

NRHP編號70000086,78000341,88000739 [1]

拓荒者廣場(Pioneer Square)是美國華盛頓州西雅圖一個街區,位於市中心的西南角。此處曾經是該市的心臟:1855年,西雅圖的創建者定居於此。取代在埃利奧特灣(Elliott Bay)那一邊只有6個月的居民點Alki Point。街區的早期建築大多是木結構,幾乎全部毀於1889年西雅圖大火。到1890年年底,已經建起了數十座磚石建築物;這些19世紀後期的建築大多為理查森羅曼式,構成了該街區的建築特色[2][3]

這個街區得名於第一大道(First Avenue)和 Yesler Way路口附近的一個三角形的小廣場,最初稱為Pioneer Place[4]拓荒者廣場-滾木路歷史區(Pioneer Square-Skid Road Historic District)是包括廣場和鄰近的街塊的歷史區,被列入國家史跡名錄

拓荒者廣場街區缺乏明確的邊界,大致西到阿拉斯加路(Alaskan Way),超出部分是埃利奧特灣的碼頭;南到國王街(King Street),超出部分是SoDo;東到第五大道,超出部分是國際區(International District);北面超過Yesler Way以北一輛個街塊,超出部分是市中心其餘部分。由於Yesler Way 是兩種不同布局的邊界,Yesler以北的街道網格與該區的其他街道並不銜接(也不符合指南針),所以該區的北部邊界沿着許多街道曲折延伸。

在一些地方,拓荒者廣場-滾木路歷史區超出了這些邊界,包括第四大道以東的聯合車站(Union Station),以及國王街以南的幾個街塊[5]




  1. ^ Impromptu Web Query. National Register Information System / National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 31 December 2007. (原始內容存檔於2009年8月29日). 
  2. ^ Pioneer Square Preservation District頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Accessed 29 November 2007.
  3. ^ Jeffrey Karl Ochsner, and Dennis Alan Andersen, Distant Corner: Seattle Architects and the Legacy of H. H. Richardson, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 2003. ISBN 0-295-98238-1. passim.
  4. ^ Jones, Nard, Seattle, Garden City, New York: Doubleday: 195, 1972, ISBN 0385018754 
  5. ^ Map near top of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Administrative History, Chapter 11: Establishing the Seattle Unit頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Accessed online 26 November 2007.


  • Andrews, Mildred Tanner, editor, Pioneer Square: Seattle's Oldest Neighborhood, University of Washington Press, Seattle and London 2005.
  • Buerge, David, Seattle in the 1880s, Historical Society of Seattle and King County, Seattle 1986.
  • Morgan, Murray, Skid Road, Ballantine Books (1960).
  • Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, and Andersen, Dennis Alan, 「After the Fire: The Influence of H. H. Richardson on the Rebuilding of Seattle, 1889-1894,」 Columbia 17 (Spring 2003), pages 7–15.
  • Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, and Andersen, Dennis Alan, Distant Corner: Seattle Architects and the Legacy of H.H.Richardson, University of Washington Press, Seattle and London 2003.
  • Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, and Andersen, Dennis Alan, 「Meeting the Danger of Fire: Design and Construction in Seattle after 1889.」 Pacific Northwest Quarterly 93 (Summer 2002), pages 115-126.
  • Warren, James R., The Day Seattle Burned: June 6, 1889, Seattle 1989.

