


插缀(Transfix)在构词学中指在词根闪语族词根)中插入的不连续词缀,属于构词学的词根活用式英语Nonconcatenative morphology系统,可在多种闪语中见到。

不连续词缀为语音组件在单词中不连续,围绕著构成词根的语音摊开词缀。词根常常是一系列难懂的三个子音,虽然单子音、双字母、四字母词根也实际存在。[1]三子音词根的例子如阿拉伯语的 d–r–b ,可以曲折daraba (打击)和 idribunna (打击他们(阴性))。[2]一般认为三子音词根是最普遍的型态,部分语言学家断定双字母词根可能实际上是默认的,但至少有一位学者怀疑这些主张的合法性。[1]

插缀在范型指定下安置到词根的既定位置,范型绑定了所赋予词形变化衍生之特定意义。[3]前述的插缀例子如 a–a–ai––i–unna

插缀不同于前缀后缀中缀,完整的插缀配置到词根的整体结构之中。插缀并非前缀、后缀和中缀的组合,有其独自的结构,拆散在字词之中。插缀另一项和其他词缀的不同点在于各个组件本身不具意涵。再看到 daraba 这个字,组件 a–a–a 单方面编译不出任何意义。仅能一起产生出不定词意涵。


马尔他语词根 q–t–l 的指示曲折:
完成式 未完成式
第一人称 qtilt "I killed" noqtol "I kill"
第二人称 qtilt "You killed" toqtol "You kill"
第三人称阳性 qatel "He killed" joqtol "He kills"
第三人称阴性 qatlet "She killed" toqtol "She kills"
第一人称 qtilna "We killed" noqtlu "We kill"
第二人称 qtiltu "You killed" toqtlu "You kill"
第三人称 qatlu "They killed" joqtlu "They kill"

The Maltese example efficiently demonstrates the broad nature of transfixes and how they can be inserted into a root.

阿拉伯语词根 k–t–b 的动名词形式[5]
阿拉伯语转写 翻译
kataba 'preaching, orating'
katb 'matter, affair, concern'
kutub 'matters, affairs, concerns'
kitab 'public address, speech, oration'
kitba 'courtship, engagement'
kitaba 'rhetoric, oratory'
takatub 'conversation, talk, discussion'
mukatib 'conversation partner, interlocutor'

The Arabic example shows the ways in which a great variety of different nouns can be derived from a single root through the use of transfixes.

单数 复数
zártòò “saw” zárààtáá "saws"
ɡárkèè "herd" ɡárààkáá "herds"
sárkʲíí "emir" sàrààkáí "emirs"
ɡʷúrɡʷùù "cripple" ɡʷúrààɡʷúú "cripples"
ʔárzìkʲíí "fortune" ʔárzúkàà "fortunes"

The Hausa example demonstrates the presence of transfixation in non-Semitic languages, though the phenomenon does not seem to leave the Afro-Asiatic family.




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Bennett, Patrick R. Comparative Semitic Linguistics : a Manual. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1998. 62-64. Print.
  2. ^ Hans Wehr, J.M. Cowan, Arabic-English Dictionary (Ithaca: Spoken Language Services, 1976. 538-539. Print.
  3. ^ McCarthy, John J. Formal Problems in Semitic Phonology and Morphology. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Linguistics Club, 1982. 200-218. Print.
  4. ^ Borg, Albert J. Maltese. London ;New York: Routledge, 1997. 244. Print.
  5. ^ Wehr, Hans. A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic : (Arabic-English). 4th ed., considerably enlarged and amended by the author. Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, 1994. 285-286. Print.
  6. ^ Al-Hassan, Bello. "Transfixation in Hausa: A Hypothetical Analysis." Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures. 45. (2011): n. page. Web. 3 Feb. 2014. <http://www.sdalc.uw.edu.pl/index.php?journal=SDALC&page=article&op=download&path%5B%5D=33&path%5B%5D=21页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)>.