









請加入足球專題小組!--者尺 (Talk) 12:00 2005年10月30日 (UTC)



Are you American?I can't unterstand your Chinese.Would you please write in Engnish?:)--者尺 (Talk) 10:04 2005年10月31日 (UTC)


Hi! Recently I noticed that you add many external link addresses in those articles about countries around the world. I'd like to suggest that it would be good if you can match what you want to add with the article title, and not "over-reference" the articles by putting too many less related links. For example, it's not really proper to put the link of an American university under the article about USA. This link is perfectly related if the article is about the university itself, but with a country-level article, it's nonsense and bulky if you put all the university links under the title even when they were mentioned about in the content (for example, listed under the "Education" part in the country article). Hope you can understand what I mean. Thanx! --泅水大象 訐譙☎ 03:46 2005年11月3日 (UTC)

Sorry but I can't agree with your opinion. It's not really a good excuse to illeagally dump garbage somewhere just because there was already garbage or there might be some more later. The "External Links" should be treated as an internet version of references, instead of links someone thinks funny and added without meaning. Those links added should be relevant to the main topic, and be helpful to readers of the article if they want something more than the introduction on Wikipedia. Or, they can be treated as a reference if someone wants to doublecheck the truth or false stated in the article. I noticed that you added many links from a website www.xzqh.org on some country articles, and those links are relevant because their main topics are about those countries exactly. However, I can't figure out any meaning if we put couple of university links in a country article. If you said you do this just because it's no harm, then why you choose School A and School B, but not School C or School D, or even let School E,F,G,H......to School Z all showed on the same page? Or, why you choose universities instead of elementary schools or some fastfood chains or book stores? We can avoid ambiguity by narrowing our selection to those links really relevant to main topics. I didn't find many travelouges on Chinese wikipedia, but government websites should be considered redundant. Actually I think they're quite essential, or at least, we should include the websites of certain country's president office, main legislation and jurisdiction bodies, the central Executive unit, and foreign affair office (because it contains introduction of the country most of the time).--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 05:42 2005年11月9日 (UTC)
Sorry I missed a very important word in my previous post. Acutally I mean government websites should "NOT" be considered redundant. About the garbage topic, it's only an example to express what I think, please forgive me if you think it rude. What I mean is actually "We should not keep an article massy just because it's massy. We should improve it instead."--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 12:31 2005年11月9日 (UTC)
Langauage is just a tool for communication, so it's okay with me to type English as long as you can understand what I mean. I know you start your thinking from a practical point of view, often thinking "maybe I can put some more things in if someone may be interested in...". It's not a bad thinking, but still, I disagree most of your reasons if we're talking about an encyclopedia like Wikipedia.
The main concern of Chinese Wikipedia should be set upon all the population who can read Chinese globally, not constrained to some Asian parents who think universities are the most important thing above all. I asked my parents (of course, they are both Asians) what is the most important thing for them if we're talking about a foreign country or city just a few minutes ago. Their answers are like "where can I find a good but cheap hotel there?" "is there anything worthy for a visit?" "how to get there from Taiwan? which airline we should take?" or simply "what is it?". They don't really pay attention to any schools at all, but I think they're another kind of stereotype and why didn't you think about to furfill their need? (actually I think it is the common sense people might think while asked about a foreign city or country, no matter they are Asian parents or not). Also, although last answer "what is it?" might sounds stupid, it's actually what an encyclopedia article should answer. Please always bare this in mind, that an encyclopedia is not an education resource web, a school ranking guide, or a proper place for someone who wants to promote his school on internet. If they want to do it, please go to a proper place or just put a website on net. Don't worry if someone needs it can't get in, because his Google god will guide his way!
In your arguement, you listed many American schools which mostly situated in countryside and formed as part of the cityscape. You said it is proper to put an EXTERNAL LINK in each of these campus cities' articles because schools are essential for those cities. I think you missed two major points by saying this.
Firstly, you over-generalized some special cases into common practice. I think, among millions of cities and towns around the world, these "campus cities" are just a small fraction. Take my hometown Taipei for example, it's the capital of Taiwan, and is the city where National Taiwan University located, which is the best (according to ranking of joint entry exam) and the biggest (according to the land area) university in town. Although NTU is part of something you must mention if we're talking about education resource of Taipei. But, Taipei won't be nothing if we erase this part from the article, it's still a great city with lot of important things to talk about, like its geography, demography, and history. The same thing applied if you draw out NYU from New York City, or omit London Business School from London. Schools are just a small part for most of the cities in the world. Not so big deal as you think!
Secondly, if you really think those informations about universities are very important and want to have them on Wikipedia. What you should do is not ONLY put an EXTERNAL LINK about the school in a country or city article. The correct Wiki way to do this is adding an article about the school itself, writing some introduction in the article, putting your beloved EXTERNAL LINK on that page for people to reference. Finally, putting an INTERNAL LINK in the city page for someone to follow. If you added those external links by this way, I'll say thank you and clap hands for you. Please consider to adjust your current method to co-op with the basic rules here, because I can feel that you're really want to help but help in a not-so-welcome way so far.
If someone in Sudan REALLY REALLY REALLY wants us to know the existance of his school, he should love to fill up this link 喀土穆大學 for us so everybody can see it here. Shouldn't he?--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 16:17 2005年11月9日 (UTC)




還有別跟我說這是Star Trek的。--Yanzi 07:53 2005年11月7日 (UTC)




Wikipedia is not BBS or Usenet, so stop put ads to promote your site. It's not a good behavior. --  Moses+ 

My computer is OK. I mean so many "www.XZQH" links ITSELF are spams. --  Moses+ 

Why you say my computer have bugs? You add so many XZQHs. Repeat again, wikipedia is not a place to promote your site, please stop. --  Moses+ 
Please stop spamming here. Wikipedia shall not be used to promote other sites.--Theodoranian|虎兒 =^-^= 16:06 2005年12月1日 (UTC)

Well, I am a admin, but if you want talk to other admins, it would be OK. BTW: XZQH neither a good info source nor good news source. It's just a amateur site. Despite wether or not you are makeing ads for this site, add this site in the external links is still undesirable. --  Moses+ 

I have just noticed that you have put links from the XZQH site on numerous wikipedian articles. As the two admins have stated above, those links are not preferable. Please halt your attempt and revert those edits. Thanks for your concern. zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 04:39 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
BTW, you have claimed that XZQH is a serious geopolitical research site. Please read en:What_wikipedia_is_not before proceeding to more editing. Please refrain from putting more of the XZQH links. Meanwhile, I shall give you a favor by reverting those edits. Happy editing. :) zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 04:48 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
O, Moses has already finished the treat. Shall you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to discuss with any administrator. Thank you. zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 04:51 2005年12月2日 (UTC)

Is this the Wikipedia or the "Wengepedia"? Please advise. --McTrixie 15:06 2005年12月2日 (UTC)

這跟文革有什麼關係?請你不要把你的偏見帶到維基百科來。真是越講越過份了。--Theodoranian|虎兒 =^-^= 17:35 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
I wonder how my comments or explanations relate to the Cultural Revolution in China. zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 19:11 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
Thanks for sharing your idea. Still, I wonder how the link removal of the XZQH site from Wikipedia relates to the Cultural Revolution. And the link of the PLA is just an address. Were you sugguesting that the link removal is just as intellectually backward as the proletariat upheaval against the intellectual elite during the revolution? zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 19:45 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
Then, I cannot agree with you. Just as Moses has stated above, Wikipedia articles are not propaganda or advocacy of any kind. Self-promotion or mere collections of external links or Internet directories are not acceptted. You might wish to go to usenet, bbs or start a blog if you want to convince people of the merits of you point of view on the Cultural Revolution. Still, I encourage you to contribute to Wikipedia. zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 20:13 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
The current consesus on your situation is NO. zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 20:47 2005年12月2日 (UTC)
My negation denied your link placement on the article. What you have presented on your user page and one of your previous sentences, "I really need those links to do my work", just showed that the XZQH site is merely a personal work. Please observe that Wikipedia is regretfully not a publisher of original thought. The article "en:Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not" has sugguested Wikinfo as an alternative for personal views in articles. At last, I did not type "makeing" if you reviewed the previous comments. Other wikipedians and their acts are individual and independent as far as I am concerned. Still, I encourage you to contribute to Wikipedia in every other possible way. zzz....很睏 "Press" my name and Wake me up inside 00:37 2005年12月3日 (UTC)

May I ask a question? Are you guys a bunch of hard-core Christians? Like Pat Robertson believers? Please explain. --McTrixie 09:41 2005年12月3日 (UTC)

Weijibaike Policy


I have a question. What is the policy on zh vis a vis the romanization of Cyrillic (and other alphabets)? Of course since zh is outside of Roman alphabetland, it goes in as Cyrillic, but at what point does one add a Roman version of a word? I was doing soccer FAs on zh and I didn't know who or if I should ask about this. One the one hand, one would want to empasize the actual language. Roman alphabet people can be absolutely ignorant of the world outside. Yet, in terms of modern corporate existence, the Roman alphabet versions are incredibly useful. If you or anyone has an idea or answer about this, it would certainly be good to know. --McTrixie 23:53 2005年12月2日 (UTC)

Leave your messages at the Chinese Village pump or Wikipedia talk:Guestbook for non-Chinese-speakers. More readers check there. Cybercavalier 13:35 2006年2月8日 (UTC)



由於條目歐洲足球協會和您創建的條目歐洲足球聯合會的英文連結都為UEFA,而前者的內容較之您的更為詳盡,因此我把您的條目指向了歐洲足球協會。如有不妥,敬請指正。--Hennessy 10:16 2006年2月8日 (UTC)




目前已投票決定年會日期為2006年8月26日-8月27日舉行( http://0rz.net/1110P ),2月19日起開始進行年會地點的選擇投票( http://0rz.net/4114e )。


  1. 先進行為期2星期的第一輪投票,所有在投票前註冊的維基人都可以參與投票(每人投任意票)和討論,選出支持率最高的前3名的城市。
  2. 一星期討論並確定各個城市的舉辦條件,並進行SWOT分析(優點、弱點、機會、威脅),討論並進行審核確定符合條件的城市。
  3. 如果有2個以上城市符合基本條件,進行為期一星期的維基見習編輯參與的第二輪投票(建議結合,個人可能出席的城市)。

--Jasonzhuocn...._交流 17:32 2006年2月22日 (UTC)

The usage of Catagory


Notice you've created many new categories without any actual content recently. I'd like to point out that, according to the agreement among the community, only categories with THREE OR MORE EXISTING ARTICLES can be created. So what you added are not proper to the agreement we have. I've already called up a discussion on the page Wikipedia:互助客棧/方針#不適當的分類建立, and hope you can go there and join the discussion if you have any opinion. Thank you!--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 13:51 2006年11月5日 (UTC)

Thanks for the positive answer on the village pump page. There is another basic rule of using Category I'd like to point out: If certain article is already included in a son category, please avoid to add it to the father category or remember to delete it from the father category. The reason why we do this is that, the original purpose to create a son category is to avoid an over-sized father category containing too many articles. A well-organized son categories system can share the load from its father category so users can find what they need more easily. However, if you putting a same article under both the father and son categories, it will make our original layout useless. For example, the article 津巴布韋 is already included in Category:津巴布韋, which is the son category of Category:非洲國家. Thus, it's no need to add the category tag Category:非洲國家 in the article. It's redundancy. Hope you can understand what I mean.--泅水大象 訐譙☎ 20:38 2006年11月5日 (UTC)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I saw the big category Category:非洲國家 containing all African countries, and I noticed that it contained maybe 20 categories and maybe 40 articles. I thought it was nice to have both the articles and the categories together. At any rate, I went ahead and added all the rest of the ~52 country categories to the category. Then I continued with the 20 or so remaining country articles, adding them to the category as well, in what I assumed was a deliberate two-tier category, meant to include 52 articles and 52 categories. ...For what it's worth, I think this two-tier category is an adequate construct. LMK.--McTrixie 21:11 2006年11月5日 (UTC)