




  1. ^ Adkins,Lesley Adkins,Roy A.(1998). Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195123326.
  2. ^ Levi 1997: Horance



Modern editions by

  • Franz Bücheler (1859)
  • Alexander Riese, in Anthologia Latina (1869)
  • E. Bahrens in Unedierte lateinische Gedichte (1877)
  • S. G. Owen (with Catullus) (1893)
  • D. R. Shackleton Bailey in volume six of the Loeb classical library: Gaius Valerius Catullus, Tibullus and [Tiberianus] Pervigilium veneris, G. P. Goold, editor, translated by Francis Warre Cornish, John Percival Postgate, John William Mackail, second edition, revised (Harvard University Press, 1988)
  • Andrea Cucchiarelli. La veglia di Venere. Pervigilium Veneris in BUR Classici Greci e Latini. Biblioteca Universale (Milano: Rizzoli, 2003) ISBN 88-17-10635-6. Paperback. With notes and facing translation in Italian. This new edition, with Latin text based largely on Shackelton Bailey, includes a brief anthology of commentary – from Voltaire to contemporary criticism (pp. 51–60) and an up-to-date bibliography (pp. 61–72). There is also an appendix (pp. 155–65) of texts and Italian translations of some of the most famous poems of late antiquity devoted to the theme of the rose – many from the so-called Latin Anthology, a collection of poems from the imperial age thought to have been assembled at Carthage "during the cultural renaissance of Vandalic Africa in the 5th century CE. This appendix highlights the vitality of the rose topos and of the symbolism associated with it, which spread from the ancient world into European literature of all ages, and it offers the reader a welcome opportunity for reading and appreciating, this time in an Italian translation, a series of poems scarcely studied or known
  • Public Domain 本条目包含来自公有领域出版物的文本: Chisholm, Hugh (编). Encyclopædia Britannica (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press. 1911.