
用户:Yankees from Canada/沙盒

Louis-Alexandre Berthier
1808年的贝尔蒂埃,雅克·帕茹英语Jacques-Augustin-Catherine Pajou
继任亨利·纪尧姆·克拉克英语Henri Jacques Guillaume Clarke
父母让·巴蒂斯特·贝尔蒂埃英语Jean-Baptiste Berthier
效忠 法兰西王国





贝尔蒂埃于1753年11月20日出生于凡尔赛[1],是父亲第一段婚姻存活的五个孩子里的长子[2]。其父让·巴蒂斯特·贝尔蒂埃英语Jean-Baptiste Berthier(1721–1804)中校是一名地理工程师,供职于法国陆军,1746年与第一任妻子玛丽-弗朗索瓦丝·鲁利埃·德拉塞尔(Marie Françoise L'Huillier de La Serre)结婚,后者在凡尔赛宫作过普罗旺斯伯爵(即后来的路易十八)的贴身女仆。贝尔蒂埃的三个兄弟也为法军服役,而其中两个,萨塞尔英语César Berthier(1765–1819)与维克托-利奥波德(Victor-Léopold)(1770–1807)在拿破仑战争中被提拔为将军[2][3]


贝尔蒂埃出生于军人家庭,从小便受到良好的教育并被父亲培养走上军事道路[4]。1764年,他被梅济耶尔皇家工程学院英语École royale du génie de Mézières录取,两年后13岁的贝尔蒂埃毕业,获得了地形工程师资格与少尉军衔[2]。1772年3月,贝尔蒂埃在佛兰德斯军团担任中尉[2]。1776年8月,他加入拉斐尔侯爵的洛林龙骑兵团,参加美国独立战争,并于次年6月被授予上尉军衔[2]




1792年,贝尔蒂埃晋升陆军少将英语Maréchal de camp,调至北方军团英语Army of the North (France)作战[2],任尼古劳斯·卢克纳元帅的参谋长,之后他在迪穆里埃克勒曼指挥的阿尔贡战役中发挥了重要作用。1793年3月,贝尔蒂埃前往法国西部参加旺代战争,并在战斗中负伤。被召回后又由于他的贵族身份遭到恐怖统治波及,被剥夺军职[7][8],不过前述的英勇表现使他免于严重的指控,侥幸逃脱了断头台[6]


热月政变九天后,贝尔蒂埃被起复为克勒曼阿尔卑斯军团的参谋长[10],军衔准将旅长,1795年5月9日随克勒曼调意大利军团参谋长,次月晋少将师长,9月又随克勒曼回阿尔卑斯军团[2][5]。1796年3月,贝尔蒂埃首次遇见刚被任命为意大利军团英语Army of Italy (France)司令的拿破仑·波拿巴,后者赏识贝尔蒂埃的才能,即刻将军团参谋长的位置给了他[2],而次年其在意大利战役中的出色表现也证明了拿破仑的识人之明。洛迪战役期间为了尽快占领米兰,法军需要强渡阿达河,在拉纳发起的进攻被奥军凶猛的火力击退后,贝尔蒂埃与紧随其后的马塞纳身先士卒,率军顶着葡萄弹冲过窄桥,赢得了一场果决的胜利[11][12],而先前贝尔蒂埃派出抄后的骑兵部队则迫使奥军全面撤退[12]。拿破仑在5月11日给督政府的报告中特别褒奖了贝尔蒂埃:“我绝不能忘记勇敢的贝尔蒂埃,他那天同时是炮手、士兵与掷弹兵”[13]

1797年1月,奥军第四次试图解除拿破仑对曼图亚的围攻[14]约瑟夫·阿尔文齐英语Jozsef Alvinczi率中路的28000人经里沃利南下,打算与其他部队在维罗纳会师[15][14]。是月13日,儒贝尔将军的掩护部队与阿尔文齐部遭遇,里沃利会战爆发[16]。贝尔蒂埃有效地协调了各部队,在稳住儒贝尔师后指挥骑兵在炮兵的掩护下对奥军发起反击,阿尔文齐随后再次被迫撤退[16]。事后拿破仑称赞了贝尔蒂埃,“这场战役中他表现出了他常有的勇气”[16]。此后十八年的职业生涯中,贝尔蒂埃与拿破仑形影不离,始终是他最有价值的朋友与助手[2]



驻留米兰期间,他深深迷恋上了美丽的维斯康蒂夫人[9],后者是一个二婚女子,本名朱塞帕·卡尔卡诺,时为维斯康蒂·迪·博尔戈拉托侯爵的妻子[18]。两个人走得越来越近,以至于绯闻在参谋部里流传,许多人讥笑维斯康蒂夫人是贝尔蒂埃的“蠢事”[19]德赛将军在抵达意大利军团后评价这位参谋长“身材矮小,体格健壮,总是笑嘻嘻的,忙得不可开交——而且爱上了维斯康蒂夫人”[19]。在随拿破仑远征埃及期间,贝尔蒂埃依然常常给在意大利的情人写信,因而得到了“多情派”(faction des amoureux)首领的称号[9],之后还把拿破仑在各个时期赏赐的4000万法郎大部分花在了她身上[9]

1798年5月19日,贝尔蒂埃登上旗舰“东方号英语French ship Orient (1791)”前往埃及[20],在船上他详细规划了400艘运输船输送的约38,000名士兵登陆亚历山大港的行动[20]。不过在整场远征期间,贝尔蒂埃就像大多数的将官和士兵那样对埃及的环境感到极端不适。他每天要工作长达18个小时,疟疾暑热使他头晕耳鸣,虚弱不堪,以至于贝尔蒂埃一度觉得自己难以支撑下去[21],尽管如此,为了不树立一个坏的榜样,他还是坚持没有向拿破仑告假[21]。之后随着尼罗河口海战的失败,法军由于补给问题被困在埃及[22],加之第二次反法同盟组建的消息,促使拿破仑决定回国寻找机遇[23]。从埃及返程的航程中,除了疗养外贝尔蒂埃根据指挥官的要求撰写了有关埃及战役的历史[24],并不遗余力地为拿破仑宣传造势,在此事上他并无个人野心可言[24]


由于预备军组建的十分仓促,其严重缺乏弹药和炮兵运输工具,步兵有效人数不超过30,000[30],贝尔蒂埃对其状态始终不满意,抱怨这支军队“只能依靠刺刀”[30]。但由于意大利战况的紧急,拿破仑还是在5月12日抵达洛桑,第二天就率领军团翻阅阿尔卑斯山进入了意大利[31]。奥军主帅梅拉斯英语Michael von Melas彼时正在围困热那亚城内的马塞纳,拿破仑顺利占领米兰与帕维亚等地,成功切断了奥军的补给线[29]。不过6月4日热那亚陷落后,梅拉斯掩藏了自己向东突围的真实意图,使拿破仑误判他将从海上撤退,于是在亚历山德里亚以东试图分兵堵截奥军[27][32]。9日,拉纳越过波河蒙特贝洛战役英语Battle of Montebello (1800)中取得小胜[27],驱赶奥特英语Peter Karl Ott von Bátorkéz将军与梅拉斯的主力部队会合。14日奥军渡河发起进攻,马伦哥战役爆发,兵力劣势使得法军一度濒临失败[29],但还是在德赛将军的及时回援下得以发起绝地反攻[32],一举击溃敌人中路后获胜。

《马伦哥战役中的拿破仑将军与他的参谋长贝尔蒂埃》,约瑟夫·博兹英语Joseph Boze绘于1800至1801年


参谋长贝尔蒂埃尽善尽美地下达每一条精确的指令, 马伦哥一战他保持了自己在拿破仑麾下,从意大利与埃及的征战中赢得的威名。他自己被一枚子弹打中手臂,而他的两个副官杜塔里斯和拉博德的马匹在身下被打死。[33]


Napoleonic Wars[编辑]

Portrait by Andrea Appiani

In May 1804, Napoleon became emperor and at once made Berthier a Marshal of the Empire.[2] He took part in the campaigns of Austerlitz, Jena, and Friedland. Berthier was made Grand Huntsman in 1804 and Vice-Constable of the Empire in 1807.[2] In 1806, when Napoleon deposed King Frederick William III of Prussia from the Principality of Neuchâtel (now the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel), Berthier was appointed its ruler, with the title of Prince of Neuchâtel and Duke of Valangin.[37] This lasted until his abdication on 3 June 1814.[37] Berthier never visited Neuchâtel, where he was represented by a governor, although he was well acquainted with its affairs.[37]

In 1808, Berthier served in the Peninsular War, and in 1809, served in the Austrian theatre during the War of the Fifth Coalition, after which he was given the title of Prince of Wagram. He was with Napoleon in Russia in 1812, and took part in the extremely unusual council of war on whether to proceed, being one of several who advised against an advance on Moscow which Napoleon had decided on, encouraged by Joachim Murat who was blamed by many for the horse-killing pace of the march into Russia. Berthier is said to have burst into tears at the decision. He served in Germany in 1813, and France in 1814, fulfilling, until the fall of the French Empire, the functions of chief of staff of the Grande Armée.[1]

Later life[编辑]

Berthier's estate Château de Grosbois in Val-de-Marne, France

Following Napoleon's first abdication, Berthier retired to Château de Grosbois, his 600-acre (2.4 km2) estate at Boissy-Saint-Léger, Val-de-Marne. He made peace with Louis XVIII in 1814 and accompanied the king on his solemn entry into Paris. During Napoleon's short exile on Elba, he informed Berthier of his projects. Berthier was much perplexed as to his future course and, being unwilling to commit to Napoleon, fell under the suspicion both of his old leader and of Louis XVIII.


The Neue Residenz in Bamberg where Berthier died falling from a third floor window

On Napoleon's return to France in March 1815, Berthier withdrew to the Bavarian city of Bamberg. On 1 June 1815 he died from a fall from an upstairs window at the Neue Residenz, a 17th-century Bishop's residence.[38] The manner of his death remains uncertain because he fell from a casement window with a sill 4英尺(1.2米) from the floor, making an accident seem unlikely.[39] According to some accounts, he was assassinated by members of a secret society, while others say he threw himself from the window, maddened at the sight of Russian troops marching to invade France. It remains unclear whether his defenestration was suicide or murder.[1]

His loss was keenly felt by Napoleon, who wished he had his former Chief of Staff at Waterloo:

If Berthier had been there, I would not have met this misfortune.[40]

Character assessment[编辑]

Berthier was an immensely skilled chief of staff, but he was not a great field commander. When he was in temporary command in 1809, the French army in Bavaria underwent a series of reverses. Despite the fact that his merit as a general was completely overshadowed by the genius of Napoleon, Berthier was nevertheless renowned for his excellent organising skills and being able to understand and carry out the emperor's directions to the minutest detail.[1] General Paul Thiébault wrote of him:

No one could have better suited General Bonaparte, who wanted a man capable of relieving him of all detailed work, to understand him instantly and to foresee what he would need.[40]

Marriage and issue[编辑]

Coat of arms of Louis-Alexandre Berthier

In 1796, Berthier fell in love with Giuseppa Carcano, marquise Visconti di Borgorato, who was to be his mistress for the duration of the First French Empire, despite the emperor's disapproval. Even when Napoleon forced him to marry a Bavarian princess, the Duchess Maria Elisabeth, in 1808, Berthier managed to keep his mistress and his wife together under the same roof, a state of affairs which infuriated the emperor.[41]

On 9 March 1808, Berthier married Elisabeth who was the only daughter of Duke Wilhelm in Bavaria and Countess Palatine Maria Anna of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld-Rappoltstein,[42] the sister of King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, and a relative of the Russian emperor through the Wittelsbach line on the Bavarian side and Prussian (Mecklenburg) side of her lineage.

They had one son and two daughters :[43][44]

  • Napoléon-Alexandre, 2nd Duke and 2nd Prince of Wagram (11 September 1810 – 10 February 1887), married on 29 June 1831 to Zénaïde Françoise Clary (25 November 1812 – 27 April 1884). They had two daughters, Malcy Louise Caroline Frédérique Berthier Princess of Walgram (1832-1884), Elisabeth Alexandrine Maria Berthier Princess of Wagram (1849–1932) and a son, Louis Philippe Marie Alexandre Berthier, 3rd Prince of Wagram (1836–1911)
  • Caroline-Joséphine, Princess of Wagram (22 August 1812 – 1905), married on 9 October 1832 to Alphonse Napoléon, Baron d'Hautpoul (29 May 1806 – 25 April 1889)
  • Marie Anne Wilhelmine Alexandrine Elisabeth, Princess of Wagram (19 February 1816 – 23 July 1878). Born shortly after her father's death. Married on 24 June 1834 to Jules Lebrun, 3rd Duke of Plaisance (19 April 1811 – 15 January 1872)

In literature[编辑]

Berthier is mentioned and/or appears in several of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Brigadier Gerard stories, including How the Brigadier Was Tempted by the Devil (1895), and in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.

In video games[编辑]

Berthier is prominently featured in the 2010 video game Napoleon: Total War, where he serves as the narrator of the campaign/story mode. He is also featured prominently in the three tutorial missions in the game, and also appears in two of the game's historical battles. The game is slightly inaccurate in Berthier's life, in that Berthier gives the narration about the Battle of Waterloo, regardless of a win or a loss, while in real life, Berthier died shortly before the battle from a fall in his home.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Chisholm 1911,第812页.
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 Gambiez, Fernand. Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, (1753–1815), prince de Neufchâtel, prince de Wagram, maréchal. Dictionnaire Napoléon. Éditions Fayard. 1987. 
  3. ^ Watson 1957,第13页.
  4. ^ Berthier, The Indispensable Marshal. www.napoleon-series.org. [2024-06-07]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Louis Alexandre Berthier (1753-1815). www.frenchempire.net. [2024-06-07]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Marx & Engels 2010,第56页.
  7. ^ Louis-Alexandre Berthier. American Battlefield Trust. [2024-06-06] (美国英语). 
  8. ^ Louis-Alexandre Berthier, prince de Wagram | Napoleonic Wars, Military Strategist, Diplomat | Britannica. www.britannica.com. 2024-05-28 [2024-06-06] (英语). 
  9. ^ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 Marx & Engels 2010,第57页.
  10. ^ Berthier, The Indispensable Marshal. www.napoleon-series.org. [2024-06-07]. 
  11. ^ Watson 1957,第48页.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Battle of Lodi | Napoleon Bonaparte, Austria, Lombardy | Britannica. www.britannica.com. 2024-05-14 [2024-06-07] (英语). 
  13. ^ Watson 1957,第49页.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Mark, Harrison W. Battle of Rivoli. World History Encyclopedia. [2024-06-09] (英语). 
  15. ^ Watson 1957,第58页.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Watson 1957,第59页.
  17. ^ Pope Pius VI. web.archive.org. 2019-01-27 [2024-06-09]. 
  18. ^ Watson 1957,第65页.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Watson 1957,第66页.
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Watson 1957,第75页.
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Watson 1957,第78页.
  22. ^ Mark, Harrison W. Napoleon's Campaign in Egypt and Syria. World History Encyclopedia. [2024-06-16] (英语). 
  23. ^ Napoleon I - French Revolution, Emperor, Exile | Britannica. www.britannica.com. 2024-06-07 [2024-06-16] (英语). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Watson 1957,第83页.
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Watson 1957,第84页.
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Watson 1957,第86页.
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Mark, Harrison W. Battle of Marengo. World History Encyclopedia. [2024-06-23] (英语). 
  28. ^ Watson 1957,第87页.
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 Monumental Meaning at Marengo 1800. napoleon.org. [2024-06-23] (美国英语). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Watson 1957,第88页.
  31. ^ Watson 1957,第89页.
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Battle of Marengo | Map, Summary, & Significance | Britannica. www.britannica.com. 2024-06-07 [2024-06-23] (英语). 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Watson 1957,第92页.
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 Watson 1957,第93页.
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 35.2 Treaty of San Ildefonso - Wikisource, the free online library. en.wikisource.org. [2024-06-24] (英语). 
  36. ^ Watson 1957,第94页.
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 Pedrazzini, Dominic: Yankees from Canada/沙盒在线上《瑞士历史辞典》中的德文法文意大利文版词条。
  38. ^ Zabecki, David T. Chief of Staff, Vol. 1: The Principal Officers Behind History's Great Commanders, Napoleonic Wars to World War I 1. Naval Institute Press. 2013. ISBN 9781612515588. 
  39. ^ BERTHIER, Louis-Alexandre. www.napoleon.org. [16 November 2023]. 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Berthier, The Indispensable Marshal. www.napoleon-series.org. 
  41. ^ FRANCK FAVIER: "Berthier the Marshal existed well before and without Napoleon" (November 2015). napoleon.org. 
  43. ^ Huberty, Michel; Giraud, Alain; Magdelaine, F. and B. L'Allemagne Dynastique, Tome IV Wittelsbach. France: Laballery. 1985: 277, 348, 381–382. ISBN 2-901138-04-7. 
  44. ^ Huberty, Michel; Giraud, Alain; Magdelaine, F. and B. L'Allemagne Dynastique, Tome V. France: Laballery. 1989: 532–533. ISBN 2-901138-05-5. 


Chisholm, Hugh (编). Berthier, Louis Alexandre. Encyclopædia Britannica 3 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 812. 1911. 


Further reading[编辑]

  • Bukhari, Emir Napoleon's Marshals Osprey Publishing, 1979, ISBN 0-85045-305-4.
  • Chandler, David Napoleon's Marshals Macmillan Pub Co, 1987, ISBN 0-02-905930-5.
  • Connelly, Owen, Blundering to Glory: Napoleon's Military Campaigns SR Books, 1999, ISBN 0-8420-2780-7.
  • Elting, John R. Swords around a Throne: Napoleon's Grande Armée Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997, ISBN 0-02-909501-8.
  • Haythornthwaite, Philip Napoleon's Commanders (2): c. 1809–15 Osprey Publishing, 2002, ISBN 1-84176-345-4.
  • Hittle, James Donald the Military Staff: Its History and Development Military Service Publishing, 1952.
  • Macdonell, A. G. Napoleon and His Marshals Prion, 1997, ISBN 1-85375-222-3.
  • Pawly, Ronald Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (1): Organization and Personnel Osprey Publishing, 2004, ISBN 1-84176-793-X.
  • Pawly, Ronald Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (2): On campaign Osprey Publishing, 2004, ISBN 1-84176-794-8.
  • Watson, S.J. By Command of the Emperor: A Life of Marshal Berthier. Ken Trotman Ltd, ISBN 0-946879-46-X.

Archive sources[编辑]

The Berthier collection is conserved in the archives of the State of Neuchâtel. It contains more than 2'000 items inventoried in 1895–1896 by Albert Dufourcq. The collection contains correspondence sent and received by the prince in connection with the general affairs of the Principality or particular affairs.

External links[编辑]

Edmond Louis Alexis Dubois-Crancé
Minister of War
11 November 1799 – 2 April 1800
Lazare Carnot
Lazare Carnot
Minister of War
8 October 1800 – 19 August 1807
Henri Clarke, duc de Feltre
Frederick William III
Prince of Neuchâtel
25 February 1806 – 3 June 1814
Frederick William III


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