


对法轮功的镇压,指在时任中共中央总书记江泽民领导下的中国共产党执政当局自1999年起实施的种种镇压措施。中共政府在禁止并取缔法轮功后,对法轮功所采取的措施包括多方面的宣传舆论攻势、强制再教育, 一些看法还认为包括多种具有法律性争议的强制措施,包括滋扰性随机拘捕、强制劳动、酷刑,据称有修炼者因此死亡。国际特赦组织指出,中国共产党政府的手段目的在于通过政治宣传、监禁、强制思想改造等手段“灭绝、根除”法轮功群体,有些法轮功学员因此死亡。[1][2][3]美智库哈德逊研究所宗教自由中心主任指出,中共对法轮功的迫害是群体灭绝罪[4]。联合国人权高级专员办公室官网2021年6月14日刊登,12名联合国独立人权专家包括至少8位特别报告员联合声明,对于在中国被拘留的法轮功修炼者与少数群体遭到活摘器官的许多指控报告,感到极度震惊;专家团指出,早在2006、2007年,联合国人权专家就曾向中共当局提出强行活摘囚犯器官的担忧,但遗憾北京当时的回应缺乏相关数据,例如器官分配等待时间、或器官来源资讯等数据;专家团呼吁中方迅速回应活摘器官的指控,并允许国际人权机制进行独立监督。[5]


美国总统川普2019年在白宫接见法轮功学员听取相关情况[13]国务卿蓬佩奥2020年声明呼吁中共立刻停止21年“太久的迫害”、“邪恶践踏和虐待”[14]。2021年5月《年度国际宗教自由报告》发布会上, 国务卿布林肯点名制裁一名迫害法轮功的中共四川省成都市前610办公室主任余辉,他和他的直系亲属将被禁止入境美国[15]有观察家推估,目前至少还有数十万乃至数百万的法轮功学员因拒绝放弃信仰而被关押在再教育营、监狱或其他拘留地点。[7][16]曾遭关押的法轮功学员称,法轮功学员在劳教营总是受到“最长刑期、最糟待遇”。[17][18]在某些拘留所中,法轮功学员往往占据被拘留者的绝大多数。有报道指出,截至2009年,至少有2000名法轮功学员在其迫害运动中被折磨致死。[19] 有国际观察员和司法机构直接将反对法轮功的运动称为种族灭绝[20][21] 2009年,西班牙和阿根廷地方法院以种族灭绝和反人类罪起诉中共高官,指控他们在策划迫害法轮功负有责任。[22][23][24]2006年,有指控称:不知其数的法轮功学员被杀害以供应中国器官移植行业。[11]另据人权律师大卫·麦塔斯及加拿大前亚太事务国务卿大卫·乔高的调查指出”中国大陆2000年至2005年的五年内,至少有四万两千例左右的器官移植来源不明”,并依相关参与器官移植手术的医师证词得出结论“这些器官大部分来自法轮功学员,且直至今日这类活摘器官的行为仍持续着”。[11]美国记者伊森·葛特曼推测,自2000年至2008年,至少有六万五千名法轮功学员因器官移植而被谋杀。[25]经进一步分析,研究此议题的人士认为实际数字比保守推测的要高。[26] 2008年,联合国特别专员第二次要求“中国政府必须回应从法轮功学员身上活摘器官的指控,以及解释为何自2000年至2008年中国器官移植手术的来源大幅增加”。[27]


























华尔街日报的克莱格·史密斯英语Craig S. Smith称,中国政府没有精神信仰,欠缺在道德上战胜精神对手的信誉,故对任何挑战其意识形态且有能力组织自己的信仰体系感到威胁。[54]朱莉娅·张在《美国亚洲评论》表示,“代表中国传统宗教复兴的法轮功信仰体系,被众多中共党员和军队成员所奉行,这个事实特别令江泽民感到困扰;江泽民把法轮功视作在意识形态领域对中国政府崇尚斗争的无神论历史唯物主义构成威胁的精神信仰;希望在政府和军队消灭这样的精神信仰。”[55]








7月20日凌晨,中国公安在全国各地绑架和拘留了公安认定是负责人的法轮功学员。 两天之后的7月22日,中国政府正式发布了《中华人民共和国民政部关于取缔法轮大法研究会的决定》,开始对法轮功全面镇压。[63]公安部22日发布“六禁止”通告,即禁止民众悬挂、张帖法轮功横幅、图象、标徽记和其它标识;禁止散发法轮功相关材料;禁止弘法等法轮功活动、禁止静坐、上访等方式维护和宣扬法轮功的集会、游行、示威;禁止以谣言或其它方式煽动扰乱社会秩序;禁止组织、串联、指挥对抗政府决定的抗议。[40]







1999年6月10日,中国共产党“中央处理法轮功问题领导小组”成立,历任组长李岚清罗干周永康,下设常设机构中央处理法轮功问题领导小组办公室,即中央610办公室。据美国国会及行政部门中国问题委员会报告及美国智库报告资料显示,该办公室是中国共产党管理的国家安全“法外机构”,其主要职责是协调各机关镇压法轮功[69][70][71][72],2003年以来,610办公室的任务已扩大到包括针对被视为异端或有害中国共产党统治的其他宗教、气功团体,但法轮功仍然是其首要任务[72]。报导法轮功遭镇压情况而获普利策奖的记者张彦描述610办公室的工作是“动员国家的顺从的社会组织”。在公安机关的指令下,教堂、寺庙、清真寺、报纸、媒体、法院和警察都迅速整队配合执行当局“粉碎法轮功”的计划,以任何 手段都不为过。几天之内一波逮捕席卷全中国。到1999年底,法轮功学员们在关押中于死亡线上挣扎[73]










2005年12月,人权观察引述据一些曾遭劳改系统关押者的说法,在中国的劳改营(劳教所)及监狱设施里,法轮功学员是最大量的被关押群体,而且往往遭受最长的关押期、最糟糕的对待。 [82][83]

2008年美国国务院、美国国会美中委员会引述外国观察家的估计,中国的劳改营被关押者一半以上是法轮功学员[84][85]2009年葛特曼估计,法轮功学员大约占全中国“劳改总人数” 的15%至20%。 [86]

2012 年12月23日,美国奥勒冈州主要报纸《俄勒冈人报》报导说,一封来自中国劳教所的信藏在美国俄勒冈居民朱丽叶‧凯斯购买的万圣节用品当中,信上写道:“先生:如果你偶然间购买了这个产品,请帮忙转送这封信给世界人权组织。这里处在中国政府迫害之下的数千人将永远感谢并记住您。”这封没有署名的信说,这个坟墓包是在沈阳马三家劳教所二 所八大队制造的。在英文语句之间夹杂着中文词语。“在这里工作的人们不得不一天工作15个小时,没有周六周日休息和任何节假日。否则,他们就将遭到酷刑, 殴打和粗暴的话语。几乎没有工资(一个月10元人民币)。”“这里的人平均被判1至3年劳教,但是却没有经过正常法庭判决。他们许多人是法轮功学员,他们完全是无辜的人,仅仅因为他们有不同于中国共产党政府的信仰。他们常常遭受比其他人更多的惩罚。”这封信引起了世人的震惊和关注。[87]



美联社2001年7月报导,在中国遭折磨的覃永洁辗转逃到美国,经休斯顿Park Plaza医院治疗烧伤后出院。覃永洁是广东省宝安县工人,1998年6月开始修炼法轮功,1999年法轮功在中国被镇压后,覃被拘留多次。2001年4 月25日,覃因散发传单吁政府停止镇压而再次被捕,遭毒打,未经审判被送入博罗县(音译)的劳改营,被手铐铐住吊了5个多小时;2001年6月2日,覃被 绑在一个柱子上,被用烧红的铁条烙他的腿,烙了13次,逼迫他放弃法轮功。世界日报采访中提到2001年6月2日,覃永洁被三个管教殴打、逼迫写悔过书,覃沉默;“结果一个管教把我绑在柱子上,一个管教将一根生锈的铁条在电炉上烧红之后, 往我的大腿、小腿灼伤,还不断地问‘你还练不练?’。”覃痛得发抖、大叫,“管教”像拖狗般把他扔在外面,后关进小号。“后来,管教看我行走困难而又痛得无法入睡,他们认为我不可能逃走,就把我叫去看管果园。果园范围广阔,我趁人不注意逃脱。”覃永洁逃离果园后,搭一卡车潜入香港,6月10日混进一货轮的集装箱中,半月海上航行后24日在加州偷渡入境。[89][88][90][91]




















2006 年,力虹听闻中国政府活体摘除法轮功学员器官后,奋笔疾书抨击中国政府,发表《被盗的器官在呼啸》、《活摘门方兴未艾、奥运门又将开启》等文章;在高智晟律师 被捕后,发表《还我高智晟,还我中国的良心》、《为民请罪的高智晟》;之后力虹被捕、于2007年3月19日被宁波中级法院以煽动颠覆国家政权罪判处6年有期徒刑。[105][106]


  • 2010年5月,德籍华人约翰·周因为610公室充当反法轮功的间谍,在德国被缓刑和重金罚款;约翰是几年前回国探望生病的父亲时,被中国国安和610办公室收买。[107][108]
  • 2010年7月,据加拿大权威新闻杂志Maclean's报导,魁北克高等法院法官曼德维尔裁决蒙特利尔中文周报《华侨时报》的发行人周锦兴与北京宣传机构有密切联系,证实《华侨时报》得到北京政府的资助。[109]
  • 2002年中华民国法务部调查局调查员厉开平,涉嫌搜集台湾法轮功资料,以电脑网络传送到大陆。法务部后将厉开平记两大过免职,并移送法办。[110]
  • 2004年中华民国法务部调查局逮捕了前国防部军情局一名军官,涉嫌收受中国大陆国家安全机关170多万元,为中国大陆收集台湾法轮功成员名册,同时与另一名军情局少校及境管局查验员,共同刺探香港立法会议员入出境台湾纪录。桃园检方昨侦查终结后,以违反国安法及泄密罪嫌提起公诉,具体求刑三年。[111]
  • 2011年台湾中央警察大学副教授、同时也是知名风水命理师吴彰裕,惊传为中国大陆情报部门搜集中国列管的民运人士、法轮功、支持西藏独立等团体在台活动情资。经由台北地检署侦办,检察官漏夜复讯后,依串供及有逃亡之虞,向台北地院声请羁押禁见获准。[112][113][114][115][116]
  • 2012年10月31日,针对2010年4月中华爱国同心会会长周庆峻率该会成员在台北101大楼前妨害陈建仁等3名法轮功学员行使言论及表达自由案件,台湾台北地方法院应依中华民国刑法第304条(强制罪),判决“周庆峻共同以强暴妨害人行使权利,处有期徒刑贰月,如易科罚金,以新台币壹仟元折算壹日。王美敦、张金德均无罪。”[117]
  • 2012年中华民国国家安全局退职情报员蔡国宾及国防部退伍少校王维亚,涉嫌被中国大陆情报单位吸收,搜集涉及国家机密的书籍等资讯给对岸。板桥地检署2012年4月17日依违反国家机密保护法等罪嫌起诉两人。起诉书指出,王维亚涉嫌从95年起搜集法轮功动态、国民党未公开的内部选情分析等资讯,并偕同蔡国宾搜集由退休情治官员出版的“情报生涯30年”一书,此书因被认定涉及国家机密,出版前就遭到查扣。[118]






美联社同一天的报导,中国政府消息透露十月底这一周内,全国除西藏外有3000名法轮功学员被拘留;该记者招待会发生的过程,是七位外国记者收到有关秘密 新闻的电邮,先与法轮功学员在北京一家饭店会面,然后法轮功学员们开车把外国记者们带到了北京郊区一个旅馆开记者招待会;与会的一位法轮功学员向记者们展 示她被手铐弄伤的手腕,另一人描述了公安如何用电棍烧她的脸。[120]









纽约时报报导,新华社于2000年4月21日首次承认中国政府在镇压法轮功中遇到困难,因为“自1999年7月22日镇压以来,法轮功学员每天在天安门广场制造麻烦”。[128]美国记者Ron Gluckman报导称,在4.25一周年那天,老人、女人和儿童在天安门广场被公安猛烈扑倒在地,数十人被捕,有西方游客目击公安把法轮功学员击倒在地并拖走,感到非常可怕;该记者表示一年来北京对法轮功的铁腕镇压未能战胜法轮功。[129]




来自澳大利亚、加拿大、法国、德国、爱尔兰、以色列、瑞典、瑞士、英国以及美国等十二个国家的法轮功学员被驱除出境;中国外交部发言人章启月于2001年 11月22日表示:“中国政府日前处理外国法轮功学员在天安门广场示威事件,是依法办事,这些人在中国受到了人道和公正的待遇”。[135]但这些外籍人士不同意章启月的看法,表示在天安门广场,他们有的被扯头发、有的鼻梁被打伤、有的被踢中要害;到了公安局后,几个瑞典女学员因拒绝听从指令,被警察从楼梯上踢下楼;一澳大利亚学员,被打得肿个大包,全身是抓伤,怎么能说这是人道和公正?[135]瑞典驻华使馆官员表示,中国政府未立即和瑞典使馆联系,就拘留外国人,违反国际惯例;尽管中国公安对外籍法轮功人士并没象对待中国国内法轮功学员那样施以更多暴力,但瑞典大使馆仍然抗议中国政府对这些人的身体进行“粗暴对待”。[135]

美国之音援引参与11月20日天安门广场示威的加拿大法轮功学员、23岁的大学生泽农,这些法轮功学员在以往就认识,很早相约要去天安门广场请愿,这一次 大家约定星期二下午两点在天安门广场汇合;他们各自分别进入中国,并于约定时间准时在天安门广场汇合。泽农在提前写好的声明“我为什么要去天安门”中表示,“之所以要到天安门广场,是想用他一个白人的面孔和行为,告诉被蒙骗的中国人,法轮大法在世界各地都是受到尊重和欢迎的,只有在它的发源地却受到这样残酷的打击”。[136]







据2012年4月BBC报导,薄熙来3月15号突然被免职后,中国的网络监控出现不寻常情况。一些曾经被屏蔽的搜索词汇例如“1989年六四事件”、“赵紫阳”、“法轮功”、“转法轮”、“器官活摘”等词汇时不时可以在中国的搜索引擎百度新浪微博查 到。在4月6日,很多被禁内容重新可以搜索到。比如,当天的新浪微博上可以搜索到上千个“活体器官摘除”的结果。其中大多和法轮功的指控有关;在北美的中文网站博讯引述“北京消息人士”的话说,打击谣言的运动正好在中国最高领导人胡锦涛出访期间展开,“是亲薄熙来势力的一次反击”。[142]







  • 长春插播真相:2002年3月5日,长春市有线电视八个频道播出《法轮大法洪传世界》、《是自焚还是骗局》等电视片,长达五十分钟,使当地民众误以为镇压法轮功已经停止,聚集在广场庆祝。[148]该插播事件的背景,是在2001年初中国大陆电视长时间渲染恐怖的天安门自焚后,中国民众自99年镇压开始后对法轮功学员的普遍同情正在消失,这六人希望民众从与官方电视不一样的角度来看自焚事件。[148]插播事件后的三天内,长春公安抓捕了约2000-5000长春法轮功学员,大赦国际称长春公安是全城搜捕。参与插播的刘海波、侯明凯、刘成军、梁振兴、雷明等被先后暴打、酷刑折磨至死。[148]美国旗帜周刊2010年12月6日发表标题为《进入细微的电波 - 几位不为人知的中国烈士如何帮助全世界的自由事业》的长篇报导,叙述了六位长春法轮功学员刘成军、梁振兴、雷明、刘海波、侯明凯、周润君等进行电视插播的过程及事件前后细节。
  • 中国多地插播:长春有线电视插播先后,2002年8月,大陆法轮功学员在河北省涞水易县涿州高碑店徐水保定周边地区,成功播放包括电视片《见证》、《法轮大法洪传世界》长达70多分钟。[149]自由亚洲电台评论中提到,2002年重庆鞍山哈尔滨莱阳烟台等城市的法轮功学员也实施有线电视插播,但以长春事件影响最大,当局逮捕5千人;而重庆在1月1日及6月1日发生两次,1月1日事件中,一法轮功学员据称病死狱中,另外4位分别被判16年、15年、9年、7年的重刑。[150]
  • 卫星电视插播:2005 年3月14日21时34分,亚洲卫星公司所属亚洲3S卫星6个C波段转发器先后被宣传法轮功内容的电视信号干扰,致使租用该转发器的中国几个省级电视台正常的电视节目中断。该公司行政总裁翟克信证实确有此事。但据美国之音采访报导,法轮功发言人表示:“至于这次插播事件,至少证明了跟我们法轮功没有关系。我知道在中国大陆有很多人很同情法轮功,或者对中国政府镇压法轮功不满,或者对中国在国内的政策、错误决定、腐败和践踏人权的行为不满,他们有很多方式来表示不满”。[151]







法轮功追随者在全球华语媒体世界有组织有媒体地动员对中国官方媒体的反制与挑战, 学者赵月枝认为是最具戏剧张力媒体力量的展现。 [154]BBC在《法轮功的“威胁”》中分析:“法轮功的电脑互联网络广泛,网站详细列明世界各主要城市内,法轮功学习中心的活动。法轮功组织善用互连网传播信息,这也是中国政府担心的原因。”[155]










《中华人民共和国公安部关于认定和取缔邪教组织若干问题的通知》(公通字[2000]39号)中关于“现已认定的邪教组织情况”表明,到目前为止共认定和明确 的邪教组织有14种。其中,中央办公厅、国务院办公厅文件明确的有7种,公安部认定和明确的有7种。这是到目前为止关于邪教认定最新的一个正式文件。公安 部在认定邪教组织时,明确是根据《刑法》和一系列处理邪教组织的文件精神,参考了两高司法解释的定义,然后重新定义。其中没有法轮功。[161]BBC报导,公安部2014年公布的“邪教名单”亦不包括法轮功[162]

根据《中华人民共和国刑法》第300条规定:组织和利用会道门、邪教组织或者利用迷信破坏国家法律、行政法规实施的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑;情节特别严重的,处七年以上有期徒刑。而关于中华人民共和国政府对邪教的定义,《中国最高人民法院最高人民检察院关于办理组织和利用邪教组织犯罪案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》一文中指出:刑法第三百条中的“邪教组织”,是 指冒用宗教、气功或者其他名义建立,神化首要分子,利用制造、散布迷信邪说等手段蛊惑、蒙骗他人,发展、控制成员,危害社会的非法组织。

北京维权律师莫少平表示:“无论从刑法的三百条还是全国人大的决定,以及两高的解释里面都没有明确说法轮功是邪教,只有两高颁布司法解释的通知里面才确认说法轮功是邪教,两高的这个通知本身是不符合中国立法的规定。”[163]另 一位国内律师针对两高司法解释的通知,表示:这文件是内部通知,不是公开的法律文件,法律文件必须公之于众才生效,否则就是不教而诛;两高在公开的文件中 不认定法轮功是邪教,在内部通知中又说成邪教,是很不严肃,而且最高法院只能就司法审判如何适用法律进行解释,不能超越这个职权去认定什么社会组织是邪教 组织或者非法组织,这是行政权力而非司法权力的范围;这文件是对刑法300条的越权解释。[164]



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  31. ^ David Palmer, “Qigong Fever:Body, Science and Utopia in China,” p 249.
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  53. ^ The Globe and Mail, Beijing v. falun gong, Metro A14, 26 January 2001
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  55. ^ Julia Ching, "The Falun Gong: Religious and Political Implications", American Asian Review, Vol. XIX, no. 4, Winter 2001, p. 12
    Jiang accepts the threat of Falun Gong as an ideological one: spiritual beliefs against militant atheism and historical materialism. He [wished] to purge the government and the military of such beliefs.
  56. ^ Zhao Yuezhi, Gong, Identity, and the Struggle over Meaning Inside and Outside China, in “Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World,” Nick Couldry and James Curran (ed.), (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003). ISBN 978-0-7425-2385-2
  57. ^ Twiss, Sumner B. "Religious Intolerance in Contemporary China, Including the Curious Case of Falun Gong" in The World's Religions After September 11. Arvind Sharma (ed), Greenwood Publishing, 2009 pp. 227–240
  58. ^ Vivienne Shue, "Legitimacy Crisis in China?" In Peter Hays Gries and Stanley Rosen (eds.), State and Society in 21st-century China. Crisis, Contention, and Legitimation, (New York: RoutledgeCurzon, 2004.
    similarly writes that Falun Gong presented a comprehensive challenge to the Communist Party's legitimacy. Shue argues that Chinese rulers historically have derived their legitimacy from a claim to possess an exclusive connection to the "Truth". In imperial China, truth was based on a Confucian and Daoist cosmology, where in the case of the Communist Party, the truth is represented by Marxist-Leninism and historical materialism. Falun Gong challenged the Marxist-Leninism paradigm, reviving an understanding based on more traditionally Buddhist or Daoist conceptions.
  59. ^ David Ownby, "China's War Against Itself". New York Times, 15 February 2001.
    [Falun Gong's] evocation of a different vision of Chinese tradition and its contemporary value is now so threatening to the state and party because it denies them the sole right to define the meaning of Chinese nationalism, and perhaps of Chineseness."
  60. ^ 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 60.4 60.5 60.6 法輪功示威周年回顧. BBC英国广播公司. 2000-04-25 [2020-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-06). 
  61. ^ Jiang Zemin, Letter to Party cadres on the evening of April 25, 北京之春,no. 97 (June 2001)
    4月25日以来,我一直在思考,我们党已经搞了近80年的革命和建设,掌握着国家政权,有250万人民军队,有6000多万党员,有一大批高中级领导干部, 为什么却让“法轮功”这样的问题冒了出来,而且闹到这种程度呢?显然,一个李洪志,不可能有这么大的能耐。“法轮功”问题有很深的政治社会背景乃至复杂的国际背景。这是1989年那场政治风波以来最严重的一次事件。我们必须认真对待,深入研究,采取有力对策,中央已同意李岚清同志负责,将成立一个专门处理“法轮功”问题领导小组。李岚清同志任组长,丁关根、罗干同志任副组长,有关部门负责同志为成员,统一研究、解决“法轮功”问题的具体步骤、方法和措施。中央和国家机关各部委、各省、自治区、直辖市要密切配合。
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Michael J. Greenlee(University of Idaho College of Law). A King Who Devours His People: Jiang Zemin and the Falun Gong Crackdown: A Bibliography 34 (2). International Journal of Legal Information]: 561–562. 2006 [2012-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-16). In all, more than 3,000 public security agents investigated Falun Gong activities in China and abroad prior to the official ban on July 22, 1999 
  63. ^ 中华人民共和国民政部. 中华人民共和国民政部关于取缔法轮大法研究会的决定(1999年7月22日). 人民网. [2012-08-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-11). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 Daniel B. Wright. The Promise of Revolution: Stories of Fulfillment and Struggle in China's Hinterland. Rowman & Littlefield. 2003: 156 [26 December 2012]. ISBN 978-0-7425-1916-9. outlawed on July 22, 1999, China Central Television's thirty-minute evening news program aired practically nothing but anti-Falun Gong rhetoric in which academics, former followers, and ordinary citizens spoke about how the cult cheats its followers, separates families, damages health, and hurt social stability. The government operation has been a study in all -out demonization. In the first seven days after the campaign began, Chinese authorities rounded up at least 5,000 Falun Gong members, ransacking homes and confiscating printed materials. Another 1200 government officials were detained and required to study Communist Party documents and to renounce any allegiance to the movement. 
  65. ^ 最高人民法院、最高人民检察院公布关于办理组织和利用邪教组织犯罪案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释. [2021-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-13). 
  66. ^ 依法治国 严惩邪教. 人民日报. [2021-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2007-08-24). 
  67. ^ 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于取缔邪教组织、防范和惩治邪教活动的决定. 中国人大网. [2021-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-02). 
  68. ^ Amnesty International,"The crackdown on Falun Gong and other so-called 'heretical organizations'"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 23 March 2000.
  69. ^ Communist Party Calls for Increased Efforts To "Transform" Falun Gong Practitioners as Part of Three-Year Campaign ,CECC,2011年3月22日. [2015年2月18日]. (原始内容存档于2011年12月2日). 
  70. ^ ‘Annual Report 2008’页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Congressional-Executive Commission on China. 31 October 2008. Retrieved 24 December 2013.
  71. ^ Annual Report 2009. Congressional-Executive Commission on China. 10 October 2009 [24 December 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-25). 
  72. ^ 72.0 72.1 Sarah Cook, Leeshai Lemish. The 610 Office: Policing the Chinese Spirit(610辦公室-禁錮中國精神). 中国简报 China Brief. 2011-09-16, 11 (17): 6–9 [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-26). 
  73. ^ Johnson, Ian. Wild Grass: Three Portraits of Change in Modern China(中譯本:苛稅、胡同和法輪功:底層中國的緩慢革命). New York, NY: Vintage. 2004: 251–252; 283–287. ISBN 0375719199. 
  74. ^ 高智晟揭露法輪功學員受迫害的情況. 自由亚洲电台RFA. 2005-12-13 [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-15). 
  75. ^ 高智晟. 必须立即停止灭绝我们民族良知和道德的野蛮行径----高智晟致胡锦涛 温家宝及中国同胞的公开信. 自由亚洲电台RFA. 2005-12-12 [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-23). 
  76. ^ 刘新. 美国际宗教自由委员会敦促停止迫害法輪功. 德国之声DW.DE. 2013-07-29 [2020-10-02]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-15). 
  77. ^ Leeshai Lemish, Media and New Religious Movements: The Case of Falun Gong, A paper presented at The 2009 CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 11–13 June 2009
  78. ^ 反美法轮功和文化革命. 北京之春. 1999-08-01 [2012-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04) (中文). 
  79. ^ US press release (4 February 2004)Press Release HR/CN/1073页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). United Nations Retrieved 12 September 2006.
  80. ^ Sunny Y. Lu, MD, PhD, and Viviana B. Galli, MD, "Psychiatric Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners in China", J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, 30:126–30, 2002
  81. ^ Robin J. Munro, "Judicial Psychiatry in China and its Political Abuses", Columbia Journal of Asian Law, Columbia University, Volume 14, Number 1, Fall 2000, p 114
  82. ^ Human Rights Watch, "We Could Disappear at Any Time页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)," 7 December 2005. Quote: "Several petitioners reported that the longest sentences and worst treatment were meted out to members of the banned meditation group, Falungong, many of whom also petition in Beijing. Kang reported that of the roughly one thousand detainees in her labor camp in Jilin, most were Falungong practitioners. The government's campaign against the group has been so thorough that even long-time Chinese activists are afraid to say the group's name aloud..."
  83. ^ Chinese Human Rights Defenders,Re-education through Labor Abuses Continue Unabated: Overhaul Long Overdue页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 4 February 2009. Quote: "More than half of our 13 interviewees remarked on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in RTL camps . They said Falun Gong practitioners make up one of the largest groups of detainees in the camp, and that they are often persecuted because of their faith...'Of all the detainees, the Falun Gong practitioners were the largest group'".
  84. ^ US Department of State, 2008 Country Report on Human Rights: China (includes Hong Kong and Macao)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Oct 2008. Quote: "Some foreign observers estimated that at least half of the 250,000 officially recorded inmates in the country's reeducation-through-labor camps were Falun Gong adherents. Falun Gong sources overseas placed the number even higher."
  85. ^ Congressional Executive Commission on China, Annual Report 2008页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 31 October 2008. Quote: "International observers believe that Falun Gong practitioners constitute a large percentage—some say as many as half—of the total number of Chinese imprisoned in RTL camps. Falun Gong sources report that at least 200,000 practitioners are being held in RTL and other forms of detention."
  86. ^ Ethan Gutmann, “How many harvested?”, in State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China, (Woodstock, ON: Seraphim editions, 2009), pages=49 - 67.
  87. ^ Rachel Stark. Halloween decorations carry haunting message of forced labor. oregonlive. 2012-12-23 [2012-12-23]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-31) (英语). That's when Keith found it. Scribbled onto paper and folded into eighths, the letter was tucked between two Styrofoam headstones. Sir:The letter describes conditions at a forced labor camp in China.If you occasionally buy this product, please kindly resend this letter to the World Human Right Organization. Thousands people here who are under the persicution of the Chinese Communist Party Government will thank and remember you forever.The graveyard kit, the letter read, was made in unit 8, department 2 of the Masanjia Labor Camp in Shenyang, China.Chinese characters broke up choppy English sentences.People who work here have to work 15 hours a day without Saturday, Sunday break and any holidays. Otherwise, they will suffer torturement, beat and rude remark. Nearly no payment (10 yuan/1 month).Ten yuan is equivalent to $1.61.People who work here, suffer punishment 1-3 years averagely, but without Court Sentence (unlaw punishment). Many of them are Falun Gong practitioners, who are totally innocent people only because they have different believe to CCPG. They often suffer more punishment than others.The letter was not signed. 
  88. ^ 88.0 88.1 China escapee leaves hospital, 美联社AP, July 29, 2001 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
    HOUSTON – A member of the Falun Gong sect who was tortured in China before a harrowing escape to the United States was released from a Houston hospital Saturday after treatment for severe burns. Tan Yongjie, who hitchhiked to Houston after escaping to Hong Kong and stowing away aboard a California-bound cargo ship, was admitted to Park Plaza Hospital on July 13 after his wounds opened. "He's had extensive skin graft surgery on his legs," said Jack Xiong, a member of the Houston Falun Gong community, adding that doctors expect Mr. Tan to make a full recovery. Mr. Tan returned to the Star of Hope homeless shelter, where he was living before his admission to the hospital. Mr. Xiong was hopeful the estimated 100 to 200 local Falun Gong members could help Mr. Tan. Through translators, Mr. Tan said his story began as a factory worker in Baoan, Guangdong Province, where he began practicing Falun Gong since June 1998. China banned the sect in 1999, and Mr. Tan said he was detained 15 days four different times, each time refusing to renounce his beliefs. He said he was arrested April 26 for distributing fliers calling for an end to government persecution of Falun Gong members. He said he was beaten, then sent without trial to a labor camp in Baluo County. After repeated torture sessions, Mr. Tan said, he was hung by handcuffs for more than five hours. On June 2, Mr. Tan said he was tied to a post and burned about his legs 13 times with a red-hot iron rod, urging him to give up Falun Gong. Mr. Tan escaped the camp soon after and fled to Hong Kong, where he sneaked aboard a cargo ship headed to Long Beach, Calif. After two weeks of living in a crate at sea, Mr. Tan said he caught a ride with someone headed to Florida on Interstate 10 and was dropped off in Houston. Houston police directed him to the Star of Hope shelter.
  89. ^ Tortured Member of Banned Chinese Sect Recovering in Houston, [[美聯社]]AP, July 28, 2001. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03). 
  90. ^ 世界日报:法轮功学员遭刑求带伤潜逃来美首例,世界日报, July, 2001页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
    【世 界日报休士顿讯】声称为法轮功学员惨遭中国政府烙刑的一名广西青年,辗转流落到休士顿,正在医院接受治疗。这是大陆法轮功学员遭刑求带伤潜逃来美之首例。 廿八岁的覃永洁两腿共有十叁处烙伤,两周前流落到休士顿后主动向警方求助,经送往休士顿公园广场医院急救,接受植皮手术,愈合良好。他于廿七日透过法轮功学员传译,向媒体公开他被捕、受刑、逃亡过程。声称本籍广西、在广东宝安一家家具厂当工人的覃永洁表示,四月廿五日是中国政府镇压法轮功两周年,翌日他散发呼吁停止迫害法轮功的传单时,遭警察逮捕及毒打。他说,被捕的第二天警察把他关进广东博罗一个劳改农场,他拒绝回答问题、拒绝写悔过书、保证书及拒绝放弃修练法轮功,在强迫劳教的一个多月里,多次遭到殴打。有一次他因练功被监管人员用手铐锁在窗栏上,而且脚跟离地,长达五个小时,双手被勒出血印。六月二日,又被劳改农场叁个“管教”殴打,逼他写悔过书,他始终保持沉默。“结果一个管教把我绑在柱子上,一个管教将一根生锈的铁条在电炉上烧红之后,往我的大腿、小腿灼伤,还不断地问‘你还练不练?’。”他指着双腿十多处被灼烫说,当时他痛得发抖、大叫,以致小便失禁。然后“管教”像拖狗似地把他扔到外面,最后关进小号。“后来,管教看我行走困难而又痛得无法入睡,他们认为我不可能逃走,就把我叫去看管果园。果园范围广阔,我趁人不注意逃脱。”覃永洁说,逃出果园后,他搭上一辆运输卡车潜入香港。六月十日,再混进货柜轮,经过半个月海上航行,廿四日从加州偷渡入境。接着,他搭上一辆去佛罗里达的“顺风车”,到休士顿下车。他表示,他在休士顿街头流浪多天,身上的钱快用完之时,他向警车招手拦下,用有限的英语试图表明自己是被迫害的法轮功学员,但无法让警察搞懂他的意思,警察只好跟他说拜拜。经过十多次拦警“报案”之后,终于有警察把他送到“希望之星”游民收容所,并连络通晓国语的执法人员了解他的情况,由于他的双腿伤口化脓溃烂,遂安排于本月十叁日送往公园广场医院治疗。为覃永洁动手术的盖尔.柏布瑞兹医师说,覃被送到医院急诊处时,全身发烧,两腿十叁处烙伤属叁级烧伤,他决定在其右大腿内侧切下大面积皮肤,施予植皮手术,所幸术后没有感染。
  91. ^ 首例法轮功学员带伤潜逃来美 曾被警察铁条烙伤十三处页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),大参考, 2001年8月
  92. ^ Chinese asylum seekers urged to stay put[永久失效链接],MediaWorks TV, 2012年4月11日
  93. ^ 中国法轮功学员停船澳大利亚寻求避难新西兰 称联合国批准[永久失效链接],倍可亲,AFP,2012年4月12日
  94. ^ 中国难民自驾闯怒海在澳洲获自由页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)Youtube,2012年5月16日
  95. ^ Ethan Gutmann (10 March 2011) "How many harvested?" revisited页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) eastofethan.com
  96. ^ "Secret Chinese Concentration Camp Revealed"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 10 March 2006 The Epoch Times
  97. ^ "New Witness Confirms Existence of Chinese Concentration Camp, Says Organs Removed from Live Victims"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 17 March 2006 The Epoch Times
  98. ^ "Source Reveals Other Chinese Concentration Camps, Sujiatun is merely one of 36 concentration camps for Falun Gong in China"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 31 March 2006 The Epoch Times
  99. ^ Market Wired (8 May 2008) China's Organ Harvesting Questioned Again by UN Special Rapporteurs: FalunHR Reports页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Retrieved 26 October 2014
  100. ^ 維權人士黃琦案的開庭審理不符合相關程序. Sina全球新闻. [2012-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  101. ^ 中国著名律师高智晟被停牌. 自由亚洲电台. [2012-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03). 
  102. ^ 高智晟的勇气 (王丹). 自由亚洲电台. [2012-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20). 
  103. ^ 103.0 103.1 高智晟被判三年缓刑五年 各方解析判决. 自由亚洲电台. [2012-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20). 
  104. ^ 作家力虹12月31号在宁波病逝. 自由亚洲电台. [2012-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03). 
  105. ^ 105.0 105.1 作家力虹生命垂危 当局依然对其严密监视. 自由亚洲电台. [2012-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20). 
  106. ^ 诗人徐沛沉痛悼念被迫害致死的异议作家力虹. 自由亚洲电台. [2012-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20). 
  107. ^ Man Convicted of Spying on Falun Gong in Germany. Before It's News Inc.,. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2017-12-01). CELLE, Germany—For the first time a Chinese agent has been convicted of spying on practitioners of Falun Gong... The guilty party, John Zhou, was given a two-year suspended sentence on June 8, along with a hefty fine. Zhou, 55, a Chinese doctor by profession… He began working with Chinese agents over five years ago. The court handed down a suspended sentence of two years in prison and a fine of 15,000 euros (US$21,530), to be paid to the human rights group Amnesty International. Zhou’s desire in 2005 to visit his sick father in China first led to his establishing contact with Tang Wenjuan, head of the Chinese Embassy’s Consular Section in Berlin and then to his career as a spy, according to court documents. Tang is actually a member of the Ministry of State Security, a domestic spy agency, according to a May 2010 piece in Der Spiegel... Months later, in March 2006, Zhou was introduced to three agents of the “610 Office” at a hotel in downtown Berlin. The 610 Office is an extralegal, secret task force with sweeping powers set up by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to coordinate and carry out the persecution of Falun Gong. It also conducts espionage and harassment against Falun Gong practitioners abroad, attempting to reduce the influence of the group’s vocal criticism of human rights abuses against Falun Gong adherents in China. Falun Gong is a Chinese meditation practice with five meditative exercises and teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance; it has been the target of a vast CCP-led persecution in China since 1999, and soon after also became an important target of the Chinese regime’s overseas espionage efforts. Chen Yonglin was the former consul for political affairs in China’s Sydney, Australia, and was tasked with handling the Falun Gong issue. After defecting in June 2005, he testified before a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, “The war against Falun Gong is one of the main tasks of the Chinese mission overseas.” Chen listed several examples of how the Sydney consulate attempted to interfere with and restrict Falun Gong practitioners, including strictly “monitoring” Falun Gong activities. 
  108. ^ 為中國刺探法輪功 德國男子被起訴. BBC. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-26). 
  109. ^ A Question of Influence. Maclean's. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-02). Far from admonishing the Epoch Times for its characterization of Chau as a stooge for Beijing, Justice Catherine Mandeville of the Quebec Superior Court all but confirmed the thesis, highlighting Chau’s close ties with Beijing’s propaganda apparatus, along with evidence suggesting his paper had gotten money from the Chinese government. Chau’s self-stated belief that the overseas Chinese press is duty-bound to “maintain a positive image of the motherland”—part of a impassioned speech he delivered at a state-sponsored media conference in Shanghai—didn’t help. The Epoch Times story, wrote Mandeville, “constitutes an opinion which is drawn from a factual premise.” 
  110. ^ 台官員洩法輪功資料遭革職. BBC. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07). 
  111. ^ 前情報員扮共諜 求刑三年. 苹果日报. [2012-01-04]. [永久失效链接]
  112. ^ 警大副教授吳彰裕 涉替中國情蒐. 自由时报. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-31). 
  113. ^ 涉為大陸情蒐 吳彰裕收押禁見. 中央社. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-13). 
  114. ^ 吳彰裕替中情蒐 對象包括達賴及其侍衛長. 自由时报. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-24). 
  115. ^ 洩密案抗告成功 吳彰裕200萬交保. 中国时报. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-07). 
  116. ^ 警大副教授 將陸客情資交中共. 联合报. [2012-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-31). 
  117. ^ 臺灣臺北地方法院刑事判決 101年度易字第220號. 司法院 裁判书系统. 2009-11-01 [2012-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20) (中文(繁体)). 主文 周庆峻共同以强暴妨害人行使权利,处有期徒刑贰月,如易科罚金,以新台币壹仟元折算壹日。王美敦、张金德均无罪。 
  118. ^ 國家機密洩陸 兩人遭訴. 中央社. [2012-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2012-09-16). 
  119. ^ Erik Eckholm, “China Sect Members Covertly Meet Press and Ask World's Help,” New York Times, October 29, 1999
  120. ^ China Takes Permits of 5 Western Reporters At Secret News Conference, Members of Falun Gong Sect Charge Torture页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Associated Press, October 29, 1999
  121. ^ China Takes Permits of 5 Western Reporters页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), New York Times, Nov. 4, 1999
  122. ^ China: The crackdown on Falun Gong and other so-called "heretical organizations". Amnesty International. 23 March 2000 [17 March 2010]. (原始内容存档于2003年7月11日). 
  123. ^ Elisabeth Rosenthal and Erik Eckholm, "Vast Numbers of Sect Members Keep Pressure on Beijing" New York Times, 28 October 1999.
  124. ^ 中国政府迫害法轮功长春电视插播事件人员被判重刑页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),观察,2002-05-20
  125. ^ I went home to China from Trinity -- and was put in a torture jail for two years. Independent News & Media PLC [INM]. 2009-02-06 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-22). 
    It was the end of 1999, and he had returned from China after almost a year in Dublin studying on a scholarship at Trinity College. A top-grade computer science student, he was looking forward to spending time with his parents and three brothers, all of whom had carved a career out of computing. While in Dublin, Ming had been dismayed to hear that the Chinese government had begun persecuting members of the spiritual Falun Gong movement, of which he was a follower. Shortly after returning to China, he went to his local government appeals office in order to register his opposition to the persecution. He was arrested on the spot, detained for several days and his passport was confiscated.
  126. ^ 126.0 126.1 126.2 126.3 ROSENTHAL, ELISABETH. China Reportedly Detains 2,000 Members of Falun Gong Sect. NEWYORK TIMES. 11 February 2000 [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03). 
  127. ^ I went home to China from Trinity -- and was put in a torture jail for two years. Independent News & Media PLC [INM]. 2009-02-06 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-22). It was an experience that didn't deter him from spreading the Falun Gong message of "truthfulness, compassion and tolerance". But his luck soon ran out. At a peaceful rally in Beijing in early 2000, he was one of several arrested. And so began two years of internment in a 'labour camp' where torture was a frequent occurrence. Today, Ming, a 38-year-old Dublin-based web designer, recalls the nightmare of the Chinese justice system for many arrested Falun Gong followers. "They used electric batons to shock us," he says. "They would tie me to a bed-board when giving me the electric shocks. It was incredibly painful -- the skin would go red immediately and the following day it would be black. Fear of the shocks was almost as bad as the shocks themselves." His quiet, softly spoken voice only serves to heighten the trauma that he describes. He was subjected to regular bouts of sleep deprivation. "The other inmates would be told not to let me sleep," he says. "It was terrible -- I thought I was losing my mind. And that's what they wanted, of course." And there was worse to come in the Tuanhe 'Re-education through labour' Camp in Beijing. "They ordered inmates who were there for other crimes to beat me up. They were given special benefits for carrying out the beatings -- sometimes they were released early as a result. Once I was beaten so badly I couldn't walk for two weeks." Nor was he able to use the toilet. "My legs were so badly beaten I couldn't squat. It was an evil place." The physical scars eventually disappeared, but the psychological wounds remain. He looks visibly distressed when recalling the beatings that he was frequently subjected to in captivity. 'My life is happy now, but I cannot forget. And thinking about what happened to me makes me realise that at this very moment there are thousands of Falun Gong followers who are experiencing the same sort of torture in prisons throughout China. 
  128. ^ Elisabeth Rosenthal. China Admits Banned Sect Is Continuing Its Protest. New York Times. Apr 21, 2000 [2023-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-20). July 22, 1999, Falun Gong members have been causing trouble on and around Tiananmen Square in Central Beijing nearly every day. 
  129. ^ Johnson, Ian. Defiant Falun Dafa Members Converge on Tiananmen. The Wall Street Journal. Pulitzer.org: 21. 25 April 2000 [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-09). ELDERLY MEN WERE PUNCHED. Women with children were fiercely knocked to the ground, and more than a dozen people were arrested after attempting to sit in a circle and meditate under the watchful gaze of a huge portrait of Chairman Mao. An all-day series of cat-and-mouse skirmishes spilled across Tiananmen Square in Beijing on April 25, 2000 - the one-year anniversary of huge protests by the since-outlawed group Falun Gong. ...Tiananmen Square was the scene of nearly constant protest throughout the day. In small clusters, teams would race into the center of the square, pulling out a hidden banner before police converged. This reporter watched as one man was knocked to the ground and hustled away in seconds. The series of protests, clearly organized in advance, reiterated what many have been murmuring for months in official circles: Beijing's hard-headed approach is not winning the year-long battle with the pesky Falun Gong. Beijing would desperately like to deliver a knockout blow to the group...The Falun Gong was outlawed last July. Yet, despite mass arrests, long sentences in labor camps administered without trial, and other harsh measures that have earned China fresh-new condemnation by human rights groups worldwide...- Beijing has been unable to crush the Falun Gong. That has been the hope of the ruling party in Beijing, which has endured months of almost daily protests in the square. Hardly a day goes by without new reports of protests, arrests and condemnation of the group. Most protests have been small in recent weeks. A few members of the group would appear and try to unfurl a banner before being spirited away by secret police. But Tuesday's confrontations were seen as something of a showdown. All week, the state-run press unleashed a barrage of condemnation rare even for the Chinese government. The official China Daily ran editorials every day last week, linking the Falun Gong to all of China's perceived enemies, from human-rights groups at the United Nations to arch-enemy, the Dalai Lama. ...Oddly enough, the crackdown was played out in full view of foreign tourists, who continued to flock to Tiananmen Square and nearby tourist attractions. Among them were a British couple who said they noticed big crowds on the square, but nothing unusual. Tom, a visitor from North Carolina, said many in his group were worried about security on the square during the anniversary. "But I see it as an opportunity," he said, "an opportunity to witness history." Rolf, from Germany, was also aware of his witness status. "I saw the police, pulling people, taking them away," he said. "It was horrible." If a message had been sent on the anniversary of the Falun Gong's first protest, Rolf said he would happily convey it. However, it wasn't quite the message Beijing wants the world to hear. "I'll tell people what I saw today on Tiananmen," he said. Then, before getting in his mini-bus, he said: "This is terrible. This is democracy in China." 
  130. ^ Washington Post Foreign Service, “Falun Gong Protests Mar Chinese Holiday,” October 1, 2000
  131. ^ Elizabeth J. Selden; Perry Mark. Chinese Society: Change, Conflict and Resistance. Routledge. 2003. ISBN 0-415-30170-X. 
  132. ^ Johnson, Ian. "A Deadly Exercise: Practicing Falun Gong was a right, Ms. Chen said, to her last day", Wall Street Journal, 20 April 2000.
  133. ^ 中国警察暴力拘捕海外法轮功. 美国之音. 2001-11-21 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-15) (中文). 
  134. ^ 現代歷史的黑暗一幕:36西人曾在中國被捕. 大纪元. 2020-12-10 [2020-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-25) (中文(繁体)). 
  135. ^ 135.0 135.1 135.2 章启月称外国法轮功学员在中国受到人道和公正的待遇. 自由亚洲电台. 2001-11-21 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03) (中文). 
  136. ^ 加籍法轮功成员天安门被捕. 美国之音. 2001-11-19 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-22) (中文). 
  137. ^ 137.0 137.1 137.2 CNN, China detains 40 Western Falun Gong activists, February 14, 2002
    Chinese authorities have detained about 40 Western members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement after a brief protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Witnesses said the demonstrators threw the square into chaos for about 15 minutes as they unfurled a yellow banner and shouted slogans "Falun Gong is good!"" ...The trouble caused by these Falun Gong members was intended to prevent the Chinese people from celebrating" the lunar New Year, The Associated Press quoted a statement from Beijing police as saying. The agency says it is highly unusual for Chinese police to issue a statement following a protest and may be a sign they are trying to limit damage before next week's visit to Beijing by U.S. President George W. Bush. Witnesses to Thursday's brief protest reported seeing demonstrators dash across the vast plaza of Tiananmen Square screaming slogans as hundreds of uniformed and plainclothes police officers chased after them. Police also tackled some protesters to the ground, kicking and punching some, before wrestling them into police vans. Chinese tourists sightseeing in Beijing for the Lunar New Year holidays crowded round to watch the incident -- the second demonstration this week by Western Falun Gong members in Tiananmen Square. On Tuesday, China expelled Canadian Jason Loftus and American Levi Browde after they launched a Lunar New Year protest in the square.
  138. ^ Chinese minister guilty of torture. The Austrailian. 2007-11-09 [2012-03-21]. 
  139. ^ The Supreme Court ordered an inquiry into the deaths in Falun Gong - The audience asks question the former Chinese President Jiang for genocide. elmundo.es. 2009-11-14 [2012-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-25). 
  140. ^ 路透社:阿根廷法院要求中国逮捕江泽民及其他官员. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-01). 
  141. ^ 美国之音:江泽民等遭西班牙法院传讯. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2010-01-07). 
  142. ^ 网络封杀与解禁暴露中共权斗激烈页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),BBC,2012-04-06
  143. ^ Liao Yiwu. "The Corpse Walker: Real Life Stories: China from the Bottom Up." p 230.
  144. ^ Falun Dafa Information Center, "2010 Annual Report: Falun Gong Beliefs and Demography of Practitioners". 26 April 2010
  145. ^ Congressional Executive Commission on China, 2009 Annual Report,CECC report 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2009-11-03.
  146. ^ Falungong message found on 1-yuan bill in China – Boing Boing. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-10). 
  147. ^ 见p.169James Miller. Chinese Religions in Contemporary Societies. ABC-CLIO. 2006: 169– [20 December 2012]. ISBN 978-1-85109-626-8. 
  148. ^ 148.0 148.1 148.2 Ethan Gutmann, “Into Thin Airwaves页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)”, Weekly Standard DEC 6, 2010, VOL. 16, NO. 12
    They were an odd trio, Great Sea, Big Truck, and Liang, and initially they had no plans, no journey to the West. Instead, larger events would conspire to bind them together on their personal pilgrimage. From 2000 to 2001, practitioners—perhaps 150,000 or more—had gone to Tiananmen Square to protest the Falun Gong ban. It hadn’t been effective; they wafted in about 500 a day, gusting up to 4,000 or so on special occasions. Even then, they unfurled their yellow banners according to some internal conscience-clock rather than a preconceived strategy and were easy pickings for the security forces. But Tiananmen had given practitioners a focal point, a commonly respected means of sincere expression that dated back to imperial China. Indeed, the Chinese public had never been persuaded by the party’s campaign. The more strident media reports on Falun Gong—a dangerous cult, Li Hongzhi is like Hitler, participants will kill themselves or their parents—simply led most Chinese to silently wonder: Why is the party so deeply threatened? Why don’t they leave those people alone? On the afternoon of January 23, 2001, five protesters, including a mother and a daughter, walked onto Tiananmen, doused their bodies with gasoline, and set themselves on fire. The footage played for weeks, and public disgust was real. Any remaining inhibitions about fair treatment for incarcerated practitioners were replaced by death quotas and mass disappearances to military hospitals. Falun Gong was finally being erased. Incarcerated in Changchun’s Chaoyang Gou prison, Liang’s group discussed the gaping holes in the immolation story: Crucially, Falun Gong teachings decried suicide. Plus there were rumors that CNN hadn’t provided the footage as the authorities claimed. Brushing aside the strange camera angles and inexplicable police behavior, Great Sea recalled a story translated from the Washington Post: A reporter had traveled to the burning mother’s home town only to discover the self-immolator was not a practitioner, but a paid nightclub dancer, that is, a prostitute. They had all used “truth-clarification” techniques: Liang liked tapes and remote loudspeakers, Big Truck swore by his mountains of pamphlets, Great Sea favored slogan-balloons. All seemed faintly ridiculous now. Yet an article on “broadcast interruption” in Minghui had caught Liang’s eye while in detention. The article spoke of the theoretical possibility of intercepting television transmissions by climbing up telephone poles, splicing into wires, and connecting DVD players. No specifics, but Great Sea’s experience in radiology gave him some purchase on the electronics, while Big Truck worked on getting back into shape. ... The Falun Gong broadcast had played on eight channels for 50 minutes, garnering an audience of over one million people, the ratings building as word spread, people calling each other, saying they should turn on their TV immediately. In some neighborhoods, local party officials grew desperate and cut the power, plunging streets into darkness. In others, such as those near Cultural Square, people spilled into the streets to celebrate. The ban is over! Falun Gong is rehabilitated! A few practitioners emerged from factories and hideouts, openly handing out literature. Neighbors, children, random strangers, even the old ladies with the red armbands approached them, everyone talking at once, bubbling over, laughing, slapping them playfully, congratulating them. A few suspected it had not been a government broadcast, but still they smiled broadly and whispered: How did you do it? You Falun Gong are so amazing! And it was almost beginning to seem as if they had been rehabilitated after all, and the euphoria and laughter did not cease, not even at 10 p.m., when the first practitioner got a phone call from a military friend saying they had orders to round up Falun Gong. ... It’s unclear whether Jiang Zemin actually gave an order to “kill [Falun Gong] without mercy.” Yet there is far less debate over whether the Jilin City head of the 6-10 Office, the agency created to eliminate Falun Gong, said: “This time we will tear their skin off.” It is a fact that Changchun and Jilin City officials were warned that they would lose their jobs if another hijacking occurred, plainclothes police were mobilized to stand by television transmission poles throughout Changchun, Western television reporters were ordered not to film any Chinese television broadcasts, and the police rounded up between 2,000 and 5,000 Changchun practitioners while Lei was tied to the iron chair.
  149. ^ 北大三角地: 河北保定地区电视台于晚间黄金时间播出70分钟法轮大法真相片页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),BOXUN,2002-08
  150. ^ 法轮功以资讯战反击中共镇压的大突破. RFA. [2012-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03). 
  151. ^ 法轮功否认干扰亚洲卫星公司信号. voa. [2012-01-02]. 
  152. ^ 哈佛大學法學院:中國過濾互聯網的經驗研究. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-15). 
  153. ^ 人權觀察:跨國公司如何協助中國政府的互聯網審查. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2009-09-01). 
  154. ^ 赵月枝, Dr Nick Couldry, James Curran. Conclusion. Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in a Networked World. Rowman & Littlefield. 2003: 221 [20 December 2012]. ISBN 978-0-7425-2385-2. 
  155. ^ BBC中文网. 分析:法輪功的“威脅”. BBC. 2000-07-22 [2012-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07) (中文(香港)). 
  156. ^ LOUIS CHARBONNEAU. U.N. envoy defends Falun Gong, "evil cult" for China. REUTERS路透社. 2010-10-22 [2015-06-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-08-30) (英语). 
  157. ^ 157.0 157.1 BBC中文网. 聯合國委員會因法輪功議題起爭議. BBC. 2010-10-22 [2011-03-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-29) (中文(香港)). 
  158. ^ 中國公布官方「邪教名單」引發網友關注. BBC. 2014-06-03. 
  159. ^ 大纪元. 专访郝凤军:610办公室黑幕大揭底. 看中国. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-28) (中文(简体)). 
  160. ^ 美國制裁17名外國官員包括一廈門公安人員 斥侵害法輪功信眾人權. [2020-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-11). 
  161. ^ 中华人民共和国公安部﹙ 通 知 )公通字[2000]39号. www.china21.org. 2000-04-30 [2012-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-24) (中文(简体)). 
  162. ^ 中國公布官方「邪教名單」引發網友關注. BBC. 2014-06-03. 
  163. ^ 自由亚洲电台报道:中国更多律师不畏压力为法轮功学员辩护. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-15). 
  164. ^ 再谈中国政府从来没有把法轮功认定为邪教组织. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-17). 
  165. ^ China: Many in Jails Without Trial
  166. ^ Religious Tolerance:FALUN GONG & FALUN DAFA. [2015-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-03). 

