


Entophysalis granulosa Kütz.
科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 蓝菌门 Cyanobacteria
纲: 蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae
目: 色球藻目 Chroococcales
科: 石囊藻科 Entophysalidaceae
Geitler, 1925
Kützing 1843


Placoma resiculosum Schousb.





  • 绿胶藻属 Chlorogloea Wille 1900
  • Chlorogloeaopsis Maithy 1975
    • Chlorogloeaopsis zairensis Maithy 1975[2]
  • Corynephora Agardh 1824
    • Corynephora marina (Lyngbye 1819) Agardh 1824
    • Corynephora umbellata Agardh 1827
  • 蓝树藻属 Cyanoarbor Wang 1989
  • Cyanodermatium Geitler 1933
    • Cyanodermatium fluminense (Fritsch 1929) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Cyanodermatium gelatinosum Geitler 1933
    • Cyanodermatium gigas (Geitler 1933) Komárek and Anagnostidis 1995
    • Cyanodermatium gonzaliense León-Tejera et al. 2003[3],也拼作:Cyanodermatium gonzaliensis
    • Cyanodermatium violaceum Geitler 1933
  • Cyanoplacoma Molinari and Guiry 2021[4]
    • Cyanoplacoma adriatica (Hauck 1885) Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanoplacoma africana (Wille 1903) Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanoplacoma micrococca (Hansgirg 1892) Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanoplacoma regularis (Broady and Ingerfeld 1991) Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanoplacoma vesiculosa (Schousboe ex Bornet and Thuret 1876) Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanoplacoma violacea (Setchell and Gardner 1918) Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanoplacoma willei (Gardner 1927) Molinari and Guiry 2021
  • 石囊藻属 Entophysalis Kützing 1843
  • 石粒藻属 Lithocapsa Ercegović 1925
  • Paracapsa Naumann 1924
    • Paracapsa siderophila Naumann 1924
  • Perulagranum Green et al. 1988
    • Perulagranum obovatum Green et al. 1988
  • 平盘藻属 Placoma Schousboe ex Bornet & Thuret 1876
  • Siphononema Geitler 1925
    • Siphononema polonicum Geitler 1925
    • Siphononema thermophilum corrig. Hindák 1978,也拼作:Siphononema thermophila


  1. ^ Komárek J, Kaštovský J, Mareš J, Johansen JR. Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014, using a polyphasic approach (PDF). Preslia. 2014, 86: 295–335 [2021-09-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-07-13). 
  2. ^ Maithy PK. Micro-organisms from the Bushimay System (Late Pre-Cambrian) of Kanshi, Zaire. Palaeobotanist 1975; 22:139.
  3. ^ León-Tejera H, Montejano G, Cantoral-Uriza E. [Title pending]. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 2003; 148:365.
  4. ^ Molinari EA, Guiry MD. [Title pending]. Notulae algarum 2021; 183:2.