的打击方式深受其武术背景的影响。 [124]他使用了Razor's Edge (一种十字架炸弹摔,继承自他儿时的摔跤偶像Razor Ramon[125] [126] ,以及一种被称为Broken Arrow的释放式过肩摔。他之前的终结技是被称为“清算”的滚动切割技。在主力阵容中首次亮相后,该队自2021 年皇家大战起更名为Hit The Lights ,可能是因为该队与Retribution 队成员Mia Yim (当时也称为“Reckoning”)同名。 [127]该名称于 2021 年 7 月 26 日的 Raw 剧集中更名为The Reckoning[128] Priest 现在主要使用一种名为“South of Heaven”的坐式锁喉摔作为终结技,这种技最初是在他与ROH合作时使用的,自从 2022 年加入 The Judgment Day 以来,他就经常使用它。 [129] [130] [131]



马丁内斯是一位喜爱旋律的歌手,深受摇滚和重金属的影响。 [132]他和他的家人认识并与各种音乐乐队和名人互动,例如Bad Bunny 、 Dee Snider和Eddie Ojeda 。 [133] [134]

马丁内斯也是一名徒手格斗武器的狂热粉丝和收藏家。 [135]

马丁内斯表示,佩德罗·莫拉莱斯[136]斯科特·霍尔[137]送葬者 (Undertaker)是他摔跤运动的灵感来源。 [138]他和摔跤手Keith Lee 、 Matt Riddle和Rhea Ripley都是好朋友。 [139] [140] [141]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Punishment Martinez has big plans in ROH. Slam! Sports. Canadian Online Explorer. [December 14, 2017]. (原始内容存档于June 17, 2018). 
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  3. ^ Punishment Martinez. Ring of Honor. [October 1, 2018]. (原始内容存档于January 18, 2018). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Alfredo R. Berríos. Cumple Punishment Martínez su sueño en Ring of Honor. ESPN Deportes. March 8, 2018 [2018-09-30]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Kreikenbohm, Philip. Damian Martinez profile. Cagematch. [September 8, 2022]. 
  6. ^ PUNISHER PREDICTS PAIN FOR TOP PROSPECT OPPONENTS. ROHwrestling.com. Colby Corino recently learned just how apt that moniker is. Martinez scored an impressive victory over the second-generation competitor in the first round of the tournament to advance to the semifinals this Saturday 
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  12. ^ Powell, Jason. 6/16 ROH in Dallas results: New ROH TV Champion crowned, The Briscoes vs. Killer Elite Squad for the ROH Tag Titles, Cody vs. Shane Taylor, The Young Bucks vs. The Boys, Jay Lethal vs. Marty Scurll vs. Flip Gordon. June 17, 2018 [June 17, 2018]. 
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  16. ^ In Bizzare Coincidence, Damian Priest Served as Stephanie McMahon's Bodyguard Exactly 9 Years Before Winning the Money in the Bank 2023 Match. July 6, 2023. 
  17. ^ Reddick, Jay. Chelsea Green, Mia Yim of Orlando among new WWE signees. Orlando Sentinel. October 18, 2018 [September 8, 2022]. 
  18. ^ James, Justin. 12/5 NXT TV REPORT: Ciampa and Aleister angle, Matt Riddle vs. Punishment Martinez, Dakota Kai vs. Shayna Baszler. Pro Wrestling Torch. December 6, 2018 [September 8, 2022]. 
  19. ^ Satin, Ryan. Punishment Martinez Undergoes Name Change. TheSportster. April 15, 2019 [September 8, 2022]. 
  20. ^ Powell, Jason. 4/28 NXT in St. Paul, Minnesota results: Velveteen Dream vs. Adam Cole for the NXT North American Championship, Shayna Baszler vs. Mia Yim for the NXT Women's Championship, Kona Reeves vs. Tyler Breeze, Punishment Martinez vs. Shane Thorne. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 28, 2019 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  21. ^ Damian Priest comes to NXT next week: WWE NXT, June 12, 2019, [June 15, 2020] (英语) 
  22. ^ Moore, John. 6/19 NXT TV results: Moore's live review of Velveteen Dream, Matt Riddle, and Tyler Breeze vs. Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, and Bobby Fish, Damian Priest vs. Raúl Mendoza, Xia Li vs. Taynara Conti. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 19, 2019 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  23. ^ Moore, John. 7/24 NXT TV results: Moore's live review of Adam Cole and Johnny Gargano announcing the stipulations for the NXT Title match at Takeover, Keith Lee vs. Damian Priest, Jordan Myles vs. Angel Garza in a Breakout Tournament semifinal match, Kacy Catanzaro vs. Io Shirai. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. July 24, 2019 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  24. ^ Powell, Jason. 10/02 NXT TV results: Powell's live review of Adam Cole vs. Matt Riddle for the NXT Championship, Shayna Baszler vs. Candice LeRae for the NXT Women's Championship, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly vs. The Street Profits for the NXT Tag Titles, Johnny Gargano vs. Shane Thorne. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. October 2, 2019 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  25. ^ Moore, John. 11/23 NXT Takeover: WarGames results - Moore's live review of Undisputed Era vs. Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee, Dominik Dijakovic, a partner in a WarGames match, Rhea Ripley, Candice LeRae, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim vs. Shayna Baszler, Io Shirai, Bianca Belair and Kay Lee Ray in a WarGames match, Finn Balor vs. Matt Riddle. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 23, 2019 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  26. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Survivor Series results: Powell's live review of Brock Lesnar vs. Rey Mysterio in a No Holds Barred match for the WWE Championship, "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Universal Championship, Becky Lynch vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Bayley in a non-title match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 24, 2019 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  27. ^ Moore, John. 4/1 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Keith Lee vs. Dominick Dijakovic vs. Damian Priest in a Triple Threat for the NXT North American Championship, second chance gauntlet match for a spot in the ladder match to determine the No. 1 contender to the NXT Women's Championship, Velveteen Dream vs. Bobby Fish. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 1, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Moore, John. 4/22 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Velveteen Dream and Keith Lee vs. Adam Cole and Roderick Strong, Shotzi Blackheart and Tegan Nox vs. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez, Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title tournament matches with Kushida vs. Tony Nese, Drake Maverick vs. Jake Atlas, and El Hijo Del Fantasma vs. Jack Gallagher. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 22, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  29. ^ Moore, John. 4/29 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Keith Lee vs. Damian Priest for the NXT North American Championship, NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Mia Yim in a non-title match, Drake Maverick vs. Tony Nese in an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title tournament match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 29, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  30. ^ Moore, John. 5/13 NXT TV results: Moore's review of the major announcement delivered by Triple H and Shawn Michaels, Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher vs. Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel for the NXT Tag Titles, Finn Balor vs. Cameron Grimes, Rhea Ripley's appearance. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. May 13, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  31. ^ Moore, John. NXT Takeover: In Your House results - Moore's live review of Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream in a Backlot Brawl for the NXT Championship, Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley vs. Io Shirai for the NXT Women's Championship, Keith Lee vs. Johnny Gargano for the NXT North American Title, Tommaso Ciampa vs. Karrion Kross. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 7, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  32. ^ Middleton, Marc. Triple H On Karrion Kross And Scarlett, Damian Priest's Big Night At Takeover, Backlot Brawl, More. Wrestling Inc. June 8, 2020 [June 11, 2020] (英语). 
  33. ^ Moore, John. 6/10 NXT TV results: Moore's review of NXT Champion Adam Cole vs. Dexter Lumis in a non-title match, Finn Balor vs. Cameron Grimes, the fallout from NXT Takeover: In Your House. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 10, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  34. ^ Moore, John. 8/5 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Damian Priest vs. Oney Lorcan vs. Ridge Holland in a ladder match qualifier, Rhea Ripley vs. Dakota Kai in a No. 1 contenders match, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel vs. Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish for the NXT Tag Titles, Keith Lee vs. Cameron Grimes in a non-title match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. August 5, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  35. ^ Moore, John. NXT Takeover: XXX results - Moore's live review of Keith Lee vs. Karrion Kross for the NXT Championship, Adam Cole vs. Pat McAfee, Io Shirai vs. Dakota Kai for the NXT Women's Championship, a ladder match for the vacant NXT North American Title, Finn Balor vs. Timothy Thatcher. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. August 22, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  36. ^ Moore, John. 9/16 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Damian Priest vs. Timothy Thatcher for the North American Championship, Tyler Breeze and Fandango vs. Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel for the NXT Tag Team Titles, Io Shirai vs. Shotzi Blackheart in a non-title match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. September 16, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  37. ^ Toro, Carlos. Damian Priest To Defend NXT North American Title Against Johnny Gargano At NXT TakeOver. Fightful. September 23, 2020 [September 8, 2022] (英语). 
  38. ^ Moore, John. NXT Takeover 31 results - Moore's live review of Finn Balor vs. Kyle O'Reilly for the NXT Title, Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae for the NXT Women's Title, Damian Priest vs. Johnny Gargano for the NXT North American Title, Santos Escobar vs. Isaiah Scott for the NXT Cruiserweight Title, Kushida vs. Velveteen Dream. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. October 4, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  39. ^ Moore, John. 10/28 NXT TV results: Moore's review of the Halloween Havoc edition featuring Damian Priest vs. Johnny Gargano for the NXT North American Title and Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae for the NXT Women's Title in Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal matches, Rhea Ripley vs. Raquel Gonzalez, Cameron Grimes vs. Dexter Lumis in a Haunted House of Terror match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. October 28, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  40. ^ Moore, John. 11/11 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Championship Wednesday with Johnny Gargano defending the NXT North American Title, Santos Escobar vs. Jake Atlas for the NXT Cruiserweight Title, Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs. Tyler Breeze and Fandango for the NXT Tag Titles. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 11, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  41. ^ Moore, John. 11/18 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Io Shirai vs. Rhea Ripley for the NXT Women's Title, Leon Ruff vs. Johnny Gargano for the NXT North American Title, Dexter Lumis vs. Cameron Grimes in a blindfold match, NXT Champion Finn Balor returns. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 18, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  42. ^ Moore, John. NXT Takeover WarGames results: Moore's live review of Undisputed Era vs. Pat McAfee, Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch, and Shotzi Blackheart, Ember Moon, Rhea Ripley, and Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae, Toni Storm, Dakota Kai, and Raquel Gonzalez in WarGames matches. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. December 6, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  43. ^ Moore, John. 12/9 NXT TV results: Moore's review of NXT Champion Finn Balor's opening segment, Ember Moon vs. Raquel Gonzalez, Tommaso Ciampa vs. Cameron Grimes, NXT Takeover WarGames fallout. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. December 9, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  44. ^ Moore, John. 12/16 NXT TV results: Moore's review of Kyle O'Reilly vs. Pete Dunne for an NXT Title shot at New Year's Evil, Karrion Kross returns to action, Rhea Ripley vs. Toni Storm, Kushida and Leon Ruff vs. Johnny Gargano and Austin Theory. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. December 16, 2020 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  45. ^ Moore, John. 1/6 NXT TV results: Moore's review of New Year's Evil featuring Finn Balor vs. Kyle O'Reilly for the NXT Title, Rhea Ripley vs. Raquel Gonzalez in a Last Woman Standing match, Karrion Kross vs. Damian Priest, Santos Escobar vs. Gran Metalik for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 6, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  46. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Royal Rumble results: Powell's live review of the Royal Rumble matches, Drew McIntyre vs. Goldberg for the WWE Championship, Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE Universal Championship, Sasha Banks vs. Carmella for the Smackdown Women's Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 31, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  47. ^ Powell, Jason. 2/1 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the night after the Royal Rumble with Edge vs. Randy Orton, Bobby Lashley vs. Riddle for the U.S. Championship, Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin vs. Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik for the Raw Tag Titles, Bad Bunny on Miz TV. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 1, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  48. ^ Powell, Jason. 2/15 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus vs. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton vs. The Miz vs. Jeff Hardy in a gauntlet match to enter last in the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 15, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  49. ^ Powell, Jason. 2/22 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review Miz's WWE Championship Celebration, WWE Women's Tag Champions Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler vs. Asuka and Charlotte Flair, U.S. Champion Riddle vs. John Morrison, Elimination Chamber fallout edition. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 22, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  50. ^ Powell, Jason. 3/1 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review The Miz vs. Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship, Drew McIntyre returns, the build to WWE Fastlane continues. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. March 1, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  51. ^ Powell, Jason. 3/15 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin vs. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods for the Raw Tag Titles, Riddle vs. Mustafa Ali for the U.S. Title, Raw Women's Champion Asuka vs. Shayna Baszler in a non-title match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. March 15, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  52. ^ Powell, Jason. 4/5 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the brand's final push for WrestleMania 37 with WWE Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Cedric Alexander in a non-title match, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler vs. Rhea Ripley and Asuka in a non-title match, Drew McIntyre vs. King Corbin. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 5, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  53. ^ Powell, Jason. WrestleMania 37 results: Powell's live review of night one featuring Sasha Banks vs. Bianca Belair for the Smackdown Women's Championship, Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre for the WWE Championship, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods vs. AJ Styles and Omos for the Raw Tag Titles, Bad Bunny and Damian Priest vs The Miz and John Morrison. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 10, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  54. ^ Powell, Jason. 4/12 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the night after WrestleMania 37, Rhea Ripley vs. Asuka for the Raw Women's Championship, Miz TV with Maryse, Firefly Funhouse, new broadcast team, new venue. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 12, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  55. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE WrestleMania Backlash results: Powell's live review of Roman Reigns vs. Cesaro for the WWE Universal Championship, Bobby Lashley vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Strowman for the WWE Championship, Rhea Ripley vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair for the Raw Women's Championship, Bianca Belair vs. Bayley for the Smackdown Women's Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. May 16, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  56. ^ Lambert, Jeremy. Damian Priest Off Television Due To Undisclosed Reasons. Fightful. June 23, 2021 [September 8, 2022]. 
  57. ^ Powell, Jason. 10/25 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the "season premiere" with the new post draft roster, fallout from WWE Crown Jewel. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. October 25, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  58. ^ WWE Survivor Series: Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Kickoff Pre-show). Wrestling Inc. November 21, 2021 [November 22, 2021] (美国英语). 
  59. ^ Powell, Jason. 11/22 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the Vince McMahon Cleopatra Egg whodunnit, Bobby Lahsley vs. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio in a handicap match, Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH vs. Queen Zelina and Carmella for the WWE Women's Tag Titles. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 22, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  60. ^ Powell, Jason. 11/29 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Edge's return, WWE Champion Big E vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title match, Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins, RKBro vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler for the Raw Tag Titles, Damian Priest vs. Apollo Crews for the U.S. Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 29, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  61. ^ Powell, Jason. 12/6 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan for the Raw Women's Championship, WWE Champion Big E vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title steel cage match, Edge appears on Miz TV. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. December 6, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  62. ^ Powell, Jason. 1/3 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Brock Lesnar's first appearance as the new WWE Champion, Big E vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins in a four-way for a shot at the WWE Championship, Damian Priest vs. Dolph Ziggler for the U.S. Title, AJ Styles vs. Omos. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 3, 2022 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  63. ^ Powell, Jason. 10/25 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the "season premiere" with the new post draft roster, fallout from WWE Crown Jewel. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. October 25, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  64. ^ WWE Survivor Series: Damian Priest vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Kickoff Pre-show). Wrestling Inc. November 21, 2021 [November 22, 2021] (美国英语). 
  65. ^ Powell, Jason. 11/22 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the Vince McMahon Cleopatra Egg whodunnit, Bobby Lahsley vs. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio in a handicap match, Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH vs. Queen Zelina and Carmella for the WWE Women's Tag Titles. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 22, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  66. ^ Powell, Jason. 11/29 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Edge's return, WWE Champion Big E vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title match, Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins, RKBro vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler for the Raw Tag Titles, Damian Priest vs. Apollo Crews for the U.S. Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 29, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  67. ^ Powell, Jason. 12/6 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan for the Raw Women's Championship, WWE Champion Big E vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title steel cage match, Edge appears on Miz TV. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. December 6, 2021 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  68. ^ Powell, Jason. 1/3 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Brock Lesnar's first appearance as the new WWE Champion, Big E vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins in a four-way for a shot at the WWE Championship, Damian Priest vs. Dolph Ziggler for the U.S. Title, AJ Styles vs. Omos. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 3, 2022 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  69. ^ Powell, Jason. 2/14 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the Damian Priest vs. AJ Styles for the U.S. Championship, Brock Lesnar and Lita appear on the Elimination Chamber go-home show, Randy Orton and Riddle throw a Broga Party. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 14, 2022 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  70. ^ Powell, Jason. 2/21 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of the milestone episode featuring new WWE Champion Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens, and Miz TV on the Elimination Chamber fallout edition. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 21, 2022 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  71. ^ Powell, Jason. 2/28 WWE Raw Results: Powell's live review of Damian Priest vs. Finn Balor for the U.S. Championship, Edge addressing his WrestleMania future, Raw Tag Champions Alpha Academy vs. Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens in a non-title match, RK-Bro vs. The Street Profits. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 28, 2022 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  72. ^ Murray, Andy H. Edge's New WWE Heel Stable Begins At WrestleMania 38. WhatCulture.com. April 4, 2022 [April 4, 2022] (英语). 
  73. ^ Keller, Wade. 4/25 WWE Monday Night Raw Results: Keller's report on return of Becky Lynch, Belair vs. Deville, Randy Orton Appreciation Night. Pro Wrestling Torch. April 25, 2022 [April 25, 2022]. (原始内容存档于April 26, 2022). 
  74. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Hell in a Cell results: Powell's live review of Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins in a HIAC match, Bianca Belair vs. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch for the Raw Women's Title, Theory vs. Mustafa Ali for the U.S. Title, Bobby Lashley vs. Omos and MVP in a handicap match, Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel, Judgment Day vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor, and Liv Morgan. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 5, 2022 [June 5, 2022]. 
  75. ^ Brookhouse, Brent. WWE Raw results, recap and grades: Seth Rollins blindsides Cody Rhodes with brutal attack. CBS Sports. June 6, 2022 [June 6, 2022]. (原始内容存档于June 7, 2022). 
  76. ^ Brookhouse, Brent. 2022 WWE SummerSlam results, recap, grades: Roman Reigns outlasts Brock Lesnar in chaotic main event. CBSSports. July 30, 2022 [July 30, 2022]. (原始内容存档于July 31, 2022). 
  77. ^ McGuire, Colin. WWE Clash at the Castle results: McGuire's review of Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, Gunther vs. Sheamus for the Intercontinental Title, Liv Morgan vs. Shayna Baszler for the Smackdown Women's Title, Seth Rollins vs. Riddle, Bianca Belair, Asuka, and Alexa Bliss vs. Bayley, Iyo Sky, and Dakota Kai. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. September 3, 2022 [September 3, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 3, 2022). 
  78. ^ Keller, Wade. 9/5 WWE Monday Night Raw Results: Keller's report on Lashey vs. Miz in a cage, Edge responds to Dominik turning on his dad, Clash at Castle fallout. Pro Wrestling Torch. September 5, 2022 [September 5, 2022]. (原始内容存档于September 6, 2022). 
  79. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Crown Jewel results: Powell's live review of Roman Reigns vs. Logan Paul for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley, Bianca Belair vs. Bayley in a Last Woman Standing match for the Raw Women's Championship, Braun Strowman vs. Omos, Drew McIntyre vs. Karrion Kross in a cage match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. November 5, 2022 [November 8, 2022] (美国英语). 
  80. ^ Keller, Wade. 11/28 WWE Monday Night Raw results: Keller's report on Miz vs. Dexter Lumis, Becky Lynch speaks, Street Profits vs. Gable & Otis, Survivor Series fallout. Pro Wrestling Torch. November 28, 2022 [April 24, 2023]. 
  81. ^ Raw results, Jan. 9, 2023: The Judgment Day survive Tag Team Turmoil!. WWE. January 9, 2023 [January 10, 2023] (英语). 
  82. ^ Powell, Jason. 1/23 WWE Raw XXX results: Powell's live review of Austin Theory vs. Bobby Lashley in a No DQ match for the U.S. Title, The Usos vs. Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest for the Raw Tag Team Titles, Becky Lynch vs. Bayley in a cage match, Sami Zay goes to Tribal Court, legends return, the brand's final push for the Royal Rumble. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 23, 2023 [January 24, 2023] (美国英语). 
  83. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Royal Rumble results: Powell's live review of the Royal Rumble matches, Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, Bianca Belair vs. Alexa Bliss for the Raw Women's Championship, Bray Wyatt vs. LA Knight in a Pitch Black match. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 28, 2023 [January 29, 2023]. (原始内容存档于January 29, 2023). 
  84. ^ Keller, Wade. 2/6 WWE Monday Night Raw results: Keller's report on Bayley vs. Becky Lynch in a cage, Elias vs. Ford in EC Qualifier, Michin vs. Carmella vs. LeRae vs. Niven, Lesnar appears. Pro Wrestling Torch. February 6, 2023 [February 7, 2023]. 
  85. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Elimination Chamber results: Powell's live review of Roman Reigns vs. Sami Zayn for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley, two Elimination Chamber matches, Edge and Beth Phoenix vs. Rhea Ripley and Finn Balor. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 18, 2023 [February 19, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 26, 2023). 
  86. ^ Keller, Wade. 4/3 WWE Raw results: Keller's report on the fallout from WrestleMania 39 including Cody's loss, Bad Bunny chokeslammed through table. Pro Wrestling Torch. April 3, 2023 [April 4, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 4, 2023). 
  87. ^ Keller, Wade. 4/24 WWE Raw results: Keller's report on Triple H announcement, Bad Bunny appearing in person, Rey vs. Priest. Pro Wrestling Torch. April 24, 2023 [April 24, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 25, 2023). 
  88. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Backlash results: Powell's live review of Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes, Bad Bunny vs. Damian Priest in a Street Fight, Rhea Ripley vs. Zelina Vega for the Smackdown Women's Title, Bianca Belair vs. Iyo Sky for the Raw Women's Title, Austin Theory vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed in a Triple Threat for the U.S. Title. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. May 6, 2023 [May 7, 2023]. 
  89. ^ Carey, Ian. WWE reveals participants for World Heavyweight title tournament. Wrestling Observer Figure Four Online. May 7, 2023 [May 7, 2023]. 
  90. ^ Powell, Jason. 5/8 WWE Raw results: Powell's live review of Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Damian Priest in a Triple Threat, Cody Rhodes vs. Finn Balor vs. The Miz in Triple Threat, the Triple Threat winners meet for a spot in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at Night of Champions, Trish Stratus appears. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. May 8, 2023 [May 8, 2023]. 
  91. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Raw results (6/5): Powell's live review of Seth Rollins vs. Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship, Zoey Stark vs. Natalya, and Becky Lynch vs. Sonya Deville in Money in the Bank qualifiers, Miz TV with guest Cody Rhodes. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 5, 2023 [June 6, 2023]. 
  92. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Raw results (6/12): Powell's live review of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles, Matt Riddle vs. Damian Priest in a Money in the Bank qualifier, Cody Rhodes vs. The Miz. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 12, 2023 [June 12, 2023]. 
  93. ^ Brookhouse, Brent. 2023 WWE Money in the Bank results, recap, grades: Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa fall to The Usos in Civil War. CBSSports. July 1, 2023 [July 2, 2023]. 
  94. ^ Keller, Wade. WWE Payback results (9/2): Keller's report on Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch in a cage, Theory vs. Mysterio, LA Knight vs. Miz, Cody on Waller Effect. PWTorch. September 2, 2023 [October 18, 2023]. (原始内容存档于September 5, 2023). 
  95. ^ Brookhouse, Brent. WWE Raw results, recap, grades: Judgment Day beats Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in chaotic main event. CBSSports. September 25, 2023 [September 25, 2023]. 
  96. ^ Mrosko, Geno. Jey Uso & Cody Rhodes win tag team titles. Cageside Seats. October 7, 2023 [October 8, 2023]. 
  97. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Raw results (10/16): Powell's live review of the season premiere, Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso vs. Damian Priest and Finn Balor for the Undisputed WWE Tag Titles, Gunther vs. Bronson Reed for the IC Title. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. October 16, 2023 [October 16, 2023]. 
  98. ^ Crown Jewel: Roman Reigns retains, Logan Paul new U.S. champ. ESPN. November 4, 2023 [November 5, 2023]. 
  99. ^ Brookhouse, Brent. WWE Raw results, recap, grades: Drew McIntyre costs Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes the undisputed WWE tag team titles. CBSSports. November 13, 2023 [November 13, 2023]. 
  100. ^ Keller, Wade. WWE SmackDown results (11/24): Keller's report on Balor & Priest vs. The Street Profits, Kevin Owens on The Grayson Waller Effect, final Survivor Series hype. PWTorch. November 24, 2023 [December 24, 2023]. 
  101. ^ Keller, Wade. WWE Survivor Series results (11/25): Keller's report on WarGames matches, Ripley vs. Stark, Gunther vs. Miz, Dragon Lee vs. Escobar. PWTorch. November 25, 2023 [November 25, 2023]. (原始内容存档于November 26, 2023). 
  102. ^ Brookhouse, Brent. WWE Raw results, recap, grades: Event filled with championship bouts results in one title change. CBSSports. December 18, 2023 [December 23, 2023]. 
  103. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Royal Rumble results: Powell's live review of the Royal Rumble matches, Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. LA Knight vs. AJ Styles for the WWE Universal Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 27, 2024 [January 27, 2024]. (原始内容存档于January 27, 2024). 
  104. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Raw results (1/29): Powell's live review of Cody Rhodes and Bayley's post Royal Rumble win appearances, CM Punk's health update, Damian Priest and Finn Balor vs. DIY for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. January 29, 2024 [January 29, 2024]. (原始内容存档于January 30, 2024). 
  105. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Elimination Chamber results: Powell's live review of Rhea Ripley vs. Nia Jax for the Women's World Championship, Elimination Chamber matches, Grayson Waller Effect with Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. February 24, 2024 [February 24, 2024]. 
  106. ^ Powell, Jason. WrestleMania XL results: Powell's live review of night one with The Rock and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins and Cody Rhodes, Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch for the Women’s World Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 6, 2024 [April 7, 2024]. 
  107. ^ Powell, Jason. WrestleMania XL results: Powell’s live review of night two with Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes for the WWE Universal Championship with Bloodline Rules, Seth Rollins vs. Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. April 7, 2024 [April 7, 2024]. 
  108. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Backlash France results: Powell’s live review of Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles for the WWE Championship, Damian Priest vs. Jey Uso for the World Hvt. Title, Bayley vs. Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton for the WWE Women’s Title. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. May 4, 2024 [May 4, 2024]. 
  109. ^ 411MANIA. Drew McIntyre vs. Damian Priest Is Official for WWE Clash at the Castle in June. [2024-05-27] (美国英语). 
  110. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Clash at the Castle results: Powell’s live review of Damian Priest vs. Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship, Cody Rhodes vs. AJ Styles in an I Quit match for the WWE Championship. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 15, 2024 [June 15, 2024]. 
  111. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Raw results (6/17): Powell’s live review of Jey Uso vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Finn Balor, and Iyo Sky vs. Zelina Vega vs. Kiana James in Money in the Bank qualifiers, Carlito vs. Dragon Lee. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. June 17, 2024 [June 17, 2024]. 
  112. ^ Powell, Jason. WWE Raw results (6/24): Powell's live review of Wyatt Sicks follow-up, Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser, Triple Threat qualifiers for the Money in the Bank ladder matches. Pro Wrestling Dot Net. 2024-06-24 [2024-06-27] (美国英语). 
  113. ^ Merani, Divesh. Major WWE heel teases babyface turn after over 2 years by helping Jey Uso at recent show. sportskeeda dot com. 2024-07-15 [2024-07-15] (美国英语). 
  114. ^ Punishment Martinez On His Path of Destruction to the ROH World Championship, [2020-06-15] (英语) 
  115. ^ YouTube. youtube.com. [2020-06-15]. 
  116. ^ Upton, Felix. NXT Superstar Seemingly Calls Out The Undertaker. Ringside News. 2019-06-15 [2020-06-15] (美国英语). 
  117. ^ Punishment Martínez will now be known as Damian Priest on NXT. en.superluchas.com. April 16, 2019 [2020-11-03]. 
  118. ^ Why did Damian Priest attack Pete Dunne?: WWE NXT, Oct. 9, 2019 - YouTube. youtube.com. [2020-11-03]. 
  119. ^ Why Damian Priest jumped into that hot tub: WWE After the Bell, Sept. 3, 2020 - YouTube. youtube.com. [2020-11-03]. 
  120. ^ Upton, Felix. Damian Priest Talks Triple H Pushing For Him To Be Himself On WWE NXT. Ringside News. October 21, 2020 [2020-11-03] (美国英语). 
  121. ^ Satin, Ryan. Q&A With Damian Priest: Winning North American Title, Advice from Edge and More. Pro Wrestling Sheet | Insider Wrestling News and Reports. 2020-08-26 [2020-11-03] (美国英语). 
  122. ^ Mrosko, Geno. Meet the new Damian Priest. Cageside Seats. 2021-10-25 [2021-10-26] (英语). 
  123. ^ Mrosko, Geno. Look at Damian Priest's gross stomach after a bunch of kendo stick shots. Cageside Seats. 2021-11-01 [2021-11-02] (英语). 
  124. ^ Punishment Martinez talks Ring of Honor fans, martial arts and weight loss. FanSided. 2018-06-28 [2020-06-08] (美国英语). 
  125. ^ Damian Priest takes out Pete Dunne and Killian Dain: WWE NXT, Nov. 13, 2019, [2020-06-15] (英语) 
  126. ^ How Razor Ramon influenced Damian Priest's swag: WWE Chronicle sneak peek, [2021-05-12] (英语) 
  127. ^ Damian Priest. WWE. [2020-06-13] (英语). 
  128. ^ Damian Priest vs. Sheamus: Raw, July 26, 2021, [2021-08-03] (英语) 
  129. ^ YouTube. youtube.com. [2020-06-13]. 
  130. ^ Damian Priest - South Of Heaven, [2020-06-15] (英语) 
  131. ^ Damian Priest vs. Oney Lorcan vs. Ridge Holland: WWE NXT, Aug. 5, 2020, [2021-07-13] (英语) 
  132. ^ WWE On Twitter. Twitter. [2021-05-10] (英语). 
  133. ^ Satin, Ryan. Q&A With Damian Priest: Winning North American Title, Advice from Edge and More. Pro Wrestling Sheet | Insider Wrestling News and Reports. 2020-08-26 [2021-04-13] (美国英语). 
  134. ^ Damian Priest expounds on his friendship with Bad Bunny: Raw Talk, Feb. 8, 2021, [2021-08-28] (英语) 
  135. ^ Damian Priest details his samurai weapon collection: WWE After the Bell exclusive, Aug. 27, 2021, [2021-10-05] (英语) 
  136. ^ Damian Priest: "I want to be WWE Champion like Pedro Morales". en.superluchas.com. 2021-10-04 [2021-10-29] (英语). 
  137. ^ WWE's Damian Priest had a long, fruitful friendship with Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon. Yahoo Sports. Poughkeepsie Journal. June 26, 2022 [September 9, 2022] (美国英语). 
  138. ^ Marik, Priyam. The Undertaker is the best. He loves helping and he loves the business: Damian Priest. Telegraph India. March 23, 2022 [2022-04-05]. 
  139. ^ Q&A With Damian Priest: Winning North American Title, Advice from Edge and More. TheSportster. 2020-08-25 [2021-08-28] (美国英语). 
  140. ^ Damian Priest on his NXT bond with Keith Lee and Matt Riddle: WWE After the Bell, Sept. 3, 2020, [2021-08-28] (英语) 
  141. ^ Photo: Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, Riddle Relax Poolside Before WWE SummerSlam. Wrestling Inc. August 20, 2021 [2021-10-05] (美国英语). 
  142. ^ Kreikenbohm, Philip. KPW Tag Team Championship. Cagematch - The Internet Wrestling Database. March 26, 2016 [August 22, 2021]. 
  143. ^ Kreikenbohm, Philip. MFPW Heavyweight Championship. Cagematch - The Internet Wrestling Database. July 19, 2014 [August 22, 2021]. 
  144. ^ Kreikenbohm, Philip. MFPW Tag Team Championship. Cagematch - The Internet Wrestling Database. November 16, 2013 [August 22, 2021]. 
  145. ^ Kreikenbohm, Philip. MFPW Invitational (2016). Cagematch - The Internet Wrestling Database. April 2, 2016 [August 22, 2021]. 
  146. ^ Staszewski, Joseph. The Post’s 2023 pro wrestling awards. New York Post. December 26, 2023 [December 29, 2023]. (原始内容存档于December 27, 2023). 
  147. ^ Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI) 500 for 2021. Pro Wrestling Illustrated. cagematch.net. [October 6, 2021]. 
  148. ^ Kreikenbohm, Philip. ROH World Television Championship. Cagematch - The Internet Wrestling Database. June 16, 2018 [August 22, 2021]. 
  149. ^ Meltzer, Dave. Daily Update: Raw tonight, Kamala, Tribute to the Troops. Wrestling Observer Newsletter. November 20, 2017 [November 20, 2017]. 
  150. ^ Kreikenbohm, Philip. Survival of the Fittest (2017). Cagematch - The Internet Wrestling Database. November 19, 2017 [August 22, 2021]. 
  151. ^ Meltzer, Dave. February 21, 2022 Observer Newsletter: 2021 Awards issue, Cody and Brandi Rhodes leave AEW需要付费订阅. Wrestling Observer Newsletter. February 18, 2022 [February 18, 2022]. 
  152. ^ on o/titlehistory/world-heavyweight-championship World Heavyweight Championship history 请检查|url=值 (帮助). WWE. May 27, 2023 [April 7, 2024]. 
  153. ^ Laboon, Jeff. Damian Priest def. Sheamus to win the United States Championship. WWE. August 21, 2021 [August 22, 2021]. 
  154. ^ WWE United States Championship. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). [August 22, 2021]. 
  155. ^ WWE Raw Tag Team Championship. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). 
  156. ^ WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). 
  157. ^ NXT North American Championship. World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). [August 22, 2020].