


白一平中古汉语拼音转写系统白一平(英语:William H. Baxter)研究上古汉语音系时作为参考点而使用的一种中古音韵转写。值得注意的是,这并不是一个语音重构,而是将此字在中古韵书中的音韵地位转写至衍生拉丁字母以方便整理、沟通。




The centre of the study of Chinese historical phonology is the Qieyun, a rime dictionary created by Lu Fayan in 601 as a guide to the proper reading of classic texts. The dictionary divided characters between the four tones, which were subdivided into 193 rhyme groups and then into homophone groups. The pronunciation of each homophone group is given by a fanqie formula, a pair of common characters respectively indicating the initial and final sounds of the syllable. Lu Fayan's work was very influential, and led to a series of expanded and corrected versions following the same structure. The most important of these was the Guangyun (1007–08), in which the number of rhyme groups was increased to 206, though without significantly changing the phonological system of the Qieyun. Since the Qieyun was thought lost until the mid-20th century, most scholarship has been based on the Guangyun, and its rhyme categories are still used. The Qing dynasty scholar Chen Li analysed the fanqie spellings of the Guangyun, determining which initial and final spellers represented the same sounds, and thus enumerating the initials and finals of the underlying system.[2][3]

A series of rime tables from the Song dynasty applied a sophisticated analysis to the Qieyun system, though the language had changed in the interim. The initials were identified and categorized by place and manner of articulation. Finals were classified into 16 rhyme classes ( shè). Within each rhyme class, syllables were classified as either "open" ( kāi) or "closed" ( ), as belonging to one of the four tones, and as belonging to one of four divisions ( děng), indicated by rows of the table. The Qing philologists found that some of the finals of the rime dictionaries were always placed in the first row, some always in the second and some always in the fourth, and they were thus named finals of divisions I, II and IV respectively. The remaining finals were spread across the second, third and fourth rows, and were later called division III finals.[4][5] The division III finals can be further subdivided on the basis of their distribution:

  • Independent or pure division III finals occur only the third row of the rime tables, and occur only with labial, velar or laryngeal initials.
  • Mixed division III finals occur in the second, third and fourth rows of the rime tables.
  • The so-called chóngniǔ are doublets of division III finals, one occurring in the third row of the rime tables and the other in the fourth, but not distinguished in any other way. These finals also occur only with labial, velar or laryngeal initials.[1]

白一平's notation


There have been many attempts to reconstruct the sounds or phonemes of the Qieyun system, conventionally called Early Middle Chinese, yielding a series of alphabetic transcriptions. Each of these is disputed to some extent, and many scholars doubt that the system corresponds to any single form of speech. The custom in Chinese scholarship is to neutrally describe a syllable with a string of six characters identifying its shè, whether it is kāi or , the division, tone, Guangyun rime and initial. Needing a reference point for his reconstruction of Old Chinese phonology, 白一平 designed an alphabetical presentation of the same information, rather than a reconstruction.[6] His system is a significant simplification of the Karlgren–Li reconstruction of Middle Chinese, but retains a similar structure, especially in the treatment of medials and vowels.[7]




塞音与塞擦音 鼻音 擦音 流音 可拼韵等
全清 次清 全浊 次浊 次清 次浊
双唇音 p- ph- b- m- all
舌冠齿音 t- th- d- n- I and IV
边音 l- I, III and IV
卷舌音 tr- trh- dr- nr- II
齿咝音 ts- tsh- dz- s- z- I, III and IV
卷舌咝音 tsr- tsrh- dzr- sr- zr- II
硬腭音 tsy- tsyh- dzy- ny- sy- zy- y- III
软腭 k- kh- g- ng- all
咽音 ʔ- x- 匣/云 h- all
  • -r--y--h-三个字母并不独立发音,而是卷舌、颚化、送气标记。
  • 匣母h-可能是靠后的有声擦音如[ɣ]或[ɦ];而晓母x-可能是其对应的无声擦音([x]或[h])。[8]
  • In the rime tables, the palatal allophone of is combined with as a single initial .



Finals with vocalic endings could occur in the level, rising or departing tones; the few that occurred only in the departing tone are marked with -H in the following table. The chóngniǔ doublets of division III finals are not distinguished in the traditional categories. Adopting a purely notational device of 李方桂, 白一平 used the spelling -ji- for finals occurring in the fourth row of the rime tables, retaining -j- for those occurring in the third row.

Vocalic codas
韵摄 kāi
Div. I Div. II III mixed III indep. Div. IV Div. I Div. II III mixed III indep. Div. IV
guǒ -a -ja -wa -jwa
jiǎ -jæ -wæ
-u -ju
xiè -oj -ɛj -j(i)ejH -ej -woj -wɛj -jw(i)ejH -wej
-ɛɨ -wɛɨ
-ajH -æjH -jojH -wajH -wæjH -jwojH
zhǐ -j(i)e -jw(i)e
-(j)ij -(j)wij
-i -jɨj -jwɨj
xiào -aw -æw -j(i)ew -ew
liú -uw -juw -jiw[a]

The -j- of division III finals is omitted after palatal initials, which end in -y-.[10]

-m-n-ng 鼻音结尾的韵母,可以出现于平、上、去三个声调,相对应的 -p, -tk 为入声声调。

韵摄 kāi
Div. I Div. II III mixed III indep. Div. IV Div. I Div. II III mixed III indep. Div. IV
xián -am -æm -jæm -jom
-om -ɛm -j(i)em -em
shēn -(j)im
shān -an -æn -jon -wan -wæn -jwon
-ɛn -j(i)en -en -wɛn -jw(i)en -wen
zhēn -on -in[b] -jɨn -won -jun
-(j)in -(j)win
dàng -ang -jang -wang -jwang
gěng -æng -jæng -wæng -jwæng
-ɛng -jieng[c] -eng -wɛng -jwieng -weng
zēng -ong -ing -wong -wing
tōng -uwng -juwng
-owng -jowng
jiāng -æwng



平声不标示、上声在字尾加一个大写X、去声用H 来做标示。[13]

  1. ^ The -jiw final also occurs after a few dental and sibilant initials, where it is spelled -iw.[9]
  2. ^ The -in final occurs only after retroflex sibilants, and is in complementary distribution with -in.[11]
  3. ^ The -jieng final is spelled -jeng after dental and sibilant initials.[12]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Baxter (1992),第69–81页.
  2. ^ Norman (1988),第24–28页.
  3. ^ Baxter (1992),第33–40页.
  4. ^ Norman (1988),第28–34页.
  5. ^ Baxter (1992),第41–43页.
  6. ^ Baxter (1992),第27, 818–819页.
  7. ^ Branner (2006),第269页.
  8. ^ Baxter (1992),第45–46页.
  9. ^ Baxter (1992),第81页.
  10. ^ Baxter (1992),第31页.
  11. ^ Baxter (1992),第821页.
  12. ^ Baxter (1992),第80–81页.
  13. ^ Baxter (1992),第31–32页.

Works cited

