

Oriel College
East range of the First Quad
拉丁文名称Collegium Orielense
全称The Provost and Scholars of the House of the Blessed Mary the Virgin in Oxford, commonly called Oriel College, of the Foundation of Edward the Second of famous memory, sometime King of England
院长Moira Wallace
本科生301[1] (2011/2012)

奥利尔书院(Oriel College)[2] (又译奥利尔学院、奥里尔学院)是牛津大学下的一个书院,位于牛津奥利尔广场。该书院历史可追溯至1320年代,自称是牛津最古老的皇家机构,为了显示其皇家地位,又称国王书院(King's College、King's Hall)。[3]

爱德华二世在1320年代提供赞助,由其廷臣亚当·德·布鲁姆为该书院奠基,当时称牛津圣母玛丽学堂(House or Hall of the Blessed Mary at Oxford)。[4] 该书院在16世纪之前只接受非本科生做成员,之后才开始接纳本科生入学。[5] 英格兰内战期间,奥利尔书院是牛津议会(Oxford Parliament)驻地。[6]

该书院有四座中世纪建筑构成,即Bedel Hal、St Mary Hall、St Martin Hall和Tackley's Inn。其中Tackley's Inn是该书院最古老的地产,也是牛津最古老的中世纪建筑之一。[7] 该书院现有大约40名成员、300名本科生和160名研究生,男女人数基本持平。[5]


  1. ^ Undergraduate numbers by college 2011-12. University of Oxford. [2015-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-02). 
  2. ^ Oxford University Calendar 2005–2006 (2005) p.323 has the corporate designation as "The Provost and Scholars of the House of the Blessed Mary the Virgin in Oxford, commonly called Oriel College, of the Foundation of Edward the Second of famous memory, sometime King of England", p324 has people — Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-928370-2.
  3. ^ Watt, D. E. (editor), Oriel College, Oxford (Trinity term, 1953) — Oxford University Archaeological Society, uses material collected by C. R. Jones, R. J. Brenato, D. K. Garnier, W. J. Frampton and N. Covington, under advice from W. A. Pantin, particularly in respect of the architecture and treasures (manuscripts, printed books and silver plate) sections. 16 page publication, produced in association with the Ashmolean Museum as part of a college guide series.
  4. ^ Rannie, David, Oriel College (1900) — published by F. E. Robinson & Co. London (Part of the University of Oxford College Histories series) pp.1, 5–10, 102, 105, 108–110, 241 and 235.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Oriel College Oxford, A short guide — published by Oriel College Development Trust on behalf of Oriel College, Oxford.
  6. ^ The Oxford Parliament. British Civil Wars, Commonwealth and Protectorate 1638–60. [3 September 2006]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-02). 
  7. ^ Oriel College Memorandum 2003–4.

