

Rubber tapping Sri Lanka

割胶是指从橡胶树上收集胶乳的一个过程。首先在树上划一道口子,挖通胶乳的管道,这样胶乳就能流动。 割胶对环境的影响很大。


Basilan, Philippines.的割胶

胶农必须要每个晚上都清除掉 Each night a rubber tapper must remove a thin layer of bark along a downward half spiral on the tree trunk. If done carefully and with skill, this tapping panel will yield latex for up to five years. Then the opposite side will be tapped, allowing this side to heal over. The spiral allows the latex to run down to a collecting cup. The work is done at night or in the early morning before the day's temperature rises,[1] so the latex will drip longer before coagulating and sealing the cut. 割胶工每个晚上都必须在树干上按照螺旋形状割去一层树皮。如果这一工序是小心而且有技术的完成,那么胶树将能连续至少5年以上产出乳胶。然后反面再被割胶,以便让原先那一面得到恢复。螺旋状使得胶乳流入一个杯子。这些工作通常是在晚上或者凌晨完成,必须要在气温上升之前完成。

Depending on the final product, additional chemicals can be added to the latex cup to preserve the latex longer. Ammonia solution helps prevent natural coagulation and allows the latex to remain in its liquid state. Plastic bags containing a coagulant have replaced cups in many plantations in Malaysia. This form of latex is used as the raw material for latex concentrate, which is used for dipped rubber products or for the manufacture of ribbed smoke sheet grades. 根据形成的最终产品的不同,胶乳里面会添加不同的化学助剂以是的胶乳可以保存得更加长久。氨水可以使得







  1. ^ My unforgettable rubber tapping experience, KTemoc Kongsamkok, August 21, 2007.

