Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Maksim .
The original description page was
here . All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
Public domain Public domain false false
我,本作品著作权人,释出本作品至公有领域 。这适用于全世界。在一些国家这可能不合法;如果是这样的话,那么: 我无条件地授予任何人以任何目的 使用本作品的权利,除非这些条件是法律规定所必需的。
function main()
line_thickness=2.5; font_size=25; ball_rad=0.035;
N=100; Theta=0:1/N:2*pi; X=cos(Theta); Y=sin(Theta);
red=[1, 0, 0]; black=[0, 0, 0]; green=[0, 1, 0]; blue=[0, 0, 1]; white=0.99*[1, 1, 1];
clf; hold on; axis equal; axis off
r=1; z=0.0; p=0.2*i+0.3; pp=r/conj(p);
plot(X, Y, 'color', red, 'linewidth', line_thickness);
plot([real(z), real(pp)], [imag(z), imag(pp)], 'color', blue, 'linewidth', line_thickness)
color_ball(real(z), imag(z), ball_rad, blue); place_text_smartly (z, font_size, 3, 'O');
color_ball(real(p), imag(p), ball_rad, blue); place_text_smartly (p, font_size, 2, 'P');
color_ball(real(pp), imag(pp), ball_rad, blue); place_text_smartly (pp, font_size, 2, 'P\prime');
V=2.5; plot(V, V, '.', 'color', white)
V=1.3; plot(-V, -V, '.', 'color', white)
saveas(gcf, 'inversion_illustration1.eps', 'psc2');
function place_text_smartly (z, font_size, pos, tx)
N=8; d=0.013; shiftx=0.002; shifty=0.006;
z = z + p^pos * d * font_size;
x = real (z); y=imag(z);
H=text(x+shiftx*font_size, y+shifty*font_size, tx);
set(H, 'fontsize', font_size, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'c', 'VerticalAlignment', 'c')
function color_ball(x, y, r, color)
H=fill(X, Y, color);
set(H, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
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