


Mandirola multiflora
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
演化支 菊类植物 Asterids
目: 唇形目 Lamiales
科: 苦苣苔科 Gesneriaceae
属: Gloxinia Gloxinia
L'Hér.英语Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle


Gloxinia学名Gloxinia),又名红鸟苣苔属[1],是苦苣苔科下的一个属,只有三个品种,均为开花植物。三个品种有两个生长于南美洲安第斯山脉,但Gloxinia perennis亦有在中美洲加勒比地区发现。

Gloxinia perennis是本属的模式种,亦是本属最原始的品种。本属原来有约20个品种,这是基于Hans Wiehler英语Hans Wiehler在1976年的分类而划分[2]。不过,近年对分子生物学及相关领域对本属及其相关属的分析,发现Wiehler当年的分类太广泛,把很多不相关的品种亦包括进来,因而把这些品种重新分类。


  • Gloxinia perennis在中南美洲广泛分布。The plant is an herb with large nodding, purple, mint-scented flowers. It is sometimes known as "Canterbury Bells" (not to be confused with members of the genus Campanula, which go by the same name). It is cultivated in tropical regions and its original range is unknown.
  • Gloxinia erinoides (syn. Koellikeria erinoides) occurs from Costa Rica to Bolivia. The plant is a small herb with tiny white and maroon flowers. This diminutive plant is notable for having tiny but distinctly coconut-scented flowers and is occasionally cultivated as a houseplant.
  • Gloxinia xanthophylla (syn. Anodiscus xanthophyllus) occurs in Ecuador and Peru. The plant is a shrubby herb with small white flowers and is rarely encountered in cultivation. Unlike the other two species it lacks scaly rhizomes.


Flowers of Mandirola multiflora


  1. ^ 红鸟苣苔花(Gloxinia). 花艺撷英:花艺知识. 2006-08-06 (中文(简体)). [永久失效链接]
  2. ^ Wiehler, H. A report on the classification of Achimenes, Eucodonia, Gloxinia, and Anetanthus (Gesneriaceae). Selbyana. 1976, 1 (4): 374–404 (英语). 
  • Roalson, E.H., J.K. Boggan, L.E., Skog, & E.A. Zimmer. 2005. Untangling the Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae). I. Phylogenetic patterns and generic boundaries inferred from nuclear, chloroplast, and morphological cladistic data sets. Taxon 54 (2): 389-410.
  • Roalson, E.H., J.K. Boggan & L.E. Skog. 2005. Reorganization of tribal and generic boundaries in the Gloxinieae (Gesneriaceae: Gesnerioideae) and the description of a new tribe in the Gesnerioideae, Sphaerorrhizeae. Selbyana 25 (2): 225-238.

