


← 2020年 2024年10月19日 (2024-10-19)或之前

David Eby - 2022 (52507022370) (cropped).png
John Rustad 2016.jpg
Sonia Furstenau (cropped).jpg
领袖 尹大卫 罗仕德 索尼娅·弗斯特瑙英语Sonia Furstenau
政党 新民主党 保守党 绿党
上任时间 2022年10月21日 2023年3月31日 2020年9月14日
代表选区 温哥华灰角 尼查科湖泊 考伊琴谷[a]
上届结果 57席,47.70% 0席,1.91% 2席,15.08%
当前席次 55 8 2
所需席次 39 45






按照卑诗省《宪法法令英语Constitution Act (British Columbia)》第23节,省选于上次大选后第四个历年的10月第三个星期六举行[1][2]。然而,该章节亦确立省选的固定日期受限于省督可随时解散省议会的特权。(实际上,省督在省长建议下或在任政府经历不信任动议后才行使该项特权。)[1][3]



2020年省选后,卑诗选区界线委员会英语British Columbia Electoral Boundaries Commission需重新划分省内选区;省政府则于2021年10月委任该会成员。该会于2023年4月3日发表最后报告[4],而省议会则于同年4月25日通过《选区法案》。省议会议席总数将从87席增加至93席;新设选区将位于温哥华市、本拿比市、素里市、兰里区兰福德市和基隆拿[5]。详情如下:

废除选区 新设选区
  1. ^ 素里-克洛弗代尔英语Surrey-Cloverdale素里-全景岭英语Surrey-Panorama素里-菲列活英语Surrey-Fleetwood三个选区各取部分地区合组而成。




联合党和平河南选区英语Peace River South省议员贝尼尔英语Mike Bernier指出,冯宜干作为党领只有使该党退出竞选的权力,却没权迫使已经登记参选之候选人退出选举。卑诗选举事务处也证实只有参选人本人才有权决定撤销其提名。若政党撤销对参选人的支持,他们还可以转以独立或无政党身份继续参选[7]。部分原属联合党之候选人亦宣布其将会考虑转以保守党名义出选。早前已宣布退休的西温哥华-卡皮拉诺选区英语West Vancouver-Capilano省议员柯克帕特里克英语Karin Kirkpatrick也透露部分原联合党各候选人正考虑组织新选举联盟或政党,或者以无政党身份参选,并与选举后再筹组政党[7]


选区 候选人 未于卑诗选举事务处登记参选 退出选举 转以其他名义参选
保守党 独立 无政党
亚布斯佛-米逊英语Abbotsford-Mission Merrick Matteazzi Green tickY
亚布斯佛南英语Abbotsford-Mission Markus Delves Green tickY
边界-西米卡绵英语Boundary-Similkameen Ron Hovanes Green tickY
本拿比东 Tariq Malik Green tickY
本拿比-新西敏英语Burnaby-New_Westminster_(provincial_electoral_district) Daniel Kofi Ampong Green tickY
本拿比北 吴建宏
Michael Wu
Green tickY
本拿比南-铁道镇英语Burnaby South-Metrotown 贾美玲
Meiling Chia
Green tickY
卡里布-奇科庭英语Cariboo-Chilcotin (provincial electoral district) Michael Grenier Green tickY
智利域-柯蒂斯湖英语Chilliwack-Cultus Lake Sue Attrill Knott Green tickY
智利域北英语Chilliwack North David Moniz Green tickY
哥伦比亚河-雷夫尔斯托克英语Columbia River-Revelstoke Scott McInnis Green tickY
高贵林-伯克山英语Coquitlam-Burke Mountain Kash Tayal Green tickY
考特尼-高莫斯英语Courtenay-Comox Bill Coltart Green tickY
高域根谷英语Cowichan Valley (provincial electoral district) Jon Coleman Green tickY
三角洲北英语Delta North Amrit Pal Singh Dhot Green tickY
三角洲南英语Delta South 佩顿英语Ian Paton
Ian Paton
Green tickY
艾斯古摩-高活英语Esquimalt-Colwood Meagan Brame Green tickY
菲沙-尼古拉英语Fraser-Nicola 泰加特英语Jackie Tegart
Jackie Tegart
Green tickY
弯迪富卡-马拉哈英语Juan de Fuca-Malahat Herb Haldane Green tickY
锦禄中英语Kamloops Centre 米洛巴英语Peter Milobar
Peter Milobar
Green tickY
锦禄-北汤普森英语Kamloops-North Thompson 斯顿英语Todd Stone
Todd Stone
Green tickY
基隆拿中英语Kelowna Centre Michael Humer Green tickY
基隆拿-湖泊乡-高士廉英语Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream Pavneet Singh Green tickY
基隆拿-米逊英语Kelowna-Mission Ashley Ramsay Green tickY
葛特尼-洛矶山脉英语Kootenay-Rockies Tom Shypitka英语Tom Shypitka Green tickY
莱迪史密斯-洋边英语Ladysmith-Oceanside Lehann Wallace Green tickY
兰福特-高地英语Langford-Highlands Sean Flynn Green tickY
兰里-亚布斯佛英语Langley-Abbotsford (provincial electoral district) Karen Long Green tickY
兰里-胡桃林英语Langley-Walnut Grove Barb Martens Green tickY
中岛-环太平洋英语Mid Island-Pacific Rim Joshua Dahling Green tickY
乃磨-加比奥拉岛英语Nanaimo-Gabriola Island Dale Parker Green tickY
尼查科湖泊 Shane Brienen Green tickY
北温哥华-西摩山英语North Vancouver-Seymour James Mitchell Green tickY
和平河北英语Peace River North 戴维斯英语Dan Davies (politician)
Dan Davies
Green tickY
和平河南英语Peace River South 贝尼尔英语Mike Bernier
Mike Bernier
Green tickY
片迪顿-森马兰英语Penticton-Summerland Tracy St. Claire Green tickY
高贵林港英语Port Coquitlam (provincial electoral district) Keenan Adams Green tickY
佐治王子城-麦更些英语Prince George-MacKenzie Kiel Giddens Green tickY
佐治王子城-韦尔芒特英语Prince George-Valemount 庞雪丽
Shirley Bond
Green tickY
佐治王子城-北卡里布英语Prince George-North Cariboo 欧琪诗英语Coralee Oakes
Coralee Oakes
Green tickY
列治文中 袁薇
Wendy Yuan
Green tickY
列治文-昆士堡 Pavan Bahia Green tickY
列治文-史提夫斯顿 李嘉文
Jackie Lee
Green tickY
三文湾-苏斯禾英语Salmon Arm-Shuswap Greg McCune Green tickY
素里-克洛弗代尔英语Surrey-Cloverdale Claudine Storness-Bliss Green tickY
素里-乔德福英语Surrey-Guildford Noemi Victorino Green tickY
素里-纽顿英语Surrey-Newton (provincial electoral district) Japreet Lehal Green tickY
素里南英语Surrey South Ernie Klassen Green tickY
素里-白石英语Surrey-White Rock 哈尔福德英语Trevor Halford
Trevor Halford
Green tickY
温哥华-坚盛顿 Aronjit Lageri Green tickY[c]
温哥华-兰加拉 Jaime Stein Green tickY
温哥华-奎秦拿 冯宜干
Kevin Falcon
Green tickY
弗农-卢比英语Vernon-Lumby Kevin Acton Green tickY
域多利-天鹅湖英语Victoria-Swan Lake Daryl Learned Green tickY
西基隆拿-皮奇兰英语West Kelowna-Peachland Stephen Johnston Green tickY
西温哥华-卡皮拉诺英语West Vancouver-Capilano Caroline Elliott Green tickY


选区 候选人 退出选举 继续参选
转往其他选区 转以独立身分参选 转以无政党身分参选
本拿比北 Simon Chandler[9] Green tickY本拿比东
哥伦比亚河-雷夫尔斯托克英语Columbia River-Revelstoke AJ Wolfe[10] Green tickY
锦禄中英语Kamloops Centre Dennis Giesbrecht[11] Green tickY弗农-卢比英语Vernon-Lumby
乃磨-加比奥拉岛英语Nanaimo-Gabriola Island Viraat Thammanna[12] Green tickY
佐治王子城-麦更些英语Prince George-Mackenzie Rachael Weber[13] Green tickY
素里-全景岭英语Surrey-Panorama Dupinder Saran[14] Green tickY
素里-白石英语Surrey-White Rock Bryan Tepper[15] Green tickY素里-全景岭英语Surrey-Panorama


政党 2020年省选结果 议席增减 现况 备注
辞任议席 退出党团 被逐出党团 转投其他政党 补选产生
新民主党 57 (2) (1) (1) 2 55
自由党 28 (2) (1) (7) 2 20 于2024年8月28日宣布停止竞选活动。
保守党 0 8 8
绿党 2 2
独立 0 1 2 (1) 2
总数 87 (4) 4 87


省议员 政党 选区 首次当选年份 公布去向日期
米克.莫理斯英语Mike Morris
Mike Morris
  联合党 佐治王子城—麦更些英语Prince George-Mackenzie 2013年 2023年3月21日[16]
Nicholas Simons
  新民主党 鲍威尔河—阳光海岸英语Powell River-Sunshine Coast 2005年 2023年9月1日[17]
Doug Routley英语Doug Routley   新民主党 乃磨—北考伊琴英语Nanaimo-North Cowichan 2005年 2023年9月26日[18]
Katrina Chen
  新民主党 本拿比洛歇 2017年 2023年11月22日[19]
基洛英语Greg Kyllo
Greg Kyllo
  联合党 苏斯禾英语Shuswap (provincial electoral district) 2013年 2023年11月22日[20]
李尼克英语Norm Letnick
Norm Letnick
  联合党 基隆拿—湖泊乡英语Kelowna-Lake Country (provincial electoral district) 2009年 2023年11月22日[21]
斯图伟英语Ben Stewart
Ben Stewart
  联合党 基隆拿西英语Kelowna West 2018年[d] 2023年11月22日[22]
Dan Ashton英语Dan Ashton   联合党 潘狄顿英语Penticton (electoral district) 2013年 2023年12月20日[23]
斯特迪英语Jordan Sturdy
Jordan Sturdy
  联合党 西温哥华—海天地域英语West Vancouver-Sea to Sky 2013年 2024年1月12日[24]
Ellis Ross
  联合党 斯基纳英语Skeena (provincial electoral district) 2017年 2024年1月22日[25]
Selina Robinson
  独立[e] 高贵林-梅拉德维尔英语Coquitlam-Maillardville 2013年 2024年2月5日[27]
Karin Kirkpatrick英语Karin Kirkpatrick   联合党 西温哥华-卡皮拉诺英语West Vancouver-Capilano 2020年 2024年2月8日[28]
Mike de Jong
  联合党 阿伯茨福德西英语Abbotsford West 1994年 2024年2月14日[29]
Doug Clovechok英语Doug Clovechok   联合党 哥伦比亚河-雷夫尔斯托克英语Columbia River-Revelstoke 2017年 2024年2月24日[30][31]
George Heyman
  新民主党 温哥华-丽景 2013年 2024年3月4日[32][33]
Fin Donnelly
  新民主党 高贵林-伯克山英语Coquitlam-Burke Mountain 2020年 2024年5月9日[34]
Katrine Conroy
  新民主党 库特尼西英语Kootenay West 2005年 2024年5月10日[35]
Renee Merrifield英语Renee Merrifield   联合党 基隆拿-米逊英语Kelowna-Mission 2020年 2024年5月16日[36]
莱真斐英语Jennifer Rice
Jennifer Rice
  新民主党 北海岸英语North Coast (provincial electoral district) 2013年 2024年5月16日[37]
兰金英语Murray Rankin
Murray Rankin
  新民主党 橡树湾-戈登岬英语Oak Bay-Gordon Head 2020年 2024年6月3日[38]
亚当.奥尔森英语Adam Olsen
Adam Olsen
  绿党 沙尼治北及群岛英语Saanich North and the Islands 2017年 2024年6月25日[39]
Bruce Ralston
  新民主党 素里-惠利英语Surrey-Whalley 2005年 2024年7月2日[40][41]
白恩赫英语Harry Bains
Harry Bains
  新民主党 素里-纽顿英语Surrey-Newton (provincial electoral district) 2005年 2024年7月4日[41]
Rob Fleming
  新民主党 域多利-天鹅湖英语Victoria-Swan Lake 2005年 2024年7月4日[41]
Michael Lee
  联合党 温哥华-兰加拉 2017年 2024年7月11日[42]
Kevin Falcon
  联合党 温哥华-奎秦拿 2022年[f] 2024年8月28日[43]
Shirley Bond
  联合党 佐治王子城-韦尔芒特英语Prince George-Valemont 2001年 2024年8月29日[44]
斯顿英语Todd Stone
Todd Stone
  联合党 锦禄-南汤普森英语Kamloops-South Thompson 2013年 2024年8月29日[45]
狄恩英语Mitzi Dean
Mitzi Dean
  新民主党 艾斯古摩-梅肖辛英语Esquimalt-Metchosin 2017年 2024年8月31日[46]
泰加特英语Jackie Tegart
Jackie Tegart
  联合党 菲沙-尼古拉英语Fraser-Nicola 2013年 2024年9月3日[47]






  • 2月17日:韦勤信正式卸任,触发自由党党魁选举[50]


  • 2月5日:冯宜干当选自由党党魁[51]
  • 2月7日:韦勤信辞任温哥华奎秦拿选区省议员[52]
  • 4月30日:自由党党魁冯宜干赢取温哥华奎秦拿选区议席补选,重返省议会[53]。自由党党员卡杜(Stephanie Cadieux)辞任素里南选区省议员[54]
  • 6月28日:贺谨宣布辞任省长和新民主党党魁[55]
  • 8月18日:尼查科湖泊选区省议员罗仕德因在网上发言指二氧化碳排放并不导致气候变化,而被逐出自由党党团[56]
  • 9月10日:自由党候选人施爱聆英语Elenore Sturko赢取素里南选区议席补选[57]
  • 10月21日:尹大卫自动当选新民主党党魁,成为候任省长。
  • 11月16日:自由党党员通过该党更名为卑诗联合党[58]
  • 11月18日:尹大卫宣誓就任卑诗省省长[59]


  • 2月16日:罗仕德加入卑诗保守党,成为该党唯一一名省议员[60]
  • 2月22日:马兰妮宣布辞任内阁厅长和温哥华快乐山选区省议员[61]
  • 3月31日:由于没其他候选人,罗仕德自动当选保守党党魁,接替离职的博林(Trevor Bolin[62][63]。贺谨辞任兰福德—胡安德富卡选区省议员[64]
  • 4月12日:自由党正式更名为卑诗联合党[65]
  • 6月24日:新民主党候选人帕玛(Ravi Parmar)和彤菲丽分别赢取兰福德—胡安德富卡选区和温哥华快乐山选区议席补选。
  • 9月13日:阿伯茨福德南选区省议员班民(Bruce Banman)从联合党转投保守党,成为该党第二名省议员[66]
  • 9月17日:艾华克经历内部调查后被逐出新民主党党团[67]




  • 斜体 表示各党党领。
  • † 表示不寻求连任之现任省议员。
  • ‡ 表示将于另一选区寻求连任之现任省议员。
  • # 表示前卑诗联合党之候选人。


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
宝其利谷-斯蒂金英语Bulkley Valley-Stikine 柯立伦
Nathan Cullen[77]
Sharon Hartwell[78] Rod Taylor
基督教传统党英语Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia[79]
Nathan Cullen
尼查科湖泊 Murphy Abraham[80] Douglas Gook[81] 罗仕德
John Rustad[82]
John Rustad
北海岸-海达瓜依英语North Coast (provincial electoral district) Tamara Davidson[83] Chris Sankey[84] 莱真斐英语Jennifer Rice
Jennifer Rice
和平河北英语Peace River North Jordan Kealy[85] 戴维斯英语Dan Davies (politician)#
Dan Davies
Dan Davies
和平河南英语Peace River South Larry Neufeld[87] 贝尼尔英语Mike Bernier#
Mike Bernier
Mike Bernier
史基那英语Skeena (provincial electoral district) Sarah Zimmerman[89] Claire Rattée[90] 骆嘉鹰
Ellis Ross


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
卡里布-奇科庭英语Cariboo-Chilcotin (provincial electoral district) Michael Moses[91] John Kidder[81] 杜鄂辰英语Lorne Doerkson
Lorne Doerkson[92]
Michael Grenier#[93] 杜鄂辰英语Lorne Doerkson
Lorne Doerkson
佐治王子城-麦更些英语Prince George-Mackenzie Shar McCrory[94] Kiel Giddens#[15] Rachael Weber
莫理斯英语Mike Morris (politician)
Mike Morris
佐治王子城-北卡里布英语Prince George-North Cariboo Randy Thompson[96] Sheldon Clare[97] 欧琪诗英语Coralee Oakes #
Coralee Oakes
Coralee Oakes
卡里布北英语Cariboo North
佐治王子城-韦尔芒特英语Prince George-Valemont Clay Pountney[99] Rosalyn Bird[100] 庞雪丽
Shirley Bond


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
哥伦比亚河-雷夫尔斯托克英语Columbia River-Revelstoke Andrea Dunlop[101] Calvin Beauchesne[102][103] Scott McInnis#[104] Doug Clovechok英语Doug Clovechok
葛特尼中英语Kootenay Central 贝瑞妮英语Brittny Anderson
Brittny Anderson[105]
Nicole Charlwood[106] Corinne Mori
贝瑞妮英语Brittny Anderson
Brittny Anderson
葛特尼-莫纳希山英语Kootenay-Monashee Steve Morissette[108] Glen Byle[109] 康洛绮
Katrine Conroy
葛特尼-洛矶山脉英语Kootenay-Rockies Sam Atwal[110] Kerri Wall[111] Pete Davis[112] Tom Shypitka英语Tom Shypitka#
Tom Shypitka


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
边界-西米卡绵英语Boundary-Similkameen 罗诺然英语Roly Russell
Roly Russell[114]
Donegal Wilson[115] Sean Taylor
Roly Russell
Ron Hovanes#[117]
菲沙-尼古拉英语Fraser-Nicola Francyne Joe[118] Jonah Timms[119] Tony Luck[120] 泰加特英语Jackie Tegart
Jackie Tegart
锦禄中英语Kamloops Centre Kamal Grewal[121] Randy Sunderman[122] 米洛巴英语Peter Milobar#
Peter Milobar[123]
斯顿英语Todd Stone
Todd Stone
锦禄-南汤普森英语Kamloops-South Thompson
锦禄-北汤普森英语Kamloops-North Thompson Maddi Genn[124] Ward Stamer[125] 米洛巴 ‡
Peter Milobar
基隆拿中英语Kelowna Centre Loyal Wooldridge[126] Bryce Tippe[81] Kristina Loewen[127] 新选区
基隆拿-湖泊乡-高士廉英语Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream Anna Warwick Sears[128] Stephanie Hendy[129] Tara Armstrong[130] Pavneet Singh#[131] 李尼克英语Norm Letnick
Norm Letnick
基隆拿-湖泊乡英语Kelowna-Lake Country (provincial electoral district)
基隆拿-米逊英语Kelowna-Mission Harpreet Badohal[132] Gavin Dew[133] Ashley Ramsay#
Renee Merrifield英语Renee Merrifield
片迪顿-森马兰英语Penticton-Summerland Tina Lee[135] Bradley Bartsch[136] Amelia Boultbee[137] Roger Harrington
Dan Ashton英语Dan Ashton
Tracy St. Claire#[139]
三文湾-苏斯禾英语Salmon Arm-Shuswap Sylvia Lindgren[140] Jed Wiebe[111] David Williams[141] Sherry Roy(独立)[142] 基洛英语Greg Kyllo
Greg Kyllo
Greg McCune#[143]
弗农-卢比英语Vernon-Lumby 单海文英语Harwinder Sandhu
Harwinder Sandhu[144]
Dennis Giesbrecht[145] Kevin Acton#
Harwinder Sandhu
西基隆拿-皮奇兰英语West Kelowna-Peachland Macklin McCall[147] Brynn Jones (独立)[148] 斯图伟英语Ben Stewart
Ben Stewart
基隆拿西英语Kelowna West
Stephen Johnston#


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
阿伯茨福德-米逊英语Abbotsford-Mission 彭丽丝
Pam Alexis[150]
Reann Gasper[151] 彭丽丝
Pam Alexis
阿伯茨福德南英语Abbotsford South Sarah Kooner[152] 班曼英语Bruce Banman
Bruce Banman[153]
Amandeep Singh
Bruce Banman
阿伯茨福德西英语Abbotsford West Graeme Hutchison[155] Korky Neufeld[156] James Davison
Mike de Jong
智利域-柯蒂斯湖英语Chilliwack-Cultus Lake 庞嘉莉英语Kelli Paddon
Kelli Paddon[157]
Á’a:líya Warbus[158] 庞嘉莉
Kelli Paddon
智利域北英语Chilliwack North 高德尔英语Dan Coulter
Dan Coulter[159]
Heather Maahs[160] Dan Grice
Dan Coulter
兰里-阿伯茨福德英语Langley-Abbotsford (provincial electoral district) 艾达格英语John Aldag
John Aldag[162]
Harman Bhangu[163] 新选区
兰里-胡桃林英语Langley-Walnut Grove 戴嘉文英语Megan Dykeman
Megan Dykeman[164]
Misty van Popta[165] Barb Martens#[166] 戴嘉文
Megan Dykeman
兰里东英语Langley East
兰里-柳溪英语Langley-Willowbrook 梅思安英语Andrew Mercier
Andrew Mercier[167]
Petrina Arnason[168] Jody Toor[169] 梅思安
Andrew Mercier
兰里英语Langley (provincial electoral district)
枫树岭东英语Maple Ridge East 狄议思英语Bob D'Eith
Bob D'Eith[170]
Lawrence Mok[171] 狄议思
Bob D'Eith
枫树岭-匹特草原英语Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows 毕丽莎
Lisa Beare[172]
Mike Morden[173] 毕丽莎
Lisa Beare


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
素里市中心英语Surrey City Centre (electoral district) Amna Shah[174] Colin Boyd[81] Zeeshan Wahla[82] Ryan Abbott共产党[175] 赖赐淳
Bruce Ralston
素里-克洛弗代尔英语Surrey-Cloverdale 斯塔恰克英语Mike Starchuk
Mike Starchuk[176]
Pat McCutcheon[177] 施爱聆英语Elenore Sturko
Elenore Sturko[178]
Judy Meilleur(自主党)[179] 斯塔恰克
Mike Starchuk
素里-菲列活英语Surrey-Fleetwood 贝振国
Jagrup Brar[180]
Avtar Gill[82] 贝振国
Jagrup Brar
素里-乔德福英语Surrey-Guildford 白加恩
Garry Begg[181]
Manjeet Sahota[182] Honveer S. Randhawa[82] Kabir Qurban(独立)[154] 白加恩
Garry Begg
素里-纽顿英语Surrey-Newton (provincial electoral district) Jessie Sunner[174] Tegjot Bal[82] Amrit Birring
白恩赫英语Harry Bains
Harry Bains
Japreet Lehal#[183]
素里北英语Surrey North (provincial electoral district) 辛若那
Rachna Singh[184]
Mandeep Dhaliwal[82] 辛若那
Rachna Singh
素里-全景岭英语Surrey-Panorama 辛绮丽英语Jinny Sims
Jinny Sims[185]
Bryan Tepper[15] Dupinder Saran(独立)[186] 辛绮丽
Jinny Sims
素里-蛇河英语Surrey-Serpentine River Baltej Dhillon[187] 赫普纳英语Linda Hepner
Linda Hepner[82]
素里南英语Surrey South Haroon Ghaffar[188] Brent Chapman[82] 施爱聆‡
Elenore Sturko
素里-白石英语Surrey-White Rock Darryl Walker[189] Scott Kristjanson[168] 哈尔福德英语Trevor Halford#
Trevor Halford[15]
Trevor Halford


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
三角洲北英语Delta North 柯议伦
Ravi Kahlon[190]
Raj Veauli[82] Manqoosh Khan
Ravi Kahlon
三角洲南英语Delta South Jason McCormick[191] 佩顿英语Ian Paton (politician)#
Ian Paton[15]
Ian Paton
列治文-桥港 李珍
Linda Li[192]
Tamás Revóczi[193] 屈洁冰
Teresa Wat[82]
Teresa Wat
列治文中 姚君宪
Henry Yao[194]
Hon Chan[195]
Wendy Yuan
Henry Yao
Dickens Cheung
列治文-昆士堡 辛欧曼
Aman Singh[197]
Steve Kooner[82] Errol Povah
Aman Singh
列治文-史提夫斯顿 葛凯莉
Kelly Greene[197]
Michelle Mollineaux[82]
Jackie Lee[199]
Kelly Greene


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
本拿比中英语Burnaby Centre 康安礼
Anne Kang[200]
Dharam Kajal[82] 康安礼
Anne Kang
本拿比东 Reah Arora[201] Tara Shustarian[202] Simon Chandler[203] 陈苇蓁
Katrina Chen
本拿比-新西敏英语Burnaby-New Westminster (provincial electoral district) 周行励英语Raj Chouhan
Raj Chouhan[204]
Deepak Suri[82] 周行励
Raj Chouhan
本拿比北 罗珍妮英语Janet Routledge
Janet Routledge[205]
Michael Wu[203]
Janet Routledge
本拿比南-铁道镇英语Burnaby South-Metrotown 崔保罗
Paul Choi[206]
Carrie McLaren[207] 李韩
Han Lee[82]
Meiling Chia#[208]
高贵林-伯克山英语Coquitlam-Burke Mountain 韦群思英语Jodie Wickens
Jodie Wickens[209]
Stephen Frolek[82] 唐耐励
Fin Donnelly
高贵林-梅拉德维尔英语Coquitlam-Maillardville Jennifer Blatherwick[210] Nicola Spurling[211] Hamed Najafi[82] 罗品珍
Selina Robinson
新西敏-高贵林英语New Westminster-Coquitlam (provincial electoral district) 韦瑞珍
Jennifer Whiteside[212]
Maureen Curran[193] Ndellie Massey[82] Jennifer Whiteside
新西敏英语New Westminster (provincial electoral district)
高贵林港英语Port Coquitlam (provincial electoral district) 范和富
Mike Farnworth[213]
Adam Bremner-Akins[193] Keenan Adams#[214] 范和富
Mike Farnworth
满地宝-本贵林英语Port Moody-Burquitlam 葛卢麦英语Rick Glumac
Rick Glumac[215]
Kerry van Aswegen[82] 葛卢麦
Rick Glumac


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
温哥华-菲沙围 周烱华
George Chow[216]
Françoise Raunet[111] Jagdeep Sanghera[82] 周烱华
George Chow
温哥华-喜士定 利莎玛
Niki Sharma[217]
Niki Sharma
温哥华-坚盛顿 艾美宝
Mable Elmore[218]
Syed Mohsin[82] 艾美宝
Mable Elmore
温哥华-兰加拉 Sunita Dhir[219] Bryan Breguet[82] 李耀华
Michael Lee
温哥华-小山 博伊尔英语Christine Boyle
Christine Boyle[220]
Wendy Hayko[81] 库珀
John Coupar[82]
温哥华-灰角 尹大卫
David Eby
Devyani Singh[102] Paul Ratchford[82] 尹大卫
David Eby
温哥华-奎秦拿 Callista Ryan[221] Michael Barkusky[81] Dallas Brodie[82] 冯宜干
Kevin Falcon
温哥华-联福 狄德安
Adrian Dix[222]
Lawrence Taylor[136] Tom Ikonomou[82] 狄德安
Adrian Dix
温哥华-南加兰护 贝雅丽
Brenda Bailey[223]
Aron Lageri#[224] 贺佐治
George Heyman
温哥华-士达孔拿 彤菲丽
Joan Phillip[225]
Scotty Muller[226] Kimball Cariou共产党[175] 彤菲丽
Joan Phillip
温哥华-西端区 贺柏特英语Spencer Chandra Herbert
Spencer Chandra Herbert[227]
Eoin O'Dwyer[193] Jon Ellacott[82] 贺柏特
Spencer Chandra Herbert
温哥华-耶鲁镇 杨子亮
Terry Yung[228]
Melissa De Genova [82]
Brenda Bailey


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
北温哥华-朗斯代尔英语North Vancouver-Lonsdale 马博文
Bowinn Ma[229]
David Splett[230] 马博文
Bowinn Ma
北温哥华-西摩山英语North Vancouver-Seymour 常翠安英语Susie Chant
Susie Chant[231]
Subhadarshi Tripathy[81] Sam Chandola英语Sam Chandola[232] Mitchell Baker
Susie Chant
鲍威尔河-阳光海岸英语Powell River-Sunshine Coast Randene Neill[233] Chris Hergesheimer[234] Chris Moore[235] 刑慕仁
Nicholas Simons
西温哥华-卡皮拉诺英语West Vancouver-Capilano Sara Eftekhar[236] Karin Kirkpatrick英语Karin Kirkpatrick
西温哥华-海天地域英语West Vancouver-Sea to Sky Jen Ford[237] Jeremy Valeriote[238] Yuri Fulmer英语Yuri Leith Fulmer[239] 斯特迪英语Jordan Sturdy
Jordan Sturdy


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
考特尼-高莫斯英语Courtenay-Comox 李罗娜英语Ronna-Rae Leonard
Ronna-Rae Leonard[240]
Arzeena Hamir[241] Brennan Day[242] John Hedican
Ronna-Rae Leonard
Devin Howell
高域根谷英语Cowichan Valley (electoral district) Debra Toporowski[244] Cammy Lockwood[245] John Koury[246] Eden Haythornthwaite
弗斯腾鲁英语Sonia Furstenau
Sonia Furstenau
莱迪史密斯-洋边英语Ladysmith-Oceanside Stephanie Higginson[247] Brett Fee[248] Lehann Wallace#[249] 艾华克
Adam Walker
Adam Walker
中岛-环太平洋英语Mid Island-Pacific Rim 奥祖宜
Josie Osborne[250]
Adam Hayduk[251] Joshua Dahling#[252] 奥祖宜
Josie Osborne
乃磨-加比奥拉岛英语Nanaimo-Gabriola Island 马康森英语Sheila Malcolmson
Sheila Malcolmson[253]
Shirley Lambrecht[193] Dale Parker#[254] Doug Routley英语Doug Routley
乃磨-北高域根英语Nanaimo-North Cowichan
乃磨-兰茨维尔英语Nanaimo-Lantzville George Anderson[255] Lia Versaevel[193] Gwen O'Mahony英语Gwen O'Mahony[256] 马康森‡
Sheila Malcolmson
乃磨英语Nanaimo (provincial electoral district)
北岛英语North Island (provincial electoral district) 鲍绰琪英语Michele Babchuk
Michele Babchuk[257]
Nic Dedeluk[136] Anna Kindy英语Anna Kindy[258] 鲍绰琪
Michele Babchuk


选区 候选人 现任议员
新民主党 绿党 保守党 其他
艾斯古摩-高活英语Esquimalt-Colwood Darlene Rotchford[259] Camille Currie[260] John Wilson[261] 狄恩英语Mitzi Dean
Mitzi Dean
弯迪富卡-马拉哈英语Juan de Fuca-Malahat Dana Lajeunesse[262] David Evans[263] Marina Sapozhnikov[264] 新选区
兰福特-高地英语Langford-Highlands 帕默英语Ravi Parmar
Ravi Parmar[265]
Erin Cassels[211] Mike Harris[266] 帕默
Ravi Parmar
兰福特-弯迪富卡英语Langford-Juan de Fuca
橡树湾-戈登岬英语Oak Bay-Gordon Head Diana Gibson[267] Lisa Gunderson[268] Stephen Andrew[269] 兰金英语Murray Rankin
Murray Rankin
沙尼治北及群岛英语Saanich North and the Islands Sarah Riddell[270] Robert Botterell[271] David Busch[82] 奥尔森英语Adam Olsen
Adam Olsen
沙尼治南英语Saanich South 布娴妮
Lana Popham[272]
Ned Taylor[273] Adam Kubel[274] 布娴妮
Lana Popham
域多利-灯塔山英语Victoria-Beacon Hill 乐慧思英语Grace Lore
Grace Lore[275]
Sonia Furstenau
Tim Thielmann[276] 乐慧思
Grace Lore
域多利-天鹅湖英语Victoria-Swan Lake Nina Krieger[174] Christina Winter[277] Tim Taylor[82] Robert Crooks
Rob Fleming




  1. ^ 弗斯特瑙计划在2024年省选竞逐维多利亚灯塔山选区英语Victoria-Beacon Hill议席。
  2. ^ 截至退选之时,联合党之网站上列有57位候选人。然而亚布斯佛西选区英语Abbotsford West候选人Dave Sidhu早于八月初已宣布退选。
  3. ^ 转往温哥华-南加兰护选区参选。
  4. ^ 2009年至2013年间亦为省议员。
  5. ^ 已于2024年3月6日退出新民主党。[26]
  6. ^ 2001年至2013年间亦曾任省议员。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Constitution Act, s. 23页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  2. ^ Shaw, Rob. NDP changes B.C.'s fixed election date from May to October. Vancouver Sun. October 4, 2017 [April 22, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-16). 
  3. ^ Zussman, Richard. Christy Clark gets 1st chance to govern, but how long can it last?. CBC News. May 26, 2017 [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-11). 
  4. ^ Final Report. [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-18). 
  5. ^ Bill 25 – 2023: Electoral Districts Act. www.leg.bc.ca. [May 3, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-06) (英语). 
  6. ^ 卑詩聯合黨突棄省選 撤回全部候選人提名 黨領馮宜幹不參選 籲支持保守黨阻NDP再執政. 明报加西网. 2024-08-29 [2024-09-10] (中文(繁体)). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Gangdev, Srushti. MLA Mike Bernier says candidates exploring BC United alliance. CityNews Vancouver. 2024-08-31 [2024-09-10]. 
  8. ^ 2024 BC United Candidates. BC United. [5 September 2024]. (原始内容存档于5 September 2024). 
  9. ^ Balzer, Jess. Burnaby MLA candidates shuffled after BC United suspends campaign. Burnaby Now. Glacier Media Group. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-05]. 
  10. ^ Lazenby, Alec. 'Chessboard politics': B.C. Conservatives spend weekend scrambling to get full slate, dismiss problematic candidates. Vancouver Sun. Postmedia Network. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-05]. 
  11. ^ Verster, Liam. Former Kamloops-area candidate to run with Conservatives in Vernon-Lumby, local mayor to run as independent. Vernon Matters. Pattison Media. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-05]. 
  12. ^ Durling, Jessica. Conservative Party of B.C. reconsiders Nanaimo-Gabriola candidate. Nanaimo News Bulletin. Black Press Media. 2024-08-30 [2024-09-05]. 
  13. ^ Berls, Adam. Weber out as Conservative candidate, will run as independent. CKPG Today. Pattison Media. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-05]. 
  14. ^ Moman, Sobia. Surrey-Panorama candidate drops from BC Conservative Party amid 'drama'. Peace Arch News. Black Press Media. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-05]. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 DeRosa, Katie. Who's in and who's out as a candidate for the B.C. Conservatives. CBC News. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  16. ^ Morris stepping down as Prince George-Mackenzie MLA. Prince George Citizen. March 21, 2023 [November 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-04) (英语). 
  17. ^ Sunshine Coast-Powell River MLA Nicholas Simons not running for sixth election. Coast Reporter. September 1, 2023 [November 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-10) (英语). 
  18. ^ Nanaimo-North Cowichan MLA says he won’t seek reelection. Comox Valley Record. September 26, 2023 [November 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-10) (英语). 
  19. ^ Chen, Katrina [@KatrinaCBurnaby]. We've all made decisions that have profoundly changed our lives, or even ourselves. I have – like working for the community I love for the past 17 years. Next year will mark my 10th year in elected positions, and I've decided not to seek re-election in 2024. Thank you all. 💛 (推文). November 22, 2023 [November 22, 2023] –通过Twitter. 
  20. ^ MLA for Shuswap announces political retirement, won’t be seeking re-election - Okanagan | Globalnews.ca. Global News. [November 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-14) (加拿大英语). 
  21. ^ Kelowna-Lake Country MLA Norm Letnick not seeking re-election in 2024 - Okanagan | Globalnews.ca. Global News. [November 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-20) (加拿大英语). 
  22. ^ Okanagan MLA Ben Stewart not seeking re-election in 2024 - Okanagan | Globalnews.ca. Global News. [November 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-14). 
  23. ^ Penticton-Peachland MLA Dan Ashton not seeking re-election for 2024. December 20, 2023 [December 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-08) (英语). 
  24. ^ West Vancouver-Sea to Sky MLA Jordan Sturdy to retire. North Shore News. January 12, 2024 [January 13, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-13) (英语). 
  25. ^ Ellis Ross leaves BC United to run for federal conservatives. North Delta Reporter. January 22, 2024 [January 22, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-05) (英语). 
  26. ^ 羅品珍宣布退出省新民主黨 因黨團內存在反猶太主義. Sing Tao Canada 星岛加拿大. 2024-03-06 [2024-07-18] (中文(台湾)). 
  27. ^ DeRosa, Katie. Update: Selina Robinson will resign cabinet post following 'crappy piece of land' comments. 温哥华太阳报. February 5, 2024 [February 5, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-06). 
  28. ^ Richter, Brent. West Vancouver MLA Karin Kirkpatrick won't seek re-election. North Shore News. Glacier Media Group. 8 February 2024 [8 February 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-05). 
  29. ^ DeRosa, Katie. Mike de Jong will not seek re-election after 30 years in politics. 温哥华太阳报. February 14, 2024 [February 14, 2024]. 
  30. ^ McCormack, Ryley. Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA announces retirement. My East Kootenay Now. February 26, 2024 [February 26, 2024]. 
  31. ^ Clovechok, Doug. Today, I am sharing with you that I have had to make the difficult decision that I will not be seeking re-election in the next provincial election, scheduled for October 2024.. Facebook. February 24, 2024 [March 26, 2024]. 
  32. ^ Heyman, George. It's with mixed feelings that I've decided not to put my name forward for re-election.. Twitter. March 4, 2024 [March 4, 2024]. 
  33. ^ 賀佐治不競逐連任省議員 新民主黨2女將爭接棒. 明报加西网. 2024-03-05 [2024-07-18] (中文). 
  34. ^ Cullen, Nathan. X: Listening to my dear friend, Fin Donnelly, announce his retirement from provincial politics & proudly speak to all of the great work he and his community have accomplished in his (too) short time in the BC Legislature. Congrats my friend, & all the best to you & Lynda! #bcpoli. twitter.com. [9 May 2024]. 
  35. ^ 省財政廳長康洛綺退休 不尋求連任. 明报加西网. 2024-05-12 [2024-07-18] (英语). 
  36. ^ Burns, Iain. Renee Merrifield to step down as Kelowna–Mission MLA at next election. KelownaNow. 16 May 2024 [16 May 2024]. 
  37. ^ MLA Jennifer Rice announces retirement after serving North Coast for over 10 years. New Democrat BC Government Caucus. 2024-05-16 [2024-07-18] (英语). 
  38. ^ Carey, Charlie. NDP's Murray Rankin won't be seeking re-election. CityNews Vancouver. Rogers Sports & Media. 3 June 2024 [3 June 2024]. 
  39. ^ Coyne, Todd. B.C. Green MLA Adam Olsen won't seek re-election, citing 'existential re-evaluation'. CTV News. Bell Media. 25 June 2024 [25 June 2024]. 
  40. ^ Zytaruk, Tom. Bruce Ralston not seeking re-election. Surrey Now-Leader. Black Press Media. 2 July 2024 [2 July 2024]. 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 41.2 卑詩新民主黨3廳長宣布不尋求連任. Sing Tao Canada 星岛加拿大. 2024-07-04 [2024-07-18] (中文(台湾)). 
  42. ^ https://x.com/MichaelLeeBC/status/1811445629090169061?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
  43. ^ Nassar, Hana Mae; Gangdev, Srushti. BC United suspending campaign ahead of election. CityNews Vancouver. 2024-08-28 [2024-08-28]. 
  44. ^ Shirley Bond withdraws from election campaign. CKPG Today]]. 2024-08-29 [2024-08-29]. 
  45. ^ BC United MLA Todd Stone to retire from politics, backs BC Conservatives. CityNews. [2024-08-29]. 
  46. ^ Crawford, Emma. BC NDP MLA calls it quits before October election. CityNews Vancouver. Rogers Sports & Media. 2024-08-31 [2024-09-01]. 
  47. ^ Veteran MLA Jackie Tegart announces she will not run in provincial election. Fraser Valley Today. Pattison Media]. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  48. ^ BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson stepping down for interim leader | Globalnews.ca. Global News. [June 16, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-14). 
  49. ^ Veteran MLA Shirley Bond chosen interim leader of the B.C. Liberal Party. CBC News. November 23, 2020 [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-29). 
  50. ^ Andrew Wilkinson formally resigns as B.C. Liberal leader, triggering leadership vote. Vancouver Sun. [June 16, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-26). 
  51. ^ B.C. Liberals elect former cabinet minister Kevin Falcon as next leader. CTV British Columbia. February 5, 2022 [June 16, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-17). 
  52. ^ Former B.C. Liberal leader vacating seat to make room for new leader, Kevin Falcon. CTV British Columbia. February 7, 2022 [June 16, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-04). 
  53. ^ 2022 Vancouver-Quilchena By-election. Elections BC. April 2, 2022 [June 16, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-04). 
  54. ^ Veteran B.C. Liberal Stephanie Cadieux resigns seat, takes federal accessibility post. Victoria Times Colonist. April 4, 2022 [June 16, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-01). 
  55. ^ Schmunk, Rhianna. B.C. Premier John Horgan to step down before next election. CBC News. June 28, 2022 [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-07). 
  56. ^ Longtime B.C. Liberal MLA removed from caucus after questioning climage change science. CBC News. August 18, 2022 [2024-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-27). 
  57. ^ Steacy, Lisa. BC Liberals win Surrey South byelection. CTV News. September 10, 2022 [December 13, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-13). 
  58. ^ Greg Bowman, Hana Mae Nassar. BC Liberals vote to change name to BC United. citynews.ca. November 16, 2022 [December 13, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-08). 
  59. ^ Hunter, Justine. David Eby sworn in as B.C.'s premier; announces new taxpayer credits. The Globe and Mail. November 18, 2022 [December 13, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-18). 
  60. ^ CBC News. Ex-B.C. Liberal MLA John Rustad crosses floor to join B.C. Conservatives. CBC News. February 16, 2023 [February 16, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-07). 
  61. ^ Larsen, Karin. Melanie Mark, 1st First Nations woman to serve in B.C. Legislature, delivers tearful resignation. CBC News. February 22, 2023 [February 22, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-08). 
  62. ^ B.C. Leadership. conservativebc.ca. [March 14, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-15). 
  63. ^ Former B.C. Liberal minister John Rustad acclaimed leader of B.C. Conservatives. CBC News. The Canadian Press. March 31, 2023 [March 31, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-31). 
  64. ^ Former B.C. premier John Horgan officially resigns seat in legislature. CTV News Vancouver Island. The Canadian Press. March 31, 2023 [April 2, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-04) (加拿大英语). 
  65. ^ B.C. Liberal Party officially becomes B.C. United. CBC News. April 13, 2023 [April 15, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-29). 
  66. ^ BC United MLA Bruce Banman defects to provincial Conservatives. CTV News. The Canadian Press. September 13, 2023 [September 13, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-18) (加拿大英语). 
  67. ^ Parksville-Qualicum MLA Adam Walker ousted from NDP caucus. Times Colonist. September 18, 2023 [September 18, 2023] (英语). 
  68. ^ The Canadian Press. B.C. Greens leader plans to run in different riding for next election. CBC News. January 31, 2024 [January 31, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-08) (英语). 
  69. ^ Hunter, Justine; Hager, Mike. Senior B.C. minister Selina Robinson removed from cabinet for saying Israel founded on 'crappy piece of land'. 环球邮报. February 5, 2024 [February 5, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-24). 
  70. ^ Former cabinet minister Selina Robinson resigns from NDP caucus. CBC. March 6, 2024 [March 6, 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-26). 
  71. ^ BREAKING: MLA Lorne Doerkson departs B.C. United, joins B.C. Conservatives. Salmon Arm Observer. May 31, 2024 [May 31, 2024]. 
  72. ^ Rob Shaw: MLA Elenore Sturko defects to Conservatives in stunning blow to BC United. theORCA. June 3, 2024 [June 3, 2024]. 
  73. ^ Charles Brockman; Srushti Gangdev. BC United MLA Teresa Wat defects to BC Conservatives. CityNews Vancouver. 2024-07-29 [2024-07-30]. 
  74. ^ Amy Judd. Kevin Falcon to fold BC United Party, suspend campaign. Global News. 2024-08-28 [2024-08-28]. 
  75. ^ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-once-powerful-right-of-centre-bc-united-party-collapses/
  76. ^ 三名原卑詩聯合黨省議員轉黨 將代表保守黨角逐秋季省選. 明报加西网. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-09] (中文(繁体)). 
  77. ^ We warmly welcome Nathan Cullen as the BC NDP candidate for Bulkley Valley-Stikine.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 22 June 2024 [22 June 2024]. 
  78. ^ Hartwell, Sharon. Sharon Hartwell Nominated In Bulkley Valley-Stikine. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-11-25 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  79. ^ Rod Taylor To Represent CHP-BC In Bulkley Valley-Stikine. 基督教传统党英语Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia. February 22, 2024 [March 17, 2024]. 
  80. ^ Murphy Abraham, former Chief of Lake Babine Nation, to run with BC NDP in Nechako Lakes. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-09-11 [2024-09-11]. 
  81. ^ 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 81.5 81.6 BC Greens Announce Seven New Candidates for 2024 B.C. Election. 卑诗绿党. 2024-09-10 [2024-09-11]. 
  82. ^ 82.00 82.01 82.02 82.03 82.04 82.05 82.06 82.07 82.08 82.09 82.10 82.11 82.12 82.13 82.14 82.15 82.16 82.17 82.18 82.19 82.20 82.21 82.22 82.23 82.24 82.25 82.26 82.27 82.28 82.29 Our Team. 卑诗保守党. [March 17, 2024]. 
  83. ^ We're thrilled to announce Tamara Davidson as our BC NDP candidate in North Coast-Haida Gwaii.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 29 June 2024 [29 June 2024]. 
  84. ^ Sankey, Chris. Chris Sankey Nominated in North Coast-Haida Gwaii. 卑诗保守党. 2024-06-14 [2024-06-14]. 
  85. ^ Kealy, Jordan. Jordan Kealy Nominated In Peace River North!. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-11-24 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  86. ^ Little, Simon. Dan Davies becomes 3rd BC United MLA to announce independent run. Global News. 2024-09-05. 
  87. ^ Neufeld, Larry. Larry Neufeld Nominated In Peace River South. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-11-14 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  88. ^ Berard, Steven. Mike Bernier announces intent to run as Independent candidate for Peace River South. Energetic City. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-04]. 
  89. ^ We are excited to introduce Sarah Zimmerman as the BC NDP candidate for Skeena.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 22 June 2024 [22 June 2024]. 
  90. ^ Rattee, Claire. Claire Rattée Nominated In Skeena. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-01-30 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  91. ^ Taking action for you in Cariboo-Chilcotin: BC NDP nominates Williams Lake city councillor Michael Moses to stand up for housing, healthcare and more. 卑诗新民主党. 19 May 2024 [19 May 2024]. 
  92. ^ Lorne Doerkson Joins the Conservative Party of BC. 卑诗保守党. May 31, 2024 [June 16, 2024]. 
  93. ^ BC United introduces Michael Grenier as MLA Candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin - BC United. 卑诗联合党. 2024-06-28 [2024-08-21]. 
  94. ^ Pawliw, Brendan. Shar McCrory to run for NDP in PG-Mackenzie riding. My Prince George Now. 2024-08-15 [2024-08-17]. 
  95. ^ Berls, Adam. Weber out as Conservative candidate, will run as independent. CKPG Today. Pattison Media. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-04]. 
  96. ^ Kelly, Austin. Prince George-North Cariboo gets a BC Green candidate. Quesnel Cariboo Observer. September 5, 2024 [September 6, 2024]. 
  97. ^ Sheldon Clare Nominated in Prince George-North Cariboo. 卑诗保守党. October 27, 2023 [June 16, 2023]. 
  98. ^ Coralee Oakes to run as an independent in Prince George-North Cariboo. Prince George Citizen. 2024-09-12 [2024-09-12] (英语). 
  99. ^ Former Lheidli T’enneh chief to run for NDP in Prince George-Valemount. CKPG Today. Pattison Media. 2024-09-11 [2024-09-12]. 
  100. ^ Rosalyn Bird Nominated In Prince George-Valemount. 卑诗保守党. November 20, 2023 [June 16, 2023]. 
  101. ^ Andrea Dunlop is our BC NDP candidate for Columbia River-Revelstoke.. Twitter. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-08-21 [2024-08-22]. 
  102. ^ 102.0 102.1 102.2 Ridings. 卑诗绿党. [March 17, 2024]. 
  103. ^ Rodgers, Paul. Calvin Beauchesne is B.C. Green Party candidate for Columbia River-Revelstoke. Revelstoke Review. January 12, 2024 [June 16, 2024]. 
  104. ^ McInnis, Scott. Scott McInnis Nominated in Columbia River-Revelstoke. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-02 [2024-09-03]. 
  105. ^ BC NDP nominates environmental advocate Brittny Anderson in Kootenay Central to fight for you. 卑诗新民主党. May 23, 2024 [May 23, 2024]. 
  106. ^ MLA Anderson announces re-election bid in Kootenay Central, Mori to run as independent. Nelson Star. May 27, 2024 [June 16, 2024]. 
  107. ^ Corinne Mori announes Independent candidacy for upcoming BC Election. The Nelson Daily. 7 May 2024 [8 May 2024]. 
  108. ^ Regnier, Sheri. Morissette to be acclaimed NDP nominee for Kootenay-Monashee riding. Trail Times. 2024-08-08 [2024-08-12] (英语). 
  109. ^ Byle, Glen. Glen Byle Nominated In Kootenay-Monashee. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-12-11 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  110. ^ Sparwood District Municipal Councillor Sam Atwal to run with BC NDP in Kootenay-Rockies. BC NDP. July 25, 2024 [July 27, 2024]. 
  111. ^ 111.0 111.1 111.2 BC Green Party announces four new candidates for upcoming provincial election. 卑诗绿党. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-04]. 
  112. ^ Crawley, Trevor. Pete Davis running for BC Conservatives in Kootenay-Rockies. Cranbrook Daily Townsman. 2024-06-19 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  113. ^ McCormack, Ryley. Kootenay East MLA announces he will run independent in provincial election. My East Kootenay Now. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-04]. 
  114. ^ Congratulations to Roly Russell, our BC NDP candidate in Boundary-Similkameen.. X. May 26, 2024 [May 27, 2024]. 
  115. ^ Donegal Wilson Nominated in Boundary-Similkameen. Conservative Party of British Columbia. 2024-08-09 [2024-08-10]. 
  116. ^ Sean Taylor - Independent Candidate. [2024-09-07]. 
  117. ^ BC United Introduces Ron Hovanes as Candidate for Boundary-Similkameen - BC United. 卑诗联合党. 2023-12-20 [2024-08-21]. 
  118. ^ Francyne Joe, advocate for human rights, to run with BC NDP in Fraser-Nicola. BC NDP. 28 July 2024 [28 July 2024] (英语). 
  119. ^ Jonah Timms announced as B.C. Greens candidate for Fraser-Nicola. 卑诗绿党. November 17, 2023 [June 16, 2024]. 
  120. ^ Luck, Tony. Tony Luck Nominated in Fraser-Nicola. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-03-15 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  121. ^ Schulze, Aaron. Grewal to be acclaimed as BC NDP candidate in Kamloops Centre. CFJC Today. Pattison Media. 30 June 2024 [1 July 2024]. 
  122. ^ Potestio, Michael. Green Party names Sunderman candidate for Kamloops Centre riding. Castanet Kamloops. April 17, 2024 [June 16, 2024]. 
  123. ^ Potestio, Michael. Two-term Kamloops MLA Milobar will seek re-election with B.C. Conservatives. Castanet. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  124. ^ Schulze, Aaron. Human services professional Maddi Genn named BC NDP candidate for Kamloops-North Thompson. CFJC Today. Pattison Media. 2024-08-21 [2024-08-21]. 
  125. ^ Stamer, Ward. Ward Stamer Nominated in Kamloops-North Thompson. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-03-15 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  126. ^ Kelowna Centre BCNDP Nomination Meeting. Facebook. Kelowna Centre BCNDP. [7 May 2024]. 
  127. ^ Loewen, Kristina. Kristina Loewen Nominated In Kelowna Centre. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-02-17 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  128. ^ Johansen, Nicholas. Anna Warwick Sears will run for the BC NDP in the Kelowna–Lake Country–Coldstream riding. Castanet. 11 July 2024 [11 July 2024]. 
  129. ^ B.C. Green Party announces Stephanie Hendy as candidate for Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream. 卑诗绿党. September 19, 2023 [June 16, 2024]. 
  130. ^ Armstrong, Tara. Tara Armstrong Nominated In Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-11-27 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  131. ^ Gerding, Barry. Pavneet Singh wins BC United riding nomination in Okanagan. Kelowna Capital News. 2023-11-26 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  132. ^ Workplace safety advocate Harpreet Badohal to take action in Kelowna-Mission with the BC NDP. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-08-19 [2024-08-20]. 
  133. ^ Dew, Gavin. Gavin Dew Nominated in Kelowna-Mission. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-08-14 [2024-08-14] (英语). 
  134. ^ Burns, Iain. Former BC United candidate Ashley Ramsay to run as independent in Kelowna. Kelowna Now. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-04]. 
  135. ^ Tina Lee steps up for Penticton-Summerland with the BC NDP. BC NDP. 28 July 2024 [28 July 2024] (英语). 
  136. ^ 136.0 136.1 136.2 Madtha, Rippon. BC Greens Announce Candidates for Vancouver Renfrew, North Island, Penticton-Summerland, and Prince George North Cariboo. 卑诗绿党. [2024-09-06]. 
  137. ^ Boultbee, Amelia. Amelia Boultbee Nominated in Penticton-Summerland. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-02-26 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  138. ^ Fries, Joe. Penticton city councillor running for federal Conservatives. The Daily Courier. Continental Newspapers. February 26, 2024 [April 18, 2024]. 
  139. ^ BC United introduces Tracy St. Claire as Candidate for Penticton-Summerland - BC United. BC United. 2024-02-13 [2024-08-21]. 
  140. ^ Sylvia Lindgren to take action for families in Salmon Arm-Shuswap with the BC NDP. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-09-06 [2024-09-07]. 
  141. ^ Williams, David. David Williams Nominated In Salmon Arm-Shuswap. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-11-28 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  142. ^ Independent BC June Newsletter. Constant Contact. Independent BC. [28 June 2024]. 
  143. ^ McCune to represent BC United in Shuswap. Salmon Arm Observer. 2024-03-12 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  144. ^ Harwinder Sandhu. 卑诗新民主党. [11 June 2024]. 
  145. ^ Schulze, Aaron. Vernon Conservative candidate Dennis Giesbrecht focused on improving healthcare, making life affordable in B.C.. CFJC Today Kamloops. 2024-09-05 [2024-09-09] (英语). 
  146. ^ Today, September 3rd 2024 Kevin Acton, previously declared candidate for BC United Party, announces his intention to contest the October 19, 2024 provincial election as an Independent candidate.. Facebook. Vote Kevin Acton. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  147. ^ McCall, Macklin. Macklin McCall Nominated In West Kelowna-Peachland. Conservative Party of BC. 2023-12-16 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  148. ^ Gerding, Barry. Independent candidate speaks to Okanagan voter apathy. Kelowna Capital News. Black Press Media. 11 August 2023 [28 May 2024]. 
  149. ^ Dacre, Colin. Stephen Johnston to push ahead with campaign in West Kelowna - Peachland after BC United collapse. Castanet. 2024-09-05 [2024-09-07]. 
  150. ^ It's with great pleasure that we welcome Pam Alexis as our BC NDP candidate in Abbotsford-Mission.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 22 June 2024 [22 June 2024]. 
  151. ^ Gasper, Reann. Reann Gasper Nominated In Abbotsford-Mission. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-02-07 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  152. ^ Join us in welcoming Sarah Kooner as our BC NDP candidate in Abbotsford South. A healthcare advocate who works with young children and their families at the Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, Sarah is also a board member for the Health Sciences Assoc. Welcome, Sarah!. X. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-08-11 [2024-08-12]. 
  153. ^ Hopes, Vikki. Bruce Banman seeks re-election as Abbotsford South MLA. Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News. 2024-02-12 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  154. ^ 154.0 154.1 154.2 154.3 154.4 154.5 154.6 154.7 154.8 Candidate List. 卑诗选举事务处. [18 June 2024]. 
  155. ^ Exciting news, as the President of our Labour Council Graeme Hutchison will be running in the upcoming Provincial election for Abbotsford West.. Facebook. Fraser Valley Labour Council. 2024-08-21 [2024-08-21]. 
  156. ^ Neufeld, Korky. Korky Neufeld Nominated In Abbotsford West. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-02-12 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  157. ^ Kelli Paddon's Nomination Meeting!. 卑诗新民主党. [May 4, 2024]. 
  158. ^ Warbus, A'aliya. Á’a:líya (A'aliya) Warbus Nominated in Chilliwack-Cultus Lake. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-03-01 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  159. ^ BC NDP nominates education, transportation, and community champion Dan Coulter in Chilliwack North to fight for you. 卑诗新民主党. 25 May 2024 [27 May 2024]. 
  160. ^ Maahs, Heather. Heather Maahs Nominated in Chilliwack North. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-02-29 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  161. ^ Elect Dan Grice. [2024-09-12]. 
  162. ^ Former MP John Aldag to run with BC NDP in Langley-Abbotsford. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-07-20 [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  163. ^ Bhangu, Harman. Harman Bhangu Wins Langley-Abbotsford Nomination. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-06-08 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  164. ^ Megan Dykeman. 卑诗新民主党. [11 June 2024]. 
  165. ^ Van Popta, Misty. Misty Van Popta Nominated in Langley-Walnut Grove. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-04-15 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  166. ^ BC United Introduces Barb Martens as the Candidate for Langley-Walnut Grove - BC United. BC United. 2024-01-11 [2024-08-21]. 
  167. ^ It's with great pleasure we welcome Andrew Mercier as our BC NDP candidate in Langley-Willowbrook.. Twitter. 卑诗新民主党. 9 June 2024 [9 June 2024]. 
  168. ^ 168.0 168.1 B.C. Greens Strengthen Election Team with New Candidates for Langley-Willowbrook and Surrey-White Rock. 卑诗绿党. 11 June 2024 [11 June 2024]. 
  169. ^ Toor, Jody. Jody Toor Nominated In Langley-Willowbrook. 卑诗保守党. 2024-06-18 [2024-07-19] (英语). 
  170. ^ BC NDP nominates Bob D'Eith in Maple Ridge East to keep taking action for you and your family. 卑诗新民主党. April 27, 2024 [April 29, 2024]. 
  171. ^ Mok, Lawrence. Dr. Lawrence Mok Nominated in Maple Ridge East. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-07-09 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  172. ^ We are excited to introduce Lisa Beare as the BC NDP candidate for Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 17 June 2024 [17 June 2024]. 
  173. ^ Morden, Mike. Mike Morden Nominated in Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows. 卑诗保守党. 18 June 2024 [18 June 2024]. 
  174. ^ 174.0 174.1 174.2 BC NDP candidates to be acclaimed in Victoria-Swan Lake, Surrey-Newton, and Surrey City Centre. 卑诗新民主党. 24 July 2024 [24 July 2024]. 
  175. ^ 175.0 175.1 175.2 VOTE COMMUNIST FOR REAL CHANGE ON OCTOBER 19!. 卑诗共产党. [2024-09-09]. 
  176. ^ We are delighted to introduce Mike Starchuk as the BC NDP candidate for Surrey-Cloverdale.. X. 8 June 2024 [8 June 2024]. 
  177. ^ Jordan, Malin. Cloverdale resident running for B.C. Greens in Surrey-Cloverdale riding. Cloverdale Reporter. June 10, 2024 [June 16, 2024]. 
  178. ^ Surrey South MLA Elenore Sturko Joins Conservative Party of BC. June 3, 2024 [June 3, 2024]. 
  179. ^ 179.0 179.1 Our MLA Candidates. Freedom Party of British Columbia. January 15, 2023 [March 17, 2024]. 
  180. ^ Community champion Jagrup Brar to run again with BC NDP in Surrey-Fleetwood. 卑诗新民主党. 6 July 2024 [8 July 2024]. 
  181. ^ BC NDP nominates longtime RCMP officer and two-time MLA Garry Begg in Surrey-Guildford to take action for you. 卑诗新民主党. 23 May 2024 [23 May 2024]. 
  182. ^ Introducing Manjeet Sahota, your candidate for #SRG!. X. BC Green Party. 2024-08-07 [2024-08-08]. 
  183. ^ Melnychuk, Phil. BC United announces candidate for NDP stronghold of Delta North. Delta Optimist. 2024-04-11 [2024-08-10]. 
  184. ^ BC NDP nominates Rachna Singh in Surrey North to take action for you and your family. 卑诗新民主党. May 21, 2024 [May 21, 2024]. 
  185. ^ Zytaruk, Tom. Jinny Sims acclaimed NDP MLA candidate for Surrey-Panorama. Peace Arch News. Black Press Media. April 4, 2024 [April 5, 2024]. 
  186. ^ I will now be running Independent in my riding.. Twitter. Dupinder Kaur Saran. 2024-09-02 [2024-09-03]. 
  187. ^ BC NDP welcomes decorated police officer Baltej Dhillon in Surrey-Serpentine River, committed to putting people and families first. 卑诗新民主党. 9 June 2024 [9 June 2024]. 
  188. ^ We’re delighted to welcome Haroon Ghaffar as our BC NDP candidate in Surrey South. A former journalist & public servant, Haroon has dedicated his career to understanding issues in Surrey. Now, he is ready to take action for his community as an MLA. Welcome Haroon!. X. BC NDP. 7 August 2024 [7 August 2024]. 
  189. ^ Labour leader and former Mayor of White Rock Darryl Walker wins BC NDP nomination in Surrey-White Rock. BC NDP. 4 August 2024 [4 August 2024]. 
  190. ^ BC NDP nominates two-time Olympian and Cabinet Minister Ravi Kahlon in Delta North to stand up for housing, healthcare and more. 卑诗新民主党. May 4, 2024 [May 4, 2024]. 
  191. ^ Transportation advocate Jason McCormick to run with BC NDP in Delta South. BC NDP. 2024-08-08 [2024-08-09] (英语). 
  192. ^ Business and community leader Linda Li to run with BC NDP in Richmond-Bridgeport. 卑诗新民主党. 13 July 2024 [13 July 2024]. 
  193. ^ 193.0 193.1 193.2 193.3 193.4 193.5 BC Greens announce slate of inspiring candidates for upcoming election. 卑诗绿党. 2024-08-22 [2024-08-26]. 
  194. ^ BC NDP nominates MLA and community advocate Henry Yao in Richmond Centre to stand up for you. 卑诗新民主党. 25 May 2024 [27 May 2024]. 
  195. ^ Chan, Hon. Hon Chan Nominated in Richmond Centre. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-08-21 [2024-08-21] (英语). 
  196. ^ Meissner, Dirk. BC United to run some candidates to keep party name alive, despite halting campaign. CTV News. The Canadian Press. 2024-09-06 [2024-09-07]. 
  197. ^ 197.0 197.1 BC NDP Nomination Meeting. Facebook. BC NDP - Richmond Steveston. [21 May 2024]. 
  198. ^ Let’s make BC better with your help!. Errol Povah for MLA. [2024-08-19]. 
  199. ^ Kevin Falcon proudly announces Jackie Lee as BC United’s candidate for Richmond-Steveston - BC United. 卑诗联合党. 2023-12-10 [2024-09-09]. 
  200. ^ BC NDP nominates cabinet minister and twice re-elected MLA Anne Kang in Burnaby Centre. 卑诗新民主党. April 6, 2024 [April 6, 2024]. 
  201. ^ Meet Reah Arora, Burnaby East's BC NDP choice, taking action for you and your family. 卑诗新民主党. 9 June 2024 [9 June 2024]. 
  202. ^ Balzer, Jess. BC Green Party reveals its candidate for Burnaby East. Burnaby Now. Glacier Media Group. 2024-08-28 [2024-08-29]. 
  203. ^ 203.0 203.1 Balzer, Jess. Burnaby MLA candidates shuffled after BC United suspends campaign. Burnaby Now. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-09] (英语). 
  204. ^ Raj Chouhan. 卑诗新民主党. [11 June 2024]. 
  205. ^ Janet Routledge is the BC NDP candidate in Burnaby North, committed to taking action for local families. 卑诗新民主党. 24 June 2024 [25 June 2024]. 
  206. ^ Paul Choi. 卑诗新民主党. [11 June 2024]. 
  207. ^ Meet Carrie McLaren, @BCGreens candidate for Burnaby-South Metrotown!. Twitter. 卑诗绿党. 2024-08-30 [2024-08-30]. 
  208. ^ BC United introduces Meiling Chia as MLA Candidate for Burnaby South-Metrotown - BC United. 卑诗联合党. 2024-07-16 [2024-09-09]. 
  209. ^ BC NDP, @bcndp. It's with great pleasure that we welcome Jodie Wickens as our BC NDP candidate in Coquitlam-Burke Mountain. Elected as MLA in 2016, Jodie has a long history of public service and advocacy, and believes that people need strong services to live good lives. Congratulations, Jodie!. x.com. 
  210. ^ Jennifer Blatherwick's Nomination. Facebook. Coquitlam-Maillardville BC NDP. [7 June 2024]. 
  211. ^ 211.0 211.1 BC Greens Announce Candidates for Coquitlam-Maillardville and Langford-Highlands. 卑诗绿党. 2024-08-20 [2024-08-20]. 
  212. ^ BC NDP nominates labour leader and Cabinet Minister Jennifer Whiteside in New Westminster-Coquitlam to take action for people and families. 卑诗新民主党. 22 May 2024 [22 May 2024]. 
  213. ^ Mike Farnworth to officially run for re-election in Port Coquitlam. Tri-City News. 20 July 2024 [22 July 2024] (英语). 
  214. ^ Adams, Keenan. Keenan Adams Nominated in Port Coquitlam. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  215. ^ Hi folks, nomination meeting will be held on June 15th, @ 12:30 PM at Kyle Centre to welcome Rick Glumac as our candidate, for the Port Moody Burquitlam riding.. Facebook. Port Moody-Burquitlam BC NDP Constituency Association. 8 June 2024 [8 June 2024]. 
  216. ^ Minister of Citizens’ Services George Chow to run again with BC NDP in Vancouver-Fraserview. BC NDP. 2024-08-24 [2024-08-26] (英语). 
  217. ^ We’re excited to welcome Niki Sharma to our team as the BC NDP candidate in Vancouver-Hastings.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 23 June 2024 [23 June 2024]. 
  218. ^ Mable Elmore to seek re-election with BC NDP in Vancouver-Kensington. BC NDP. 28 July 2024 [28 July 2024] (英语). 
  219. ^ Vancouver-Langara, meet your advocate: Sunita Dhir nominated by BC NDP to take action on what matters to people. 卑诗新民主党. [26 May 2024] (英语). 
  220. ^ Pandey-Kanaan, Aastha. Christine Boyle elected as BCNDP candidate for Vancouver-Little Mountain riding. CityNews. Rogers Communications. April 4, 2024 [April 4, 2024]. 
  221. ^ Youth advocate Callista Ryan to run with BC NDP in Vancouver-Quilchena. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-08-19 [2024-08-20]. 
  222. ^ Health Minister Adrian Dix to run with BC NDP in Vancouver-Renfrew. BC NDP. 27 July 2024 [29 July 2024] (英语). 
  223. ^ Tech entrepreneur and Cabinet Minister Brenda Bailey to work for you as BC NDP candidate in Vancouver-South Granville. 卑诗新民主党. 22 May 2024 [22 May 2024]. 
  224. ^ Lageri, Aron. Aron Lageri Nominated in Vancouver-South Granville. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-09 [2024-09-09] (英语). 
  225. ^ Respected Indigenous leader Joan Phillip to run again in Vancouver-Strathcona with BC NDP. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-08-19 [2024-08-20]. 
  226. ^ Gibson, Connor. Scotty Muller Nominated in Vancouver-Strathcona. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-11 [2024-09-11]. 
  227. ^ BC NDP nominates five-time MLA, community leader, and human rights activist Spencer Chandra Herbert in Vancouver-West End. 卑诗新民主党. April 27, 2024 [April 27, 2024]. 
  228. ^ Veteran Vancouver police officer Terry Yung to run with BC NDP in Vancouver-Yaletown. BC NDP. 2024-08-28 [2024-08-29]. 
  229. ^ We're thrilled to announce Bowinn Ma as our BC NDP candidate in North Vancouver-Lonsdale.. X. 卑诗新民主党. 22 June 2024 [22 June 2024]. 
  230. ^ Splett, David. David Splett Nominated in North Vancouver-Lonsdale. 卑诗保守党. 2024-08-13 [2024-08-13] (英语). 
  231. ^ Nomination meeting successful! I am so honoured to announce that I am standing for re-election as the BC NDP Candidate in North Vancouver - Seymour.. Facebook. Susie Chant - North Vancouver Seymour. 2024-06-23 [2024-06-23]. 
  232. ^ Chandola, Sam. Sam Chandola Nominated in North Vancouver-Seymour. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-08-08 [2024=08-08] (英语). 
  233. ^ Randene Neill, a community champion who gets results for people, nominated as BC NDP candidate for Powell River-Sunshine Coast. 卑诗新民主党. [8 June 2024]. 
  234. ^ Meet Dr. Chris Hergesheimer, your candidate for #POR!. X. BC Green Party. 2024-08-07 [2024-08-08]. 
  235. ^ Moore, Chris. The Conservative Party of BC Welcomes Chris Moore to the Team. 卑诗保守党. 19 June 2024 [19 June 2024]. 
  236. ^ Eftekhar, Sara. I am going to be acclaimed as the BC NDP candidate for West Vancouver- Capilano. Facebook. 27 June 2024 [28 June 2024]. 
  237. ^ West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, meet your advocate: Community leader Jen Ford nominated by BC NDP to take action on what matters to people. 卑诗新民主党. 21 May 2024 [21 May 2024]. 
  238. ^ Jeremy Valeriote announced as candidate for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky. 卑诗绿党. April 5, 2023 [June 14, 2024]. 
  239. ^ Fulmer, Yuri. Yuri Fulmer Nominated in West Vancouver-Sea to Sky. 卑诗保守党. 2024-07-22 [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  240. ^ Nomination meeting. Facebook. Courtenay-Comox BC NDP. [May 11, 2024]. 
  241. ^ B.C. Greens announce Arzeena Hamir as candidate for Courtenay-Comox. 卑诗绿党. November 15, 2023 [June 13, 2023]. 
  242. ^ Day, Brennan. Brennan Day Nominated in Courtenay-Comox. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-08-06 [2024-08-06] (英语). 
  243. ^ Valley resident running as Independent MLA for Courtenay-Comox. Vancouver Island Free Daily. Black Press Media. 19 June 2024 [25 June 2024]. 
  244. ^ Cowichan Valley, meet your candidate: Debra Toporowski nominated by BC NDP to take action on what matters to people. 卑诗新民主党. May 9, 2024 [May 11, 2024]. 
  245. ^ Cawson, Chadd. Cammy Lockwood throws hat in ring as Green candidate for Cowichan. Cowichan Valley Citizen. May 1, 2024 [June 13, 2023]. 
  246. ^ Bodger, Don. Koury running for Conservative Party of BC in next provincial election. Cowichan Valley Citizen. January 22, 2024 [June 13, 2023]. 
  247. ^ Ladysmith-Oceanside gains a powerful advocate as Stephanie Higginson joins the BC NDP team, pledging to prioritize what matters to you and your family. 卑诗新民主党. 9 June 2024 [9 June 2024]. 
  248. ^ Fee, Brett. Brett Fee nominated in Ladysmith-Oceanside. 卑诗保守党. May 8, 2024 [June 13, 2024]. 
  249. ^ Lehann Wallace announced as BC United candidate for Ladysmith-Oceanside. Parksville Qualicum Beach News. February 12, 2024 [June 13, 2024]. 
  250. ^ BC NDP nominates cabinet minister and past Tofino Mayor Josie Osborne to work for you in Mid Island-Pacific Rim. 卑诗新民主党. 3 June 2024 [4 June 2024]. 
  251. ^ Gibson, Connor. Adam Hayduk nominated in Mid Island-Pacific Rim. 卑诗保守党. June 12, 2024 [June 13, 2024]. 
  252. ^ Quinn, Susie. Joshua Dahling running for BC United in Mid Island-Pacific Rim. Comox Valley Record. April 17, 2024 [June 13, 2024]. 
  253. ^ Sheila Malcolmson. 卑诗新民主党. [11 June 2024]. 
  254. ^ Parker, Dale. Dale Parker Nominated in Nanaimo-Gabriola Island. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  255. ^ Former Nanaimo City Councillor George Anderson to run with BC NDP in Nanaimo-Lantzville. BC NDP. 28 July 2024 [29 July 2024] (英语). 
  256. ^ Gwen O'Mahony nominated in Nanaimo-Lantzville. 卑诗保守党. April 3, 2024 [June 13, 2024]. 
  257. ^ BC NDP nominates Michele Babchuk in North Island to advocate for you and your family. 卑诗新民主党. 23 May 2024 [23 May 2024]. 
  258. ^ Dr. Anna Kindy nominated in North Island. 卑诗保守党. November 9, 2023 [June 13, 2023]. 
  259. ^ Esquimalt councillor Darlene Rotchford to run in Esquimalt-Colwood with BC NDP. BC NDP. 2024-09-07 [2024-09-09]. 
  260. ^ Camille Currie to run as B.C. Green candidate for Esquimalt-Colwood. 卑诗绿党. February 12, 2024 [June 11, 2024]. 
  261. ^ John Wilson Nominated in Esquimalt-Colwood. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-10 [2024-09-10]. 
  262. ^ Sooke councillor Dana Lajeunesse wins BC NDP nomination in Juan de Fuca-Malahat. 卑诗新民主党. 2024-07-20 [2024-07-22] (英语). 
  263. ^ Brooke, Mary P. Sooke businessman David Evans now BC Green candidate for Juan de Fuca – Malahat. Island Social Trends. May 11, 2024 [May 12, 2024]. 
  264. ^ BC Conservatives launch family doc for MLA in Juan de Fuca-Malahat. Island Social Trends. February 6, 2024 [June 11, 2024]. 
  265. ^ Langford-Highlands Nomination Meeting. Facebook. BC NDP in Langford-Highlands. [June 6, 2024]. 
  266. ^ Harris, Mike. Mike Harris Nominated in Langford-Highlands. 卑诗保守党. September 9, 2023 [June 13, 2024]. 
  267. ^ Non-profit and social change leader Diana Gibson earns BC NDP nomination in Oak Bay-Gordon Head. 卑诗新民主党. 23 July 2024 [24 July 2024]. 
  268. ^ Dr. Lisa Gunderson nominated as candidate for Oak Bay-Gordon Head. 卑诗绿党. January 19, 2023 [June 13, 2024]. 
  269. ^ Andrew, Stephen. Stephen Andrew Nominated in Oak Bay-Gordon Head. 卑诗保守党. 2024-09-03 [2024-09-03]. 
  270. ^ We’re delighted to introduce Sarah Riddell as the BC NDP candidate in Saanich North & the Islands. A Central Saanich Councillor, Sarah Riddell has a record of taking action on the issues people care about: housing, healthcare and the cost of living. Welcome, Sarah!. X. BC NDP. 2024-08-22 [2024-08-23]. 
  271. ^ Saanich North & The Islands Nomination Contest. BC Green Party. [2024-08-08] (英语). 
  272. ^ Taking action for you in Saanich South: Lana Popham is nominated by the BC NDP to stand up for housing, healthcare and more. 卑诗新民主党. June 6, 2024 [June 6, 2024]. 
  273. ^ B.C. Green Party announces Ned Taylor as candidate for Saanich South. 卑诗绿党. September 12, 2023 [June 13, 2024]. 
  274. ^ Kubel, Adam. Adam Kubel Nominated in Saanich South. Conservative Party of BC. 2024-08-26 [2024-08-26] (英语). 
  275. ^ BC NDP nominates Grace Lore in Victoria-Beacon Hill to keep taking action for you and your family. 卑诗新民主党. May 9, 2024 [May 9, 2024]. 
  276. ^ Thielmann, Timothy. Tim Thielmann nominated in Victoria-Beacon Hill. 卑诗保守党. November 15, 2023 [June 13, 2024]. 
  277. ^ Christina Winter nominated as candidate for Victoria-Swan Lake. 卑诗绿党. March 30, 2023 [June 13, 2023].