
埃絲特爾 (名字)


埃絲特爾(希伯來文:אֶסְתֵּר)是起源於猶太人女王以斯帖的女性人名。埃絲特爾一名也可能源自古波斯語中的「ستاره/ setāra/ stāra」,即「星」(star),但部分學者認為埃絲特爾就等同於巴比倫神話中的愛情女神的名字「伊什塔爾/伊絲塔」(Ishtar),因為伊什塔爾與金星有關(伊什塔爾之星)。[1]在歐洲和不列顛群島,人名「埃絲特爾」出現於宗教改革時期[2]


  1. ^ The use of Ishtar as the original name of Esther is based on the idea that an old Babylonian myth has been adapted by Judeans in which the gods of Babylon (Marduk [Mordechai] and Ishtar [Esther] fight for the control of the King against the Elamite gods of Hammambam [Hamon] and a god who is transformed into Vashti.[來源請求]
  2. ^ Behind the Name. [2024-01-15]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-20).