
戈多丁 (诗歌)

(重定向自高多汀 (诗歌)

《戈多丁》威尔士语Y Gododdin,发音:[ə ɡɔˈdɔðɪn])是一首中世纪的威尔士语诗歌,由一系列献给布立吞王国戈多丁的人民及其同盟的挽歌组成。通常解释他们牺牲于卡特里克之战中,对抗德伊勒伯尼西亚盎格鲁人。传统上认为其为吟游诗人阿内林所著,留世的抄本只有一本,称为阿内林之书


戈多丁覆盖今苏格兰东南部和诺森伯兰郡的领土,是“古老北地”的一部分,在罗马时代叫做沃塔迪尼。这首诗描写了300(或363)名精英勇士会集起来的过程,其中一些人甚至来自于遥远的皮克特兰格温内斯。在Din Eidyn(今爱丁堡)盛宴一年后,他们进攻了卡特里克(通常认为是北约克郡卡特里克)。面对压倒性的优势,几天的战斗后,几乎所有的勇士都牺牲了。该诗内容不是叙事,但其气概有如英雄诗,强调英雄们为了荣誉而战斗。

这首诗现存的手稿以部分中古威尔士语和部分古威尔士语写成,时间追溯至13世纪下半叶。这份手稿里有与戈多丁毫无关系的几节诗,一般认为是添写的。 其中一节提到了亚瑟王,如果能证明这一节出自6世纪末7世纪初,就可以作为已知最早的出处而极具重要性。


  1. ^ Elliot 2005, p. 583.
  2. ^ As indicated by Jackson, The Earliest Surviving Scottish Poem.


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  • Breeze, Andrew. 1997. Medieval Welsh literature. Four Courts Press. ISBN 1-85182-229-1
  • Charles-Edwards, Thomas. 1978. "The authenticity of the Gododdin: a historian's view" in Bromwich, Rachel & R. Brinley Jones (eds) Astudiaethau ar yr hengerdd: cyflwynedig i Syr Idris Foster Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru. ISBN 0-7083-0696-9 pp. 44–71
  • Clancy, Joseph P. 1970. The earliest Welsh poetry. Macmillan.
  • Clarkson, Tim. 1999. "The Gododdin Revisited" in The Heroic Age 1. Retrieved August 21, 2006.
  • Davies, Wendy. 2005. "The Celtic Kingdoms". In Fouracre, Paul, and McKitterick, Rosamond (eds), The New Cambridge Medieval History: c. 500-c. 700. Cambridge. ISBN 0521362911
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  • Dumville, D. 1988. "Early Welsh poetry:problems of historicity" in Roberts, Brynley F. (ed) "Early Welsh poetry: studies in the Book of Aneirin." Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales. ISBN 0-907158-34-X
  • Elliott, Elizabeth. 2005. "Scottish Writing". In Fouracre, Paul, and McKitterick, Rosamond (eds), The New Cambridge Medieval History: c. 500-c. 700. Cambridge. ISBN 0521362911
  • Evans, D. Simon. 1977. "Aneirin- bardd Cristionogol?" in Ysgrifau Beirniadol 10. Gwasg Gee. pp. 35–44
  • Evans, D. Simon. 1978. "Iaith y Gododdin" in Bromwich, Rachel & R. Brinley Jones (eds) Astudiaethau ar yr hengerdd: cyflwynedig i Syr Idris Foster Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru. ISBN 0-7083-0696-9 pp. 72–88
  • Evans, D. Simon. 1982. Llafar a llyfr yn yr hen gyfnod : darlith goffa G.J. Williams Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru. ISBN 0-7083-0817-1
  • Evans, Stephen S. 1997. "The heroic poetry of Dark-Age Britain : an introduction to its dating, composition, and use as a historical source." Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. ISBN 0-7618-0606-7
  • Greene, David. 1971. "Linguistic considerations in the dating of early Welsh verse". Studia Celtica VI, pp. 1–11
  • Huws, Daniel (ed.). 1989. Llyfr Aneurin: a facsimile. South Glamorgan County Council & The National Library of Wales. ISBN 0-907158-33-1
  • Isaac, G.R. 1999. "Readings in the history and transmission of the Gododdin. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 37 pp. 55-78
  • Jackson, Kenneth H. 1953. Language and history in early Britain: a chronological survey of the Brittonic languages first to twelfth century A.D. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Jackson, Kenneth H. 1969. "The Gododdin: The Oldest Scottish poem." Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0-85224-049-X
  • Jarman, A.O.H. (ed.) 1988. Y Gododdin. Britain's Oldest Heroic Poem. The Welsh Classics vol. 3. Gomer. ISBN 0-86383-354-3
  • Koch, John T. 1997. "The Gododdin of Aneurin: text and context from Dark-Age North Britain." Cardiff: University of Wales Press. ISBN 0-7083-1374-4
  • O'Hehir, Brendan. 1988. "What is the Gododdin" in Roberts, Brynley F. (ed) "Early Welsh poetry: studies in the Book of Aneirin." Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales. ISBN 0-907158-34-X
  • Padel, Oliver. 1998. "A New Study of the Gododdin" in Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35.
  • Short, Steve. 1994. Aneirin: The Gododdin, translated by Steve Short. Llanerch Publishers. ISBN 1-897853-27-0
  • Stephens, Thomas. 1876. The literature of the Kymry: being a critical essay on the history of the language and literature of Wales Second edition. Longmans, Green and Co..
  • Sweetser, Eve. 1988. "Line-structure and rhan-structure: the metrical units of the Gododdin corpus" in Roberts, Brynley F. (ed) "Early Welsh poetry: studies in the Book of Aneirin." Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales. ISBN 0-907158-34-X pp. 139–154
  • Turner, Sharon. 1803. A vindication of the genuiness of the ancient British poems of Aneurin, Taliesyn, Llywarch Hen and Merddin, with specimens of the poems. E. Williams.
  • Williams, Ifor. 1938. "Canu Aneirin: gyda rhagymadrodd a nodiadau." Aberystwyth: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru.
  • Williams, Ifor. 1944. "Lectures on early Welsh poetry." Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1944.
  • Williams, Ifor. 1980. "The beginnings of Welsh poetry: studies." Rachel Bromwich (ed.); Cardiff: University of Wales Press, second edition. ISBN 0-7083-0744-2
  • Wmffre, Iwan. 2002. "Mynydawc - ruler of Edinburgh?" Studi Celtici 1 pp. 83–105

