


小评论》(英语:The Little Review)是由玛格丽特·卡罗琳·安德森英语Margaret Caroline Anderson创办的美国文学杂志,在1914年至1929年期间公布许多文学和艺术作品。其中安德森在珍妮·赫浦英语Jane Heap艾兹拉·庞德协助下共同创造了杂志,内容是收录了各式各样西方现代主义作品,并且提供早期许多实验写作和艺术创作发挥之空间,杂志许多贡献者来自美国、英国、爱尔兰和法国等国家。而杂志除了发表各种国际文学作品外,还曾经为早期仍然发展中的超现实主义达达主义艺术品发表评论。而杂志曾经发表过最有著名的作品,是爱尔兰作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯创作的连载小说尤利西斯》。


  • Gammel, Irene. “The Little Review and Its Dada Fuse, 1918 to 1921.” Baroness Elsa: Gender, Dada, and Everyday Modernity. A Cultural Biography页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002. Pg. 238-261.
  • Hoffman, Frederick J., Charles Allen, Carolyn F. Ulrich. (1946). “The Little Review.” The Little Magazine: A History and a Bibliography. Princeton: Princeton UP. pg. 52-66.
  • Morrisson, Mark. (2001). “Youth in Public: The Little Review and Commercial Culture in Chicago.” The Public Face of Modernism: Little Magazine's, Audiences, and Reception, 1905-1920. Madison: U of Wisconsin P. pg. 133-66.
  • Tashjian, Dickran. (1998). “From Anarchy to Group Force: The Social Text of The Little Review.” Women in Dada: Essays on Sex, Gender and Identity. Ed. Naomi Sawelson-Gorse. Cambridge: MIT P. pg. 262-91


  • Anderson, Margaret, ed. (1953). The Little Review Anthology. New York: Hermitage House.
  • Anderson, Margaret, ed. (1969). My Thirty Years’ War: The Autobiography, Beginnings and Battles to 1930. New York: Horizon P.
  • Scott, Thomas L. and Melvin J. Friedman, eds. (1988). Pound/The Little Review, The Letters of Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson: The Little Review Correspondence. New York: New Directions.

