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<ref name="通">{{cite book | language = zh-tw | author = 通鑑文化編輯部 | coauthors = | title = 《消失的古文明》 | url = | date = | location = | publisher = 人類智庫 | id = | isbn = 9867044525 | pages = 146~148 }}</ref>
<ref name="大-1">{{cite web | language = zh-tw | publisher = 大紀元文化網 | title = 地下迷宮--克里特文化 | url = http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/0/11/21/c2911.htm | author = | date = | accessdate = 2011-2-13 }}</ref>
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The Sun is pretty big,<ref name="Miller2005p23" />
but the Moon is not so big.<ref name="Brown2006" />
The Sun is also quite hot.<ref name="Miller2005p34" />
<ref name="Miller2005p23">Miller, E: ''The Sun'', page 23. Academic Press, 2005.</ref>
<ref name="Miller2005p34">Miller, E: ''The Sun'', page 34. Academic Press, 2005.</ref>
<ref name="Brown2006">Brown, R: "Size of the Moon", ''Scientific American'', 51(78):46</ref>
Below is how this would look in the article, once you had previewed or saved your edited section:
The Sun is pretty big,[1] but the Moon is not so big.[2] The Sun is also quite hot.[3]
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- —以上未簽名的留言由Orz少年(對話|貢獻)於2009年11月19日 (四) 08:49 (UTC)加入。
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