


邀請信初稿(By RockLi)


Dear XXX,

Sponsorship for the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006

On behalf of the HK Working Team,Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006 Preparatory Committee, I write to solicit your generous support for the upcoming Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006.

It is the first year for us to hold the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006 . This yearis going to be held on 26/8-27/8/2006 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) . Since we are having financial inadequacy, I sincerely hope that you can sponsor us to make this activity a success.

For your reference, the rundown of the programme and our budget are attached. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 9582 5791 or our Financial Secretary, Mr Angus Lai, at XXXXXXXX. We are looking forward to your favourable reply.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely,

Lo Wing Ki
HK Working Team,Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006 Preparatory Committee

(HK Working Team,Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006 Preparatory Committee此名稱並未獲正式確認)
--RockLi 14:12 2006年4月30日 (UTC)

Dear XXX,
Sponsorship for the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006
On behalf of the HK Working Team,Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006 Preparatory Committee, I write to solicit your generous support for the upcoming Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006.
It is the first year for us to hold the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006 . This yearThe Conference is going to be held on 26/8-27/8/2006 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) . Since we are having financial inadequacy, I sincerely hope that you can sponsor us to make this activity a success.
For your reference, the rundown of the programme and our budget are attached. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at 9582 5791 or our Financial Secretary, Mr Angus Lai, at XXXXXXXX. We are looking forward to your favourable reply.
Thank you for your kind attention.
賢弘 14:49 2006年4月30日 (UTC)
  1. 自我介紹:讓對方了解維基百科及維基媒體的目標、成就及作用(包括社會、文化、經濟等作用),中文年會的目的及作用(促進中文維基媒體繼續成長及擴展);
  2. 引起同感:將我們的努力與對方的境遇、感受、需求、利益等連繫起來;
  3. 指出回報:對方給予贊助,除了支持我們的重要事業,還能夠得到哪些立竿見影的回報(如廣告等);
  4. 我個人認為,可以提供會議議程(program),但不一定要給出預算表(或可以給一部分,不一定把全部預算情況給出)。
我在Rockli的基礎上,大體亂修補了一些,肯定還有很多需要改進之處(其實我也不確定這個文章的結構是否得當,比如起頭的介紹是否太長,或者有失重點、不一定引起同感),所以請大家能夠幫助繼續修正或拋棄重寫。另外,一些拼字是美國拼法,可能要改成香港的英文規範。 --roc (talk) 19:51 2006年4月30日 (UTC)

邀請信初稿(By ROC)


Re: Solicitation of Sponsorship for the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006

Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. XXX, (choose one title; if recipient is not defined, use Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern,)

Knowledge is power, and knowledge should be free. This is what Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other Wikimedia projects are working on every day. We believe that free and high-quality knowledge is a driving force for the social and economical development and every one of us will benefit from it, both intellectually and economically. Thank to the hard work of numerous volunteers in the past five years, both the English and Chinese Wikipedia have grown into the largest online encyclopedias. Last December, a Nature investigation found that Wikipedia is not worse than Britannica. This May, BBC Focus magazine rated Wikipedia the best encyclopedia when comparing Britannica, Encarta, Infoplease, and Wikipedia.

In order to further publicize and promote the development of Chinese Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in the Chinese areas, the Chinese community of Wikimedia is organizing its First Chinese Wikimedia Conference (CWMC 2006). The Conference will be held on 26th and 27th August, 2006 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Jimmy Wales, Founder and Chairman of Wikimedia Foundation, is going to attend the conference, and we anticipate an adequate amount of media coverage, both locally and internationally.

As Chair of the Hong Kong Working Team for the CWMC 2006, I am writing to ask for your generous help and financial support. We need to raise over HK$xxxxx to cover the cost of this conference, for example, travel cost of invited speakers/lecturers, and printed materials for education and promotion. In appreciation, your company's name will be prominently acknowledged in the CWMC 2006 conference rooms, program, and publications. As a sponsor, you are not only going to aid our mission and efforts, but also going to reach an affluent group of potential consumers, both in Hong Kong and internationally.

Our success depends upon the support and generosity of companies like yours (or your support and generosity), and we would be extremely grateful for your assistance. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me, Chair of the Hong Kong Working Team, at 9582 5791 or Mr. Angus Lai, Treasurer for CWMC 2006, at xxxx xxxx. We look forward to your favorable reply and help.

Thank you in advance for your contribution and support!

Yours sincerely,

Lo Wing Ki
Chair of the Hong Kong Working Team
Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006

他們不大了解,便會聯絡我們詢問詳細資料,有了進一步溝通,回報可能更大--RockLi 11:38 2006年5月1日 (UTC)

邀請信初稿(By 仁心文術)


Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. XXX,

Re: Solicitation of Sponsorship for the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006(CWMC 2006)

As the Chairperson of the Hong Kong working Team, CWMC 2006, I am writing to request for your generous help and financial support for the Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006(CWMC 2006).

Knowledge is power, and knowledge should be free. This is what Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, and other Wikimedia projects are working on every day. Thanking to the hard work of numerous volunteers in the past five years, both the English and Chinese Wikipedia have grown into the largest online encyclopaedias. On May 2006, BBC Focus magazine rated Wikipedia the best encyclopaedia when comparing with Britannica, Encarta, Infoplease, and Wikipedia.

To further publicize and promote the development of Chinese Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in the Chinese areas, the Chinese community of Wikimedia is organizing its First Chinese Wikimedia Conference (CWMC 2006). The Conference will be held on 26th and 27th August 2006 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Jimmy Wales, Founder and Chairman of Wikimedia Foundation, is going to attend the conference, and we anticipate an adequate amount of media coverage, both locally and internationally.

We need to raise money for various areas, for example, travel cost of invited speakers/lecturers, and printed materials for both education and promotion. For the mean of sponsorship, we may discuss further in the future time. In appreciation, your company's name will be prominently acknowledged in the CWMC 2006 conference rooms, program, and publications.

As a sponsor, you will benefits a lot. Firstly, You are not only going to aid our mission and efforts, but also going to reach an affluent group of potential consumers, both in Hong Kong and internationally. Secondly, it can upgrade and enhance the good image of your company, which is very important for every well-established company. Last but not least, the amount is in fact very small when comparing with the traditional promotional plan, but sponsoring CWMC will have a much better effect.

(As our committee know, your company has been giving sponsorship to various clubs and societies of the universities. We hope you can continue your kindness to support these kind of academic activities.) Our success depends upon the support and generosity of companies, and we would be extremely grateful for your assistance. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me, Chair of the Hong Kong Working Team, at xxxxxxxx or Mr. Angus Lai, Treasurer for CWMC 2006, at xxxx xxxx. We are looking forward to your favourable reply and help.

Thank you in advance for your contribution and support!

Yours sincerely,

_____________ Lo Wing Ki Chair of the Hong Kong Working Team Chinese Wikimedia Conference 2006

Rockli作為SSU的文書,坦白講,實令我有些失望。他所寫的太沒有說服力了,根本沒有給予原因,而且也太短,別人根本不會理會我們。ROC的那篇很好,只是我希望可以加多一些point。仁心文術 15:53 2006年5月1日 (UTC)
另外,請修改一下以上信函的格式。--RockLi 08:45 2006年5月2日 (UTC)

  • 幾點意見:
    1. 書信標題建議不要用solicit(兜搭),感覺是貶義詞,妓女兜搭客人就是用solicit的。Request或Invitation to...都比較好吧。
    2. 感謝幫忙書寫的各位同事。仁同學增添的內容很不錯,但好些英語文法要修改。以第二段為例:Thanking to 改Thanks to; Grown into the 改 Grown to become the; On May 改 In May;rated Wikipedia the best改rated Wikipedia as the best;…… 如果需要檢查文法,請跟我聯絡! -- tonync (talk) 12:19 2006年5月5日 (UTC)



如本議事規則在工作小組上運用良好,可供他日香港維基媒體協會成立後作參考用。--助理編輯encyclopedist (對話頁) 19:43 2006年4月10日 (UTC)


  1. 工作小組的兩名負責人為會議主席。
  2. 會議主席一職由兩位負責人輪流擔任。(如第一次會議主席為負責人A,第二次會議主席為負責人B,如此類推。)
  3. 如工作小組的兩名負責人同時缺席會議,將由當時與會組員中,以簡單多數票方式互選一名組員為會議主席。
  4. 根據第(3)款所選出的會議主席,其權力將與負責人相同。

第(2)款為新增,大家看看有沒有問題--RockLi 16:15 2006年4月11日 (UTC)

明白輪流會議比較公平,不過Chpapa經常沒空,特別是星期六。^o^Stewart~惡龍->講! 16:34 2006年4月11日 (UTC)
另外,可以考慮加上如會議主席不能抽空出席,可以指派一名成員臨時擔任,省卻投票時間。^o^Stewart~惡龍->講! 16:34 2006年4月11日 (UTC)


  1. 會議主席宣佈「表決開始」後,即表示表決程序將進行,所有發言都應該待會議主席宣佈「表決結束」後才進行。
  2. 會議主席須先請贊成該議題的組員示意贊成,繼而請反對該議題的組員示意反對。沒有任何示意的情況作棄權論。
  3. 所有經表決的議案,均須獲得出席會議的組員的過半數票,方為通過。
  4. 若表決贊成某議案的組員多於在進行表決時在席組員的半數,議題即獲得過半數票。
  5. 組員可於會議主席宣佈「表決開始」內半分鐘,提出記名表決。(記名表決意思為投票之組員名字及其表決立場將刊載於會議記錄內。)
  6. 在任何表決中,除第(7)款所指明的情況外,會議主席均無須投票。
  7. 表決後,如贊成票及反對票數目相同,會議主席得投決定性之一票。
  8. 主席如根據第(7)款所指明而投棄權票,則有關議題將提交籌備委員會會議上表決。

第(5)款為新增,大家看看有沒有問題--RockLi 11:04 2006年4月12日 (UTC)

  • 有關建議已獲採用。--助理編輯encyclopedist (對話頁) 20:39 2006年4月12日 (UTC)
    • 「記名表決」有什麼實際意義?! 我覺得很麻煩...要表決的事這麼多...另外,我亦有保存一切的會議存檔方便翻查。因此認為不應強制需要。 Stewart~惡龍 05:00 2006年5月30日 (UTC)




  • 會議法定人數為不少於全體組員的三分之一,包括會議小組主席在內,是否太緊或太鬆。需要提高或減低法定人數?
  • 所有經表決的議題,包括以維基頁面傳閱方式表決,均須獲得出席會議的組員的過半數票,方為通過,是否恰當?簡單多數票方式會否比較恰當?

請各組員提出寶貴意見。--助理編輯encyclopedist (對話頁) 17:59 2006年4月11日 (UTC)

現時工作小組有37名成員...3份1都出席是不可能的,就以忙於考試的學生已經不少。建議人數方面只要符合全體組員的四分之一或最少8人(或6人)就好,另外希望給予會議主席決定是否堅持繼續會議的權力。^o^Stewart~惡龍->講! 18:23 2006年4月11日 (UTC)