


威權社會主義(英語:Authoritarian socialism),又稱自上而下的社會主義,是一個政治術語,用來描述一系列自稱為社會主義並拒絕採納多黨政治集會自由人身保護權言論自由的經濟政治體系,或是出於對反革命的恐懼,或是作為實現社會主義目標的手段[1][2]


  1. ^ Nation, R. Craig. Black Earth, Red Star: A History of Soviet Security Policy, 1917-1991需要免費註冊. Cornell University Press. 1992: 85–6 [19 December 2014]. ISBN 9780801480072. 
  2. ^ Barrett (1978): "If we were to extend the definition of socialism to include Labor Britain or socialist Sweden, there would be no difficulty in refuting the connection between capitalism and democracy."; Heilbroner 等人 (1991); Kendall (2011), pp. 125–127: "Sweden, Great Britain, and France have mixed economies, sometimes referred to as democratic socialism—an economic and political system that combines private ownership of some of the means of production, governmental distribution of some essential goods and services, and free elections. For example, government ownership in Sweden is limited primarily to railroads, mineral resources, a public bank, and liquor and tobacco operations."; Li (2015), pp. 60–69: "The scholars in the camp of democratic socialism believe that China should draw on the Sweden experience, which is suitable not only for the West but also for China. In post-Mao China, the Chinese intellectuals are confronted with a variety of models. The liberals favour the American model and share the view that the Soviet model has become archaic and should be abandoned. Meanwhile, democratic socialism in Sweden provided an alternative model. Its sustained economic development and extensive welfare programs fascinated many. Numerous scholars within the democratic socialist camp argue that China should model itself politically and economically on Sweden, which is viewed as more genuinely socialist than China. There is a growing consensus among them that in the Nordic countries the welfare state has been extraordinarily successful in eliminating poverty."