

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 鳥綱 Aves
目: 鸌形目 Procellariiformes
科: 鸌科 Procellariidae
屬: 水薙鳥屬 Ardenna
淡足鸌 A. carneipes
Ardenna carneipes
Gould, 1844

肉足水薙鳥(中國大陸作淡足鸌)(學名Ardenna carneipes),以前稱為 Puffinus carneipes 是一種中等大小的. 它的羽毛是黑色的。有淡粉色的腳,和一個淡色的喙,喙端有明顯的黑色尖端。



Ardenna carneipes

2021年發表的一項分子系統發生學研究發現肉足鸌和粉足鸌(Ardenna creatopus)之間幾乎沒有基因差異。該研究的作者建議這兩個分類群可能更適合作為同種來考慮。[6]








另外有500對在印度洋聖保羅島繁殖。記錄顯示在阿拉伯海巴基斯坦阿斯托拉島上也有發現,但未被證實。最近的證據顯示該物種的種群在其大部分範圍內正在下降。[13][14][15][16][17][18]該物種最近在澳大利亞被列為近危[19],在新西蘭被列為國家易危,[20]並建議列入《保護信天翁和鸌類協議》。[21] 在澳洲各省,該物種在西澳[22]和新南威爾士被列為易危,在南澳被列為稀有。



  1. ^ BirdLife International. Ardenna carneipes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019, 2019: e.T22698188A155469189 [11 November 2021]. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T22698188A155469189.en可免費查閱. 
  2. ^ Austin, J.J. (1996) Molecular phylogenetics of Puffinus shearwaters: preliminary evidence from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 6, 77-88
  3. ^ Austin, J.J., Bretagnolle, V., Pasquet, E., 2004. A global molecular phylogeny of the small Puffinus shearwaters and implications for systematics of the Little–Audubon's Shearwater complex. Auk 121: 847–864
  4. ^ Penhallurick, J., and Wink, M. (2004) Analysis of the taxonomy and nomenclature of the Procellariiformes based on complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Emu 104: 125-147
  5. ^ Lombal, Anicee J.; Wenner, Theodore J.; Lavers, Jennifer L.; Austin, Jeremy J.; Woehler, Eric J.; Hutton, Ian; Burridge, Christopher P. Genetic divergence between colonies of Flesh-footed Shearwater Ardenna carneipes exhibiting different foraging strategies. Conservation Genetics. February 2018, 19 (1): 27–41. ISSN 1566-0621. S2CID 203717. doi:10.1007/s10592-017-0994-y. 
  6. ^ Ferrer Obiol, J.; James, H.F.; Chesser, R.T.; Bretagnolle, V.; González-Solís, J.; Rozas, J.; Welch, A.J.; Riutort, M. Palaeoceanographic changes in the late Pliocene promoted rapid diversification in pelagic seabirds. Journal of Biogeography. 2022, 49 (1): 171–188. doi:10.1111/jbi.14291可免費查閱. hdl:2445/193747可免費查閱. 
  7. ^ Tobias, J. A.; Sheard, C.; Pigot, A. L.; Devenish, A. J. M.; Yang, J.; Sayol, F.; Neate‐Clegg, M. H. C.; Alioravainen, N.; Weeks, T. L.; Barber, R. A.; Walkden, P. A. AVONET: Morphological, Ecological and Geographical Data for all Birds. Ecology Letters. 2022, 25 (3) [2022-08-19]. ISSN 1461-023X. doi:10.1111/ele.13898. (原始內容存檔於2022-08-07) (英語). 
  8. ^ Clements, J. F.; Schulenberg, T. S.; Iliff, M. J.; Billerman, S. M.; Fredericks, T. A.; Gerbracht, J. A.; Lepage, D.; Sullivan, B. L.; Wood, C. L. The eBird/Clements checklist of Birds of the World: v2021.. 2021 [2022-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-12). 
  9. ^ Lavers, Jennifer L.; Hutton, Ian; Bond, Alexander L. Changes in technology and imperfect detection of nest contents impedes reliable estimates of population trends in burrowing seabirds. Global Ecology and Conservation. January 2019, 17: e00579. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00579可免費查閱. hdl:10141/622450可免費查閱. 
  10. ^ Lavers J. 2014. Population status and threats to Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) in South and Western Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu164
  11. ^ Waugh, S. M., Tennyson, A., Taylor, G., and Wilson, K.-J. 2013. Population sizes of shearwaters (Puffinus spp.) breeding in New Zealand, with recommendations for monitoring. Tuhinga, 24: 159–204.
  12. ^ Lavers J. 2014. Population status and threats to Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) in South and Western Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu164
  13. ^ Reid T, Hindell M, Lavers JL, Wilcox C (2013) Re-examining mortality sources and population trends in a declining seabird: using Bayesian methods to incorporate existing information and new data. PLoS One 8:e58230
  14. ^ Waugh SM, Tennyson A, Taylor G, Wilson K-J (2013) Population sizes of shearwaters (Puffinus spp.) breeding in New Zealand, with recommendations for monitoring. Tuhinga 24:159-204
  15. ^ Priddel D, Carlile N, Fullagar P, Hutton I, O'Neill L (2006) Decline in the distribution and abundance of Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) on Lord Howe Island, Australia. Biological Conservation 128:412-424
  16. ^ Waugh, S.M., Tennyson, A., Taylor, G., and Wilson, K.-J. (2013) Population sizes of shearwaters (Puffinus spp.) breeding in New Zealand, with recommendations for monitoring. Tuhinga 24: 159-204
  17. ^ Lavers J. 2014. Population status and threats to Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) in South and Western Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu164
  18. ^ Lavers, Jennifer L.; Hutton, Ian; Bond, Alexander L. Changes in technology and imperfect detection of nest contents impedes reliable estimates of population trends in burrowing seabirds. Global Ecology and Conservation. January 2019, 17: e00579. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00579可免費查閱. hdl:10141/622450可免費查閱. 
  19. ^ Garnett S, Szabo J, Dutson G (2011) The Action Plan for Australian Birds 2010.
  20. ^ Robertson HA, Dowding JE, Elliott GP, Hitchmough RA, Miskelly CM, O』Donnell CFJ, Powlesland RG, Sagar PM, Scofield RP, Taylor GA. 2013. Conservation status of New Zealand birds 2012. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 4. Department of Conservation, Wellington
  21. ^ Cooper J, Baker GB, 2008. Identifying candidate species for inclusion within the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels. Marine Ornithology 36: 1-8.
  22. ^ DPaW, 2015. Wildlife conservation (specially protected fauna) notice 2015, Government gazette of Western Australia. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Perth
  23. ^ Bond AL and Lavers JL. 2015. Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) in the north-eastern Pacific Ocean: a summary and synthesis of records from Canada and Alaska. Canadian Field-Naturalist 129: 263-267
  24. ^ Reid T, Tuck GN, Hindell MA, Thalmann S, Phillips RA, Wilcox C (2013) Nonbreeding distribution of Flesh-footed Shearwaters and the potential for overlap with north Pacific fisheries. Biological Conservation 166:3-10
  25. ^ Lavers JL, Bond AL, Van Wilgenburg SL, and Hobson KA. 2013. Linking at-sea mortality of a pelagic shearwater to breeding colonies of origin using biogeochemical markers. Marine Ecology Progress Series 491:265-275
  26. ^ Bond AL, Lavers JL (2014) Climate change alters the trophic niche of a declining apex marine predator. Global Change Biology 20: 2100-2107
  27. ^ Bond AL, Lavers JL (2011) Trace element concentrations in feathers of Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) from across their breeding range. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61:318-326
  28. ^ Lavers JL, Bond AL, Hutton I (2014) Plastic ingestion by Flesh-footed Shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes): implications for fledgling body condition and the accumulation of plastic-derived chemicals. Environmental Pollution 187: 124-129
  29. ^ Hutton I, Carlile N, Priddel D, 2008. Plastic ingestion by Flesh-footed Shearwaters, Puffinus carneipes, and Wedge-tailed Shearwaters, Puffinus pacificus. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania