

Amblyomma hebraeum英语Amblyomma hebraeum,一种蜱虫,水心菌常见传播媒介
科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 假单胞菌门 Pseudomonadota
纲: α-变形菌纲 Alphaproteobacteria
目: 立克次体目 Rickettsiales
科: 无形体科 Anaplasmataceae
属: 埃利希氏体属 Ehrlichia
水心病 E. ruminantium
Ehrlichia ruminantium
Dumler, 2001

水心病(英语:heartwater),又称牛仔病(cowdriosis)、胎心病(nintas)或埃希氏菌病(ehrlichiosis),是由蜱虫传播的细菌疾病。[1]它由水心菌Ehrlichia ruminantium革兰氏阴性菌的一种)[2]引起,感染物种包含绵羊山羊羚羊水牛等牲畜与野生反刍动物,往往为疫区的畜牧业带来重大伤害。该疾病的名称来自其症状——感染者的肺脏心脏会蓄积大量液体。[3]




  1. ^ Peter TF, Burridge MJ, Mahan SM. Ehrlichia ruminantium infection (heartwater) in wild animals. Trends in Parasitology. May 2002, 18 (5): 214–8. PMID 11983602. doi:10.1016/s1471-4922(02)02251-1. 
  2. ^ http://www.ebi.ac.uk/2can/genomes/bacteria/Ehrlichia_ruminantium.html
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Heartwater. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture. [2008-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-13). 
  4. ^ Allsopp MT, Louw M, Meyer EC. Ehrlichia ruminantium: an emerging human pathogen?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. December 2005, 1063 (1): 358–60. PMID 16481543. doi:10.1196/annals.1355.060. 
  5. ^ Gaddy HG. Using local knowledge in emerging infectious disease research. Social Science & Medicine. August 2020, 258: 113107 [2020-09-25]. PMC 7292947可免费查阅. PMID 32563166. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113107. (原始内容存档于2020-10-01). 
  6. ^ Esemu SN, Ndip LM, Ndip RN. Ehrlichia species, probable emerging human pathogens in sub-Saharan Africa: environmental exacerbation. Reviews on Environmental Health. 2011-01-01, 26 (4): 269–79. PMID 22435325. doi:10.1515/REVEH.2011.034. 
  • Dumler JS, Barbet AF, Bekker CP, Dasch GA, Palmer GH, Ray SC, et al. Reorganization of genera in the families Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae in the order Rickettsiales: unification of some species of Ehrlichia with Anaplasma, Cowdria with Ehrlichia and Ehrlichia with Neorickettsia, descriptions of six new species combinations and designation of Ehrlichia equi and 'HGE agent' as subjective synonyms of Ehrlichia phagocytophila. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. November 2001, 51 (Pt 6): 2145–2165. PMID 11760958. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-6-2145可免费查阅.