




James Lindenbaum,Adam Wiggins,和Orion Henry建立了Heroku,當時它支持兼容Rack的項目.[1]2009年10月,Byron Sebastian作為CEO加入了Heroku.[2] 在2010年12月8日,Salesforce.com收購了Heroku作為Salesforce.com的全資附屬公司. 在2011年6月12日,Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto,Ruby的首席設計師, 加盟該公司擔任Ruby的首席架構師.[3] 這一個月,Heroku加入了Node.jsClojure的支持. 在2011年9月15日, Heroku和Facebook 合作.[4] 現在Heroku支持Cloudant,Couchbase Server,MongoDBRedis,[5] 除了基礎的PostgreSQL,[6] 既作為平台的一部分,又作為一個獨立的服務.[7] 在Heroku伺服器上運行的應用程式使用Heroku的DNS伺服器連接至應用程式的域名(通常為"應用程式名.herokuapp.com"). 每個應用程式容器或 dynos跨越"dyno grid"由多個伺服器組成.Heroku的Git伺服器處理來自允許的用戶的應用程式庫推送請求.[8]





  1. ^ Ruby on Rails Startup Heroku Gets $3 Million, Tech Crunch, 2008-05-08 
  2. ^ SourceLabs' Byron Sebastian Joins Heroku as CEO, Venture Beat, 2009-10-14 
  3. ^ Matz joins Heroku (weblog), Heroku, 2011-07-12 
  4. ^ Facebook and Heroku: an even easier way to get started, Developers (weblog), Facebook 
  5. ^ NoSQL, Heroku, and You (weblog), Heroku, 2010-07-20 
  6. ^ Database, Dev Centre, Heroku, [2012-05-03], Heroku offers you the choice of running on a shared or dedicated database package. The shared plan is suitable for development and staging applications. It runs Postgres 8.3. The dedicated plans are suitable for production scale applications. In addition, the dedicated databases offer a number of advantages, including direct access (via psql or any native postgres library), stored procedures, and Postgres 9 support. 
  7. ^ SQL Database-as-a-Service: the largest and most reliable Postgres service in the world, Heroku, [2012-05-03], A powerful, reliable, and durable open-source SQL-compliant database, PostgreSQL is the datastore of choice for serious applications. Now it is available in seconds with a single click. Never worry about servers. Never worry about config files. Never worry about patches. Simply focus on your data. 
  8. ^ Scalability: How does Heroku work?
  9. ^ Ludwig, Sear. Amazon cloud outage takes down Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest, & more. VentureBeat. June 29, 2012 [8 July 2012]. 


