


化石时期:112.9–72 Ma
丹佛自然科学博物馆(Denver Museum of Nature and Science)中展出的河畔白垩鱼化石
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 辐鳍鱼纲 Actinopteri
目: 仙女鱼目 Aulopiformes
科: 矛齿鱼科 Enchodontidae
属: 白垩鱼属 Cimolichthys
Leidy, 1857



本属的模式种是科普于1872年描述的河畔白垩鱼Cimolichthys nepaholica),而其它基于孤立的颌骨和牙齿碎片描述的物种的有效性有待进一步确认。[1]






白垩鱼属是约瑟夫·莱迪在1857年根据在英格兰南部土伦期地层中发现的化石进行描述的,模式种为雷威斯白垩鱼C.levesiensis雷威斯是发现该化石的小镇)。后来,爱德华·德林克·科普在1872年描述了许多属于该属的物种,这些物种发现于堪萨斯州的晚白垩世地层(科尼亚克期——坎帕期,包括剑吻白垩鱼、C.ancepsC.semiancepsC. sulcatus)以及"Empo" nepaholica。目前,白垩鱼属的唯一有效种是最后一个物种,学名为河畔白垩鱼(C.nepaholica)。怀俄明州加拿大荷兰也发现了其它属于白垩鱼属的化石。



  • 河畔白垩鱼 Cimolichthys nepaholica Cope, 1872 (模式种)
  • †?Cimolichthys anceps Cope, 1872
  • †?剑吻白垩鱼 Cimolichthys gladiolus Cope, 1872
  • †?雷威斯白垩鱼 Cimolichthys levesiensis Leidy, 1857
  • †?Cimolichthys semianceps Cope, 1872
  • †?Cimolichthys sulcatus Cope, 1872




科罗拉多大学自然历史博物馆(University of Colorado Museum of Natural History)展出了一具著名的白垩鱼属化石:一只未成年的巨型头足类托斯特巨鱿属的内壳卡在了一条体长1.52米的白垩鱼的食道中,它很有可能是被托斯特巨鱿的内壳噎死的。[3]


  • Leidy J. 1857. Remarks on Saurocephalus and its allies. P Acad Nat Sci Phila 8: 301–302.
  • Cope E.D. 1872. On the families of fishes of the Cretaceous Formation of Kansas. P Am Philos Soc 12: 327–357.
  • Goody P.C. 1969. The relationships of certain Upper Cretaceous teleosts with special reference to the myctophoids. Bull Brit Mus (Nat Hist) Geol Supp 7: 1–255.
  • Goody P.C. 1970. The Cretaceous teleostean fish Cimolichthys from the Niobrara Formation of Kansas and the Pierre Shale of Wyoming. Am Mus Novitates 2434: 1–29.
  • Kauffman E.G. 1990. Cretaceous fish predation on a large squid. pp. 195-196 In Boucot, A.J., Evolutionary Paleobiology and Coevolution. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Fielitz C. 1996. A Late Cretaceous (Turonian) ichthyofauna from Lac des Bois, Northwest Territories, Canada, with paleobiogeographic comparisons with Turonian ichthyofaunas of the Western Interior Seaway. Can J Earth Sci 33: 1375–1389.
  • Fielitz C. 2004. The phylogenetic relationships of the †Enchodontidae (Teleostei: Aulopiformes). In: Arratia, Wilson and Cloutier (Eds), Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates, München: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, p. 619–634.


  1. ^ Hay O. P. 1903. On a collection of Upper Cretaceous fishes from Mount Lebanon, Syria, with description of four new genera and nineteen new species. B Am Mus Nat Hist 19: 395- 452
  2. ^ Silva, Hilda; Gallo, Valeria (2011). "Taxonomic review and phylogenetic analysis of Enchodontoidei (Teleostei: Aulopiformes)". Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 83 (2).
  3. ^ imolichthys nepaholica at Oceans of Kansas. [2021-10-20]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-08).