


化石时期:白垩纪晚期,75 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 蜥形纲 Sauropsida
总目: 恐龙总目 Dinosauria
目: 鸟臀目 Ornithischia
亚目: 鸟脚亚目 Ornithopoda
科: 鸭嘴龙科 Hadrosauridae
亚科: 赖氏龙亚科 Lambeosaurinae
属: 糙齿龙属 Trachodon
Leidy, 1856
Trachodon mirabilis

Leidy, 1856 (疑名)


有趣的是,糙齿龙的外形在过去几十年来被大众文化以及玩具厂商使用为鸭嘴龙科的传统形象[1],但糙齿龙的化石只有牙齿,而且是来自于鸭嘴龙类与角龙科恐龙(它们的牙齿有明显的两个牙根)[3];而糙齿龙的叙述者约瑟夫·莱迪(Joseph Leidy)承认这些牙齿的差异,并建议将糙齿龙属限制在少数牙齿上,而这些牙齿目前被视为是角龙科的[2]。若将范围限制在鸭嘴龙类的牙齿上,糙齿龙可能属于赖氏龙亚科[4]



在1856年,约瑟夫·莱迪收到由Ferdinand V. Hayden发现于朱迪思河组的破碎化石。莱迪将这群北美洲化石命名为:恐齿龙古蜴甲龙、糙齿龙、以及伤齿龙,但唯有伤齿龙是目前仍继续使用的名称[1]模式种奇异糙齿龙T. mirabilis),属名在古希腊文意为“粗糙的牙齿”,意指其中一颗牙齿的内侧表面粗糙;种名在拉丁文意为“奇异的”。

糙齿龙的化石编号为ANSP 9260,包含数个不相关的化石,其中一个有两个齿根。随者发现了更好的鸭嘴龙化石,莱迪开始重新思考他的分类,并分正式地将两个齿根的牙齿归类于糙齿龙,而其他牙齿则归类于鸭嘴龙[5]。随者化石战争的展开,糙齿龙与它们近亲的分类开始混淆[2],其中一个研究人员将当时所有鸭嘴龙类归类于糙齿龙,除了敏捷破碎龙以外[6];但随者洛矶山脉地区、亚伯达省、以及萨克其万省等地发现了许多新化石,后来的研究人员开始限制糙齿龙属的范围[4][7]

在1942年,理查·史旺·鲁尔( Richard Swann Lull)与尼尔达·莱特(Nelda Wright)所公布的具影响力鸭嘴龙类专题论文中,糙齿龙的正模标本被认为是典型的鸭嘴龙类牙齿,除了粗糙的齿缘外,但他们认为并不适合拿来据以使用[8]。除了关于历史的讨论以外,糙齿龙此后不再被使用,并被认为是疑名[9][10][11]




  • 奇异糙齿龙(T. mirabilis):莱迪在1856年命名[1]




如同其他鸭嘴龙科,糙齿龙是种大型,草食性恐龙,、可以用二足或四足方式行走。 [11]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Leidy, J. (1856). Notice of remains of extinct reptiles and fishes, discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden in the Bad Lands of the Judith River, Nebraska Territories. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science Philadelphia 8:72-73.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Creisler, B.S. (2006). Deciphering duckbills. in: K. Carpenter (ed.), Horns and Beaks: Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press: Bloomington and Indianapolis, 185-210. ISBN 0-253-34817-X
  3. ^ Hatcher, J.B., Marsh, O.C. and Lull, R.S. (1907). The Ceratopsia. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 300 pp. ISBN 0405127138
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Sternberg, C.M. (1936). The systematic position of Trachodon. Journal of Paleontology 10(7):652-655.
  5. ^ Leidy, J. (1868). Remarks on a jaw fragment of Megalosaurus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science Philadelphia 20:197-200.
  6. ^ Hatcher, J.B. (1902). The genus and species of the Trachodontidae (Hadrosauridae, Claosauridae) Marsh. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 14(1):377-386.
  7. ^ Gilmore, C.W. (1915). On the genus Trachodon. Science 41:658-660.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Lull, R.S., and Wright, N.E. (1942). Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs of North America. Geological Society of America Special Paper 40:1-242.
  9. ^ Coombs, Jr., W.P. (1988). The status of the dinosaurian genus Diclonius and the taxonomic utility of hadrosaurian teeth. Journal of Paleontology 62:812-818.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Weishampel, D.B., and Horner, J.R. (1990). Hadrosauridae. In: Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., and Osmólska, H. (eds.). The Dinosauria. University of California Press:Berkeley, 534-561. ISBN 0-520-24209-2
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Horner, J.R., Weishampel, D.B., and Forster, C.A. (2004). Hadrosauridae. In: Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., and Osmólska, H. (eds.). The Dinosauria (second edition). University of California Press:Berkeley, 438-463. ISBN 0-520-06727-4
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Lambe, L.M. (1902). On Vertebrata of the mid-Cretaceous of the Northwest Territory. 2. New genera and species from the Belly River Series (mid-Cretaceous). Contributions to Canadian Paleontology 3:25-81.
  13. ^ Osborn, Henry Fairfield. Distinctive characters of the mid-Cretaceous fauna. 1. New genera and species from the Belly River Series (mid-Cretaceous). Contributions to Canadian Paleontology. 1902, 3: 1–21. 
  14. ^ Riabinin, A.N. (1925). A mounted skeleton of the gigantic reptile Trachodon amurense, nov. sp. Izvest. Geol. Kom. 44(1):1-12. [Russian]
  15. ^ Riabinin, A.N. (1930). Mandschurosaurus amurensis, nov. gen., nov. sp., a hadrosaurian dinoasur from the Upper Cretaceous of Amur River. Mémoir II, Société Paléontologique de Russie. [Russian]
  16. ^ Cope, E.D. (1871). Supplement to the synopsis of the extinct Batrachia and Reptilia of North America. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings 12(86):41-52.
  17. ^ Lydekker, R. (1888). Note on a new Wealden iguanodont and other dinosaurs. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 44:46-61.
  18. ^ Marsh, O.C. (1897). Vertebrate fossils of the Denver Basin. U.S. Geological Survey, Monthly 27:473-527.
  19. ^ Lambe, L.M. (1914). On a new genus and species of carnivorous dinosaur from the Belly River Formation of Alberta, with a description of the skull of Stephanosaurus marginatus from the same horizon. Ottawa Naturalist 28:13-20.
  20. ^ Parks, W.A. (1923). Corythosaurus intermedius, a new species of trachodont dinosaur. University of Toronto Studies, Geological Series. 15:1-57
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 C. W. Gilmore. 1924. On the genus Stephanosaurus, with a description of the type specimen of Lambeosaurus lambei, Parks. Canada Department of Mines Geological Survey Bulletin (Geological Series) 38(43):29-48.

