

  • Star Wars Outlaws
開發商Massive Entertainment[a]
  • 朱利安·格懷蒂(Julian Gerighty)
  • 馬蒂亞斯·卡爾松(Mathias Karlson)
製作人萊昂內爾·勒戴因(Lionel Le Dain)
編劇納維德·卡瓦里(Navid Khavari)
美術貝內迪克特·波德斯尼格(Benedikt Podlesnigg)

星際大戰:亡命之徒(英語:Star Wars Outlaws,中國大陸譯作「星球大戰:亡命之徒」,香港和臺灣譯作「星際大戰:亡命之徒」)是一款由Massive Entertainment開發[a]並由育碧發行在WindowsPlayStation 5Xbox Series X/S平台上的動作冒險遊戲,於2024年8月30日發行。故事舞台星球大戰宇宙,其時間線介乎正傳電影《帝國大反擊》(1980)至《絕地大反攻》(1983)的劇情之間,講述初出矛頭的女惡棍凱伊·維斯為了收買一犯罪集團而組團實施大規模搶劫[1]。遊戲採用第三人稱視角,並允許玩家在開放世界中自由探索、從事各種活動。作中主角凱伊·維斯(Kay Vess)由亨伯莉·岡薩雷斯(Humberly González)獻聲兼動態捕捉,而她的拍擋寵物小尼(Nix)則由迪·布萊德利·貝克英語Dee Bradley Baker配音。



《星際大戰:亡命之徒》是一款採第三人稱視角的動作冒險遊戲[2],玩家將在開放世界環境內操縱女惡棍凱伊·維斯(Kay Vess)穿梭行星、在太空內從事各種活動[1]。維斯戰鬥的方式多樣,能近戰格鬥和使用爆能槍英語Blaster (Star Wars),而後者有包括電磁脈衝在內的多種彈藥[3][4],也可利用其武器庫內的抓鉤英語Grappling hook、骸入設備[5],以及炸藥彈等一切對她有利的環境物件[6]。維斯的腎上腺素能力可以減緩時間,以標記多個目標後進行一系列速射,將他們全數擊斃[7]。除此之外,她也可以用潛行技能來避免戰鬥或刺殺目標[8][9]。維斯的寵物夥伴小尼(Nix)則可掃視環境、與物體互動,干擾或攻擊敵人[10][11]

玩家在行星上可駕駛反重力機車英語speeder bike到處移動,並乘坐名叫「拓荒者號」(Trailblazer)的宇宙飛船前往各個行星[3],還可在探索行星或衝星的軌道時[12]使用雷射炮和飛彈的武器進行太空戰鬥[13]:84。若遇到物資短缺,太空站能起到補給、交易和接受任務的作用[12]。在完成各種活動後,玩家可以獲得可用於購買自定義物品和裝備的點數英語Fictional currency[1]。隨著遊戲進展,玩家可以為維斯和小尼的能力、爆能槍、機車與「拓荒者號」升級[14],也可以在完成特定NPC給予的任務後獲得新的技能和升級[1]

在《亡命之徒》中,維斯需要與四個派系周旋,他們分別是亞西嘉家族(Ashiga Clan)、赤色黎明(Crimson Dawn)、赫特英語Hutt (Star Wars)企業(Hutt Cartel)和派克組織(Pyke Syndicate)[15]。玩家在遊戲中作出的決定和行動會直接影響維斯在各派系間的聲譽[16],較高的特定派系聲望能夠讓她進入該派系的商店、獲得折扣或任務,反之則派系會派出傭兵追殺[17]。《亡命之徒》有一決定帝國軍追捕維斯強度的通緝系統,最高可達六級[18],玩家能通過躲藏、賄賂或殲滅敵人等方式避免落網[1][19]。除此之外,玩家在與NPC對話時所選的選項可能會影響到任務的最終結果[20]



2018年電子娛樂展期間,時任Massive Entertainment行政總裁大衛·波爾費爾特(David Polfeldt)曾與迪士尼代表接洽,表明有意改編後者的IP,其中便包括《星際大戰》系列[12][21],而迪士尼其實早就把該工作室列進他們想要合作的候選名單中[21]。與此同時,Massive亦希望摒棄前幾作採用的服務型商業模式,力求增多他們的創新機會[22]。該開發商在2020年向迪士尼旗下孫公司盧卡斯藝術提出希望製作一款完美的開放世界遊戲的願景[13]:80[23],並隨後獲得盧卡斯藝術肯定[23]。這也是迪士尼自2013年簽定授予美商藝電製作星戰遊戲的獨佔權協議後,首次在在沒有該公司參與的情況下開發的《星際大戰》作品[24]

包括Massive在內的11個育碧工作室、約600人的開發團隊參與了《星際大戰:亡命之徒》的製作[25][26]。開發者團隊由創意總監朱利安·格懷蒂(Julian Gerighty)、知名作品包括《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖》(2016)和其續作(2019)的遊戲總監馬蒂亞斯·卡爾松(Mathias Karlson)、擔任《孤島驚魂5》(2018)和《孤島驚魂6》(2021)編劇的故事總監納維德·卡瓦里(Navid Khavari)[27],以及曾執筆《看門狗:自由軍團》(2020)及《孤島驚魂6》[28][29]DLC的首席編劇妮基·福伊(Nikki Foy)領導[30][19],而盧卡斯藝術亦有給予額外支援[31]。團隊的製作概念是要將《星際大戰》的經典元素與自己的想法相結合[32],同時秉承正傳三部曲的概念設計師雷夫·麥奎里英語Ralph McQuarrie的設計原則[12],於是便從一系列諸如書籍動畫劇集等星戰多媒體取材[33]。除了麥奎里的設計概念外,開發團隊還從意大利式西部片黑澤明電影和經典戰爭片等影響系列主創喬治·盧卡斯的作品[12][34]喬·約翰斯頓分鏡菲爾·蒂佩特英語Phil Tippett的生物設計中汲取靈感[35]

盧卡斯藝術家提議將《亡命之徒》的劇情背景設定在《帝國大反擊》至《絕地大反攻》的之間[36]。對開發團隊來說,這時間段被認為是「完美的出發點」,箇中原因在於可將故事的核心從反抗軍同盟,轉移至系列從沒探討過的地下犯罪社會[32][37][b]。Massive在開發初期階段制定了一份用在《亡命之徒》內的行星清單,其中有系列中已出現過的「奇基米星」(Kijimi),也有新設計,靈感來自坦桑尼亞等地的疏林草原的「托夏拉」(Toshara)。而儘管塔圖因的素材對遊戲來說是一個充滿挑戰性的任務,但開發團隊還是決定依靠多林金德斯利出版的星戰視覺圖鑑英語Visual guide,將莫斯艾斯利英語Mos Eisley鎮和該行星獨有的沙丘峽谷景觀納入其中[38]

岡薩雷斯和貝克分別飾演作中的主角凱·維斯(Kay Vess)與尼克斯(Nix)

主人公凱伊·維斯的設計概念著重於塑造出一位「弱不禁風的策士」,且要與全境封鎖系列的精煉士兵形成鮮明對比[12]。個性亦融入了包括韓·蘇羅藍道·卡利森星戰角色,以及傑克·斯派羅占士邦印第安納·瓊斯等其他系列要角在內的特質。與此同時,開發團隊也希望透過強調維斯的不諳世故,讓她更易引起玩家們的共鳴[13]:80[39]。格懷蒂指出女主角的敘事弧是一場「成長之旅」,從一開始懵懂無知的街頭小偷,轉變成威名遠播,受一眾集團敬畏的成熟女惡棍[33],而馬丁·斯科塞斯在1985年執導的電影《三更半夜》則是維斯故事線的靈感之一[25]。她的外貌、服裝和未復位爛鼻和傷疤等身體特徵在視覺上也為玩家訴說著其生活經歷[12]。Massive和盧卡斯藝術在遊戲中加入了原創的新種族——「默卡爾族」(Merqaal),維斯的愛寵小尼(Nix)便為其中一員[39],並期望在「一人一寵」領銜作品的情況下讓玩家能真切感受到其「人寵協同」。開發團隊的目標是把她們與系列原有的角色有組織地整合起來,同時避免製作優待粉絲的內容[12]。演員陣容方面,亨伯莉·岡薩雷斯(Humberly González)為維斯獻聲兼動態捕捉[40],小尼由迪·布萊德利·貝克英語Dee Bradley Baker聲演。前者此前曾飾演《孤島驚魂6》的梅賽德絲·「全壘打」·馬丁(Mercedes "Jonrón" Martin),而後者則參與過包括動畫系列《複製人之戰》(2008–14,2020)和《瑕疵小隊》(2021–2024)在內的多部星戰多媒體作品[41]。格懷蒂表示之所以選擇岡薩雷斯,是因為她能體現維斯的多面性[13]:80–83

The team aimed to create gameplay that felt cinematic and seamless.[23][32] They sought to evoke a "matinee action" atmosphere[32] and employed visual techniques such as vignetting, film grain, lens effects,[13]:84 and ultrawide resolution, drawing inspiration from the visual style of Rogue One (2016). The developers focused on creating the game's open world that expanded gradually and felt "conscious," rather than simply being large in scale.[1] Its design was particularly inspired by Ghost of Tsushima (2020).[42] The team aimed to create combat that offered diverse tactical approaches, avoiding a narrow focus on "precisely taking cover and taking headshots."[19] Gerighty said that they wanted to convey the experience of a clever scoundrel rather than a trained soldier.[19][39] To enhance Nix's usefulness as a companion, the developers drew inspiration from lemurs and monkeys, granting Nix abilities like object manipulation. They also incorporated reptilian features to highlight Nix's "tough side" and reflect the character's corresponding skills.[39] The speeder movement was inspired by motocross.[23] To develop space combat, Massive collaborated with other Ubisoft studios experienced in arcade flight and combat simulators. Their goal was to make starship controls intuitive while fostering deeper, more intense space combat through a slower pace.[43] The space aspects were inspired by both Starlink: Battle for Atlas (2018) and the space sequence in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014).[44]

Outlaws was developed using the Snowdrop engine, which had been enhanced to support Massive's three core design pillars: densely populated, dynamic cities; expansive landscapes with various activities; and outer space exploration.[22][23][45] The developers chose to handcraft each game environment, deciding against using procedural generation.[19] The visual design was inspired by the aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s, which Gerighty described as "timeless." For instance, Kay's simplistic starship design drew inspiration from 1970s toys.[13]:84 Kay's speeder was modeled after a Swedish motocross bike, featuring a simplified and retrofuturistic style.[38] Nix's design combined features of the developers' pets with those of wild animals such as armadillos and axolotls.[18][46] To capture Nix's movements, a puppet was used, while the character's 3D model utilized shaders that mimicked latex.[13]:84 When developing accessibility options, the team collaborated with players with disabilities, consultants, and conducted user research. They also worked closely with Descriptive Video Works to implement audio description for cutscenes, making Outlaws the first Ubisoft game to feature this. The game offers 60 accessibility options, including audio cues, visual aids, and customizable controls.[47]



在2021年1月釋出正在開發的消息後[48],《星際大戰:亡命之徒》於2023年6月的Xbox Games Showcase英語Xbox Developer Direct活動上正式亮相[49]。隔年4月,發行商育碧公佈該作將有兩種限定版——「黃金版」與「終極版」,兩者皆內設包含獎勵任務、造型包和延伸故事資料片《百搭牌》(Wild Card)和《海盜的命運》(A Pirate's Fortune)的季票,差別在於終極版含有數位藝術畫集及兩款額外的造型同綑包。同時發行的兩個版本的預售價格分別是110和130美元,玩家獲得限定版之後可在正式發行前搶先體驗遊戲[50],然而兩個版本的定價和包含內容引起了遊戲社群內的部分人士的非議[51][52][53]。育碧在同月宣佈和英特爾合作,指定的第14代Raptor Lake處理器會與《星際大戰:亡命之徒》一起合併發售[54]。兩個月後,該作在夏季遊戲節英語Summer Game Fest上公開演示[5],並在隔月結束開發階段[55]。2024年8月30日,遊戲正式在WindowsPlayStation 5Xbox Series X/S平台上公開發售[56]


Game Revolution8/10[61]
PC Gamer美國73/100[67]
Push Square6/10顆星[69]
Video Games Chronicle英語Video Games Chronicle3/5顆星[73]


IGN的特里斯坦·奧格爾維(Tristan Ogilvie)給予《星際大戰:亡命之徒》7/10分,形容其是一款優秀的高探索性星際劫盜冒險遊戲,並猶其讚賞小尼和犯罪集團的設計,但仍無法掩蓋缺乏原創概念、存在諸多技術問題與戰鬥模式重複且僵化等問題。他又說:「將一大堆螺栓和重新利用的部件焊接在一起,打造出來的也只是一件易損品,但全盛姿態的它(《亡命之徒》)還是足以讓玩家全心全意地投身進星戰迷的『超空間』(Hyperspace)粉絲網站中」[65]GameSpot的喬丹·拉梅(Jordan Ramée)為《亡命之徒》打出6/10分,指該作只在部分較為出彩,其他部分盡是黯然失色。優點在於出色的配樂和音效設計、延伸講述了一些星際大戰宇宙中從未描寫過的角落和人物,以及有時令人心驚肉跳的交火情節。相比之下,維斯的角色弧線發展並不明確,選擇與哪個犯罪集團共事對遊戲玩法和故事而言都關緊要,且敵對角色的AI設計過於笨拙,使得線性故事任務中的潛行要素和戰鬥橋段變得十分無趣[62]PC Gamer的摩根·帕克(Morgan Park)在評出73/100分的同時持與拉梅一樣的觀點,認為《亡命之徒》儘管雄心勃勃,不願成為沙盒式的第三人稱射擊遊戲,然而對比其他以創新為買點的育碧大作,其安分守已的玩法顯得格格不入。例如幾乎每個任務都要爬梯子或通風口,才能抵達走道,但與此同時也有著使人流連忘返的城市設計和別具匠心的開放世界支線任務[67]



由於《星際大戰:亡命之徒》在Metacritic的總體評分偏低的關係,摩根大通在2024年9月4日將其原先估計的初期銷量下調至200萬份,並預計該作在隔年5月才會突破550萬大關,捷孚凱的數據更顯示該作在英國的實體版銷售量要比去年的《星際大戰 絕地:倖存者》低55%,從而導致育碧在泛歐交易所的股價在兩天內縮水10%,跌至近十年來新低[75]


年份 獎項 類別 結果 來源
2023 遊戲大獎 未來最期待遊戲 提名 [76]
金搖桿獎 最受期待遊戲 提名 [77]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 盧卡斯藝術育碧旗下的RedLynx安錫布加勒斯特成都米蘭蒙彼利埃巴黎上海斯德哥爾摩多倫多亦有參與開發
  2. ^ Star Wars 1313 by 盧卡斯藝術的《星際大戰1913英語Star Wars 1313》和維瑟羅遊戲的《群氓計劃英語Project Ragtag》都有類似的故事設定,但兩者分別在2013和2017年取消開發。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Cardy, Simon. Star Wars Outlaws Wants to Be Your Dream 'Open Galaxy' — IGN First. IGN. Ziff Davis. July 9, 2024 [July 10, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 10, 2024). 
  2. ^ Middler, Jordan. Ubisoft has revealed 10 minutes of Star Wars Outlaws gameplay. Video Games Chronicle. 1981 Media. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Watts, Steve. Kay Shot First In Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay Reveal Trailer. GameSpot. Fandom, Inc. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  4. ^ Mercante, Alyssa. Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On: Good Gameplay, Wonderful World. Kotaku. G/O Media. June 11, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 11, 2024). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Myers, Maddy. Star Wars Outlaws aims to be the Han Solo simulator we've always wanted. Polygon. Vox Media. June 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 10, 2024). 
  6. ^ Harte, Charles. Check Out The Gameplay Debut of Ubisoft's Star Wars Outlaws. Game Informer (GameStop). June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  7. ^ Hornshaw, Phil. Star Wars Outlaws Hands-On Preview: Hey Kid, You Wanna Do Space Crimes?. GameSpot. Fandom, Inc. July 30, 2024 [July 30, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 30, 2024). 
  8. ^ Park, Morgan. Star Wars Outlaws looks like the best thing Ubisoft has made in years. PC Gamer. Future plc. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  9. ^ Romano, Sal. Star Wars Outlaws gameplay walkthrough, screenshots. Gematsu. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  10. ^ Benfell, Grace. The Cute Critter In Star Wars Outlaws Can Distract Enemies And Snatch Weapons. GameSpot. Fandom, Inc. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  11. ^ Wald, Heather. In Star Wars Outlaws, I escaped an Imperial space station, swiped a relic, and fell in love with Kay and Nix's teamwork. GamesRadar+. Future plc. June 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 10, 2024). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Shea, Brian. Star Wars Outlaws Cover Story — Forging A Strong Reputation. Game Informer (GameStop). May 4, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 4, 2024). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Spencer, Alex. Rogue Leader. Edge. No. 387 (Future plc). September 2023: 78–85. 
  14. ^ Tatsumoto, Kai; Palumbo, Alessio. Star Wars Outlaws Q&A — Game Length Can Double with Side Content. Wccftech. June 11, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 12, 2024). 
  15. ^ Shea, Brian. Star Wars Outlaws Preview — Exclusive Hands-On Impressions. Game Informer (GameStop). April 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 10, 2024). 
  16. ^ Bailey, Dustin. Star Wars: Outlaws has narrative choices and factions you can anger, including a GTA-style wanted system. GamesRadar+. Future plc. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  17. ^ Van Aken, Alex. Star Wars Outlaws Preview — The Scoundrel Experience. Game Informer (GameStop). June 14, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 15, 2023). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Travis, Emlyn. Star Wars Outlaws cast and creatives unpack their galaxy-hopping scoundrel story (exclusive). Entertainment Weekly (Dotdash Meredith). June 7, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 7, 2024). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 West, Josh. How Star Wars Outlaws will give you the freedom to become the Outer Rim's most infamous scoundrel. GamesRadar+. Future plc. June 14, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 15, 2023). 
  20. ^ Kim, Matt. First Star Wars: Outlaws Gameplay Shows Firefights, Space Battles, and Branching Dialogue. IGN. Ziff Davis. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 12, 2023). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Dring, Christopher. Star Wars Outlaws began life in a café at E3. GamesIndustry.biz. Gamer Network. July 10, 2024 [July 11, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 11, 2024). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Cryer, Hirun. Star Wars Outlaws gameplay was shown in a cinematic mode you can pick on release. GamesRadar+. Future plc. June 14, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 15, 2023). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Tapsell, Chris. Ubisoft Massive talks us through Star Wars: Outlaws' "unique" open-world. Eurogamer. Gamer Network. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  24. ^ Orland, Kyle. EA's hold over Star Wars games ends with Ubisoft's open-world announcement [Updated]. Ars Technica. Condé Nast. January 13, 2021 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於January 13, 2021). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Totilo, Stephen. A few things I learned about Star Wars Outlaws. Game File. Substack. July 1, 2024 [July 2, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 2, 2024). 
  26. ^ Star Wars Outlaws for Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and More. Ubisoft. [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 10, 2024). 
  27. ^ Navid Khavari. Video Games Chronicle. 1981 Media. October 6, 2021 [April 23, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於September 24, 2023). 
  28. ^ Nikki Foy. nikkifoy.com. [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於March 31, 2022). 
  29. ^ Reparaz, Mikel. How Far Cry 6's DLC Episodes Got Inside the Heads of Their Villains. Ubisoft. February 8, 2022 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於March 2, 2022). 
  30. ^ Nikki Foy [@NikkiDeryl]. SO DO I FINALLY GET TO SAY IT??? This is what I'm lead writer of!!!!!!! (推文). June 11, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 12, 2023) –透過Twitter. 
  31. ^ Ravenscraft, Eric. Lucasfilm Games' New Partnerships Mean the Galaxy's the Limit. Wired (Condé Nast). January 13, 2021 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於January 13, 2021). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Howard, Jessica. Star Wars: Outlaws Developers On Creating The Most Ambitious Star Wars Game Yet. GameSpot. Fandom, Inc. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Exclusive Interview: The Making Of Star Wars Outlaws. GameStop. April 13, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. 
  34. ^ Stuart, Keith. Star Wars Outlaws: what to expect from Ubisoft's galactic adventure. The Guardian. July 30, 2024 [July 30, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 30, 2024). 
  35. ^ Star Wars Outlaws: Behind The Scenes — Crafting a Galaxy of Opportunity. Ubisoft. 事件發生在 0:02:55. June 23, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. 
  36. ^ Warner, Noelle. "My Heart Was Singing" Star Wars Outlaws Creative Director Julian Gerighty Talks Video Game Craftsmanship in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. Comic Book Resources. Valnet. June 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 11, 2024). 
  37. ^ Dinsdale, Ryan. Star Wars Outlaws Dev Explains Why It's Set Between Empire and Jedi. IGN. Ziff Davis. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 12, 2023). 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Brooks, Dan. SDCC 2023: "Step Into the World of Star Wars": Julian Gerighty Talks Star Wars Outlaws. StarWars.com. Lucasfilm. July 23, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 23, 2023). 
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Shea, Brian. Star Wars Outlaws Preview — Meet Kay And Nix. Game Informer (GameStop). April 15, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 15, 2024). 
  40. ^ Middler, Jordan. Star Wars Outlaws' lead says she would 'absolutely' like to play Kay Vess in live-action. Video Games Chronicle. 1981 Media. July 30, 2024 [July 30, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 30, 2024). 
  41. ^ Bailey, Dustin. Star Wars: Outlaws' adorable animal companion is played by the franchise's most prolific voice actor. GamesRadar+. Future plc. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 12, 2023). 
  42. ^ Bailey, Dustin. I've spent 4 hours in Star Wars Outlaws' open world and it feels like Red Dead Redemption in a galaxy far, far away. GamesRadar+. Future plc. July 30, 2024 [July 30, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 30, 2024). 
  43. ^ Bailey, Kat; Bankhurst, Adam; Altano, Brian; Scoville, Max. Star Wars Outlaws: Ubisoft Answers All of Our Questions About Its Open-World Star Wars Adventure. IGN. Ziff Davis. July 26, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 27, 2023). 
  44. ^ Park, Gene. 'Star Wars Outlaws' somehow made me fall in love with Star Wars again. The Washington Post (Nash Holdings). July 30, 2024 [July 30, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 30, 2024). 
  45. ^ Star Wars Outlaws preview and interview — the authentic sci-fi scoundrel simulator. Metro. DMG Media. June 12, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 13, 2023). 
  46. ^ Star Wars Outlaws: How Nix Was Created — IGN First. IGN. Ziff Davis. July 23, 2024 [July 30, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 23, 2024). 
  47. ^ Vicencio, Chastity. Star Wars Outlaws Accessibility Spotlight. Ubisoft. May 30, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 31, 2024). 
  48. ^ McWhertor, Michael. New Star Wars game coming from Ubisoft's The Division studio. Polygon. Vox Media. January 13, 2021 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於January 13, 2021). 
  49. ^ Phillips, Tom. Ubisoft's The Division studio reveals Star Wars Outlaws. Eurogamer. Gamer Network. June 11, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於June 11, 2023). 
  50. ^ Reed, Chris. Star Wars Outlaws: Here's What Comes in Each Edition. IGN. Ziff Davis. April 9, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 10, 2024). 
  51. ^ Randall, Harvey. Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods. PC Gamer. Future plc. April 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 10, 2024). 
  52. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Star Wars Outlaws' Expensive Gold and Ultimate Editions, With Their Season Passes and Early Access, Spark Debate. IGN. Ziff Davis. April 11, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 12, 2024). 
  53. ^ Croft, Liam. $130 Version of Star Wars Outlaws Under Fire as Ubisoft Prices Increase. Push Square. Gamer Network. April 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 10, 2024). 
  54. ^ Willetts, Samuel. This new Intel CPU bundle includes Star Wars Outlaws for free. PCGamesN. Network N. April 10, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 10, 2024). 
  55. ^ Erskine, Donovan. Star Wars Outlaws has gone gold. Shacknews. July 3, 2024 [July 11, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於July 3, 2024). 
  56. ^ Ivan, Tom. Star Wars Outlaws gets new story trailer and release date as pre-orders go live. Video Games Chronicle. 1981 Media. April 9, 2024 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於April 9, 2024). 
  57. ^ Star Wars Outlaws for PC Reviews. Metacritic. [August 26, 2024]. 
  58. ^ Star Wars Outlaws for PlayStation 5 Reviews. Metacritic. [August 26, 2024]. 
  59. ^ Star Wars Outlaws for Xbox Series X Reviews. Metacritic. [August 26, 2024]. 
  60. ^ Tapsell, Chris. Star Wars Outlaws review - stripped-back Ubisoft formula is admirable yet doomed. Eurogamer. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  61. ^ Faulkner, Jason. Star Wars: Outlaws Review (PC). Game Revolution. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 Ramée, Jordan. Star Wars Outlaws Review - Missing The Mark. GameSpot. August 27, 2024 [August 27, 2024]. 
  63. ^ West, Josh. Star Wars Outlaws review: "An exceedingly fun Star Wars game that's hindered by poor stealth systems". GamesRadar. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  64. ^ LeClair, Kyle. Review: Star Wars Outlaws. Hardcore Gamer. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  65. ^ 65.0 65.1 Ogilvie, Tristan. Star Wars Outlaws Review. IGN. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  66. ^ Beaumont, Mark. 'Star Wars Outlaws' review: a criminally good intergalactic experience. NME. August 27, 2024 [August 27, 2024]. 
  67. ^ 67.0 67.1 Park, Morgan. Star Wars Outlaws review. PC Gamer. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  68. ^ Kelly, Paul. Star Wars Outlaws review - a wasted open-world adventure. PCGamesN. August 28, 2024 [August 28, 2024]. 
  69. ^ Croft, Liam. Star Wars Outlaws Review (PS5). Push Square. August 29, 2024 [August 29, 2024]. 
  70. ^ Lavoy, Bill. Star Wars Outlaws review: Anything for Nix. Shacknews. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  71. ^ Stuart, Keith. Star Wars Outlaws review – a love letter to lore, Lucas and laser guns. The Guardian. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  72. ^ Trinca, Jim. Star Wars Outlaws Review: a tale of thieves that's full of borrowed mechanics. VG247. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  73. ^ Middler, Jordan. Review: 'Star Wars Outlaws' is a fun space adventure that doesn't quite reach its potential. Video Games Chronicle. August 26, 2024 [August 26, 2024]. 
  74. ^ Star Wars Outlaws. www.metacritic.com. [2024-08-26] (英語). 
  75. ^ McEvoy, Sophie. Ubisoft share price falls to 10-year low after Star Wars Outlaws launch. GamesIndustry.biz. September 4, 2024 [September 10, 2024]. 
  76. ^ Yonezawa, Bruno. The Game Awards 2023: All Winners & Awards. Screen Rant. Valnet. December 8, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於December 8, 2023). 
  77. ^ Loveridge, Sam. Here are all the Golden Joystick Awards 2023 winners. GamesRadar+. Future plc. November 10, 2023 [July 1, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於November 10, 2023). 

