


工会代理制企业(agency shop)是工会保障协议英语union security agreement中的一种,依照此协议,雇主可以雇用工会成员,也可以雇用非工会成员。加入工会不是员工获雇用的必要条件[1]。不过,非工会成员的员工需要支付费用来分担工会和雇主谈判的开支[1]。此费用一般称为“代理费”(agency fee)[2][3]

若一些工会代理制非法的情形(例如美国公共部门工会的相关法律常有此规定),可以由雇主和工会订定“公平分享条款”(fair share provision)[2][3]。条款会要求非工会成员的劳工支付“公平分享费用”(fair share fee)以分担工会集体协商的支出。“公平分享”类似工会代理制,但对非工会成员收费的项目限制较多[需要解释][2][3]。在加拿大,此代理费用会称为兰德准则英语Rand formula[4]。在美国2018年6月的詹尼斯诉美国州县市劳工联盟英语Janus v. AFSCME案中确定,强迫公部门的非工会成员支付“代理费”的作法是违宪的。





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Pynes, Joan. Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. 2d ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2004. ISBN 0-7879-7078-6[页码请求]
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Guerin, Lisa and DelPo, Amy. The Manager's Legal Handbook. Rev. 4th ed. Berkeley, Calif.: Nolo, 2007. ISBN 1-4133-0718-3[页码请求]; Mc Closkey, Margie Ransom; Rubin, Richard S. Union Security in the Public Sector: Types, Problems, Trends. The Journal of Collective Negotiations. 1977, 6 (4): 1. doi:10.2190/UJAU-1DJJ-0H1C-NBRJ. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Mauer, Michael. The Union Member's Complete Guide: Everything You Want—and Need—to Know About Working Union. Annapolis, Md.: Union Communication Services, Inc., 2001. ISBN 0-9659486-1-7[页码请求]
  4. ^ McMenemy, John. The Language of Canadian Politics: A Guide to Important Terms and Concepts. Rev. ed. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1995. ISBN 0-88920-230-3[页码请求]
  5. ^ "Case(s) No(s). 188, Report No. 34 (Denmark): Complaints against the Government of Denmark presented by Swiss Printing Workers' Union and the Swiss Federation of National Christian Trade Unions". 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2011-06-04. Document No. 031960034188. Cases of the Committee on Freedom of Association. International Labor Organization. March 4, 1959.