


加萨-耶利哥协定(英语:Gaza–Jericho Agreement;阿拉伯语:اتفاق غزة أريحا‎;),全称为“有关加沙地带和耶利哥地区协定”,又称为1994年开罗协定希伯来语הסכם קהיר, 1994‎),是奥斯陆协定的后续条约,在协定中达成巴勒斯坦自治的细节。[1] 1994年5月4日,阿拉法特和时任以色列总理的拉宾签署。



协定规定在五年内,于西岸实现巴勒斯坦自治。根据加萨-耶利哥协定,以色列承诺在签署后的三周内,从西岸的耶利哥加沙地带撤出。[2] 根据协定第三条权力转移一节,成立巴勒斯坦民族权力机构。1994年7月5日,阿拉法特就任巴勒斯坦民族权力机构首任主席。[3]

协定其余部分是有关经济关系 (巴黎经济议定书),和建立巴勒斯坦民事警察部队。巴黎议定书规定了以色列与巴勒斯坦当局之间的经济关系,但实际上巴勒斯坦将被整合至以色列经济体系中。[4]

《加萨-耶利哥协定》后整合至《奥斯陆第二协议英语Oslo_II_Accord》。奥斯陆第二协定,全称为1995年9月24日和28日关于西岸和加萨地区的临时协定 (奥斯陆第二协议,第16条,最后条款) 。[5]




  1. ^ Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agreement on Gaza Strip and Jericho Area页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  2. ^ Mideast accord: the overview; Rabin and Arafat sign accord ending Israel's 27-year hold on Jericho and the Gaza Strip页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Chris Hedges, New York Times, 5 May 1994.
    "Israel has offered a Jericho region of 24 square miles; the Palestinians have asked for 42 square miles ... Israeli troops are to remain at the Rafah border crossing and at Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip,"
    "... Mr. Arafat had asked the Israelis to delay their total pullback for the 21 days allowed in the accord because the Palestinians were not ready to take over."
  3. ^ Europa World Year Book 2004页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), p. 2235. Taylor & Francis, 2004 (on Google Books).
    "On 26–28 May [1994] the PA held its inaugural meeting in Tunis, ... Arafat made a symbolic return to Gaza City on 1 July—his first visit for 25 years—and the PA was formally inaugurated in Jericho on 5 July."
  4. ^ Will we always have Paris? 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2013-12-25.. Gaza Gateway, 13 September 2012
  5. ^ The Israeli–Palestinian Interim Agreement Main Points. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel). [2024-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2004-06-01). 

