

एअर इंडिया
Air India
Flying Returns
母公司印度航空有限公司英语Air India Limited塔塔集团[4]
总部 印度德里航空大楼[5]
营业额2,643.06亿卢比 (4.1 十亿) (2019)[6]
税前盈余−376.35亿卢比 (−0.58 十亿) (2019)[6]
利润−855.64亿卢比 (−1.33 十亿) (2019)[6]
总资产5,235.22亿卢比 (8.13 十亿) (2019)[7]
总股本−2,946.64亿卢比 (−4.58 十亿) (2019)[7]

印度航空印地语एअर इंडिया;英语:Air India)是印度国家航空公司,总部位于新德里[8] 经过印度航空有限公司英语Air India Limited的前拥有者印度政府出售后,公司现时由塔塔父子英语Tata Sons成立的特殊目的实体英语Special-purpose entity(SPV);塔拉斯私人有限公司经营。[9] 印度航空以空中客车和波音制造的客机营运102个国内及国际航点。[10][11] 枢纽位于新德里的英迪拉·甘地国际机场,同时服务多个印度重点城市。印度航空以18.6%占有率成为印度最大的国际航空公司,于四大洲之间服务超过60个国际航点。[12] 2014年7月11日,公司成为星空联盟第27名成员。

印度航空的前身塔塔航空,由杰汉吉尔·拉坦吉·达达博伊·塔塔于1932年成立。塔塔亲自驾驶他第一台单引擎德哈维兰猫蛾型英语de Havilland Puss Moth飞机,携带着航空邮件卡拉奇干道飞行场飞行到孟买的约胡飞行场英语Juhu Aerodrome;其后再继续到马德拉斯(现称清奈)。在二战后,公司成为一家公众有限公司并改名为印度航空。1960年2月21日,公司接收第一架波音707高里三喀号,成为第一家拥有喷射机的亚洲航空公司。[13] 在2000年至2001年间,政府曾经尝试对印度航空进行私有化,公司在2006年与印度人航空合并后录得亏蚀。2017年,政府再次尝试对公司进行私有化,最后印度航空的所有权和相关财产在2022年再次回归塔塔集团手中。








印度航空创立时前名为塔塔航空服务塔塔航空[14] 公司由塔塔父子的印度裔飞行员及商业大亨杰汉吉尔·拉坦吉·达达博伊·塔塔创立。[15] 1932年4月,塔塔赢得替帝国航空英语Imperial Airways运送邮件的合同,塔塔父子的航空部门当时由一台单引擎德哈维兰猫蛾型英语de Havilland Puss Moth飞机组成。1932年10月15日,塔塔驾驶着一台携带着航空邮件的猫蛾型飞机由卡拉奇飞行到孟买英语Juhu Aerodrome,其后再由塔塔的朋友和前英国皇家空军机师内维尔·文森特英语Nevill Vintcent接手,继续飞往马德拉斯(现称清奈)。[16] 公司的机队其后分别由一台德哈维兰猫蛾型飞机和一台德哈维兰豹蛾型英语de Havilland Leopard Moth飞机组成。[17][18] 初时服务包括每周由卡拉奇经阿美达巴德和马德拉斯到孟买的空邮航线。公司成立首年合共飞行160,000英里(260,000千米)、搭载155名乘客和9.72公吨(10.71英吨)邮件,共获得₹60,000卢比($750美元)的盈利。[19][20]



公司其后以一台六座椅的迈尔斯梅林型英语Miles Merlin客机开展第一条由孟买到特里凡得琅的国内客运航线。[21] 1938年先后重新命名为塔塔航空服务塔塔航空,同年增设到德里和锡兰(现称斯里兰卡)科伦坡的航线。[16] 二战期间,塔塔航空曾协助英国皇家空军调动部队、运送补给物资、营救难民和维修飞机。[16]


Air India International 1948 stamp of India



第二次世界大战后,印度恢复正常商业活动。1946年7月29日,塔塔航空以印度航空的名义注册为公众有限公司[3] 1947年印度独立后,印度政府在1948年购入公司49%股权。[22] 1948年6月8日,印度航空以一台名为马拉巴尔公主号洛歇星座L-749A(编号VT-CQP)开始营运首班国际航班,由孟买飞往伦敦[16]



1953年,印度政府通过航空公司法,透过创办人杰汉吉尔·拉坦吉·达达博伊·塔塔塔塔父子的手中购入了大部分股权,[23][24] 而塔塔则留任董事长至1977年。公司重组后改名为印度国际航空有限公司,国内线全数过渡到新创立的印度人航空[25] 1948年至1950年间,印度国际航空开办新航线到肯雅内罗比和几个欧洲主要城市:罗马、巴黎和杜塞尔多夫[26] 公司其后接收第一架洛歇星座式L-1049客机并首航曼谷、香港、东京和新加坡。[26]



1960年2月21日,印度国际航空接收第一架波音707-420客机,从而成为第一家进入喷射机年代英语Jet Age的亚洲航空公司。[27][28] 1960年5月14日,公司开办并首航纽约航线。[26] 1962年6月8日,公司的名称正式缩短为印度航空[3] 同年6月11日,印度航空成为全球第一家只营运喷射机的航空公司。1971年,公司接收第一架波音747-200B阿育皇号(编号VT-EBD),[29] 同时引入名为空中皇宫的新涂装和品牌。1986年,印度航空接收第一架空中客车A310-300[26] 1993年,印度航空接收第一架波音747-400科纳克号(编号VT-ESM),并开始营运纽约至德里的直航航班。[30]



2000年至2001年间,印度政府开始尝试对印度航空进行私有化。[31][32][33][34] 2000年,印度航空开办往中国上海的航线。2001年5月23日,民航部英语Ministry of Civil Aviation (India)对公司当时的董事长迈克尔·马斯卡雷纳斯作出起诉,指诉他在位时贪污。根据民航部的报告,公司因为马斯卡雷纳斯的额外佣金而损失大约57,000万卢比 (8.85 百万),其后他被公司暂停职务。[35] 2004年5月,印度航空开办全资拥有的低成本航空子公司印度快运航空,服务印度至中东和东南亚的航线。截至2007年,印度航空主力营运国际长途航线,而印度人航空则营运国内和国际短途航线。



2007年,印度航空与印度人航空合并为印度航空有限公司英语Air India Limited[36] 同年公司接收第一架波音777客机。[26] 星空联盟在同一年邀请印度航空加盟。[37]

印度航空和印度人航空在2006年至2007年的总亏蚀额为77亿卢比 (1.2亿美元),合并后亏蚀额在2009年3月急剧攀升至720亿卢比 (11.18亿美元)[38][39] 2009年7月,印度政府委任印度国家银行英语SBI Capital Markets为印度航空计划还款路线图。[40] 2009年3月,公司以1875万美元出售三架空中客车A310和一架波音747-300客货混用型为债务融资。[41] 截至2011年3月,印度航空已经累积债务达4,260亿卢比 (66.16亿美元),营运亏蚀额高达2,200亿卢比 (34.17亿美元),需要印度政府注资4,290亿卢比 (66.62亿美元)[42][43] 主计兼审计部部长英语Comptroller and Auditor General of India的一份报告,指责印度航空购买111架新机和在错误时机与印度人航空合并是导致公司财务状况不良的主因。[44][45] 2011年8月,星空联盟以印度航空未能满足加盟最低指标为由,搁置对印度航空的加盟邀请。[46][47] 2012年3月,印度政府为印度航空注资320亿卢比 (4.97亿美元)[48][49]

On 1 March 2009, Air India made Frankfurt Airport its international hub for onward connections to the United States from India. However, the airline shut down the Frankfurt hub on 30 October 2010 because of high operating costs.[50] In 2010, financially less lucrative routes were terminated and the airline planned to open a new hub for its international flights at Dubai.[51] In 2012, a study commissioned by the Corporate Affairs Ministry recommended that Air India should be partly privatised.[52] In May 2012, the carrier invited offers from banks to raise up $800 million via external commercial borrowing and bridge financing.[53] In May 2012, the airline was fined $80,000 by the US Transportation Department for failing to post customer service and tarmac delay contingency plans on its website and adequately inform passengers about its optional fees.[54]

In 2013, the then-Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh stated privatisation was the key to the airline's survival.[55] However, the opposition led by the BJP and the CPI(M) slammed the government.[56] In 2013, the Indian government planned to delay equity infusion of 3,000亿卢比 (46.59亿美元) that was slated to be infused into the airline slowly over a period of eight years.[57] In January 2013, Air India cleared a part of its pending dues through funds raised by selling and leasing back the newly acquired Boeing 787 Dreamliners.[58][59] In March 2013, the airline posted its first positive EBITDA after almost six years and 20% growth in its operating revenue since the previous financial year.[60][61] Air India Limited split its engineering and cargo businesses into two separate subsidiaries, Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) and Air India Transport Services Limited (AITSL) in 2013.[62][63] In December 2013, the airline appointed veteran pilot SPS Puri as its head of operations. The appointment was criticised by the Air India pilots union as Puri allegedly has multiple violations to his name.[64]

Star Alliance membership


Air India became the 27th member of the Star Alliance on 11 July 2014.[65][66] In August 2015, it signed an agreement with Citibank and State Bank of India to raise $300 million in external commercial borrowing to meet working capital requirements.[67] For FY 2014–15, its revenue, operating loss and net loss were 1,980亿卢比 (30.75亿美元), 21.71亿卢比 (3,371.56万美元), and 54.1亿卢比 (8,401.73万美元) compared FY 2011–12, which were 1,470亿卢比 (22.83亿美元), 51.38亿卢比 (7,979.31万美元), and 75.5亿卢比 (1.17亿美元).[68][69] As of May 2017, Air India is the third largest carrier in India (after IndiGo and Jet Airways), with a market share of 13%,[70][71][72][73] but with the largest international network.

AirAsia india acquisition


In November 2022, Air India has announced the acquisition of 100% shareholding in AirAsia India, turning it into a subsidiary of Air India.[74]



On 28 June 2017, the Government of India approved the privatisation of Air India. A committee has been set up to start the process.[75] In March 2018, the Government issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) to sell 76% stake of Air India, along with low-cost airline Air India Express, and a 50% stake of AISATS, a ground handling joint venture with Singapore Airport Terminal Services (SATS). According to the EOI, the new owner would have to take on a debt of 3,339.2亿卢比 (5.19 十亿) and a bid would have to be submitted by mid-May as the Government wanted to complete the selling process by the end of 2018,[76] but no private firms showed any interest in buying the debt-laden airline.[77]

Having failed on previous occasions to sell the airline, the Government decided to sell 100% share of the airline and started its preparation in late-2019. On 27 January 2020, Government released the Expression of Interest (EOI) to invite bidders. This time the Government decided to sell 100% shares of both Air India and its budget carrier Air India Express as well as 50% shares of AISATS and to attract more bidders this time, the government has already decreased nearly 3,000亿卢比 (4.66 十亿) of debts and liabilities in a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV).[78][79]

In September 2021, government issued fresh tenders for selling the airlines, where Spice Jet's Ajay Singh-led consortium and Tata Sons shown interest in the bid.[80] Finally, on 8 October 2021, Air India, along with its low cost carrier Air India Express and fifty percent of AISATS, a ground handling company, were sold for 1,800亿卢比 (2.8 十亿) to Talace Private Limited, a Tata Sons' SPV.[81][82] On 27 January 2022, the airline was officially handed over to Tata Group.[83]

On 14 February 2022, after its re-privatization, the airline appointed İlker Aycı, former Chairman of Turkish Airlines from 2015 to 2022 as its new CEO and managing director. He was supposed to take the charge on or before 1 April 2022,[84] but declined the offer in the backdrop of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch demanding Tata Sons to rethink its decision and the government to show sensitivity since the matter involved national security issues. The company declined immediate comment on the issue.[85][86] Later, in March 2022, Natarajan Chandrasekaran, the chairman of Tata Sons was appointed as the chairman of the airline.[87] Later in May 2022, Tata Sons appointed Campbell Wilson as Air India's CEO and MD.[88]

Corporate affairs and identity



Air India Building in Mumbai served as Air India's headquarters until 2013.
The Maharajah, Air India's mascot
Current logo (from 2007)

Air India Limited is headquartered at the Indian Airlines House, New Delhi.[5][89] Air India moved its headquarters from Air India Building, Mumbai to Delhi in 2013. The former headquarters is a 23-storey tower on Marine Drive and was one of the targets of the 1993 Bombay bombings.[5][90] Air India also maintains a corporate office on Lexington Avenue in Manhattan as well as numerous cargo offices worldwide.[91]





Air India Regional was established as Alliance Air, a wholly owned subsidiary of Indian Airlines on 1 April 1996 and started operations on 21 June 1996. It was renamed Air India Regional after the merger between Air India and Indian Airlines.[92] Air India Express began operations on 29 April 2005 and was initially owned by Air India Charters. It operates flights from South India to the Middle East and Southeast Asia.[93][94]



Air India became the first Asian airline to operate freighters when Air India Cargo was set up in 1954 and started its freighter operations with a Douglas DC-3 aircraft.[26] Air India Cargo ended freighter aircraft operations in early 2012.[95]



Air India's mascot is the Maharajah (high king).[96][97] It was created by Bobby Kooka, the then-commercial director of Air India, and Umesh Rao, an artist with J. Walter Thompson Limited in 1946.[98] Kooka stated that, "We call him a Maharajah for want of a better description. But his blood isn't blue. He may look like royalty, but he isn't royal".[99] Air India adopted the Maharajah as its mascot in 1946. It was used in promoting it although initially designed only for the airline's memo-pads.[100] The Maharajah was given a makeover in 2015 and the brand is represented by a younger version.[101]

Logo and livery


Air India's colour scheme is red and white. The aircraft were painted in white with red palace style carvings on the outside of the windows and the airline's name written in red. The name is written in Hindi on the port side fuselage and in English on the port side tail. On the starboard side fuselage, the name is written in English, and in Hindi on the starboard tail.[102] The window scheme was designed in line with the slogan Your Palace in the Sky.[26] The aircraft were earlier named after Indian kings and landmarks. In 1989, to supplement its Flying Palace livery, Air India introduced a new livery that included a metallic gold spinning wheel on a deep red-coloured tail and a Boeing 747, Rajendra Chola, was the first aircraft to be painted in the new colours.[26]

The first logo of Air India was a centaur, a stylised version of Sagittarius shooting an arrow in a circle representing the wheel of Konark. The logo chosen by founder J. R. D. Tata was introduced in 1948 and represented the airline until 2007.[103] On 22 May 2007, Air India and Indian Airlines unveiled their new livery consisting of a Flying Swan with the wheel of Konark placed inside it. The flying swan was morphed from the centaur logo and the chakra was derived from Indian's erstwhile logo.[104] On 15 May 2007, Air India refreshed its livery, making the Rajasthani arches along the windows slightly smaller, extending a stylised line from the tail of the aircraft to the nose and painting the underbelly red. The new logo features on the tail and the engine covers with red and orange lines running parallel to each other from the front door to the rear door.[97]

Art collection


Air India built a collection of Indian art from 1956 to the mid-2000s.[105] The collection comprises works of important Indian artists and photographers of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, sculptures, wood carvings, glass paintings, a large collection of rare textiles, and more.[105] Among the works are paintings by M. F. Husain and V. S. Gaitonde and sketches by Goan cartoonist Mario Miranda.[105] Some of the company's first purchases helped launch the career of notable painter B. Prabha.[105] The artwork was often sent to be hung in Air India booking offices around the world and used in menus and advertising material.[105] Sometimes artists would be sent to paint murals in foreign offices or be given airplane tickets in exchange for art.[105] In 1967, the company commissioned ashtrays from Salvador Dalí and gifted a few hundred of them to its first-class passengers.[105][106] As payment, Dali asked for a baby elephant, which Air India flew from Bangalore to Geneva, along with a mahout.[105][106] In the late 2010s, a plan to form a museum from the collection was stalled by privatization plans. The artworks reside in a building in Nariman Point, Mumbai.[105]



As of December 2019, Air India flies to a total of 102 destinations including 57 domestic destinations and 45 international destinations in 31 countries across five continents around the world.[107] Its primary hub is located at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi, and it has a secondary hub at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai.[108]

  Current destinations
  Previously served countries



Air India became the 27th member of Star Alliance on 11 July 2014.[65][66]

In February 2022, two weeks after its privatization, the airline signed an interline pact with AirAsia India, a low-cost airline owned by Tata Group, for domestic flights.[109]

Codeshare agreements


Air India has codeshare agreements with the following airlines:[110]

Note that codeshare operations have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Fleet information

An Air India Boeing 747-400

In 1932, Air India started operations with a de Havilland Puss Moth. It inducted its first Boeing 707-420 named Gauri Shankar (registered VT-DJJ), thereby becoming the first Asian airline to induct a jet aircraft in its fleet and on 4 August 1993, Air India took the delivery of its first Boeing 747-400 named Konark (registered VT-ESM).[111] Apart from the Boeing aircraft, Air India also operates a wide range of Airbus aircraft. In 1989, Indian Airlines introduced the Airbus A320-200 aircraft, which Air India now uses to operate both domestic and international short haul flights.[26] In 2005, Indian Airlines introduced smaller A319s, which are now used mainly on domestic and regional routes.[26] After the merger in 2007, Air India inducted the biggest member of the A320 family, the A321, to operate mainly on international short haul and medium haul routes. At the same time, Air India leased Airbus A330s to operate on medium-long haul international routes. Currently Air India has many narrow body aircraft for domestic destinations like A320, A321 and A320 neo. Air India has also many wide body aircraft like Boeing 777-200LR, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 747-400 and Boeing 787-8 mainly for international destinations. Air India Express, a subsidiary of Air India has a fleet of 25 Boeing 737-800. On 17 June 2019, Air India grounded its last Airbus A320 classic fleet, which flown its last flight from Delhi to Mumbai.[112]

Fleet restructuring


As a part of the financial restructuring, Air India sold five of its eight Boeing 777-200LR aircraft to Etihad Airways in December 2013. According to the airline, plans for introducing ultra-long flights with service to Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles were cancelled due to factors like high fuel prices and weak demand. Air India flights to San Francisco have been resumed with more new international destinations.[113] On 24 April 2014, Air India issued a tender for leasing 14 Airbus A320 aircraft for up to six years, to strengthen its domestic network.[114] Air India has purchased many Boeing 787-8 dreamliners to strengthen international operations.


Business Class seats on board the Boeing 777-200LR/777-300ER
Air India London Heathrow Airport lounge
India's Maharaja Lounge at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City



The Boeing 777-200LR/777-300ER and Boeing 747-400 aircraft operated on long haul flights are in a three-class configuration.[115][116] Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus A321 aircraft have a two-class configuration.[117][118] Airbus A320 aircraft operated on domestic- and short haul international flights are in either an all-economy configuration or a two-class configuration.[119][120] Airbus A319 aircraft have a full economy configuration.[121] Air India serves meals on all international flights and on domestic flights with a flight duration of over 90 minutes.[122]

In-flight entertainment


Air India aircraft are equipped with Thales i3000 in-flight entertainment system. Passengers can choose from five channels airing Hindi and English content.[123] Air India's Boeing 777, 747 and 787 aircraft are also equipped with personal on demand in-flight entertainment systems on which passengers can choose from available content.[124] Showtime is the official entertainment guide published by Air India. Shubh Yatra (meaning Happy Journey) is a bilingual in-flight magazine published in English and Hindi by Air India.[125]

Frequent flyer programme


Flying Returns is Air India's frequent-flyer programme. It is shared by Air India and its subsidiaries. The points can be redeemed for awards travel on some other airlines.[126]

Premium lounges


The Maharaja Lounge (English: Emperor's Lounge) is available for the use of First and Business class passengers. Air India shares lounges with other international airlines at international airports that do not have a Maharaja Lounge available.[127] There are eight Maharaja Lounges:[128]




Gulf War evacuation


The airline entered the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people evacuated by civil airliner.[129] Over 111,000 people were evacuated from Amman to Mumbai, a distance of 4,117千米(2,558英里), by operating 488 flights from 13 August to 11 October 1990  – lasting 59 days. The operation was carried out during Persian Gulf War to evacuate Indian expatriates from Kuwait and Iraq.[129][130][131][132] The event was later featured in the film Airlift.[133]

Accidents and incidents

  • On 27 December 1947, a Douglas C-48C (registered VT-AUG) carrying nineteen passengers and four crew en route from Karachi to Bombay, crashed at Korangi Creek due to loss of control following instrument failure, killing all on board. This was the airline's first fatal accident. The aircraft had been notorious for electrical problems and had an unusual number of instrument replacements.[134]
  • On 3 November 1950, Air India Flight 245, a Lockheed L-749 Constellation (registered VT-CQP, Malabar Princess) carrying forty passengers and eight crew on a flight from Bombay to London via Cairo and Geneva, crashed on Mont Blanc in France, killing all on board.[135][136] In 1966, Flight 101 crashed in nearly the exact same spot.
  • On 13 December 1950, a Douglas C-47B (registered VT-CFK) carrying 17 passengers and four crew from Bombay to Coimbatore, crashed into high ground near Kotagiri due to a navigational error, killing all on board.[137]
  • On 15 September 1951, Douglas C-47A Dakota III VT-CCA lost control and crashed on takeoff from HAL Bangalore Airport with the autopilot turned on, killing a crew member; all 23 passengers survived.[138]
  • On 9 May 1953, Douglas C-47A VT-AUD crashed shortly after takeoff from Palam Airport following a loss of control due to pilot error, killing all thirteen passengers and five crew on board.[139]
  • On 11 April 1955, a bomb exploded in the right main landing gear bay of Lockheed L-749A Constellation VT-DEP Kashmir Princess, carrying eleven passengers and eight crew from Hong Kong to Jakarta. The right wing caught fire and the crew were forced to attempt a water landing. The wingtip dug into the water and the aircraft crashed, killing sixteen of the occupants.[140][141]
  • On 19 July 1959 Rani of Aera, a Lockheed L-1049G Super Constellation (registered VT-DIN) carrying 46 people (39 passengers and seven crew) crashed on approach to Santacruz Airport in conditions of poor visibility due to rain. The aircraft suffered damage beyond repair and was written off. There were no fatalities.[28]
The Air India Memorial in Toronto, Ontario, Canada dedicated to the victims of Air India Flight 182
  • On 24 January 1966, Air India Flight 101 Kanchenjunga, a Boeing 707-420 (registered VT-DMN) carrying 117 people (106 passengers and 11 crew) crashed on Mont Blanc, France killing all on board including the noted Indian scientist Homi J. Bhabha.[142]
  • On 1 January 1978, Air India Flight 855 Emperor Ashoka, a Boeing 747-200B (registered VT-EBD) crashed into the Arabian Sea after takeoff from Mumbai after the pilot became disorientated due to instrument failure, killing all 190 passengers and 23 crew on board.[29]
  • On 21 June 1982, Air India Flight 403 Gouri Shankar, a Boeing 707-420 (registered VT-DJJ) carrying 99 passengers and 12 crew from Kuala Lumpur to Bombay via Madras crashed while landing at Sahar International Airport during a rainstorm. The fuselage broke apart and seventeen people including two crew members were killed.[143][144]
  • On 23 June 1985, Air India Flight 182 Emperor Kanishka, a Boeing 747-200B (registered VT-EFO), was blown up in mid-air by a suitcase-bomb planted by Babbar Khalsa terrorists allegedly as revenge for the Indian Government's operation on the Golden Temple in June 1984. The flight was on the first leg on its Montreal-London-Delhi-Bombay flight when it exploded off the coast of Cork, Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean. All 307 passengers and 22 crew on board died.[145]
  • On 7 May 1990, Air India Flight 132 Emperor Vikramaditya, a Boeing 747-200B (registered VT-EBO) flying on the London-Delhi-Bombay route carrying 215 people (195 passengers and 20 crew) caught fire on touch down at Delhi airport due to a failure of an engine pylon-to-wing attachment. There were no fatalities but the aircraft was damaged beyond repair and written off.[146]

See also



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