


層內礫岩(英語:Intraformational conglomerate)是碎屑顆粒為卵石大小的沉積物之一種。礫岩可根據礫石顆粒的來源分類[1], 如果這些礫石碎屑的礦物組成,與基質顯著不同,因此可能來自更古老的地層或來自沉積盆地之外地區 , 該礫岩被稱為層外礫岩。 如果這些碎屑與基質的岩性相同的礦物組成,則是來自準同生沉積盆地內的岩石,則該礫岩被稱為層內礫岩[2]





加拿大Nova Scotia賓夕法尼亞世的河流相砂岩地層中有很多的侵蝕結構,在泥岩面上留下多處侵蝕面。指出曝露水面的證據。坍塌及層內礫岩都與侵蝕面有關[7]。層內礫岩在海進的初期也能形成。 在法國Haute-Savoie 地區,其白堊紀的礫岩層由不同形狀的卵石構成。卵石顆粒是由海底的石灰質泥岩在半固結狀態被斷裂和重新沉積而形成層內礫岩[8]

海底侵蝕亦可形成層內礫岩。在波蘭三疊紀Gogolin 的礫岩層,其卵石顆粒多爲扁平狀,由化學沉積的微晶石構成,很少碎屑物。這些卵石顆粒是當風暴來臨時,波浪基底下降,而造成水下侵蝕,並掀起海底的半固結沉積物[9]



  1. ^ Friedman, G.M. (2003) Classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks. In Gerard V. Middleton, ed., pp. 127-135, Encyclopedia of Sediments & Sedimentary Rocks, Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts. 821 pp. ISBN 978-1-4020-0872-6
  2. ^ Friedman, G.M. (2003) Classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks. In Gerard V. Middleton, ed., pp. 127-135, Encyclopedia of Sediments & Sedimentary Rocks, Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts. 821 pp. ISBN 978-1-4020-0872-6
  3. ^ Neuendorf, K.K.E., J.P. Mehl, Jr., and J.A. Jackson, eds. (2005) Glossary of Geology (5th ed.). Alexandria, Virginia, American Geological Institute. 779 pp. ISBN 0-922152-76-4
  4. ^ ucker, M. E. (2003) Sedimentary Rocks in the Field, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd,West Sussex, England. ISBN 0-470-85123-6
  5. ^ Williams, G. D. (1966) Origin of Shale-Pebble Conglomerate. American Association of Petroleum Geologist Bulletin. vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 573–577
  6. ^ Boggs, S. (2006) Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy., 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, New York. 662 pp. ISBN 0-13-154728-3
  7. ^ PLINT, A.G. (1986), Slump blocks, intraformational conglomerates and associated erosional structures in Pennsylvanian fluvial strata of eastern Canada. Sedimentology, 33: 387-399. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3091.1986.tb00543.x
  8. ^ Albert Carozzi; An intraformational conglomerate by mixed sedimentation in the upper Cretaceous of the Roc-de-Chere, autochthonous chains of High Savoy, France. Journal of Sedimentary Research 1956;; 26 (3): 253–257. doi: https://doi.org/10.1306/74D705F6-2B21-11D7-8648000102C1865D
  9. ^ Chudzikiewicz, Leszek. "Intraformational conglomerates in the Gogolin beds (Middle Triassic, southern Poland)." Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. Vol. 45. No. 1. 1975.
  10. ^ Kaźmierczak, J., & Goldring, R. (1978). Subtidal flat-pebble conglomerate from the Upper Devonian of Poland: A multiprovenant high-energy product. Geological Magazine, 115(5), 359-366. doi:10.1017/S0016756800037377
  11. ^ Paul M. Myrow, Lauren Tice, Bonny Archuleta, Bryn Clark, John F. Taylor and Robert L. Ripperdan(2004)Flat-pebble conglomerate: its multiple origins and relationship to metre-scale depositional cycles。Sedimentology, Volume 51, Number 5, Page 973。DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2004.00657.x