

乳酪上的腐食酪螨英语Tyrophagus putrescentiae

乳酪螨(Cheese mite)泛指可用于制作乳酪,包括酪螨属英语Tyrophagus腐食酪螨英语Tyrophagus putrescentiae干向酪螨英语Tyrophagus casei粉螨属英语Acarus粗脚粉螨英语Acarus siro小粗脚粉螨Acarus farris)等[1]

乳酪熟成英语cheese ripening过程中表面常有螨虫生长,除了以乳酪为食,部分种类还会食用乳酪表面真菌菌丝体,但可能可协助真菌散播孢子,并在食用乳酪时增加其表面积而有利于真菌生长[1][2]。螨虫在乳酪上生长繁殖,产生虫体、粪便、英语exuvia与卵等,造成乳酪产业的经济损失,并可能影响食用者的健康,一般会被当成害虫清除,但螨虫乳酪英语Milbenkäse康塔尔乳酪米莫莱特乳酪等乳酪制作过程中均会特别加入螨虫以改变其质地与风味[1][3]。2010年有研究以扫描电子显微镜分析乳酪表面的螨虫种类,发现螨虫乳酪的表面为干向酪螨,米莫莱特乳酪的表面则为粗脚粉螨[4]







  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Catherine W. Donnelly. Cheese and Microbes. ASM Press. 30 April 2014: 111– [2021-07-21]. ISBN 978-1-55581-859-3. (原始内容存档于2021-08-11). 
  2. ^ Carvalho, Michelle M.; Oliveira, Eugenio E.; Matioli, Andre L.; Ferreira, Célia L.L.; Machado da Silva, Norma; De Dea Lindner, Juliano. Stored products mites in cheese ripening: Health aspects, technological and regulatory challenges in Brazil. Journal of Stored Products Research. 2018, 76: 116–121. ISSN 0022-474X. doi:10.1016/j.jspr.2018.01.010. 
  3. ^ Mimolette Cheese. Cheese Facts. 2007 [2011-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-06). 
  4. ^ Melnyk, J.P.; Smith, A.; Scott-Dupree, C.; Marcone, M.F.; Hill, A. Identification of cheese mite species inoculated on Mimolette and Milbenkase cheese through cryogenic scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Dairy Science. August 2010, 93 (8): 3461–3468. PMID 20655414. doi:10.3168/jds.2009-2937可免费查阅. 
  5. ^ Catherine Donnelly, Mateo Kehler. The Oxford Companion to Cheese. Oxford University Press. 2016-10-25: 152 [2021-07-21]. ISBN 978-0-19-933090-4. (原始内容存档于2021-07-21). 
  6. ^ Peckenscneider, L.E.; Polorny, C.; Hellwig, C.A. Intestinal infestation with maggots of the cheese fly (Piophila casei). JAMA. 1952, 149 (3): 262–263. PMID 14927333. doi:10.1001/jama.1952.72930200005011b.