


拿破仑酒店(法语:Hotel Napoleon)是位于法国首都巴黎8区凯旋门附近的一座酒店。2013年,拿破仑酒店被承认为五星级酒店,有许多名人,如海明威马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨都曾经入住拿破仑酒店[1]


  1. ^ Mario Vargas Llosa, le Prix Nobel enfin页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Paris-Match dated October 15, 2010, by Olivier O’Mahony: «I presented one of my stories to a literary contest organized by La revue française. I won the first prize, which included a trip to Paris. What do you remember of that trip? I have wonderful memories! I stayed at the Hôtel Napoléon, where I remember meeting Miss France 1958, Annie Simplon. The manager, a Pole whose name was Mr. Makovski, took us to L’éléphant blanc, a fashinable nightclub, and I danced with her...»